Научная статья на тему 'Nanotechnologies in the contemporary world'

Nanotechnologies in the contemporary world Текст научной статьи по специальности «Нанотехнологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по нанотехнологиям, автор научной работы — Pulotova Mohira Rahmatilloyevna, Namozov Shohrukh Ilyos O`G`Li, Akbarova Sadokat Akbarovna, Nurillayev Hayotzhon Ikrom O`G`Li

In the article, the influence of the dropping of nanotechnologies in the sphere of human activity can be represented as a tree of nanotechnologies. The application has the shape of a tree, the branches of which represent the main areas of application, and the branches of large branches represent the differentiation in the main areas of the application at a given time. A feature of nanotechnology is that the processes under consideration and the actions performed take place in the nanometer range of spatial dimensions. "Raw materials" are individual atoms, molecules, molecular systems, and not micron or macroscopic volumes of material that are customary in traditional technology and contain at least billions of atoms and molecules. In contrast to traditional technology, nanotechnology is characterized by an “individual” approach, in which external control reaches individual atoms and molecules, which makes it possible to create from them both “defect-free” materials with fundamentally new physicochemical and biological properties, as well as new classes of devices with characteristic.

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В статье изучено влияние проникновения нанотехнологий в сферу человеческой деятельности, можно представить как древо нанотехнологий. Приложение имеет форму дерева, ветви которого представляют основные сферы применения, а ветви крупных ветвей представляют дифференциацию в основных областях приложения в данный момент времени. Особенность нанотехнологии заключается в том, что рассматриваемые процессы и совершаемые действия происходят в нанометровом диапазоне пространственных размеров. "Сырьем" являются отдельные атомы, молекулы, молекулярные системы, а не привычные в традиционной технологии микронные или макроскопические объемы материала, содержащие, по крайней мере, миллиарды атомов и молекул. В отличие от традиционной технологии для нанотехнологии характерен "индивидуальный" подход, при котором внешнее управление достигает отдельных атомов и молекул, что позволяет создавать из них как "бездефектные" материалы с принципиально новыми физико-химическими и биологическими свойствами, так и новые классы устройств с характерными.

Текст научной работы на тему «Nanotechnologies in the contemporary world»

NANOTECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Pulotova M.R.1, Namozov Sh.I.2, Akbarova S.A.3, Nurillayev H.I.4 Email: Pulotova664@scientifictext.ru

1Pulotova Mohira Rahmatilloyevna - Assistant 2Namozov Shohrukh Ilyos o 'g'li - Student; 3Akbarova Sadokat Akbarovna - Student; 4Nurillayev Hayotzhon Ikrom o'gli - Student, DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCTION, BUKHARA BRANCH TASHKENT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERS OF IRRIGATION AND MECHANIZATION


Abstract: in the article, the influence of the dropping of nanotechnologies in the sphere of human activity can be represented as a tree of nanotechnologies. The application has the shape of a tree, the branches of which represent the main areas of application, and the branches of large branches represent the differentiation in the main areas of the application at a given time.

A feature of nanotechnology is that the processes under consideration and the actions performed take place in the nanometer range of spatial dimensions. "Raw materials" are individual atoms, molecules, molecular systems, and not micron or macroscopic volumes of material that are customary in traditional technology and contain at least billions of atoms and molecules. In contrast to traditional technology, nanotechnology is characterized by an "individual" approach, in which external control reaches individual atoms and molecules, which makes it possible to create from them both "defect-free" materials with fundamentally new physicochemical and biological properties, as well as new classes of devices with characteristic.

Keywords: nanotechnology, computer technology and electronics, application of nanotechnologies, nanotechnology in electronics, art.

НАНОТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ Пулотова М.Р.1, Намозов Ш.И.2, Акбарова С.А.3, Нуриллоев Х.И.4

1Пулотова Мохира Рахматиллоевна - ассистент; 2Намозов Шохрух Илёс угли - студент; 3Акбарова Садокат Акбаровна -студент; 4Нуриллоев Хаётжон Икром угли - студент, кафедра автоматизации и управления технологическими процессами и производством,

Бухарский филиал,

Ташкентский институт инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье изучено влияние проникновения нанотехнологий в сферу человеческой деятельности, можно представить как древо нанотехнологий. Приложение имеет форму дерева, ветви которого представляют основные сферы применения, а ветви крупных ветвей представляют дифференциацию в основных областях приложения в данный момент времени.

