NEW DATA IN THE RESEARCH OF SETTLEMENTS OF THE SAKA TIME IN CENTRAL KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Beisenov Arman Z.

The article is devoted to an overview of the results of new studies of the Saka era settlements discovered in the eastern regions of Central Kazakhstan. The source base of modern research was made up of over 70 settlements found over the past 20 years. The author attributes these settlements to the tasmola culture of Central Kazakhstan and dates them within the framework of the 8th - 5th centuries BC. Archaeozoological, traceological, and carpological analyzes are being carried out based on the materials from the excavations of the Kulzhan-1 and Abylai settlements and other sites carried out in recent years. According to the author, the settlements of Central Kazakhstan of the Saka era were the winter habitats of the tribes of the Tasmola culture. Materials from over 50 Kazakh wintering sites make it possible to draw ethnographic data. A comparative study of these sites has shown that the topography of the Kazakh wintering grounds and Saka settlements coincide.

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D01:10.14258/tpai(2021)33(3).-11 УДК 903.4 (574.3)



Arman Z. Beisenov

"Begazy-Tasmola" Research Center of History and Archaeology, Almaty, Kazakstan ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2524-264X, e-mail: azbeisenov@mail.ru

Abstract: The article is devoted to an overview of the results of new studies of the Saka era settlements discovered in the eastern regions of Central Kazakhstan. The source base of modern research was made up of over 70 settlements found over the past 20 years. The author attributes these settlements to the tasmola culture of Central Kazakhstan and dates them within the framework of the 8th — 5th centuries BC. Archaeozoological, traceological, and carpological analyzes are being carried out based on the materials from the excavations of the Kulzhan-1 and Abylai settlements and other sites carried out in recent years. According to the author, the settlements of Central Kazakhstan of the Saka era were the winter habitats of the tribes of the Tasmola culture. Materials from over 50 Kazakh wintering sites make it possible to draw ethnographic data. A comparative study of these sites has shown that the topography of the Kazakh wintering grounds and Saka settlements coincide.

Keywords: Central Kazakhstan, tasmola culture, Saka era, settlements, Kazakh wintering grounds, multidisciplinary research

Acknowledgments: The study was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the grant AP08857177 "Research of the Economy and House-Building Traditions of the Population of the Early Iron Age in Central Kazakhstan". The author thanks the project participants Daniyar Duisenbai, Darhan Shashenov, Nurlan Dzhumanazarov and Islam Akhiyarov for their help in preparing this article. Special thanks to Valery Loman, Pavel Kosintsev, Igor Gorashchuk, Natalya Ryabogina and Alexey Afonin, who are researching materials from the settlements.

For citation: Beisenov A. Z. New Data in the Research of Settlements of the Saka Time in Central Kazakhstan. Theory and Practice of Archaeological Research. 2021;33(3): 181-202. (In English) DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(3).-11



А. З. Бейсенов

Научно-исследовательский центр истории и археологии «Бегазы-Тасмола»,

Алматы, Казахстан ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2524-264X, e-mail: azbeisenov@mail.ru

Резюме: Статья посвящена обзору результатов новых исследований поселений сакской эпохи, открытых в восточных районах Центрального Казахстана. Источниковую базу современных исследований составили свыше 70 поселений, найденных в течение последних 20 лет. Эти поселения автор относит к тасмолинской культуре Центрального Казахстана и датирует в рамках УШ-У вв. до н.э. По материалам раскопок поселений Кулжан-1 и Абылай и других памятников, проводимых в последние годы, выполняются археозоологический, трасологический, карполо-гический анализы. По мнению автора, поселения Центрального Казахстана сакской эпохи являлись местами зимнего обитания племен тасмолинской культуры. Материалы свыше 50 казахских зимовок позволяют привлечь данные по этнографии. Сравнительное изучение этих памятников показало, что топография казахских зимовок и сакских поселений совпадает.

Ключевые слова: Центральный Казахстан, тасмолинская культура, сакская эпоха, поселения, казахские зимовки, мультидисциплинарные исследования

Благодарности: Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан в рамках гранта АР08857177 «Исследование хозяйства и традиций домостроительства населения раннего железного века Центрального Казахстана». Автор благодарит участников проекта Данияра Дуйсенбай, Дархана Шашенова, Нурлана Джу-маназарова и Ислама Ахиярова за помощь в подготовке настоящей статьи. Особая благодарность Валерию Ломану, Павлу Косинцеву, Игорю Горащуку, Наталье Рябогиной и Алексею Афонину, проводящим исследование материалов поселений.

