NOTES ON THE PALAEARCTIC FAUNA OF RENOCERA (DIPTERA, SCIOMYZIDAE) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Vikhrev N. E., Yanbulat M. O.

After revision of diagnostic characters of Renocera (either non- genitalic or genitalic) a new identification key for Palaearctic species is offered. The key takes into account the variability of the number of orbital setae in R. striata . Genitalic characters are discussed. The authors find diagnostic use of the shape of surstyli more difficult and less reliable than the shape of sternites 5. As follows from rich examined material, all three species of Renocera have the same trans-Palaearctic distribution - they are restricted to the forest belt.

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Амурский зоологический журнал, 2022, т. XIV, № 4

Amurian Zoological Journal, 2022, vol. XIV, no. 4


https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-4-708-714 http://zoobank.org/References/03200375-D980-4672-96DD-405082170318

UDC 595.773.4

Notes on the Palaearctic fauna of Renocera (Diptera, Sciomyzidae)

N. E. VikhrevH, M. O. Yanbulat

Zoological Museum of Moscow University, 2 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str., 125009, Moscow, Russia

Authors Nikita E. Vikhrev

E-mail: nikita6510@yandex.ru

SPIN: 1266-1140

Scopus Author ID: 32467511100

Maria O. Yanbulat

E-mail: mairynia@yandex.ru

Abstract. After revision of diagnostic characters of Renocera (either non-genitalic or genitalic) a new identification key for Palaearctic species is offered. The key takes into account the variability of the number of orbital setae in R. striata. Genitalic characters are discussed. The authors find diagnostic use of the shape of surstyli more difficult and less reliable than the shape of sternites 5. As follows from rich examined material, all three species of Renocera have the same trans-Palaearctic distribution — they are restricted to the forest belt.

Copyright: © The Authors (2022). Published by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Open access under CC BY-NC License 4.0.

Keywords: Diptera, Sciomyzidae, Renocera, identification key

Заметки по Палеарктической фауне Renocera (Diptera, Sciomyzidae)

Н. Е. Вихревн, М. О. Янбулат

Зоологический музей МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, Большая Никитская ул., д. 2, 125009, г. Москва, Россия

Сведения об авторах Вихрев Никита Евгеньевич E-mail: nikita6510@yandex.ru SPIN-код: 1266-1140 Scopus Author ID: 32467511100

Янбулат Мария Олеговна E-mail: mairynia@yandex.ru

Аннотация. По итогам ревизии диагностических признаков видов Renocera (не-генитальных и генитальных) предложен новый определительный ключ для палеарктической фауны рода. В ключе учтена изменчивость числа орбитальных щетинок у R. striata. Обсуждаются генитальные признаки. Авторы находят диагностику по форме сурстилей более трудоемкой и менее надежной, чем использование формы пятого стернита. Проверка имеющегося богатого материала показывает, что все три вида Renocera имеют одинаковое транспалеарктическое распространение, ограниченное лесным поясом.

Права: © Авторы (2022). Опубликовано Российским государственным педагогическим университетом им. А. И. Герцена. Открытый доступ на

условиях лицензии СС БУ-ЫС 4.0. Ключевые слова: Diptera, Sciomyzidae, Renocera, определительный ключ


In 2009 Lloyd Knutson asked us to share the data on Palaearctic records of Renocera striata with him. We could not help him because we had difficulties with identification of this species.

The modest task of this publication is to revise the diagnostic characters of Palaearctic Renocera.

We examined the rich material of the Zoological Museum of Moscow University (not indicated in the text) and the Saint Petersburg Zoological Institute (indicated as ZIN).

Parasitism on Sphaeriidae molluscs (Bi-valvia, not Gastropoda as in the majority of other Sciomyzidae) indicates that Renocera Hendel, 1900 may be a rather isolated group of Tetanocerini. Molecular data on phyloge-netic position of Renocera (Chapman et al. 2012; Tothova et al. 2012) are contradictory so far. The genus is restricted to the Northern Hemisphere with one Holarctic, two Palae-arctic and three Nearctic species.

