Научная статья на тему 'Nonverbal communication in the context of mental differences of communicants'

Nonverbal communication in the context of mental differences of communicants Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Berdalieva Ramilya Shansharhanovna

Сommunication problem in linguistic science occupies a central place. In linguistic science is no consensus in the interpretation of the term "relation" and "communication". According to some scholars communication inherent same traits as relation. Others insist on separation of these terms. Communication requires mandatory appeal to the non-verbal means of communication, which makes it a complex process of information exchange. Kazakh kinetic elements are distinguished by their unique national characteristics, which is expressed in a special way to their execution, the presence of certain of its recipients, as well as the integration of social, community, age categories and hierarchies. A striking example of cultural identity non-verbal means of communication are gestures of taboo, which constitute lakunizirovanny component of nonverbal behavior of the Kazakh people. Many Kazakh national gestures, full of grace and dignity, undeservedly forgotten the younger generation.

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Ментальные различия коммуникантов в процессе невербального общения

Проблема коммуникации в лингвистике занимает центральное место. Коммуникация требует обязательного обращения к невербальным средствам коммуникации, что делает ее сложным процессом обмена информацией. Казахские кинетические элементы отличаются своими уникальными национальными особенностями, которые выражаются особым образом в их исполнении, наличием определенных его получателей, а также интеграцией социальных, общинных, возрастных категорий и иерархий. Ярким примером культурной идентичности невербальных средств коммуникации являются жесты табу, которые составляют лакунизированную составляющую невербального поведения казахского народа. Многие казахские национальные жесты, полные грации и изящества, незаслуженно забываются подрастающим поколением.

Текст научной работы на тему «Nonverbal communication in the context of mental differences of communicants»




Abstract: communication problem in linguistic science occupies a central place. In linguistic science is no consensus in the interpretation of the term "relation" and "communication". According to some scholars communication inherent same traits as relation. Others insist on separation of these terms. Communication requires mandatory appeal to the non-verbal means of communication, which makes it a complex process of information exchange. Kazakh kinetic elements are distinguished by their unique national characteristics, which is expressed in a special way to their execution, the presence of certain of its recipients, as well as the integration of social, community, age categories and hierarchies. A striking example of cultural identity nonverbal means of communication are gestures of taboo, which constitute lakunizirovanny component of nonverbal behavior of the Kazakh people. Many Kazakh national gestures, full of grace and dignity, undeservedly forgotten the younger generation.

Keywords: non verbal communication, sender, communication, listener, cultural differences, national culture, iconic sign.


БердалиеваРамиля Шаншархановна — кандидат филологических наук, и.о. доцента, кафедра мировых языков,

Международный казахско-турецкий университет им. Х.А. Ясауи, г. Туркестан, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: проблема коммуникации в лингвистике занимает центральное место. Коммуникация требует обязательного обращения к невербальным средствам коммуникации, что делает ее сложным процессом обмена информацией. Казахские кинетические элементы отличаются своими уникальными национальными особенностями, которые выражаются особым образом в их исполнении, наличием определенных его получателей, а также интеграцией социальных, общинных, возрастных категорий и иерархий. Ярким примером культурной идентичности невербальных средств коммуникации являются жесты табу, которые составляют лакунизированную составляющую невербального поведения казахского народа. Многие казахские национальные жесты, полные грации и изящества, незаслуженно забываются подрастающим поколением.

Ключевые слова: невербальное общение, отправитель, сообщение, слушатель, культурные различия, национальная культура, невербальный знак.

УДК 81 '1

Nonverbal communication is an information process and is part of a communicative act, in which, as in any communication model present speaker (sender), the listener (the recipient) and the message (information).

Language and non-verbal means of communication which exist paralleling are an integral part of the culture of any nation. As noted by S.G. Ter-Minasova: "Society and culture of people legitimately determine how people are able to communication" [1], and hence communication in any language requires mandatory appeal to the culture medium of the language. "Culture - is communication, and communication - it is the culture" [2, 10]. There are different types of communication: mass, intercultural, interpersonal. "Verbal means of communication and meaningful gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, etc interact in a communicative act, complementing each - other" [3].

Currently, there are a number of classifications of non-verbal communication, each of which have their advantages and disadvantages. In light of the sociocultural approach it is expedient to divide

nonverbal means through the following channels: visual nonverbal (gestures, facial expressions, body movements, the distance between the communicants), acoustic (voice, intonation, silence) tactile (touch). Silence as an act of communication unit performs many functions and is considered in conjunction with other units of speech communication. All nonverbal means must be combined only by the function of participation in the formation of the information, i.e. must bear some burden information. A. Piz said: " Perhaps the word - this is what people use when all other means of communication were unsuccessful" [4, 27].

The main component of non-verbal communication is kinesics. Question of the classification of gestures is the most developed and extensive. As you know, there are classifications for different reasons. Gestures, as well as linguistic units are symbolic signs. They form the vocabulary of body language, just as lexical units constitute natural language dictionary. Gestural sequences can form gestural semiotic acts. Of particular interest is the question of classification of gestures in a cultural context, which is represented by V.V. Andrianov's [5] and S.P. Gocheva's and G.K. Gochev's classification. Mimicry and distance communication, voice and act silence are very specific with regard to the situation of communication and national differences of communicants.