Для цитирования: Бейсенов А. З. Новые данные в исследовании поселений сакского времени Центрального Казахстана // Теория и практика археологических исследований. 2021. Т. 33, № 3. С. 181-202. БОТ: 10.14258Лра1(2021)33(3).-11


Settlements of the Saka time in Kazakhstan are known in many regions, including

Northern Kazakhstan, Zhetysu, Aral Sea region, Kazakh Altai [Levina, 1979; Khabdulina, 2003; Benecke, 2003; Chang et all., 2003; Merz, 2015; Beisenov, Shulga, Loman, 2017; Bazarbaeva, 2017; Duisenbai, Dzhumanazarov, Ahijarov, 2020; Samashev, 2020]. Also, the settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation: in Khakassia, the Southern Urals, in the steppe Altai are known [Amzarakov et al., 2015; Saveliev, 2015; Frolov, 2013; Stepanova, Frolov, 2017; Prishchepa, 2018]. Among the regions adjacent to Kazakhstan, materials on the settlements of the Saka time in Gorny Altai, collected and studied by the Siberian archaeologist P. I. Shulga, are of particular importance. In the monograph of this researcher, a large amount of data related to the existence of the Bike and Pazyryk cultures was analyzed and summarized [Shulga, 2015].

The proposed report provides an overview of new studies of Saka settlements in the eastern regions of Central Kazakhstan, as well as some of their results. In the region, the study of these sites is carried out almost continuously; in recent years, work has been focused on the settlements of Abylai and Kulzhan-1 (Fig. 1).

The first settlement of the Saka era in the eastern regions of Central Kazakhstan was found by the author in 2001. Thanks to intensive archaeological exploration, about 30 settlements were discovered in 2-3 years, and the first excavations began. At this time, a comprehensive study of excavation materials began, including ceramic and traceological analyzes [Beisenov, 2015], which continue up to this day. Recently begun archaeozoological studies bring important results. Grains of millet, barley, wheat, identified by flotation of

the cultural layer of the Abylai settlement, also open up certain prospects for studying the economy of the population (carpological analyzes are carried out by N. E. Ryabogina at the Tyumen Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences). A recent study of the diet of the Saka population of the era of Central Kazakhstan showed the presence of millet in their diet [Beisenov et al., 2020]. All these results characterize only the initial stage of a comprehensive study of settlements in Central Kazakhstan.


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Fig. 1. Map of the location of the Kulzhan-1 and Abylai settlements Рис. 1. Карта расположения поселений Кулжан-1 и Абылай

As of July 2021, over 70 Saka-era settlements are open in this region. The presence of a large number of settlements with absolutely identical features in topography and planigraphy makes it possible to study the issues of landscape placement of these sites. This task is posed for the first time in Central Kazakhstan. Data analysis and study of the problem of landscape placement are an important part of scientific work related to such a category of sites as settlements. These aspects have important points of contact with such scientific fields as landscape archaeology and ecological archaeology [Environmental Archeology, 2001; Reitz, Shackley, 2012; Handbook of Landscape..., 2016]. At the same time, these aspects are directly related to such a special direction as the Settlements archaeology, the recognized founder of which in Europe was the German archaeologist Werner Haarnagel [Behre K.-E., 1984; Haarnagel, 1961; 1979; 1983].

Speaking about the settlements of Saka of the era of Central Kazakhstan, we must proceed from the fact that we are dealing with both specific sites and specific tasks of their search and research. These settlements created human collectives, whose way of life was highly dependent on the natural and climatic conditions of each region.

For many decades, the settlement of the Saka era in Central Kazakhstan was completely unknown. In addition to some scientific skepticism, the problem was in the peculiarities of

the topography of these sites, located, as it turned out, on the banks of rivers, and the upper slopes of the mountains.

The importance of using ethnographic data in the search and study of Saka settlements should be noted [Shulga, 2015a; Beisenov, Shulga, Loman, 2017].