Renocera are medium sized (typical body length 4.5-6 mm) yellowish-brown scio-myzids (Figs. 1, 4); externally they resemble small Tetanocera. Mid-frontal stripe distinct, shining; 1 or 2 orbital setae; pedicel 3 times shorter than postpedicel, the latter yellow or partly black, not narrowed toward apex, oval-shaped; arista with black hairs, plumose or pubescent; palpi yellow. Scutal chaetotaxy: 1 pospronotal; 1 presutural and 1 postsutural intra-alar; 2 post-alar, 2 post dc setae; 1 pres-cutullar ac (anterior post dc and prescutul-lar ac may be absent). Prosternum bare or setulose; anepisternum and anepimeron bare; subalar setae absent; inner posterior margin of hind coxa bare. Wing without dark pattern, only crossveins darkened. Legs yellow; f2 without submedian a seta typical of all other Sciomyzidae (except for R. striata), t3 with one preapical seta.

Renocera and Tetanocera may be distinguished as follows:

— Large to medium size species. Postpedicel of a triangular shape, with a pointed apex, pedicel longer than scapus (Fig. 2). t3 usu-

ally with 2 preapical setae: larger dorsal and shorter anterodorsal. f2 always with median a seta. Prosternum bare except for large T. robusta. Antenna always yellow

............................. Tetanocera

— Medium size species. Postpedicel of a rounded or ellipsoid shape, with a rounded apex; pedicel as short as scapus. (Fig. 3). t3 with 1 preapical seta. f2 without or with median a seta. Prosternum bare or hairy. Antenna yellow or partly black (Fig. 1) ............................... Renocera

Material and methods

Localities are given as follows: country, region/state/province (in italics), and geographical coordinates in decimal-degree format. The full names of regions of Russian administrative subdivisions are an entangled result of political and historical events of no interest for zoology, so they are listed as name and word "region" (abbreviated in the text as "Reg.").

Illustrations are original unless otherwise credited. When referring to figures, to avoid confusion, we capitalize the first letter (Fig. or Figs.) for those appearing in this paper and use lowercase (fig. or figs.) for those published elsewhere.

List of examined material

Renocera pallida Fallen, 1820 Figs. 1, 8

BELARUS: Vitebsk Reg.: Eserische, 55.83°N 30.02°E, 16-17.05.2019, N. Vikhrev, 2$; Orsha env., 54.58°N 30.45°E, 2.08.2019, N. Vikhrev, 1$, 1$. RUSSIA: Buryatia Reg.: Kyren env., 51.7°N 102.1°E, 750 m, 16-19.06.2021, N. Vikhrev, 2$, 2$; Kaliningrag Reg., Kursh-skaya Kosa, Rybachiy (55.15°N 20.83°E), YP-Trap, V. Kolyada, 1$; Karelia Reg., Valaam, Ladozhskoe L. (61.4°N 31.0°E), 26.06.1960, K. Gorodkov, 2$ (ZIN); Khabarovsk Reg., Lidoga env., 49.45°N 136.78°E, 7.06.2014, N. Vikhrev, 4$; Komi Reg., 5 km NW of Sivaya Maska station (66.70°N 62.65°E), 14.07.1961, K. Gorodkov, 1$ (ZIN); Kursk Reg., Obo-yan env., Psyol R. (51.191°N 36.313°E), 26.05.2007, N. Vikhrev, 3$, 2$; Mordovia

Fig. 1. Renocera pallida, copula

Рис. 1. Renocera pallida, копулирующая пара

Reg., Pushta vill. env., 54.71°N 43.22°E, 1822.05.2020, N. Vikhrev, 3?; Inorskoe Lake, 54.728°N 43.15°E, 20.05.2020, M. Esin, 2$, 4?; Moscow Reg., Naro-Fominsk, 55.364°N 36.738°E, 13.05.2008, D. Gavryushin, 5$, 3?; Novosibirsk Reg.: Akademgorodok env. (54.86°N 83.04°E): 14.06.2008, O. Kos-terin, 1?; 20.06.2008, O. Kosterin, 1$, 1?; 16-17.06.2016, N. Vikhrev, 1?; Istikim env. (54.65°N 83.30°E), 7.06.2008, O. Kosterin, 1$, 1?; Saint Petersburg Reg., Luga Distr., Yaschera (59.15°N 29.91°E): 23.06.1961, A. Stackelberg, 2?; 3-8.06.1963, A. Stackelberg, 6? (ZIN); Yakutia Reg., Aldan, 58.595°N 125.385°E, 620 m, 4.07.2022, O. Kosterin, 1?; Yamalo-Nenets Reg., Langot R., 67.31°N 66.72°E, 25.07.2015, A. Barkalov, 1?. Distribution. Palaearctic, from Europe to Far East.

