NATIONAL-CULTURAL COMPONENTS IN THE SEMANTICS OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Linguistics / language / semantics / national / grammar / culture / human / phraseological units / Лингвистика / язык / семантика / национальность / грамматика / культура / человек / фразеологизмы.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pulatova, Malika Botir Kizi

The article discusses the meaning of phraseological units in the study of world culture. The issues of connection between language and culture are covered. The examples also show the reflection of culture based on phraseological units in the Uzbek and English languages.

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В статье рассматривается значение фразеологических единиц в изучении мировой культуры. Освещены вопросы связи языка и культуры. Также на примерах показано отражение культуры на основе фразеологизмов в узбекском и английском языках.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Pulatova Malika Botir kizi

2nd year master student Department of English Linguistics, UzNU.

Scientific adviser: Nazirova Shakhnoza Alimzhanovna


The article discusses the meaning of phraseological units in the study of world culture. The issues of connection between language and culture are covered. The examples also show the reflection of culture based on phraseological units in the Uzbek and English languages.

Keywords: Linguistics, language, semantics, national, grammar, culture, human, phraseological units


Maqolada dunyo madaniyatini o 'rganishda frazeologik birliklarning ahamiyati haqida fikr yuritilgan. Til va madaniyat o'rtasidagi bog'liqlik masalalari yoritilgan. Shuningdek,o'zbek va ingliz tillaridagi frazeologik birliklar asosida madaniyatning aks ettirilishi misollar orqali ko 'rsatilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: Tilshunsolik, til, semantika,milliy, grammatika, madaniyat, insonfrazeologik birliklar.


Po'latova Malika Botir qizi

O'zMU Ingliz tilshunosligi kafedrasi 2-bosqich magistranti Ilmiy Rahbar:Nazirova Shahnoza Olimjonovna



Пулатова Малика Ботир кызы

Магистрант 2 курса Кафедра английской лингвистики УзНУ. Научный руководитель: Назирова Шахноза Алимжановна

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


В статье рассматривается значение фразеологических единиц в изучении мировой культуры. Освещены вопросы связи языка и культуры. Также на примерах показано отражение культуры на основе фразеологизмов в узбекском и английском языках.

Ключевые слова: Лингвистика, язык, семантика, национальность, грамматика, культура, человек, фразеологизмы.


Phraseology is one of the branches of the science of language that studies the etymology, semantics, structure and functioning of phraseological units. In scientific linguistic literature, the term "phraseological unit" is considered in a broad and narrow sense. Some researchers attribute aphorisms, idioms, paremias and catchphrases to phraseological units. In the lexical composition of the language, phraseological units occupy a significant place, since they figuratively and accurately convey thought, reflect various aspects of reality. Phraseologisms for the most part not only denote a certain phenomenon of reality, but also characterize it, give it a certain assessment. In a semantic sense, they correspond to unified concepts, expressing the meaning of objectivity, process, quality, property or method, have grammatical categories determined by morphological forms and syntactic function in a sentence, and reveal patterns in relation to the general system of language, which are manifested in lexical compatibility, stylistic and emotionally expressive coloring of meaning and synonymous connections.


Winged words are traditionally viewed as a means of figurative and expressive literary speech. The name of the term goes back to the work of the ancient Greek poet Homer, in whose poems "Iliad" and "The Odyssey" it occurs more than once: He uttered a winged word, We exchanged winged words among themselves quietly. The figurative expression of Homer, which arose from the association of pronouncing a word, as a flight to the ear of a hearer from the mouth of a speaker, has become a term of linguistics. They denote short quotations, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures, names of mythological and literary characters that have become common nouns, characteristics of historical figures, which have entered our speech from literary sources, etc. Popular sayings, sayings, all kinds of figurative expressions, both literary and everyday origin, can also be attributed to winged words. L. Elmslev identifies three types of dependencies: interdependence (or

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

interdependence), in which one term implies the existence of another and vice versa; one-sided dependencies (or determinations), in which one member assumes the existence of another, but not vice versa; and looser dependencies (or constellations) in which both terms do not presuppose the existence of each other*. The theory of dependencies of L. Elmslev is very close to the theory of relations


Dependencies between various components of phraseological units are the most important characteristic of their lexical composition. The lexical composition of phraseological units is heterogeneous. In some phraseological units, all components are constant, i.e. irreplaceable. The irreplaceability of components can be combined with morphological and positional variance. In other phraseological units, substitution of components is possible. In some phraseological units, variance can be combined with the normative replacement of pronouns by variable elements, while in others such a replacement is possible without variance. In all cases, the invariance of the meaning of phraseological units is preserved. Thus, the selected dependences are specific for phraseological units, they reflect the unity of constancy and variability inherent in any phenomenon.

In view of the foregoing, we single out two groups of phraseological dependencies: 1) non-transformational and 2) transformational dependencies. Within each of these groups, in turn, four types of dependencies are distinguished.