As of July 2021, a group led by the author found over 50 Kazakh winterings located in the same areas where the settlements are located. It turned out that the topography of the Kazakh winterings and Saka settlements coincides exactly, and this gives good opportunities for further searches.

Materials and Discussions

In recent years, the bulk of research has been focused on two sites — the settlements Abylai and Kulzhan-1. Excavations have been going on at Abylai for several years, while Kulzhan-1 is a new site that has been selected for new excavations. It is one of the settlements located around the Edirei Mountains. To date, 28 settlements have been discovered here, of which one, the settlement of Edirey-2, dates back to the Dongal period, and all the rest belong to the Saka era.

Fig. 2. Settlements on the slope of Keregetas mountain:1 — Kulzhan-1; 2 — Karpyk-1;

3 — Karpyk-2; 4 — Karpyk-3. The numbers show the elevation marks Рис. 2. Поселения на склоне горы Керегетас: 1 — Кулжан-1; 2 — Карпык-1; 3 — Карпык-2;

4 — Карпык-3. Цифрами показаны отметки высот

The settlement of Kulzhan-1 is located 5.4 km southeast of the village of Edirey, on the eastern slope of Mount Keregetas. The location of the settlement is the upper slope (Fig. 2). There is a small natural depression oriented from the southwest to the northeast and formed by the micro-relief of the upper slope of the mountain. The depression is about 100 m long and 40-50 m wide. From the southern, southeastern, and northern sides, this depression is surrounded by small but visible hills. An ancient settlement was built in the area of this depression.

Thus, the people of Saka of time, when choosing a place for a settlement, paid attention to 3 very important conditions of topography:

1) the upper slope of the mountain;

2) east, south-east exposure;

3) comfortable micro-relief in the form of a slightly deepened depression surrounded by low hills.

This picture is clarified and expanded by the general nature of the "slope topography", the correct understanding of which facilitates the task of studying the problems of the landscape distribution of Saka settlements in the eastern part of the Kazakh Upland.

The fact is that the "upper slopes" of the mountains are not a narrow strip of land on which a settlement is located. As it is shown by numerous facts of the topography of Saka settlements, this type of landscape is a large area of slopes, which are divided into categories such as "upper", "middle" and "lower".

The entire eastern side of Mount Keregetas has such convenient slopes, on which the micro-relief, every 300-500 m, forms a system of small depressions, where settlements of ancient pastoralists are arranged. To the north of Kulzhan-1, at a short distance, there are three synchronous settlements — Karpyk-1, Karpyk-2, and Karpyk-3 (Fig. 2), to the south, there is another settlement — Kulzhan-2. Further north of Kulzhan-1 are the settlements of Keregetas-1, Keregetas-2 [Beisenov, Shulga, Loman, 2017], Keregetas-3.

If we count from the settlement of Kulzhan-1, after about 150 m to the east the relief passes to the "middle slope" and after another 200 m the "lower slopes" begin, which extend for hundreds of meters. At a distance of 1.1 km to the east from the settlement of Kulzhan-1, on the lower slope, there is the Zhake-Bulak spring.

The bottom of the depression, where the settlement of Kulzhan-1 is located, is flat but has a general depression from the southwest to the northeast. The height difference is about 10 m. For ancient people, this condition was also important, since the water flowing down from the mountain during the melting of snow and rains did not collect around the dwellings, but went down into the valley.

Ancient buildings in the form of dwellings and utility structures occupy an area over 80 m long and about 30 m wide. Thus, the settlement covers an area of more than 2000 m2. The settlement area is heavily overgrown with grass and bushes. It turned out that dense grass up to 40 cm high hides ancient structures and does not allow us to find out the features of stone structures. Therefore, before the start of excavations, vegetation was removed on an area of about 3000 m2.

After removing the vegetation, it turned out that the ancient settlement consists of two main sectors located in the southwest and northeast. The distance between them is 15 m.

For excavations, the first group of structures was selected, which occupies the southwestern part of the settlement. At the same time, attention was drawn to the central structure, which has a clear rectangular shape and dimensions of at least 7x8 m. Judging by the thick walls made up of large stones measuring from 0.3x0.4x0.2 m to 0.8x1.0x0.5 m, this structure looked like a residential building.