Renocera striata Meigen, 1830 Figs. 10-12

RUSSIA: Buryatia Reg.: Kyren env., 51.7°N 102.1°E, 750 m, 16-19.06.2021, N. Vikhrev,

1$, 1$; Karelia Reg., 60 km WSW of Petrozavodsk, Kaskesnavolok vill. (6159°N 33.32°E), 20.06.1979, K. Gorodkov, 1$ (ZIN); Khabarovsk Reg., 4 km S Gur R. (near road P454), 50.01°N 137.08°E, 21.06.2022, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Mayak env., 48.90°N 136.19°E, 24.06.2022, M. Yanbulat, 1$; Khanty-Mansi Reg., Seliyarovo env., 61.467°N 70.731°E, 17-20.07.2010, K. Tomkovich, 1$, 1$; Khulga R. (tributary of Lyapin R.), 65.29°N 62.15°E, swamp, 10.07.2018, K. Tomkovich, 1$; Moscow Reg.: Zelenogradsky settl. (56.1°N 37.9°E), 17.06.1953, E. Smirnov, 2$, 1$; Molzhaninovka, 55.937°N 37.386°E, 13.05.2010, A. Ozerov, 1$; Nenets Reg., 70 km N of Naryan-Mar, Yarapenzya R. (68.2°N 53.0° E), 18.07.1978, K. Gorodkov, 1$ (ZIN); Primorsky Reg., Lotos L., 42.46°N 130.64°E,

1-3.07.2014, N. Vikhrev, 3$; Saint Petersburg Reg., Luga Distr., Yaschera (59.15°N 29.91°E),

2-22.08.1959, A. Stackelberg, 5$ (ZIN); Sakhalin Reg., Kunashir Isl., Sernovodsk (« 43.906°N 145.642°E), 8.06.1971, E. Narchuk,

Figs. 2-3. Shape of antenna: 2 — Tetanocera; 3 — Renocera (from Knutson 1987) Рис. 2-3. Форма антенны: 2 — Tetanocera; 3 — Renocera (по: Knutson 1987)

10$, 2? (ZIN); Yakutia Reg., 7 km N of Ya-kokit vill., 58.95°N 125.85°E, meadow, 2427.06.2022, O. Kosterin, 1?. Distribution. Holarctic. Renocera stroblii Hendel, 1900 Figs. 4-7, 9

BELARUS: Vitebsk Reg., Orsha env., 54.555°N 30.630°E, 9-10.06.2019, N. Vikhrev, 1$. RUSSIA: Altai Kray Reg., Zmeinogorsk Distr., Kolyvanskoe L. (51.36°N 82.18°E), 8.09.2007, O. Kosterin, 1$; Altai Republic Reg., Ulu-scherga vill. (51.51°N 85.44°E), 27.07.2008, O. Kosterin, 1$; Seminsky pass env., Sarlyk R., 51.11°N 85.60°E, 1200 m, 28-30.06.2016, N. Vikhrev, 2$; Amur Reg., Zeya env. (53.77°N 127.28°E), 20.07-7.08.1981, A. Ozerov, 2$; Arkhangelsk Reg., Solvychegodsk, 61.333°N 46.922°E, 14.08.2010, D. Gavryushin, 3$, 1?; Bashkortostan Reg., Abzakovo, 53.82°N 58.62°N, 500 m, 15-19.06.2020, N. Vikhrev, 1$, 1?; Beloretsk env., Nura R., 53.97°N 58.34°E, 10.08.2012, D. Gavryushin, 6$, 1?; Buryatia Reg., Kyren env., 51.7°N 102.1°E, 750 m, 16-19.06.2021, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Kamchatka Reg., Kozyrevsk (56.05°N 159.87°E), 14.07.1985, V. Zlobin, 2$ (ZIN); Khabarovsk Reg., Khabarovsk suburb, 48.6°N 135.1°E, 27-30.06.2022, N. Vikhrev, 3$, 1?; Khakasia Reg., Kubayka vill., 52.33°N 89.82°E, 625 m, 10-13.07.2017, N. Vikhrev, 2$; Khanty-Mansi Reg., Khulga R. (tributary of Lyapin R.), 65.29°N 62.15°E, swamp, 17-18.07.2018, K. Tomkovich, 1$; Krasnoyarsk Reg., E bank of Yenisey, Stolby (55.96°N 92.72°E), YP-Trap, 1.08.2009, K. Tomkovich, 1$; Moscow Reg., Rozhdestveno env., 56.044°N 35.588°E, 17.07.2007, A. Ozerov, 2$; Severovo, 55.40°N 37.51°E, 10.07.2021, K. Tomkovich, 2$, 1?; Novosibirsk Reg., Akademgorodok

