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Ключевые слова
national-patriotic education / values / national consciousness / self-identity / socialactivity / the elite of the nation / національно-патріотичне виховання / національнасвідомість і самосвідомість / громадська активність / еліта нації / мова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Navchuk H.I., Navchuk I.V., Shutak L.B.

The article deals with what most of the universities, includingmedical, work on the preparations pecialistsing eneraland professionals-patriots. There fore the subjects of Ukraine studies series play animport antrolein this as pectwhich constitute the core of national patriotice ducation.

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У статті йдеться про те, що ВНЗ, зокрема й медичні, маютьготувати не просто спеціалістів, а фахівців-патріотів, творчо йгромадсько-активних. Особливо важливу роль, з цього погляду,відіграють предмети українознавчого циклу, насамперед мова,що становить серцевину національно-патріотичного виховання.


was carried out mainly with a cross, black and red cotton threads.

The bridegroom was sewed and embroidered by the bride herself and handed it over to her on the eve of the wedding. The main part of the female costume was also a shirt. In appearance, the shirts were

tselnokroenye with sewn sleeves and integral whole shirts.

Shirts were decorated with embroidery: everyday people are very modest, and festive, especially wedding, differed rich in ornamentation. Especially magnificently decorated sleeves, less - a cut of the gate and hem.

Kuban shirt

A modest towel was intended for the Cossack on the road. A necessary accessory was a shoe, symbolizing a long, happy road, and two lilies of red and blue. For the harvest, a very long towel (up to three and a half meters) was planned, separated by a width of a number of woven strips, its ends were ornamented with a floral pattern: cornflowers, bells and spikelets.

Reviving centuries-old traditions, customs of the Kuban Cossacks, where there are unique conditions for the formation and study of national potential. Connect not only to the culture of your region, but also to the social culture and spiritual heritage of our country. They help and continue to shape the youth's moral-aesthetic attitude to life.

Traditional Kuban culture is associated with continuous everyday processes of human life. Like any system phenomenon, it is a multilevel, multidimensional and multifunctional education. Taking into account the specifics of the origin of the Kuban Cossacks, the ethnic aspect should come first. In traditional culture, a specific layer with features of the Cossack way of life and Cossack psychology accumulates. This layer

is largely innovative. Magic, aesthetic and entertaining functions of culture are quite obvious.

Folk art is a product of the centuries-old experience of a large number of masters of different generations and it clearly embodies the basic principles of this type of artistic creation: stylization, transformation, flatness, decorativeness, ornamentality of the whole and its parts, rejection of all chance, insignificant, accentuation of the most expressive.


1. History of the Kuban / Pod. Ed. The cube. GU Shchetneva, V.E. - Krasnodar: The Kuban Book Publishers, 2004.

2. Maltseva L.V. Cuban studies in the classroom of fine arts in the secondary school. - Krasnodar: Tradition, 2010.

3. Maltseva L.V. Development of artistic and creative abilities of schoolchildren through the means of fine arts (based on the ethno-cultural culture of the Krasnodar Territory). - Krasnodar: Ekoinvest, 2009.

4. Turanina N., Shaternikova N., Mythological semantics of folk life, Belgorod, 2002.


Навчук Г.В.,

кандидат фiлологiчних наук, доцент кафедри сустльних наук та укра'шознавства «Буковинський державний медичний ^верситет»

Навчук 1.В.,

доцент кафедри соцiальноi медицини та орган1зацИ охорони здоров'я «Буковинський державний медичний ^верситет»

Шутак Л.Б.

кандидат фiлологiчних наук, доцент кафедри суспшьних наук та укра'шознавства «Буковинський державний медичний ^верситет»



Navchuk H.I.,

PhD, Associate Professor of Social Sciences «Bukovina State Medical University» Navchuk I. V.,

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Medicine

and the Organization of Health Care «Bukovinian State Medical University» Shutak L.B.

PhD, Associate Professor of Social Sciences «Bukovina State Medical University»


У статп вдеться про те, що ВНЗ, зокрема й медичш, маютьготувати не просто спещалюпв, а фахiвцiв-патрюпв, творчо йгромадсько-активних. Особливо важливу роль, з цього погляду,вщграють предмети украшознавчого циклу, насамперед мова,що становить серцевину нацюнально-патрютичного виховання.