Fig. 3. Excavations on the settlements Kulzhan-1 Рис. 3. Раскопки на поселении Кулжан-1

It was on this group of structures that archaeological excavations were carried out in July 2021. An area of 368 m2 was uncovered (Fig. 3). On the excavation area, 6 stone structures were revealed, animal bones, stone tools, and fragments of ceramics were found.

The two stone structures are located in a line from southwest to northeast and have the character of living quarters. Here is a rectangular structure with thick walls, which has a central position in relation to the entire excavated part of this settlement. The dimensions of this structure are 8x7.1 m. The internal space has dimensions of 5.4x4.2 m. The powerful walls are from 1.2-1.3 to 1.5 m wide. By the time of the excavation, the walls were preserved to a height of 0.7-0,8 m to 1 m. Judging by the numerous fallen stones, the wall was originally higher.

According to the materials of excavations of other settlements, the houses of the Saka tribes living in the eastern regions of the Kazakh Upland were squat, with thick walls. The interiors of such houses were not wide and had elongated and narrow proportions. This was due to the nature of the thick and massive roof, which consisted of wood and a layer of earth. It was difficult to cover large spaces of the interior with a heavy roof, which would require many supports, but narrow spans about 3-4 m long were easily covered with logs, the ends of which rested on the walls. The small size of the room was also dictated by the desire to save heat in the steppe regions, where there are no large reserves of wood fuel [Beisenov, Shulga, Loman, 2017]. The features of the dwelling space identified at Kulzhan-1 are close to previously obtained materials from the Saka settlements.

On the northeast side, this line of structures is adjoined by a second line, perpendicular to the first. Here, along a line from south-east to north-west, small rooms are located, which

played a secondary role in the rectangular living quarters. These are narrow, stretching from southwest to northeast and built parallel to each other. They all have common walls with each other. One of them is a narrow and small corridor for the entrance to the rectangular dwelling. The width of the corridor is about 1 m.

The stratigraphy is divided into 2 main layers. The first layer consists of sod, which is characterized by a large thickness. If in the southwestern part of the excavation the sod has a thickness of about 0.1-0.1 m, then in the southeast it reaches 0.15 m. Near the walls of the main structures, a sod thickness of up to 0.2 m is observed. Below the sod is the second layer of yellowish color, clay structure. The largest layer thickness is 0.25-0.28 m.

On the southeastern side of the excavation area, two fragments of a ditch were found, which has a width of 1.5-3 m and a depth of 0.2-0.25 m. Other parts of the ditch were outside the excavated area. The ditch was specially dug by the inhabitants of the settlement. It was oriented from the south-west to the north-east, that is, in the direction of the entire depression on which the ancient settlement is located. Apparently, this ditch completely bypasses this group of structures from the southern, southeastern, and eastern sides and served to drain melt and rainwater. Whether there is such a ditch on the northwest side of the structures remains unclear.

In the entire area of the excavation, a rectangular residential building occupies the highest position and the surface of the entire space around it has a decrease of 5-15 cm. Along with the natural features of this site, it is possible that the ancient inhabitants deliberately made such a decrease by removing the top layer of the earth. On the northeastern side of the excavation area, there are pits and elongated depressions, one of which is 0.45 m deep and 0.21 m wide. The end of this ditch is outside the excavated area. Two small hearths are also located in the northeastern part of the excavation site, from the side of the entrance.

Fig. 4. A pit with big stones Рис. 4. Яма с большими камнями

On the outer side of the northwestern wall of the rectangular dwelling, there is a pit 3 m long, 1.1 m wide, and 0.7 m deep (Fig. 4). Stone tools, pottery fragments, and animal bones were found in the filling layer of the pit. The southeastern wall of the pit, which faces the wall of the dwelling, is filled with densely placed large stones. Perhaps this hole was specially dug to strengthen the wall of the dwelling, which began to sink in this area. In this case, large stones could serve as a support for the base of the wall of the dwelling. Hopefully, the purpose of these large stones will be clarified during the next excavations. The author plans to continue excavations of the Kulzhan-1 settlement and find answers to many more questions.