(54.86°N 83.04°E): 18.06.2009, O. Kosterin, 1$; 17-18.06.2016, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Primor-sky Reg.: Kamenushka (43.62°N 132.23°E): 6-9.07.1988, A. Shatalkin, 2$, 1?; 2224.06.2014, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Kedrovaya Pad' (43.1°N 131.5°E), 3.09.1984, S. Churkin, 1$, 1$; Lotos L., 42.46°N 130.64°E, 1-3.07.2014, N. Vikhrev, 2$; Anuchino env., 43.95°N 133.05°E, 20-21.06.2014, N. Vikhrev, 2$, 2?; Ryazan Reg., Kasimov env, Zalesnoe, 54.969°N 41.327°E, 21-26.07.2013, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Saint Petersburg Reg., Luga Distr., Yaschera (59.15°N 29.91°E), A. Stackelberg: 6.07.1958, 1?; 3.08.1959, 1?; 2.06.1963, 1?; 3.08.1963, 1? (ZIN); Sakhalin Reg., Sakhalin Isl., Novo aleksandrovka (« 47.05°N 142.73°E), 11.07.1968, E. Narchuk, 1$ (ZIN); Tver Reg., Zapadnaya Dvina R., 56.312N 32.056E, 21.06.2012, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Tuva Reg., Mazh-alyg R., 50.98°N 95.18°E, 880 m, 4.07.2017, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Yakutia Reg.: Olyokminsk Distr., Biryuk R. near mouth of Melichan R. (60.5°N 119.4°E), 13-14.07.2008, A. Ovchin-nikov, 3$ (ZIN); 7 km N of Yakokit vill., 58.95°N 125.85°E, meadow, 24-27.06.2022, O. Kosterin, 1$; Aldan town, 58.595°N 125.385°E, 620 m, 4.07.2022, O. Kosterin, 1$; Yamalo-Nenets Reg., Salekhard env., 66.6°N 66.8°E, 16-19.06.2019, N. Vikhrev, 2$; Zabai-kalsky Reg., Ulyatuy vill., 51.17°N 116.25°E, 740 m, 25.06.2011, A. Medvedev, 1$; 3-6.06.2014, A. Medvedev, 1$.

Distribution. Palaearctic, from Europe to Far East.


1. The drawback of the identification key for Renocera by Rozkosny (1987) was the using of the amount of orbital setae as the first

Figs. 4-12. Renocera: 4 — male R. stroblii, arrow indicates sternite 5 visible on intact specimen; 5-7, surstylus of R. stroblii: 5 — drawing (from Vala 1989: fig. 101e), 6 — outside view, 7 — the same sternite, inside view; 8-10, sternite 5 of Renocera (from Vala 1989: figs. 100-101): 8 — R. pallida, 9 — R. stroblii, 10 — R. striata; 11-12, R. striata: 11 — abdomen in lateral view (bended surstylus is indicated by an arrow), lateral view, 12 — abdomen in ventral view (horseshoe-shaped sternite 5 is indicated by an arrow)