The article deals with what most of the universities, includingmedical, work on the preparations pecialistsing eneraland professionals-patriots. There fore the subjects of Ukraine studies series play animport antrolein this as pectwhich constitute the core of national patriotice ducation.

Ключов1 слова: нацюнально-патрютичне виховання, нацюнальнасвщомють i самосвiдомiсть, гро-мадська активнiсть, елiта нацii,мова.

Keywords: national-patriotic education, values, national consciousness, self-identity, socialactivity, the elite of the nation.

At the present stage of development of an independent, democratic, legal Ukrainian state, the urgent task of the Ukrainian community is the problem of education of the new generation. The observation and rethinking of ideological orientations, the significant loss of spiritual values in society require the improvement of ways and methods of forming a qualitatively new thinking and a high level of national consciousness among students.

In the light of these assertions, the actual task for the national system of higher education is the formation of a powerful elite of the nation, patriotic, high moral, creative active, which will manifest its social position, will strive for self-realization, that is, the preparation not only of specialists, but primarily of nationally conscious citizens.

Proceedings of the classics of world pedagogy J. Komensky, J. Pestalozzi, A. Distervega, D. Locke, J.-J. Russo, G. Skovoroda, K. Ushinsky, P. Yurkevich, P. Lesgafta, S. Rusova, G. Vaschenko and others convincingly testify that the realization of the requirements of national education takes into account the nature, cultural-historical conditions, moral and spiritual the potential of each ethnic group, nation. Much has been done for the creative revival of Ukrainian national education and at the same time brought it to the modern level of scientific and cultural development of academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine AM Aleksiuk, P.P. Kononenko, AG Poodlemny, academicians of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine M.G. Stelmakhovich, D.O. Tcherzhevsky, well-known teachers and researchers O.I. Vishnevsky, V.I Kayukov, E.I. Syavalko, Yu.D. Rudenko and others.

The goal is to prove the importance of the educational disciplines of the Ukrainian-speaking cycle in the

national-language education of future medical professionals.

The task is to determine the methodological approaches to teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in higher education, in particular medical ones; to prove that the core of national-patriotic education is language training, therefore, the study of the Ukrainian language (by professional orientation) should become one of the components of vocational training.

Proceeding from the assertion that a citizen of a personality can not become a full-fledged citizen of the state, then a national and patriotic education is a reliable basis for the cultural and historical development of the nation, and accordingly, and everyone who represents it. In this regard, his role in the university as an important factor in the process of forming a highly skilled and highly moral expert, a harmonious, holistic, nationally conscious, patriotically oriented, public active person has become the subject of broad discussion. According to researchers, which we all share, the return to sources, the revival of spirituality, the development of ideals and values will contribute to filling the educational process with national content.

It should be noted that the formation of a patriot specialist is not just a transfer of knowledge, practical skills and skills, but a responsible and difficult matter. This is primarily the upbringing of the mind, the formation of a worldview, beliefs, moral values and principles, aesthetic tastes and preferences, that is, as VO wrote. Sukhomlinsky - "this is a painful carving and modeling of the finest features of the human face". Science has also proved that education and upbringing are a process of separation and profoundly national in nature, content and character. "As there is no man in general (abstract, faceless, without specific nationality), but there is a person Ukrainian, Russian, German,

Spaniard ..., so there is no education at all, but there is Ukrainian, Russian, German, Spanish ... upbringing". "Everyone must know his people and the people to know himself", - stressed the national philosopher-teacher G. Skovoroda. "If you are a Ukrainian, be it," he writes, "if you are a Pole, then be a Poles ... All is well in its place and in its degree". With these statements of prominent Ukrainian educators, one can not but agree.

In line with the foregoing, national-patriotic education in higher educational institutions, in particular medical ones, involves the formation and development of such a person who will be characterized by readiness to perform, in addition to professional, civil and constitutional duties for the protection of national-state interests, independence and integrity of Ukraine, the affirmation her sovereignty, etc.

The formation of such a person requires, as mentioned, the filling of all parts of the educational process with a content that would produce ideals and values, instilling love for all the native, as well as providing opportunities for constant spiritual perfection. We mean the objective reflection of the history of Ukraine, the clarification of the role of the Ukrainian language in state-building processes, an interesting presentation of the cultural achievements of the Ukrainian people, the study of state symbols, the representation of national scientific achievements, etc. A profound knowledge of the historical past of the native people, the acquisition of its national, spiritual values, and superior achievements in various fields are important components of the national-patriotic education of student youth, without which it is impossible to preserve historical memory, to develop spirituality.

