NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF COMPUTER GAMES ON ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
adolescence / social isolation / aggression / violence / depression / distraction / gaming addiction / fear / paranoia / stress

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — J. Shermatov

This article, entitled "Adverse effects of computer games on the psyche and health of adolescents", explores the complex and multifaceted effects of computer games on the lives of adolescents. The article deeply analyzes the psychological, social and physical negative consequences of this cultural phenomenon, which is widespread among teenagers in modern society. The study examines the effects of computer games on the psyche of adolescents, including psychological conditions such as aggression, anxiety, depression and gaming addiction, as well as social consequences such as social withdrawal and academic decline. It aims to provide parents and careers with practical advice on how to manage teenagers' playtime and how to protect their health.

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Shermatov Javahir Sherzodovich

Teacher of Karshi International University https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11080775

Abstract. This article, entitled "Adverse effects of computer games on the psyche and health of adolescents", explores the complex and multifaceted effects of computer games on the lives of adolescents. The article deeply analyzes the psychological, social and physical negative consequences of this cultural phenomenon, which is widespread among teenagers in modern society. The study examines the effects of computer games on the psyche of adolescents, including psychological conditions such as aggression, anxiety, depression and gaming addiction, as well as social consequences such as social withdrawal and academic decline. It aims to provide parents and careers with practical advice on how to manage teenagers' playtime and how to protect their health.

Keywords: adolescence, social isolation, aggression, violence, depression, distraction, gaming addiction, fear, paranoia, stress.


The age of modern technology has become an integral part of the life of teenagers, significantly changing their daily activities, studies and social relations. One of the most visible examples of such changes is computer games, which are remarkable not only as an entertainment activity, but also in terms of psychological and physical effects. Today, many teenagers spend most of their time exploring virtual worlds. Although this gives them temporary joy and excitement, it can also cause negative consequences. This article, on the topic "Negative effects of computer games on the psyche and health of adolescents", analyzes in depth how computer games can have negative effects on the mental and physical condition of adolescents. We'll also look at how to identify and combat these issues so our teens can look forward to a healthy and happy future.

When talking about the negative impact of computer games on the psyche of teenagers, we need to consider several main issues. These issues include:

Aggression and violence: Some studies show that video games with strong elements of violence can increase aggressive behavior in teenagers. The violence shown during the games can make teenagers prone to the same behavior in real life.

Declining Social Skills When adolescents spend less time in social settings, their opportunities to develop social skills decrease. As a result, they may have difficulty communicating with others, such as problems understanding nonverbal cues and physical reactions. Social Isolation If teenagers withdraw from social life, it can cause them to feel isolated. This condition can cause psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

Strains in family relationships can also affect family relationships when teenagers spend most of their time playing games. Communication and understanding between parents and children decrease, which can cause family conflicts. This can be prevented by maintaining a balance of time, encouraging adolescents to participate in a variety of activities, including sports, arts, and other social activities. Parental supervision and support can help teens become more socially active

by limiting playtime and planning family activities. Social skills classes, teaching social skills classes in schools or community centers, teaching teenagers communication and problem-solving skills. Through such approaches, it is possible to reduce the dependence of adolescents on computer games and improve their social skills.

The impact of computer games on the educational decline of adolescents is a very important issue. Video games can be time-consuming, taking away from the time teenagers should be spending on studying and homework. As a result, grades and academic performance may decline. We will consider this issue in more detail below. One of the main reasons for the decline in education is the improper management of time: in many cases, teenagers spend too much time playing games, which reduces the time allocated to study or homework. As a result of this lack of time management, the attention and resources needed for studying are reduced. The Distraction Factor Games, especially those played online, can be very distracting. Messages and notifications during games reduce the ability to concentrate on learning materials. As late-night gaming extends into the evening hours, teens may not be getting enough sleep, which can negatively affect their ability to concentrate and perform effectively at school the next day.