Fig. 5. Ceramics of the Kulzhan-1 settlement Рис. 5. Керамика поселения Кулжан-1

Ceramic fragments (Fig. 5) from Kulzhan-1, as well as stone tools, are close to previously found materials from other settlements in the eastern regions of the Kazakh Upland. The flat-bottomed vessels were molded by hand; the ornament consists of pits and small rounded tubercles ("pearls"). Only a part of the vessels was decorated; some pots had plums in the upper part of the neck (Fig. 5.-1).

Fig. 6. Stone tools of Kulzhan-1 settlement Рис. 6. Каменные орудия поселения Кулжан-1

The found over 200 stone tools (Fig. 6) are also close to the available materials. Among them, there are tools in the form of small hoes, cutting tools, graters, etc. Hoes from Kulzhan-1 have one interesting feature that was noticed in materials from other settlements. Trasologist I. V. Gorashchuk, as a result of a study of a group of stone tools from the Abylai settlement, noticed that along the longitudinal section, hoes are massive, with a triangular section, and thin. Hoes that have a triangular cross-section could be used on heavy soils, while hoes with plate cross-sections were intended for softer soils (materials in press). Among the hoes of Kulzhan-1, there are both of these types (Fig. 6.-1, 2).

In general, a preliminary study of the materials obtained from Kulzhan-1 shows the synchronicity of this site with the previously known settlements of the eastern regions of the Kazakh Upland. Excavations are to be continued, as well as a detailed study of new data, including multidisciplinary methods.

Fig. 7. Abylai settlement on the slope of Tаskotan mountain. The numbers show the elevation marks Рис. 7. Поселение Абылай на склоне горы Таскотан. Цифрами показаны отметки высот

The Abylai settlement was discovered by A. Z. Beisenov in 2004, excavations of the site began in 2016. Materials of previous years were partially introduced into scientific circulation in several publications, which considered the history of discovery, features of ceramics, the results of the first stage of archaeozoological research, and other data [Beisenov, 2021a; Beisenov et al., 2018; Beisenov et al., 2019; Kosintsev, Beisenov, 2020].

The Abylai settlement is located (Fig. 7) on the northeastern slope of Taskotan Mountain (absolute height 1005 m above sea level.). The settlement is located, like Kulzhan-1, on the upper slope, at the foot of the rocks. Here, too, a narrow and elongated from north to south depression, located between two low parallel ridges, was chosen for the development of housing and utility structures. This depression occupies a narrow and shallow pit, the bottom of which is soft and even, but has a general depression from north to south. The height difference is 13 m. There are two springs on the eastern side of the settlement. The first of them has dried up, the second, located below, has a current. On the eastern side of the settlement, we again see an extensive system of slopes, which gradually decrease and pass into the valley of the Zharly River.

To the north and northeast of the Tuskotan Mountain, a wide valley of the Zharly River opens. The distance from the settlement of Abylai to its channel is about 6 km. A detailed

survey of the banks of the Zharly River is still ahead, but the urgency of this task is obvious. On this river, there are two large irrigation ditches, built by the Kazakhs in the 19th century, with the help of which small arable lands for wheat and pasture meadows were irrigated. These ditches are mentioned in materials and archival documents of the 19th century, but they did not get into the works of historians and ethnographers. Valley of the Zharly River in the XX century intensively used for agricultural land. Nevertheless, the archaeological survey of the coasts remains relevant. The problem is that there can be found traces of the summer settlement sites of Saka time.

In 2016-2020. an area of over 1100 m2 was excavated at the site. During five seasons of excavations at the Abylai settlement, numerous housing and economic structures have been identified, hundreds of fragments of ceramics, thousands of fragments of animal bones have been found. All materials are under research. In addition, excavations of this monument are planned to continue in 2021 and 2022.

In all regions where Saka settlements were discovered, these monuments are only partially studied. This circumstance affects the degree of the results obtained. We are dealing with specific settlements left by the steppe pastoralist tribes who led a semi-sedentary lifestyle. Important results can be achieved here with more complete studies of monuments of this category.

Fig. 8. Abylai settlement, excavations 2016-2019. I (A, B) — the first stage of development.