Particularly important role in this context is played by the subjects of the Ukrainian studies cycle, which form the knowledge about Ukrainian society, its history, culture, language, mentality, in particular such as: History of Ukraine, History of Ukrainian Culture, Ukrainian Language in Professional Orientation, and as well as social and humanitarian disciplines, such as Philosophy, Fundamentals of Law, Religious Studies, Fundamentals of Psychology, Fundamentals of Pedagogy, Psychology of Communication, Fundamentals of Economic Theory, History of Medicine, etc.

Before the teachers of these subjects there is a difficult task: not only to provide students with a certain amount of knowledge, but also to attach them to the achievements of national and world culture, to form their national outlook and corresponding moral principles, to prepare the future nationally conscious physician, who will be able to develop medicine in the future and at the same time, will be a true patriot of his state.

It should be noted that the core of national-patriotic education is language training, because "who do not know the people, on earth, lives, or does not speak it, that haggies, or hired, or occupant".

Anyone who strives to succeed in life, to become a good specialist, will definitely have to use the language to do this. On the basis of language and con-creteno-sensory experience, a person grows up as a person. Moreover, every educated person claiming the status of a cultural person, on the one hand, must realize

himself as a representative of world civilization and a bearer of universal human moral and ethical and spiritual values, and on the other - a citizen of a certain state and a carrier of the corresponding national culture and language as its cranial spine.

There is a direct connection between the assimilation of the native language and the formation of patriotism and personality values. Thus, the world-famous linguist and linguist Alexander Potebnja asserted: "Language is not only a given system of means of cognition, as well as knowledge is not separated from other aspects of human life. What we know affects us aesthetically and morally. Language - is at the same time a way of creating aesthetic and moral ideals, "the source of the birth of patriotic feelings.

Apparently, on the basis of these considerations, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine developed a strategy for language education, which became a separate subdivision of the National Doctrine of Education Development. Its main purpose is to raise respect for the Ukrainian (state) language, and, accordingly, to the Ukrainian state, as well as to contribute to the formation of the humanistic worldview, moral and ethical beliefs, patriotism, aesthetic tastes, etc.

The above is successfully implemented in the process of teaching the "Ukrainian language for professional orientation" at the BDMU. In particular, the emphasis is on the fact that the Ukrainian state recognition of the Ukrainian language is a necessary element of the careers, socially prestigious. At the same time, all attention focuses on mastering in accordance with the specialtytherninosystems modern modern Ukrainian language, professional phraseology, scientific and production genres and texts, polishing culturecommunica-tion, cultivating a good linguistic taste, difficulties in using personal stereotypes. Otherwise, on the applied nature of the professional formulation, on the fact that the language is a collection of rules, and above all a system of knowledge, the culture of coexistence in society, a means self-formation and expression of personality.

Particular weight in this regard is also the strategy of language training of scientific and scientific and pedagogical staff, since the construction of a democratic state is impossible without a nationally conscious, patriotically oriented youth, whose education and training they will be engaged in.

For teachers and scholars, the service is perfected by a tool not only for the formation of personal thoughts, but also for the impact on other people, above all students. Therefore, every teacher and scientist, caring for the growth of profession, career, should accelerate the capture of the state language, the culture of conducting threats, discussions, to be able to correctly and accurately express their thoughts, to know the language of its phara. Highly-cultivated culture - their duty. That is why the study of the Ukrainian language (for professional direction) should become one of the components of professional training both at the level of graduation, and at the level of the postgraduate education.

This is, in particular, in the letter of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine of 28.07.09 (? 1 / 12-3037) and the new "Regulations on the preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical frames". In pursuance of the recommendations outlined in the aforementioned documents, many higher educational institutions in Ukraine are offered courses for improving elevated cul-turesuppliers (adjuncts).

The purpose of such courses is to form a nationally conscious, patriotically-minded citizen-teacher, a scientist with a high degree of proficiency in the language. And their main task - to teach students to implement any scientific, socially important information in the corresponding language form.