In nonverbal communication, as well as in verbal it is necessarily to present the speaker and listener. Correct understanding and use of a specific non-verbal sign largely depends on the culture of the speaker, sending information, and from listening, the recipient information". Body language more truthful than the language of words" - rightly observes D. Morris [6, 45]. Different communication styles reveal the character of the speaker and the listener in the process of non-verbal communication, where special emphasis on politeness and courtesy. Kazakh language inclined to put the participants in the call to the appropriate role positions and give each place the status hierarchy.

At the moment, there are many concepts of the word" mentality". Some believe that the mentality is the system of identity of mental life of people belonging to a particular culture , while others reveal the mentality through a system of views, ratings, rules. Mentality can be defined as a long-term vision of the world and form of behavior based on the vision of a large group of people (the language community, nation). "Mental forms a kind of integrity in any given era, complex and contradictory picture of the world" [7, 13].

For us it is interesting to study Kazakh language and nonverbal behavior of the Kazakh people, which suggest an appeal to non-verbal means of communication . Nonverbal behavior of the person is quite an important part of the national culture of communication. National culture and mentality of communication - a set of specific patterns of behavior, including non-verbal.

Semantic and emotional information transmitted by the characters of language, probably due to the coordination of verbal and nonverbal communication codes at the system level. Functional interaction with large group gestures of lexical and grammatical classes of words possessing relative semantics is established. This is a personal, possessive and demonstrative pronouns , nouns and pronouns adverbs (especially, place and time). However, some scientists, including R. Berdvistel recognizes the impossibility of finding all the matches of verbal language [8, 31].

The specificity of nonverbal means of communication, primarily influenced by the historical experience of the development of the nation. Just knowing the history of the people, their customs, believes, you can understand the characteristics of gestures and facial expressions. In our opinion, especially gestures and facial expressions of the Kazakh people are primarily concerned with the traditions of the nomadic way of life, and secondly, with the rituals of shamanism and Islam.

Analysis of non-verbal communication of Kazakh and Russian language cultures, are done on the material of dictionaries of A.A. Akishina "Gestures and facial expressions in the Russian speech" [9] and B.K. Momynova and S.B. Beisembaeva "Explanatory Dictionary of facial expressions and gestures in the Kazakh language" [10] leads to the following conclusion: in the Kazakh language gestures realities occupy an important place among the considered 125 gestures included in the dictionary of B.K. Momynova and S.B. Beisembaeva 40 characters were purely national, which again confirms the mental character of arbitrary kinetic movements of the person, the rest of areal and equivalent gestures exist in the Kazakh and Russian culture may be identical both in terms of expression, and in terms of content. Equivalent gestures are expressed differently. It should be noted that in the description and use of these gestures there is no sharp distinction, according to the case they may have different versions of using in most cases a gesture of greeting, farewell, expressing agreement and disagreement are identical in both cultures.

Nonverbal human behavior is an important part of the national culture of communication. Nonverbal means of communication are cultural identity, which is vividly portrayed in the artistic works of Kazakh writers.

Based on the above there is the possibility of establishing cultural identity of non-verbal communication patterns. The model includes the following prerequisites and knowledge:

1) non-verbal communication channels: visual (kinesics (gestures, facial expressions, gestures), acoustic (voice, intonation, silence), tactile means (distance communication ), (chronology and appearance of a person);

2) non-verbal functions, among which the most important are: the provision of information, regulation of interpersonal relations, the expression expression, and

3) the culture of nonverbal communication ( etiquette, taboos , culture speaker and hearer),

4) the lexical level of interaction of verbal and nonverbal means of communication of this language, and

5) the mental interpretation of nonverbal means;

6) the development of language and culture;

7) intercultural communication (culture and communication).

Thus, the Kazakh national culture is rich with examples of non-verbal communication, which can be represented as international gestures and non-verbal means to cultural identity. Kazakh culture has its specific gesture fund that constantly grows and changes with the development of the Kazakh language and culture of the Kazakh people.

References / Список литературы

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2. HallE.T. Cultural Misunderstandings: The French, Germans, and Americans. New York: Anchor, 1984. 273 р.

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5. Andrianov V.V. Comparative characteristics of gestures of Russian and French. In.: National-cultural specificity of verbal behavior. Nauka, 1977. 268.

6. Morris D., Collett P., Marsh P. and Shaughnessy О. Gestures, their origins and distribution. New York, 1979. 125 р.

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8. Birdwhistell R.L. Kinesics and context Essays on body motion communication. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970. 278 р.

9. Akishina A., Kano Н. Gestures and facial expressions in Russian speech communication. Moscow, 1991. 144 р.

10. Momynova B., Beysenbaeva С. Kazakh- Russian Dictionary of facial expressions and gestures in the Kazakh language. Almaty: Kazakh University, 2003. 136 р.

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