NIZAMI GANJAVI'S NATIVE LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abbasova Salmina Gidayat Kyzy, Ismayilova Yegane Mammad Kyzy

In 2021, Azerbaijan celebrates the 880th anniversary of the great poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi. The article is devoted to the creativity of Nizami, his love for his native language. It also analyzes Nizami's use of words and suffixes of Azerbaijani origin, Azerbaijani proverbs and phraseological combinations, despite the fact that he wrote his works in Persian.

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Текст научной работы на тему «NIZAMI GANJAVI'S NATIVE LANGUAGE»

УДК: 411.15.61


Аббасова С. Г., Исмаилова Е. М.

Азербайджанский Технологический Университет (г. Гянджа, Республика Азербайджан)

Аннотация. В 2021 году Азербайджан отмечает 880-летие великого поэта и мыслителя Низами Гянджеви. Статья посвящена творчеству Низами, его любви к родному языку. В нем также анализируется использование Низами слов и суффиксов азербайджанского происхождения, азербайджанских пословиц и фразеологических сочетаний, несмотря на то, что он писал свои произведения на персидском языке. Низами Гянджеви обогатил восточное художественное мышление научными и философскими идеями и поднял свою поэзию на небывалую высоту своей универсальной и удивительной поэтической силой. Низами был человеком, который исполнял желания и желания жителей Гянджеви. Родным языком Низами был турецко-

азербайджанский; он говорил на этом языке, слышал колыбельную своей матери, любил и ненавидел в ней; привязанность к родному языку никогда не была ему чуждой. Ученые утверждают, что многие метафорические идиоматические выражения, пословицы и притчи, используемые в произведениях Низами, принадлежат только родному тюркскому языку, и они были переведены на персидский язык самим Низами и распространены с помощью кальки.

Ключевые слова: нравственное совершенство, наследие, поэтическая сила, идиоматические выражения, духовные ценности, родной язык.


Abbasova S.G. Ismayilova E.M. Azerbaijan Technological University (Ganja, Azerbaijan)

Аnnotation. In 2021, Azerbaijan celebrates the 880th anniversary of the great poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi. The article is devoted to the creativity of Nizami, his love for his native language. It also analyzes Nizami's use of words and suffixes of Azerbaijani origin, Azerbaijani proverbs and phraseological combinations, despite the fact that he wrote his works in Persian.

Key words: moral perfection, heritage, poetic power, idiomatic expressions, spiritual values, native language.

Nizami Ganjavi was born in 1141 in Ganja and lived and created there all his life. Since he was born and raised in Ganja, he was known as Nizami Ganjavi. A mausoleum was built over his grave in Ganja where he was buried. During the excavations of the mausoleum in 1947 his tombstone was found. According to this stone it

was determined that the poet died on March 12.1209.

In 2021 the great poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi is 880. According to the order of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on January 5, 2021, guided by paragraph 109 of Article 32 of the Constitution of the

Republic of Azerbaijan, and taking into account the exceptional importance of the rich creativity of the powerful master of words and ideas, who invariably calls for moral perfection and instills high moral qualities, 2021 was declared the "Year of Nizami Ganjavi" in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The great Azerbaijani poet Jamaladdin Ilyas Yusif oglu Nizami Ganjavi, whom Mahsati Ganjavi called the "new spring sun", left a very interesting and rich heritage not only for our literature, but also for a number of fields of science.

Nizami Ganjavi enriched oriental artistic thinking with scientific and philosophical ideas and raised his poetry to unprecedented heights with his universal and wonderful poetic power.

Nizami was a man who fulfills the wishes and desires of the people of Ganjavi. It is impossible to talk about him in the past. For this reason Nizami, who lovingly expresses our national and spiritual values and issues of the Turkish spirit in his works, will live forever.

In the past, the great poet was considered Persian because he wrote in Persian. Now, based on many facts in his works, no one doubts that the poet is Turkish-Azerbaijani.

It is clear from the content of "Khamsa" written by Nizami in Persian, as well as from the information that Nizami said and gave about himself, that the poet did not leave Ganja, did not go to another city or country to study. Through serious reading he was able to study perfectly the history, philosophy, logic, poetics, astronomy, geometry, geography, Sharia and other sciences of his time. At the same time he was well acquainted with such arts as architecture, musicology, painting. His deep knowledge of Azerbaijani, Persian, Arabic, Pahlavi (Middle Ages [Persian until 250, 65 BC] and Greek allowed him to get acquainted with the main scientific and literary sources of the ancient world and the Middle Ages. The question then arises: how did the poet who did not leave Ganja master the basics of all these sciences, and how did he master the scientific knowledge that still holds its value? At least two important factors were necessary: first, Nizami had to have a rich ancestral library to master these sciences; second, in the 12th century Ganja had to become one of the ancient and rich scientific and cultural centers of the East.