Decreased academic performance means more truancy, increased truancy due to spending more time playing games. Not participating in classes limits opportunities to learn new subjects and keep up with classmates. A decrease in the quality of homework, spending a lot of time on games reduces the time left for homework, which leads to absenteeism. Failure to properly complete homework will negatively affect students' grades. Games can limit time and attention to deep learning of learning materials. which leads to absenteeism. Failure to properly complete homework will negatively affect students' grades. Games can limit time and attention to deep learning of learning materials. Educating teenagers about the long-term consequences of choosing between games and education, supporting other interests of teenagers, teenagers who spend a lot of time on computer games avoid social activities and become friends. It can weaken relationships with friends and family. This hinders the development of their social skills. Games can be time-consuming and take away from the time teenagers should be spending on school or homework. As a result, grades and academic performance may decline.

Sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time can cause physical health problems such as poor eyesight, excess weight, and neck and back pain.

It is well known that computer games cause psychological problems. Excessive gaming can cause psychological problems such as fear, anxiety, and depression in some teenagers. Also, in some cases, addiction or compulsion to games can be observed. In order to prevent such negative effects, it is important for parents and educators to limit the time teenagers play, encourage their social and physical activity, and help them develop different interests.

When it comes to the presence of violent elements in computer games and the impact of these elements on the psyche of adolescents, opinions may differ between studies, but many studies show that fluent games affect the behavior of teenagers.

In one meta-analysis study by Anderson and Bushman, regular exposure to violent elements in video games was found to increase levels of aggression in adolescents and young adults. These studies suggest that teens who play violent games may be more likely to behave aggressively in real life. Playing violent games promotes aggressive thinking, aggressive emotions, and aggressive behavior. Players may learn to apply violence in the virtual environment to everyday situations, which may negatively affect their social adjustment. Research also suggests

that cultural and social factors also play an important role. For example, the effects of violent games may vary from culture to culture because each society has a different view of violence. It is important for parents and caregivers to pay attention to their children's play choices and monitor their play time. Approaches such as teaching teenagers about proper behavior in real life, teaching them various social skills and stress management techniques are also helpful.

Modern computer games are characterized by their deep content and immersive (yellowing) structure. Players may spend more time in the virtual world completing important tasks, developing complex strategies, and developing virtual friendships, which negatively affects real-world relationships can cause a variety of psychological problems in children, including fear, anxiety, depression, and even serious problems such as gaming addiction. Below we provide more detailed information about these cases.

1. Anxiety and Depression. Spending too much time on games, especially by giving up regular social interactions, can predispose teenagers to anxiety and depression. Games provide short-term gratification, but this gratification does not last long, and after the game ends, the adolescent may feel lonely and culturally isolated. In addition, playing games to avoid real-life problems can secretly increase psychological stress and anxiety.

2. Addiction to Games. Psychological addiction is the feeling of not being able to control the game playing and the desire to play the game constantly. This situation negatively affects the routine, education, social and family relationships of adolescents. Signs of addiction include feeling like you can't do without gaming, hiding or lying about your gaming time, and unsuccessful attempts to limit gaming.

3. Fear and Paranoia. Some games with strong elements of violence or fear, especially when played at night, can increase the fear and paranoia in teenagers. Such games, especially those with realistic graphics, can affect the imagination of teenagers and affect their ability to distinguish between real and virtual worlds.

4. Stress and Physical Symptoms. Stress and anxiety are often accompanied by physical symptoms, such as headaches, abdominal pain, rapid heart rate, and sleep problems. These symptoms also have a negative impact on the general health of adolescents.


In conclusion, it should be noted that we need to understand more deeply the impact of computer games on the psyche and health of adolescents. Games are not only a means of passing time, but also their psychological, social and physical consequences have an important place in the life of teenagers. In this article, we have highlighted the negative effects of computer games, including aggression, social withdrawal, academic decline, physical health problems, and psychological distress. At the same time, we gave practical recommendations to parents and educators to protect teenagers from these negative consequences and ensure their healthy development.

The perfect approach to computer games is not to completely reject them, but to control them skillfully. By limiting playtime, encouraging a variety of activities, and supporting adolescents' successful adjustment to real life, we can improve their overall well-being. Most importantly, we need to help our teens find a healthy balance between their online and offline lives. Games are not only an entertainment product, but their internal content and presentation can play a big role in shaping the psyche and behavior of teenagers. Therefore, it is necessary to establish reasonable control over the selection of games and the time spent with them. Thus,

computer games play an important role in the development of teenagers in today's world, but by understanding the dangers associated with these games and developing strategies against them, we can create a brighter future for our teenagers.


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