NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Zokirova D.Y.

In this article highlights of using new technologies, so interactive methods in English lessons.

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Текст научной работы на тему «NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH LESSONS»

UDK 81-13

Zokirova D. Y. teacher

Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent city NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH LESSONS

Annotation: In this article highlights of using new technologies, so interactive methods in English lessons.

Key words: English language, information technologies, innovation, interactive methods.

The use of multimedia teaching tools in English lessons and in extracurricular activities increases cognitive activity and motivation of students, provides an intensification of the learning process and independent activity of students. The latest multimedia technology helps to quickly and effectively master the perception of oral speech, put the correct pronunciation and teach fluent speaking. Interactive programs and games help to create real situations of communication, remove psychological barriers and increase interest in the subject. Let's call the most frequently used elements of ICT (information computer technologies) in the educational process:

- electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and a multimedia projector;

- interactive whiteboards;

- electronic encyclopedias and reference books;

- simulators and testing programs;

- educational resources of the Internet;

- CDS with pictures and illustrations;

- video and audio equipment;

- interactive maps and atlases;

- interactive conferences and competitions.

Let us focus on the most commonly used ICT in English lessons:

1.Internet resources. The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. The global Internet creates conditions for obtaining any necessary information for students and teachers, located anywhere in the world: news, country material, foreign literature, etc. At English lessons, the Internet helps to solve a number of didactic tasks: to form reading skills and abilities, using the materials of the global network; to improve the writing skills of students; to replenish the vocabulary of students; to form a stable motivation for students to learn a foreign language. In addition, the work is aimed at exploring the possibilities of Internet technologies to broaden the horizons of students, establishing and maintaining business relations and contacts with peers in English-speaking countries.

2.Using the projector. Advantages of the projector over traditional visual AIDS is associated with providing visibility as an important component of teaching methods. A projector is a device through which a static image from an

A4 transparent film is transmitted to a large screen. The image on the transparent film serves as a tutorial and can be prepared using a computer, a copier or a felt-tip pen. First, the image size may vary depending on the distance from the projector to the screen. In addition, the image is highlighted and perceived more easily. Secondly, the teacher sets the time of the image display, turning the projector on and off. Thus, the images appear on the screen only when it is necessary. Third, the teacher can easily change the slides, and therefore, the number of illustrations for the submitted material can be quite large. This helps to maximize the correspondence between the lecturer's stories and the visual image. Fourth, the demonstration of individual phases of dynamic processes allows the teacher, based on the imagination of the student, to use his ability to conjure intermediate stages, etc. Slides do not take up much storage space, and do not fade over time, so they can be used as long as you want.

3.Computer lecture. The computer lecture developed by means of Power Point is thematically and logically connected sequence of information objects shown on the screen or the monitor. During the lecture, various information objects are used: images (slides), sound and video clips. The efficiency of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if they are supplemented by showing diagrams, tables. After such lessons, the studied material remains in the memory of students as a vivid image and helps the teacher to stimulate the cognitive activity of the student. Most often conducted lessons combined type, where there is a survey and homework, and an explanation of the new material. The power Point presentation development program allows you to prepare materials for the lesson, combining various means of visualization, making the most of the advantages of each and leveling the shortcomings. Most often, with the use of presentations in the Power Point program, such types of lessons as lectures are held, which have the main purpose, not to illustrate, but to visually give complex material for recording students in a convenient form, lessons-illustrations on topics where there is a need for bright visual images, and lessons-visual that help as samples to create And the last thing that should be noted, using slide films, interactive models, you can implement a differentiated, individual approach to working with students who have different degrees of development of educational material.

