NECESSARY MECHANISMS FOR USING INTERACTIVE METHODS IN LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mamataliyeva Z.A.

This article discusses the necessary mechanisms for using interactive methods in the classroom.

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УДК 374

Mamataliyeva Z.A.

Andijan Machine-building institute Uzbekistan, Andijan



Abstract: This article discusses the necessary mechanisms for using interactive methods in the classroom.

Keywords: method, methodology, interactive methods, technical requirements, scientific requirements

In the traditional organization of the educational process, a one-way form of communication is used as a way of transferring information. Its essence lies in the transmission of information by the teacher and in its subsequent reproduction by the student. The student is in a situation where he only reads, hears, speaks about certain areas of knowledge, taking only the position of the perceiver. Sometimes one-sidedness can be violated (for example, when the student clarifies something or asks a question), and then two-way communication occurs. A one-way form of communication is present not only in lectures, but also in practical ones. The only difference is that it is not the teacher, but the student who broadcasts some information. These can be answers to questions posed by the teacher before the start of the workshop, abstracts, reproduction of lecture material. This form of communication does not meet the principles of the competence-based approach. Fundamentally different is the form of multilateral communication in the educational process. The essence of this communication model presupposes not just the admission of students' statements, which is important in itself, but the introduction of their knowledge into the educational process.

Teaching that is open in a communicative sense is characterized by the following statements:

1. Students are better at mastering certain skills if they are allowed to approach the subject through their own experience.

2. Students learn better if the teacher actively supports their way of assimilating knowledge.

3. Students perceive the material better if the teacher, on the one hand, structures the subject for easier assimilation, on the other hand, accepts and includes in the discussion the opinions of students that do not coincide with his own point of view.

The transition to a competence-based approach in organizing the learning process provides for the widespread use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role-playing games, analysis of specific situations, psychological and other trainings) in combination with extracurricular work. The proportion of classes conducted in

interactive forms ... in the educational process should be at least 20 percent of classroom lessons.

Difficulties in the use of interactive methods in the educational process by teachers:

• lack of knowledge of the content of the method; • inability to apply it in practice;

• lack of understanding of the place of the method in the structure of the lesson;

• lack of faith in the effectiveness of the application of methods in the learning process.

The proposed methodological manual contains instructions that reveal the content of the concept of interactive teaching methods, the technological process and recommendations for the practical application of methods in the structure of the lesson.

The competence-based approach to the organization of the educational process requires the teacher to change the learning process: its structure, forms of organization of activities, principles of interaction between subjects. And this means that priority in the work of a teacher is given to dialogical methods of communication, joint searches for truth, and various creative activities. All this is realized through the use of interactive teaching methods. The word "interactive" came to us from English from the word "interact". "Inter" is "mutual", "act" is to act. Interactivity is the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with someone (person) or something (for example, a computer). The educational process is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved in the learning process, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and what they think. The peculiarity of interactive methods is a high level of mutually directed activity of the subjects of interaction, emotional, spiritual unity of the participants. Compared to traditional forms of teaching, the interaction between the teacher and the student is changing in interactive learning: the teacher's activity gives way to the students' activity, and the teacher's task is to create conditions for their initiative. In the course of interactive learning, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on the analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, participate in discussions, communicate with other people. To do this, pair and group work is organized in the classroom, research projects, role-playing games are used, work is underway with documents and various sources of information, and creative work is used.

The student becomes a full participant in the educational process, his experience is the main source of educational knowledge. The teacher does not give ready-made knowledge, but encourages the participants to search for themselves and acts as an assistant in their work.

Interactive forms of conducting classes:

• arouse students' interest;

• encourage the active participation of everyone in the educational process;

• appeal to the feelings of each learner;

• contribute to the effective assimilation of educational material;

• have a multifaceted impact on stude nts;

• provide feedback (audience response);

• form students' opinions and attitudes;

• form life skills;

• promote behavior change.

Note that the most important condition for this is the teacher's personal experience of participation in interactive training sessions. They can only be learned through personal participation in a game, brainstorming or discussion.


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