Non-transformational dependencies are distinguished according to the principle of the ratio of constant and replaceable components of phraseological units at the same level, i.e. at the level of a phrase or sentence1.

Transformational dependencies are singled out according to the same feature, i.e., according to the ratio of constant and replaceable components, with the only difference that these ratios are distinguished both at the level of the phrase and its transform of the sentence and are accompanied by morphological and syntactic changes opinions.

The name of each type of dependence contains the word "constant", meaning: 1) the presence of a constant, irreplaceable significant component (or components) to express this value; 2) the impossibility for any word that is part of a phraseological unit to become a leading member of a series within the framework of a structural-semantic model2.

^унин А.В. АНГЛИЙСКАЯ ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЯ (теоретический курс). Москва. : Высшая школа, 1970. 50 c.

2 Кунин А.В. АНГЛИЙСКАЯ ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЯ (теоретический курс). Москва. : Высшая школа, 1970. 55 c.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

The selected dependencies distinguish phraseological units about variable combinations of words and compound words and are internal dependencies of the components of phraseological units.

Cultural linguistics studies the national and cultural semantics of linguistic units in order to understand them in their entirety of content and shades, to the extent that is as close as possible to their perception by the speakers of a given language and a given culture. In a word, this is an aspect of linguistics that studies the problem of reflecting national culture in a language. The most complete relationship "language -culture" is reflected in the works of W. von Humboldt, who wrote: "Man predominantly: he lives with objects as the language presents them to him. Each language describes the circle of the people to whom it belongs, the circle from which a person is given to leave only insofar as it enters the circle of another language. "One of the linguistic units, an important component of which is cultural information, is a phraseological unit. The cultural components of phraseological meaning focus the value-semantic relations that have been established in a given ethnocultural community, and turn out to be a cultural form of the existence of knowledge. As a consequence, we can come to the conclusion that phraseological units are a very valuable source of knowledge about the culture of the people and are a direct etymological reflection of the national and cultural specifics of a particular linguistic community, and that is why at this time phraseological units are the brightest linguistic unit of expression linguistic culture.

"As a result of formal and semantic comparison and opposition, members of language systems of any scale - grammatical paradigms, antonymic pairs, etc., and vice versa, an exhaustive description of any individual linguistic phenomenon presupposes the allocation of a set of various aspects, forms, meanings and other differences in it, and on the other hand, the inclusion of this phenomenon in various communities on the basis of some identities - formal, semantic, functional, etc"3. Comparison of specific phraseological units provided researchers with material for generalizations in various directions: in translation theory, in phraseography theory, in comparative typological studies.

Phraseological units with components of a body part can express the following conceptual features: I. The psychological state of a person. This group refers to the description of feelings, emotional, psychological states of a person: a) fear, fright: Eng.: white at the lips; have one's heart in one's mouth; Uzb.: yuzidan rangi uchgan, yuzi oqarib ketdi;

3 de Saussure, F. Cours de linguistique generale. Paris: Payot. 1995. P 76.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 8 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

b) anger and rage: Eng: give smb a black eye, black in the face; blue in the face; catch by the throat; Uzb: bo'g'zidan olmoq, yer yuzidan yo'qotmoq; c) aggressiveness, irritation, resentment: Eng: red in the face; fed to the teeth; up to the eye; to become red in the face; black (blue) in the face; fly in the face; Uzb: yuziga sapchimoq;


The connection between language and culture according to W. Humboldt's concept the national character of culture is reflected in the language through a special vision of the world. Linguistic world picture is verbal explication of the conceptual world picture and closely related with national picture of the world. They can be verbalized with the help of different language units, as phraseological units.

Today in linguistics there are several different approaches to identifying the national-cultural component of phraseological units: 1) Linguistic and cultural direction, concentrated on the background knowledge of native speakers and on non-equivalent vocabulary; 2) A contrasting approach, the purpose of which is to identify not the general, as in the classical comparative method, but to identify the differences that make up the nationalcultural originality of the phraseological equivalents of the compared languages; 3) The linguoculturological approach to the study of phraseology directs the researcher to the study of the ratio of phraseological units and signs in culture and actualizes the meaning of the system of standards, stereotypes, symbols, etc. to describe the cultural and national specifics of the phraseological system.


1. Кунин А.В. Английская Фразеология (теоретический курс). Москва.: Высшая школа, 1970. 50 с.

2. Кунин А.В. Английская Фразеология (теоретический курс). Москва.: Высшая школа, 1970. 55 с.

3. de Saussure, F. Cours de linguistique generale. Paris: Payot. 1995. P 76.

4. Вежбицкая А.Язык. Культура. Познания. - М.: Русские словари, 1996. C 71.

5. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология / В. А. Маслова. - М.: Академия, 2001.

6. Amosova, N. N. Osnovi angl'iskoy frazeologii (Fundamentals of English

Phraseology). Doctoral habilitation dissertation, Leningradskiy Universitet. 1961. 91 p.

7. Гумбольдт В. Язык и философия культуры. - М., 1985 c 69.

183 с.

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