НЕРАЗРЫВНОСТЬ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И ЖИЗНИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Шевченко А.А.

В данной работе рассматривается такое выражение: «образование __ это не просто подготовка к жизни, а это и есть жизнь». Данное выражение рассматривается, поскольку образование играет ключевую роль в жизни каждого человека. Чтобы доказать справедливость данного выражения, в статье приведены доказательства в его пользу (по мнению автора).

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In this article the following expression is considered: "education is not preparation for life: education is life itself". This expression is considered, since education plays a key role in the life of each person. To prove the validity of this expression, the article provides evidence in its favor (in the author's opinion).

Текст научной работы на тему «НЕРАЗРЫВНОСТЬ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И ЖИЗНИ»

УДК 171

Шевченко А.А. студент 4 курса факультет «Управления и бизнеса» Кемеровский институт (филиал) РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова


Аннотация: В данной работе рассматривается такое выражение:

«образование_это не просто подготовка к жизни, а это и есть жизнь».

Данное выражение рассматривается, поскольку образование играет ключевую роль в жизни каждого человека. Чтобы доказать справедливость данного выражения, в статье приведены доказательства в его пользу (по мнению автора).

Ключевые слова: образование, подготовка, жизнь.

Shevchenko А. А.

4th year Bachelor's Degree student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Kemerovo Institute (branch) Kemerovo


Annotation: In this article the following expression is considered: "education is not preparation for life: education is life itself'. This expression is considered, since education plays a key role in the life of each person. To prove the validity of this expression, the article provides evidence in its favor (in the author's opinion).

Keywords: education, preparation, life.

We can communicate with our friends, parents, relatives and so on in our country. Someone can say that education is preparation for life, but someone can say that education is life itself. In our view education is not preparation for life: education is life itself. Since childhood children are got off to school in order to get knowledge there. That means we are given the essential information from an early age thus habituating us that every year it is going to be more and more information while we are getting older, developing and starting to understand that where this information can be used in the future.

Further just a while ago school child that had recently finished school has to define what educational sphere he wanted to continue his education and to get the necessary skills for oneself. Here is the second stage of education: entrance to University where a student can get only the most necessary knowledge that he would be able to put into practice that is for example on a particular trade company if University where he had got education was in Economic sphere.

On the average by the end of school and getting Bachelor's Degree a person is 22 already [1]. Providing that a human averagely lives to being 80 years-old it means he devotes the quarter of his life to education. But not each person stops at

Bachelor's Degree, someone can continue his education and to get Master's Degree, then to become postgraduate and even to become doctorate. That means in these cases a human spends just about third part of own life.

A human studies in order to become a specialist in the future doing his favorite occupation. Especially the longest period of education is provided for students of medical college as they must get the deepest knowledge in order to cure ill people with the less risk.

So if we pay to education such a significant part of our lives education is life itself, is not it? Certainly education can be called as a part of our lives because our life is a run that is going since birth till death. After we were born we should learn to perceive surrounding us world. During this period a human is developing and in some years he is getting able to perceive educational information that would be useful in the future profession so that is all that a human collides in his path of life, but that means that education is part of our lives [2].

Let us come up with one more argument in that education is not just preparation for life but is life itself. Getting education for example already in University, a human attends it every day where he can always see his friends, communicate with them that is he is in pleasant atmosphere for himself and he lives with these emotions but he doesn't just gives his effort off to educational activity. Of course, a student must also communicate with teachers that is necessary for elimination of misunderstanding in some discipline or for getting to know something that a student is interested in. Because understanding each discipline there would be a chance for student to become a high qualified specialist. But there again if a student just studied without getting distracted on communication with his friends and just lived with educational activity only, that would be called routine because it 's hard to say that it's life.

And there are the people that just adore a particular country and they are ready to go there and to get education right there no matter how far this country is because they love language that is spoken population of this country or they love the people, their cultural values, traditions or something else. It means we can see that atmosphere where a human is getting education causes an essential influence to himself that's why a human in order to feel comfortable and to live with real pleasant getting education is ready to a lot of things and even to leave his own country. He wants to live with pleasant right now and he can be on the edge of doing extremally changeable his own life things. And that is life.

But there is also need to say that a human gets knowledge not just within the walls of University. The life provides a lessons, makes to learn from own and others mistakes __ and here we are talking about School of life as education is not just a process of getting knowledge within the walls a school or a university but it is also a process of intellect, temper development but also personality's physical education.

Throughout the life we learn and study: we learn how to cope with difficulties, different hardships that just make us even stronger. Every day we discover something new for ourselves for example even an overheard news from a television or a radio.

To sum up it all, education in the broadest sense of the word is integral part of our lives. While getting education we cannot just get essential educational knowledge that we would be able to use in our future sphere of activity but we can also communicate, expand our circle of contacts and express all the emotions that we are able to express extramurally. In complexion of getting knowledge and permanent communicating with pleasant people while getting useful skills, it forms part of our lives that is called education. And a long time ago Seneca said: "It doesn't matter how long you live, you should study throughout the life". And now it is really possible to say that education is not preparation for life: education is life itself.

Использованные источники:

1. Рудь А. Образование для разнообразия / [Электронный ресурс]: электронный сайт журнала «Куда пойти учиться» - Режим доступа: http://kpuz.idsocium.ru/news.php?extend.73.

2. Михайлов А. В. Школа как самообучающаяся организация // Непрерывное образование: XXI век. Выпуск 1, 2013

УДК: 37.012.3

Яковчук И.К. музыкальный-руководитель Муниципальное бюджетное дошкольное образовательное учреждение детский сад № 33 "звездочка "


Аннотация: исследования влияния музыки на человека ведутся с античных времён. Общеизвестно, что классическая музыка, например, такая, как композиции Моцарта, оказывает положительное влияние на способности к обучению у взрослых и детей. Это подтверждают многочисленные эксперименты.

Для данного исследования детям дошкольного возраста было предложено решать арифметические задачи, а затем слушать композиции Эдварда Грига. Первая группа детей повторно решала похожие задачи во время прослушивания, вторая - сразу после, а третья - через сутки после. Четвёртая группа, контрольная, не слушала музыку, детям, вошедшим в эту группу, было также предложено позже повторно решить задачи.

Ключевые слова: дошкольное образование, развитие математических способностей, экспериментальная педагогика.

Yakovchuk K. I., a music-head Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten № 33 " Zvezdochka" Russia, Mytishchi

Abstract: studies of the influence of music on humans have been conducted since ancient times. It is well known that classical music, such as Mozart's compositions, has a positive impact on the ability to learn in adults and children. This is confirmed by numerous experiments.

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