Рис. 4-12. Renocera: 4 — самец R. stroblii, стрелка указывает на стернит 5, хорошо определимый на сухом экземпляре; 5-7, сурстиль R. stroblii: 5 — рисунок из Vala (1989: fig. 101e), 6 — фото, вид снаружи, 7 — тот же сурстиль, вид изнутри; 8-10, стернит 5 Renocera из Vala (1989: figs. 100-101): 8 — R. pallida, 9 — R. stroblii, 10 — R. striata; 11-12, R. striata: 11 — брюшко сбоку (на отогнутый сурстиль указывает стрелка), 12 — брюшко снизу (на стернит 5 в форме подковы указывает стрелка)

and main character. Also the absence or presence of anterior seta on f2 was not discussed. Vala (1989) repeated these omissions but added several useful drawings of the genitalia structure. Only 40 years later Murphy et al. (2018) stated that Holarctic R. striata may have 2 or 1 orbital setae and, in contrast with other Renocera, has a submedian a seta on f2. Thus, all non-genitalic characters are clarified and ready for organization in a key.

2. Structure of genitalia. The surstyli (gonostyli according to Rozkosny or Vala) of Renocera are of a complicated shape, drawing and using them as diagnostic characters lead to difficulties which have been recently discussed in our publications (Vikhrev, Yanbulat 2019; Vikhrev 2022). Let us consider these difficulties on an example of the surstylus of R. stroblii. Rozkosny (1987: 74) described it as "surstylus without anterior part" (in contrast with bilobed surstyli of two other Renocera species). Vala (1989: 233) referred to his own drawings of the surstylus of R. stroblii (Vala 1989: figs. 101 a-e) without explanations; one of them is reproduced in Fig. 5. When photographing an isolated surstylus of R. stroblii from outside we have got an image similar to Vala's (Fig. 6), but the photo from the inside (Fig. 7) shows that the anteriorly directed projection of surstylus is actually long and strongly sclerotized; it may well be interpreted as the anterior lobe of the surstylus. R. pallida has a posterior surstylus narrower and longer than in R. stroblii; the anterior surstylus is weakly sclerotized, covered with spinulose setulae at the apex. R. striata has a bilobed surstylus, the posterior part of which has an unmistakable shape: rounded, with an antero-ventrally directed apical hook (Fig. 11).

Fortunately, a careful isolation of surstylus is not required to confirm the identification of Renocera males. As in the case of the genus Psacadina (Vikhrev 2022), it is more reliable and much easier to use the structure of the ster-nite 5. Drawings of sternites 5 by Vala (1989: figs. 100-101) are reproduced in Figs. 8-10; we received the same results except for a quite recognizable but somewhat different shape in case of R. striata, which is shown in Fig. 12

(we specially photographed it without isolating it from other sternites). The species-specific shape of sternite 5 is often well recognizable on intact dry specimens as it is in Fig. 4. Thus, we used the shape of sternite 5 in our key but did not use the shape of surstyli (except for the posterior surstylus of R. striata which is also often exposed in pinned, dry specimens).

3. Distribution. To our surprise all the three species of Renocera seem to have the same distribution. Once in a wet meadow near Kyren (Buryatia) were collected all on the same day. In the Palaearctic the Renocera species are restricted to the forest belt from Europe to the Far East; to the north they extend beyond the Polar Circle, to the south till 42.5°N in the cool and rainy Far East. The genus is absent from the Caucasus. The presence of Renocera in the Russian Far East and in the Kuril and the Sakhalin Islands suggests that the genus is present in China and Japan, though it has not been found there so far. In the European Russia both R. pallida and R. stroblii are equally common; the most common Asian species is R. stroblii; R. striata is a less common species.