4.Electronic textbook. The advantages of electronic textbooks are their mobility, availability of communication with the development of computer networks and the adequacy of the level of development of modern scientific knowledge. On the other hand, the creation of electronic textbooks also contributes to the solution of such problems as the constant updating of information material. They can also contain a large number of exercises and examples, illustrated in detail in the dynamics of different types of information. In addition, with the help of electronic textbooks, knowledge control is carried out -computer testing. The use of modern technologies in education creates favorable conditions for the formation of the personality of students and meets the needs of modern society. Using the information resources of the Internet, integrating them

into the educational process, it is possible to more effectively solve a number of didactic tasks in the English lesson, namely:

a) to form the skills and abilities of reading, directly using the materials of the network of varying degrees of complexity;

b) to improve the ability of listening on the basis of authentic sound texts of the Internet, also respectively prepared by the teacher;

C) to improve the skills of monological and dialogical statements based on the problem discussion presented by the teacher or someone from the students, the materials of the network;

d) to improve the skills of writing, individually or in writing making answers to partners, participating in the preparation of abstracts, essays, other epistolary products of joint activities of partners. The combination of different types of work in the classroom using information technology can solve the problem of development of motivation of students. The teacher in the presence of the latest technical means, it is easier to implement a personality-oriented approach to teaching different levels of students, it is possible to rationally organize the entire educational process and solve the eternal problem of weak/strong student.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine lessons if multimedia equipment is not used in the lesson. Consider the English lesson developed in the framework of our study using innovative technologies in teaching on the topic "family holidays". Holidays play an important role in human society, give a vivid idea of the countries, traditions and culture. Educational goal - improving grammatical skills: the use of speech "there is/are", "there was/were", the development of oral language skills, the development of reading techniques with full understanding. Developing goal - the development of the ability to think logically, the development of the ability to reason. Educational goal - instilling interest and respect for the traditions of the family, the education of polite treatment of people.

Communicative function is to tell you about my birthday, to carry on a conversation about a birthday party of a classmate. Cultural factor - learning to draw and write postcards, greetings (in the program Paint - graphic editor). Equipment - tape recorder, audio recording, computer, multimedia Board. The main purpose of learning a foreign language - the formation of communicative competence, all other goals (educational, educational, developmental) are implemented in the process of implementing this main goal. Communicative approach involves teaching communication and the formation of the ability to intercultural interaction, which is the basis of the functioning of the Internet. Outside of communication, the Internet makes no sense - it is an international multi-ethnic society whose livelihoods are based on the electronic communication of millions of people around the world, speaking at the same time - the most gigantic in size and number of participants conversation that has ever occurred. By joining it in a foreign language lesson, we create a model of real communication.

Currently, the priority is given to communication, interactivity, authenticity of communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of learning. These principles make it possible to develop

intercultural competence as a component of communication ability. The ultimate goal of teaching foreign languages is to teach free orientation in a foreign language environment and the ability to respond adequately in different situations, that is, communication. Today, new methods using Internet resources are opposed to traditional foreign language teaching. To teach communication in a foreign language, it is necessary to create real, real life situations that will stimulate the study of the material and develop adequate behavior. This error is trying to fix new technologies, in particular the Internet. One of the main requirements for teaching foreign languages using computers and Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the classroom, which is called in the technique of interactivity.

Interactivity is "the unification, coordination and complementarity of efforts of communicative purpose and result by speech means". By teaching authentic language, the Internet helps in the formation of speaking skills, as well as in the teaching of vocabulary and grammar, providing genuine interest and therefore effectiveness. Interactivity not only creates real-life situations, but also forces students to respond adequately to them through a foreign language. One of the technologies that provides student-centered learning is the method of projects as a way of development of creativity, cognitive activity, independence. The typology of the projects is diverse. The project method promotes the development of active independent thinking of students and orients them to joint research work. In our opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children to cooperate, and cooperation training brings up such moral values as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates students.

In General, in the process of project training, traced the continuity of training and education. The introduction of information technology in training greatly diversifies the process of perception and processing of information. Thanks to the computer, the Internet and multimedia, students have a unique opportunity to master a large amount of information with its subsequent analysis and sorting. The motivational basis of educational activity is also significantly expanded. When using multimedia, students receive information from Newspapers and television, interview and conduct teleconferences themselves.


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