II (C) — the second stage of development: 1 — a pit with animal bones Рис. 8. Поселение Абылай, раскопки 2016-2019 гг. I (A, B) — первый этап застройки. II (C) — второй этап застройки: 1 — яма с костями животных

There are over 380 stone tools from the Abylai settlement. Of this number, 150 specimens were subjected to trace analysis (I. V. Gorashchuk, Samara, Russia). For 139 of them, functions were defined: it turned out that 130 guns were used in various types of work. According to the conclusion of the trasologist, tools for cultivating the land are in the first place — 57.3%, then tools for processing vegetation (24.5%), leatherworking (10.2%), for straightening metal products (whetstones, 8%). It is noteworthy that all whetstones bear traces of work with iron objects. At present, the results of the first stage of the traceological study of tools from Abylai are in print.

Excavations have shown that the Abylai settlement has two stages of development (Fig. 8). Judging by the excavation data, the development of the settlement proceeded from north to south. The first stage includes a group of small dwellings and outbuildings, an oval household structure, and a large pit with numerous animal bones (Fig. 8.-1). This pit was then backfilled and the second stage structures were built directly above it.

The excavation area 2016-2020 contained over 11,000 fragments of bones of domestic animals, which are now at the stage of archaeozoological research. In addition to such aspects as determining the composition of the herd, age categories, the most important were the results of determining the seasons of the slaughter of animals. Concerning the results of this work, 2 of the most interesting conclusions can be noted.

1) Over 5,000 bones have been found in the cultural layer of the settlement. Samples taken from these bones to determine the slaughter season showed that the animals were slaughtered during the period from late autumn to early spring. This conclusion proves that people lived in the settlement during the winter months. Thus, the previously expressed opinions about the winter character of the settlements [Beisenov, 2015] are confirmed by the results of archaeozoological studies.

2) In a large pit measuring 8x4 m, 0.7-0.9 m deep (Fig. 8.-1), over 6,000 bones of domestic animals were found. Samples taken from these bones showed that the animals died at the same time — during the early spring. According to the experts, this shows that in the settlement there was a fact of mass death of domestic animals due to hunger in the case of spring lack of food ("jute"in the ethnography of Kazakhs) or due to epizootics. These and other results carried out by a group of specialists led by P.A. Kosintsev are currently in print.

Pit No.4 from the excavations in 2019 is interesting. This pit is large (5.9x3.45x0.43-0.8 m) and is filled with ash soil. Only a small number of animal bones were found in it. It resembles the cesspools of ancient settlements. Along with this, it can be attributed to the type of catchment pits known from the ethnography of Kazakhs in the eastern regions of Central Kazakhstan. Such pits could be specially arranged in special areas of the settlement and serve for the drainage of rain and melt water. This was dictated by the conditions for the functioning of such settlements on the upper slopes, surrounded by rocky peaks. The streams of water flowing from them could create considerable problems for the inhabitants, as in ethnographic times. Similar pits filled with ash and ash-like soil, narrow ditches have already been encountered in previous excavations of the Edirei-3 settlements, excavation 2; Sarybuyrat; Abylai, excavation 1. Now you can add the settlement of Kulzhan-1 to them.

The burial of Korgantas time [Beisenov, 2017; Shulga, 2015b] discovered on the 2020 excavation area is already the second case for this settlement — the first was found in 2016

[Beisenov et al., 2018]. Such facts provide an additional and important basis for determining the upper date of settlements. The burials on the area of the Abylai settlement are not the first facts of identifying korgantas burials that cut through the layer of the Saka period. Earlier, one burial was opened at the areas of the settlements Kyzylsuir-2 and Shiderty-2. As it is stated above, these facts show that by the emergence of a new population group, by the 4th century. BC, the settlements of the tasmola culture were already abandoned. The new Korgantas burial once again brings the Abylai settlement closer to other previously studied sites of this category. If as the lower boundary of the date of the settlement of Abylai, like other settlements of Central Kazakhstan, take the period of the 8th — 7th centuries. BC, then the upper date should fit into the framework of the V century BC. Such a broad date for the settlement of the tasmola range is based on current evidence and clarification should be expected from future research.

