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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Qodirov S.S., Qochqarov I.A.

The problem of monitoring the educational achievements of students, which is not at all new for the school, is currently becoming particularly relevant. To a certain extent, this is due to the processes of democratization in the General education system. The coexistence of different types of schools in our country, working on different programs and textbooks, creates a situation that is fraught with the danger of disintegration of the unified educational space in the past.

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UDC 378.1

Qodirov S.S. teacher Qochqarov I.A. teacher

department of interfaculty foreign languages faculty of foreign languages Andijan State University Uzbekistan, Andijan


Annotation: The problem of monitoring the educational achievements of students, which is not at all new for the school, is currently becoming particularly relevant. To a certain extent, this is due to the processes of democratization in the General education system. The coexistence of different types of schools in our country, working on different programs and textbooks, creates a situation that is fraught with the danger of disintegration of the unified educational space in the past.

Key words: assessment, definition, examination, students, educational standard, training.

First of all, the state standard, which sets a single educational minimum for all types of schools, is intended to prevent an undesirable gap. The functions include establishing regular monitoring of the level of achievement by students of the requirements of the educational standard, ensuring a unified approach to assessing the quality of student training, tracking and equalizing the quality of teaching in all schools in the country.

In these conditions, it was necessary to clarify or re-solve a number of issues related to the organization of final control, the content of control and measuring materials, the technology of conducting control sections, the system for assessing the level of achievement of the state standard requirements.

Control is an important component of the learning process. In English language classes, as well as in other subjects, the control performs two functions - actually checking and diagnostic. In the first case, the purpose of the control is to determine the level of training of students in the Russian language, in the second-to identify insufficiently firmly learned topics, to find out the reasons that make it difficult to master the material.

In any case, the control provides feedback: it timely signals to the teacher about the success or gaps in students' knowledge, about the need to return with the entire class to the previously passed and insufficiently mastered material of the majority of students, or to provide timely assistance to individual students who lag behind.

The teaching and educational role of control is also well known. Regularly conducted thematic and final control organizes the work of students and teachers, ensures a sufficiently high level of teaching of all sections of the course, contributes

to the systematization of students ' knowledge, the development of their more solid skills, helps children objectively assess their success, generates incentives to learn, forms a responsible, respectful attitude to their own educational activities.

By place in the educational process, the current (thematic) and final control are allocated. The current control is carried out in the process of studying a particular topic and, as a rule, consists in checking the assimilation of new material. The final control, as the name implies, is held at the end of the study of the topic, section, or entire course of Russian language and checks the assimilation of all the main, basic concepts studied by the time of the test, and mastering the leading target skills.

As a measure of the level of training of the Russian language in the school traditionally uses the following activities: recitation, dictation, presentation, composition, various types of works related to the analysis of the text (questions on the content of text, formulation of the topic and main idea statements, plan text, thesis, etc.).

Recently, tests have been added to these measures.

None of these measures is universal, but when used in a complex, they make it possible to check the preparation of students with sufficient completeness.

The choice of the meter is determined by the object being checked and the verification conditions. Knowledge and learning skills are evaluated by oral questioning or testing; practice literacy (spelling, punctuation, culture and language) through the written work of a particular type (dictation, summaries, essays), receptive communicative skills through text analysis, effective communication skills - by creating a text (essay) or oral statements.

The meter selected for verification must match the verification goals and the object being checked.

To test practical literacy (skills), you should use other measures - dictation, presentation, or composition. Practice, including a three-year experience of conducting a Unified state exam, shows that the same students who performed well on spelling tests made many spelling mistakes in the composition.

Thus, when checking the spelling skills of students, you should distinguish between two levels of literacy -the level of spelling skills and the level of spelling skills. Each of them is checked by a "different" meter: the first by testing, the second by writing.

When choosing a meter, you should consider its potential capabilities. There are measures that are unidirectional and narrowly targeted (for example, dictation tests only spelling skills), and there are complex measures that allow you to simultaneously test different aspects of your native language training. These complex measures include presentations and essays.

With the help of presentation, for example, testing a number of skills in two kinds of speech activity - listening, and speaking: the ability to understand and remember the content of the statements, perceived aurally or visually, to understand the logic of the development of ideas, to keep in memory the most typical language means to create based heard more or less adequate secondary text on the basis of which it will be possible to draw a conclusion about how the student fluent speech, in particular the norms of the literary language, and what is its spelling and punctuation


When you use the integrated meter of the criterion-oriented should be the analysis of work and its assessment, i.e. to check and no need to assess the presentation (or essay) as a whole, and the skills that it tests. That is why in the current "norms of assessment..." it is recommended that each presentation and essay be evaluated with at least two marks.

For the current test of knowledge and skills, both an oral survey and testing are used. For final control, the test is the most convenient measure. Using a well-designed final test, you can check each student's preparation for all major sections of the course. The advantages of a test check over an oral interview in this case are obvious. For the same reason, testing seems to be the most convenient form of checking competencies - linguistic and linguistic. We should immediately note that the test control is not suitable for testing productive communication skills.

Testing provides:

• validity of the check, completeness of coverage of the controlled object-competence, section, or entire course;

• democratic procedure: all students are in equal conditions, performing the same (similar) tasks;

- cleanliness of the result: students sitting next to each other perform different versions of the same test;

• objective evaluation and significant savings in time spent on verification, especially if computers are used for processing results;

• the ability to certify a student on the basis of an integral assessment - -the sum of points gained by them for the performance of a work covering a full course of the Russian language.

These advantages of testing in total overlap with its weaknesses, such as the inability to ensure the depth of verification and avoid a certain percentage of answers-guesses.

Thus, training and monitoring are two parts of the same process. They are regulated by the same state documents, in particular the State educational standard. The content of the control is determined by the learning goals formulated in the standard in the language of competencies. The competence approach implemented in the control system assumes that the object of verification is not individual knowledge, skills and abilities, but three competencies - linguistic, linguistic and communicative. In this case, the final work completely controls the learning process.

When conducting such work, various test tasks are used as meters: with the choice of an answer, with a short answer, with a detailed answer (essay).

The system of work assessment is also changing: instead of a generalized, actually qualitative characteristic of work results by means of a five-point school scale, an analytical quantitative characteristic of all components is used, which is synthesized and allows a more accurate and objective assessment of a particular competence. This approach (combined with the possibility of using computer technology) provides much greater objectivity of results.

Sources used:

1. Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu., Moiseeva M.V. New pedagogical and information technology in the education system. - M.: Publishing. Academy 2002.

2. G.T. Qodirova. Linguistic and communicative competence in learning language. International conference., 2016, p.441.

3. N.A. Odilova., M.U. Irgashev. Information and communication technology in language learning. International conference., 2016, p.439.

4. Galeev I.Kh. Automation of testing knowledge of students. - Kazan, 1998.

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