Особенность нанотехнологии заключается в том, что рассматриваемые процессы и совершаемые действия происходят в нанометровом диапазоне пространственных размеров. "Сырьем" являются отдельные атомы, молекулы, молекулярные системы, а не привычные в традиционной технологии микронные или макроскопические объемы материала, содержащие, по крайней мере, миллиарды атомов и молекул. В

отличие от традиционной технологии для нанотехнологии характерен "индивидуальный" подход, при котором внешнее управление достигает отдельных атомов и молекул, что позволяет создавать из них как "бездефектные" материалы с принципиально новыми физико-химическими и биологическими свойствами, так и новые классы устройств с характерными.

Ключевые слова: нанотехнологии, компьютерные технологии и электроника, применение нанотехнологий, нанотехнологии в электронике, искусство.

УДК 681.5

Easily cleaned materials find application in everyday life, architecture, dairy and food industry, transport industry, sanitation. This production of self-cleaning glass, hospital inventory and tools, anti-mold coating, easy-cleaning ceramics.

Optics as a sphere of application of nanotechnology includes such directions as electrochromic, the production of optical lenses. This is a new photochromic optics, easy-to-clean optics and clarified optics.

Ceramics in the field of nanotechnology application makes it possible to obtain electroluminescence and photoluminescence, printing pastes, pigments, nanopowders, microparticles, membranes.

Computer technology and electronics as a sphere of application of nanotechnology will give rise to electronics, nanosensors, household (embedded) microcomputers, visualization tools and energy converters. Further, this development of global networks, wireless communications, quantum and DNA computers.

Nanotechnology can revolutionize agriculture. Molecular robots will be able to produce food, "releasing" from this plant and animals. To this end, they will use any "raw materials": water and air, where there are the main necessary elements - carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, aluminum and silicon, and the rest, as for "ordinary" living organisms, will be required in microquantities. For example, it is theoretically possible to produce milk directly from the grass, bypassing the intermediate link - the cow. Nanodah (nanofood) - a new term, obscure and unpretentious. Food for nanolymers? Very small portions? Food, worked on nanofactories? Of course not. But still it is a curious direction in the food industry. It turns out that it is a whole set of scientific ideas that are already on the way to implementation and application in industry. First, nanotechnology can provide the food industry with unique opportunities for total monitoring in real time of quality and safety of products directly in the production process. We are talking about diagnostic machines using various nanosensors or so-called quantum dots capable of quickly and reliably detecting in products the smallest chemical contaminants or dangerous biological agents. And the production of food, and its transportation, and methods of storage can get their share of useful innovations from the nanotechnology industry. According to scientists, the first series machines of this kind will appear in mass food production in the next four years. But on the agenda and more radical ideas. Are you ready to swallow nanoparticles that can not be seen? And what if nanoparticles will be purposefully used to deliver useful substances and medicines to precisely chosen parts of the body? What if such nanocapsules can be introduced into foods? So far no one has used it at all, but preliminary developments are already underway. Specialists say that edible nanoparticles can be made of silicon, ceramics or polymers. And of course - organic substances. And if the so-called "soft" particles, similar in structure and composition with biological materials, are clear about the safety, then "solid" particles made up of inorganic substances are a big white spot at the intersection of two territories -nanotechnology and biology. Scientists can not yet tell which routes such particles will travel in the body, and where they will stop as a result. This remains to be seen. But some experts are already drawing futuristic pictures of the advantages of nanoodes. In addition to the delivery of valuable nutrients to the right cells. The idea is this: everyone buys the same drink, but then the consumer can manage the nanoparticles himself so that the taste, color, aroma and concentration of the drink will change before his eyes.

With all the advantages of nanotechnology, they can pose a threat to human health. Enthusiastically anticipating the positive changes that the industrial revolution will bring with us, one should not be so naive as not to think about possible dangers and problems. Many major modern scientists are not in vain trying to attract attention not only to positive prospects for the future, but also to possible negative consequences. Some scientists, for example Bill Joy, call for research in the field of nanotechnology and other fields to be stopped before it harms humanity. Fears of nanotechnology began to appear in 1986, after the publication of Drexler's "Machine of Creation", where he not only drew a utopian picture of the nanotechnological future, but also touched on the "reverse", impartial side of this medal.

Having formed historically, to the present moment, nanotechnology, having won the theoretical field of social consciousness, continues to penetrate into its ordinary layer. Already, a number of extremely important results have been obtained in nanotechnology, which makes it possible to hope for significant progress in the development of many other areas of science and technology (medicine and biology, chemistry, ecology, energy, mechanics, etc.).

Space as a sphere of application of nanotechnology will open the prospect for mechanoelectric solar energy converters, nanomaterials for space applications. It is the development of supercomplex nanosystems that can become a national advantage of the country. Like nanotechnology, nanomaterials will enable us to talk seriously about manned flights to the various planets of the solar system. It is the use of nanomaterials and nanomechanisms that can make manned flights to Mars, the exploration of the lunar surface, a reality.