Key to Palaearctic Renocera $$

1. f2 with median a seta. Prosternum hairy. Aristal hairs much shorter than half width of postpedicel. Wing with brownish tint apart from darkened crossveins. Orbital setae 2 or 1. (Cheeks narrower than half width of eye. Frons matte except for median stripe. Postpedicel usually partly dirty-brown darkened.) $: sternite 5 horseshoe-shaped, posterior halves covered with spi-nulose setulae (Fig. 12). Posterior surstylus well developed, often exposed in pinned, dry specimens (as in Fig. 11), it is rounded, with antero-ventrally directed apical hook. Apical half f3 with distinct though rather weak v setae. ? : v setae on f3 absent ..........................striata Meigen

—f2 without median a seta. Prosternum bare. Longest aristal hairs distinctly longer than half width of postpedicel...............2

2. Postpedicel black in anterior half (Fig. 1). Anterior third of frons shining. Cheeks narrower than half width of eye (Fig. 1).

— Antenna entirely yellow (Fig. 4). Frons matte except for median stripe. Cheeks

One pair of orbital setae present. Apical half off3 without v setae in both sexes. sternite 5 mostly membranose, but in posterior half with a pair of sclerotize tubercles of ellipsoid shape which are densely covered with spinulose setulae (Fig. 8)

pallida Fallen

wider than half width of eye (Fig. 4). Two pairs of orbital setae. Apical half off3 with short but strong v setae in both sexes, in female these setae even stronger. sternite 5 large, deeply emarginated posteriorly, covered with sparse fine setulae (Fig. 9), it is usually well recognized in pinned, dry specimens (as in Fig. 4)..................

stroblii Hendel


Chapman, E. G., Przhiboro, A. A., Harwood, J. D. et al. (2012) Widespread and persistent invasions of terrestrial habitats coincident with larval feeding behavior transitions during snail-killing fly evolution (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol. 12, article 175. https://doi. org/10.1186/1471-2148-12-175 (In English) Knutson, L. (1987) Chapter 84. Family Sciomyzidae. In: J. F. McAlpine, B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell et al. (eds.). Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 2. Ottawa: Research Branch Publ.; Agriculture Canada Publ., pp. 927-940. (In English) Murphy, W. L., Mathis, W. N., Knutson, L. V. (2018) Comprehensive taxonomic, faunistic, biological, and geographic inventory and analysis of the Sciomyzidae (Diptera: Acalyptratae) of the Delmarva region and nearby states in eastern North America. Zootaxa, vol. 4430, no. 1, pp. 1-299. https:// www.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4430.L1 (In English) Rozkosny, R. (1987) A review of the Palaearctic Sciomyzidae (Diptera). Brno: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkynë Publ., 97 p. (Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis. Biologia. Vol. 86). (In English) Tothova, A., Rozkosny, R., Knutson, L. et al. (2012) A phylogenetic analysis of Sciomyzidae (Diptera) and some related genera. Cladistics, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 404-415. https://doi.org/10.1111/cla.12002 (In English)

Vala, J.-C. (1989) Diptères Sciomyzidae Euro-méditerranéens. Paris: Fédération Française de la Société

de Sciences Naturelles Publ., 300 p. (Faune de France. No. 72). (In French) Vikhrev, N. (2022) Notes on the genus Psacadina (Diptera, Sciomyzidae). Amurskij Zoologicheskij Zhurnal — Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XIV, no. 4, pp. 562-569. https://www.doi. org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-4-562-569 (In English) Vikhrev, N., Yanbulat, M. (2019) Sepedon Latreille, 1804 (Diptera, Sciomyzidae): Review of Asian fauna and notes on taxonomy of Asian and Nearctic species. Dipteron, vol. 35, pp. 42-63. https://www.doi. org/10.5281/zenodo.3252595 (In English)

For citation: Vikhrev, N. E., Yanbulat, M. O. (2022) Notes on the Palaearctic fauna of Renocera (Diptera, Sciomyzidae). Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XIV, no. 4, pp. 708-714. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-4-708-714

Received 13 November 2022; reviewed 21 November 2022; accepted 23 November 2022.

Для цитирования: Вихрев, Н. Е., Янбулат, М. О. (2022) Заметки по Палеарктической фауне Renocera (Diptera, Sciomyzidae). Амурский зоологический журнал, т. XIV, № 4, с. 708-714. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-4-708-714

Получена 13 ноября 2022; прошла рецензирование 21 ноября 2022; принята 23 ноября 2022.

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