Fig. 9. Kazakh wintering Jibekschoky Рис. 9. Казахская зимовка Жибекшокы

Fig. 10. Saka settlement and wintering of the Kazakh time on the slope of Ayrtas mountain: 1-3 — Kazakh dwellings; 4 — the area of the Sakа settlement Рис. 10. Сакское поселение и зимовка казахского времени на склоне горы Айыртас: 1-3 — казахские жилища; 4 — площадь сакского поселения

For ethnographic parallels, materials from 50 Kazakh wintering sites were used, which were found and examined by a group led by the author. All of them are located in the places where the Saka settlements are located. As already noted [Beisenov, 2021b], the topography of the Kazakh winterings and Saka settlements surprisingly coincide. Winterings are also located on the slopes of mountains and high hills (Fig. 9). It is well known from ethnography that Kazakh pastoralists chose winter places based on such practical considerations that there is not a lot of snow on the mountain slopes in winter, which is harmful especially for small livestock. On the slopes, which are blown by the wind, cattle graze in winter. In the spring, Kazakhs went to the plain, to the river banks.

In some cases, the wintering grounds of Kazakhs and Saka settlements are located in the same area, such as on the slope of Mount Ayrtas (Fig. 10). In addition, there are numerous facts of the discovery of stone tools from the Saka period in the areas of Kazakh wintering grounds (Fig. 11). Kazakhs of the eastern regions of Central Kazakhstan in the 19th century lived in cold and snowy winter, coupled, moreover, with frequent winds. The Saka tribes likely lived in the same natural and climatic conditions.

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Fig. 11. Materials of Kazakh winterings: 1 — the remains of the walls of wintering Aznabai; 2-5 stone tools of the Saka era, wintering Aznabai; 6-11 — stone tools of the Saka era, wintering Soltan Рис. 11. Материалы казахских зимовок: 1 — остатки стен зимовки Азнабай; 2-5 — каменные орудия сакской эпохи на площади зимовки Азнабай; 6-11 — каменные орудия сакской эпохи на зимовке Солтан


Ceramics from the Saka settlements of Northern and Central Kazakhstan [Beisenov, Shulga, Loman, 2017] finds very close analogies in many adjacent regions. One of these regions is the Altai Territory (Russian Federation). First of all, we are talking about the ceramics of the Kulunda settlements [Frolov, 2013], which has important differences from the ceramics of the settlements of the Forest-Steppe Altai [Stepanova, Frolov, 2017] and Gorny Altai [Shulga, 2015a]. The early Saka appearance of the Kulunda sites does not raise any objections.

The author considers the settlements of the eastern regions of Central Kazakhstan studied at the present stage to be the wintering places of the population of the tasmola culture, which in the natural and climatic conditions of the eastern part of the Kazakh Uplands led a semi-settled way of life [Makhortykh, Ievlev, 1991]. This population had small winter camps assigned to individual communities, located in a system of hills.

One of the unexplored aspects is the lack of data on summer parking. Such places, according to some observations, should be expected at short distances from winter places, along river valleys.

Earlier, the author dated these settlements within the 7th-5th centuries BC. [Beisenov, 2015]. In any case, their date is within the entire period of the existence of the tasmola culture, within the 8th -5th centuries. BC [Arman Z Beisenov et all., 2016].

Fagan and DeCors wrote that "the settlements are not randomly distributed over the land" and "practical considerations lie behind their distribution" [Fagan, DeCors, 2007: 412]. Speaking about the "dynamic relationships" of settlements with the outside world, they also note that "some of them are almost impossible to discern without careful use of analogies with living communities" [Fagan, DeKors, 2007: 414]. In the study of Saka settlements, the use of ethnographic materials is a justified method. We do not know all the nuances of the natural and climatic conditions of Saka time [Frolov, 2016], except for general concepts. At the same time, the familiar conditions of life and everyday life of the Kazakh time can be used in scientific research on the Saka era.

The magnificent Saka gold of the Kazakh steppe cultures enchants archaeologists. Behind the glitter of this gold lies the life of an ancient people, many aspects of which remain little known to us [Beisenov, 2020].


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INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR / ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ОБ АВТОРЕ Arman Ziyadenovitch Beisenov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of "Begazy-Tasmola" Research Center of History and Archaeology, Almaty, Kazakstan Бейсенов Арман Зияденович, кандидат исторических наук, директор Научно-исследовательского центра истории и археологии «Бегазы-Тасмола», г. Алматы, Казахстан

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