Nanomedicine, as a field of application of nanotechnology, is nanomaterials for prosthetics, smart prostheses, nanocapsules, diagnostic nanoprobes, implants, DNA reconstructors and analyzers, smart and precision instruments, pharmaceuticals of directed action. In medicine, the problem of using nanotechnology is the need to change the structure of the cell at the molecular level, i.e. to carry out "molecular surgery" with the help of nanobots. It is expected to create molecular robotic physicians who can "live" inside the human body, eliminating all arising damage, or preventing the occurrence of such. By manipulating individual atoms and molecules, nanobots can repair cells. The projected period for the creation of medical robots, the first half of the 21st century.

Nanotechnology is also used in the food industry. And the production of food, and its transportation, and methods of storage can get their share of useful innovations from the nanotechnology industry. In addition to delivering valuable nutrients to the right cells, the following is assumed: each buys the same beverage, but then the consumer can control the nanoparticles themselves so that the taste, color, flavor and concentration of the beverage changes in his eyes.

Having clarified the concept of nanotechnology, outlining its prospects and dwelling on possible dangers and threats, I want to conclude. I believe that nanotechnology is a young science whose development results can change the world around us beyond recognition. And what will be these changes - useful, incomparably facilitating life, or harmful, threatening humanity - depends on mutual understanding and reasonableness of people. And mutual understanding and reasonableness directly depend on the level of humanity, presupposing the responsibility of man for his actions. Therefore, the most important need for the last years before the inevitable nanotechnological "boom" years is the education of philanthropy. Only reasonable and humane people can turn nanotechnology into a step to knowledge of the universe and its place in this universe.

We live in the modern world of medicine, science and various technologies. And probably, every person has already heard what nanotechnology is and what it does.

In a general sense, nanotechnology creates some objects. But they are by no means ordinary, such as your desk or bed. Let's just say - the prefix "nano" is one of the billions of shares of something. That is, in one nanometer 0.000000001 meters. This means that if we represent the whole Earth in nanometers, we will be very surprised when we find out that it will be the size of a walnut.

So, nanotechnology is engaged in the creation of nano-objects, operating with individual atoms and creating a certain structure from them. In the future, it will be usual for us to wear a waterproof T-shirt or a fireproof paper, thanks to nanotechnology. But even now, for example, transistors produced, which, in fact, are the basis of all chips, are manufactured with an accuracy of 90 nanometers. Quite recently, representatives of the TM "Hewlett-Package" reported that in the near future nanotechnology will be able to replace modern traditional transistor technology.

Nanotechnologies are used in various fields of science and are accompanied by progress everywhere. For example, in medicine, if the diagnosis is still at an early stage of the disease, nanosensors will help ensure a speedy recovery. Perhaps, in this way, mankind will be able to defeat both cancer and other serious diseases, because nanotechnologies will help the medicine to enter the sick cells right away, and not spread throughout the body.

Nanotechnology can also be used in the energy sector. Perhaps in the future, we will cease to depend on gas and oil thanks to solar batteries, because their efficiency can increase two to three times with the use of nanotechnology.

We also cannot fail to mention nanotechnologies in such a field as mechanical engineering. Indeed, in the future, with the help of nanomaterials, we will be able to reduce friction when driving a car, and perhaps we can ensure that the parts are kept much longer than today.

Now very often we can find news that scientists have invented something new using nanotechnology, for example, the smallest nano lattice, a monomolecular submarine, the darkest material on earth, or a new form of carbon, structurally stronger than diamond. So, already in 2004, Kodak produced the release of nine-ply paper for Ultima printers, in which the upper layer is formed of ceramic nanoparticles that make the paper dense, smooth and has a pleasant sheen.

Also, for example, a solution of silver nanoparticles has a powerful antiseptic effect. Thus, if a bandage with such a silver solution is applied to the wound, it will heal several times faster than, for example, using conventional antiseptic agents.

With such rapid rates of nanotechnology development, we can more intensively explore space, underwater depths, and in general, make everyday life easier and more enjoyable. And, perhaps, soon, like various films on the theme of the future, chips will be implanted in our skin that will help us in something; maybe our usual technique will be replaced by nanotechnology; people will stop dying from cancer and similar serious illnesses.

Nanotechnology is a window to the future that scientists are already opening today. We are sure that in the future, what will be considered science fiction will seem completely ordinary to us.

References / Список литературы

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4. Joaquim K., Plever L. "Nanoscience. The Invisible Revolution". Kolibri, 2009. 240 s.

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