Thus, high-lingual culture is one of the very first contemporaries of contemporary specialists, especially the teacher of chinese science, who will have an effective impact on the student's linguistic culture. Moreover, his word - this is a spiritual, intellectual portrait, as well as a barometer of patriotism and the level of national self-consciousness. Principal approach to the culture of writing and speech in all the teachers of other educational institutions to ensure the growth of culture in terms of the composition and culture of communication, will increase the prestige of the native language and will establish its state status.

Once again, we emphasize that national-language and patriotic education is a part-time process that should affect all subjects taught in higher medical schools. For teachers of discipline-biological or clinical direction it is worth paying the attention of students to the development of Ukrainian scientific-medical directions and schools , the personal contribution of Ukrainian scientists to the development of medicine. In particular, mention is made of such outstanding personalities as M. Amosov, O. Bogomolets, M. Strazhesko and others. At the same time, the emphasis is on the fact that physicians are an elite of the society, which always took an active part in the public, political and cultural life of the country. In addition, among the doctors there are many who have combined their literature with literature, thus promoting Ukrainian culture, history, medicine, such as M. Tkach, P. Beilin, V. Korotich, M. Bulgakov, Yu. Shcherbak, Ostap Vishny and others like that.

Of great importance is the knowledge of the history of his high school, the outstanding personalities who studied in it. For example, it will be interesting for the students of BDMU to find out that among its graduates there are many well-known artists, state and public figures, such as V.G. Poor - Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine; Yu.P. Spizhenko - Minister of Health of Ukraine (1989-1994), Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Pharmaceutical Association of Ukraine; GV Hayko - Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Ecology and Hygiene named after LI Bear, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine; D.I. Zabolotnyi - director of the Institute of Otolaryngology named after A.S. Ko-lomiychenko NAMS of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of

Ukraine; Yu.L. Volyansky - Director of the Kharkov Research Institute of Microbiology and Immunology; VV Pokanevich - the general director of the Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine; M.G. Prodanchuk - Director of the Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology named after LI Bear; DD Zerbino - director of the Institute of Clinical Pathology of the Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky; N.V. Elstein - MD, Professor, Honored Doctor of Estonia; Professor GI Khodorovsky is a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1992-1999), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to India; Volodymyr Ivasyuk - composer, poet, musician and performer of pop and folk songs; Mikhail Tkach - poet-songwriter, People's Artist of Ukraine, public figure; Joseph Elgiser is a laureate of the UNESCO Gold Medal and the title "Golden Name of World Culture", a surgeon, pianist, composer, and others like that.

National-patriotic education in a higher educational institution is an important component in the process of forming a future doctor. The filling of the national content of all academic disciplines, not just Ukrainian studies and social and humanitarian, as well as high language culture, is the primary task and responsibility of each teacher.

Prospects for further research. Only by combining education and education on the linguistic basis, one can reach the goal - to prepare a highly qualified and highly moral, nationally conscious and socially active medical specialist, who will at the same time be a true patriot of the Ukrainian state. For this purpose, it is necessary to test and apply innovative methods and techniques.


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2. Martyniuk I. National education as the basis for the development of an active person / I. Martynyuk // Ukrainian lesson. 2001. No. 7. P. 29-33.

3. Marchuk M.G. Value potentials of knowledge / M.G. Marchuk - Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2001. 319 p.

4. Matsko L. We will do what we do: to the question of the formation of linguistic culture / L. Matsko / / Divoslovo. 2001. No. 9. P. 2-3.

5. Navchuk GV On the issue of language training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff / G.V. Navchuk, L. B. Shutak, IO Sobko // Ukrainian Education in World Time Space / Materials of the III International Congress. Kyiv, 2009. P. 387-389.

6. Potebnya O. Aesthetics and poetics of the word / O. Potebnya. K., 1985. P. 171-172.

7. Romanchuk O. Signs of Ukrainian aggression / O. Romanchuk // Ukrainian lesson. 2004. No. 11-12.

8. Vaschenko G. Educational ideal (Sections from the book) / G. Vashchenko // Divoslovo. 1996. No. 4. P. 55-58.

9. Yermolenko S. National consciousness and education of the Ukrainian linguistic personality / S. Yermolenko // Ukrainian lesson. 2001. No. 11-12. - pp. 911.

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