Although Nizami wrote his works in Persian, science and history in his works are the

product of the Azerbaijani social environment, a result of the spiritual evolution of that time. Other cultures could also positively influence Nizami. But the main base was the national ground.

The national framework is a prerequisite for the development of genius. The rich spiritual world of the Azerbaijani people, the world of aesthetic ideas and intellect played a significant role in the magnificence of Nizami's genius as the main source and internal factors.

Nizami's native language was Turkish-Azerbaijani; he spoke this language, heard his mother's lullaby, loved and hated in it; affection for his mother tongue was never alien to him.

Although Nizami wrote in Persian as a result of the "official" preference given to Persian at a certain stage of our history by the demands of the time, his native language was very strong. That is, he "kneaded" his thoughts in his native language and expressed them in Persian. Therefore, when the Persians read his poems, they found it strange.

We recall the opinion of the Iranian scholar Said Nafisi: "Nizami is not a Persian poet, he lived and wrote in the Azerbaijani environment, and his poems are strange to the Persians."

Academician of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, literary critic, folklore researcher H. Arasli studied the words and suffixes of the Turkish-Azerbaijani language used in the works of Nizami and shows that an important part of them was also used in "Dada Gorgud". For example Khatun (the title of the ruling wife and Princess girls in the Turkic peoples), cali§ (stroke, sword play), senjag//pin (flag, pinning) kulung (pick(er), hack), qirmizi (red), gerdek (screen, curtain (used before the bed of the newly-married people), etc. were used by Nizami in his works.

It is notable that Nizami's works exhibit new qualities, such as merging of suffixes with words, combining words with words. For example In the works of Nizami, Azerbaijani suffixes were added to Persian words. The suffix sang (stone) + lax (-lax) in the Turkic language forms nouns expressing the concept of place, location.

The "-chi" suffix used by Nizami performs the same function as the "chi" suffix in our language. It forms nouns to denote professions and arts. This is not the case in other Turkic languages.

At the same time he used Azerbaijani words with Persian suffixes: bi + qlauz (without guide), yaylaq+iyan (highlander), etc.

Thus, the influence of one language on another, the use of words and endings of one language in another language formed the first examples of their binding and adaptation.

Nizami scholars claim that many of the metaphorical idiomatic expressions, proverbs and parables used in Nizami's works belong only to the native Turkic language, and they were translated into Persian by Nizami himself and spread by means of a calque.

The tenth and twelfth centuries were a very critical period in the history of the Azerbaijani people and the development of its language. The fact that a native of our people such as Nizami wrote his works in Persian, helps to clarify the situation in 1188. The ruler of Shirvan, Akhsitan I, knowing that Nizami was a Turk and his mother tongue was Turkish, sent him the order not to write the poem "Leyli and Majnun" in Turkish.

Although Nizami wrote his works before "Leyli and Majnun" in Persian and the Shirvanshah knew about it,then why was it so important to order "Leyli and Majnun" to be written in Arabic or Persian, "to adorn it with Arabic and Persian"? The logic of the mind states that Nizami wrote in Turkish as well, and the shah sent him a special order fearing that he would write this work in Turkish. This order deeply affected the ego of the great Nizami. Though Shah himself was of Turkish

origin, he used to say that «Turkism brings him inferiority".

Nizami Ganjavi wanted to disobey this order, but he accepted the proposal at the insistence of his son and soon wrote the poem "Leyli and Majnun" (for the first time in the East).

We do not yet know Nizami's works written in his native language. We hope that his works written in Turkish are preserved somewhere. And we wish those works to be known soon. 1

The land of Ganja, the people of Ganja deserve eternal gratitude for having given Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani people such a great personality as Nizami Ganjavi.


1. Decree of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan on declaring 2021 as the «Year of Nizami Ganjavi» in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2. Alibeyzade E.M. History of the Azerbaijani language. Volume II. Azerneshr, Baku, 2008. 640p.

3. Jafarov C.I. Nizami and modernity. Baku, 1982.

4. Alibeyzade E.M. Nizami and historicity. In the world of books, 1985 №. 1

5. Alibeyzade E.M. Nizami and unopened pages of our history. Azarbaycan muallimi 5.07.1981

Abbasova Salmina Gidayat kyzy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences and Multiculturalism (Azerbaijan, Ganja).

Аббасова Сальмина Гидаят кызы, старший преподаватель кафедра общественных наук и мультикультурализма, Азербайджанский Технологический Университет (г. Гянджа, Республика Азербайджан).

e-mail: abbasova.salmina@mail.ru

Ismaylova Yegane Mammad kyzy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language (Azerbaijan, Ganja).

Исмаилова Егана Мамед кызы, старший преподаватель кафедра иностранных языков, Азербайджанский Технологический Университет (г. Гянджа, Республика Азербайджан).

e-mail: karlile59@mail.ru

Дата поступления статьи: 28.11.2021

© Аббасова С. Г., Исмаилова Е. М., 2021

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