Научная статья на тему 'Myocardial changes due to pesticides'

Myocardial changes due to pesticides Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биотехнологии в медицине»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биотехнологиям в медицине, автор научной работы — Usmanov R., Mirsharopov U., Akhmedova S., Kattakhodzhaeva D., Mansurova D.

This article describes the dynamics of the morphological structure of the wall of the rat heart in postnatal ontogenesis. The results of the study showed that, with a feature of the structure of the myocardium of the ventricles, provide the combined work of the ventricles to release blood in normal hemodynamics. The vessels are surrounded by paravasal bundles of connective tissue and they are directed along the blood vessels. The results obtained can serve as an experimental model in identifying the pathogenesis of damage to the heart wall.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Myocardial changes due to pesticides»



Usmanov R.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy of the Tashkent Median Academy

Mirsharopov U.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy of the Tashkent Median Academy

Akhmedova S.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Anatomy,

Clinical Anatomy of the Tashkent Median Academy

Kattakhodzhaeva D. senior lecturer of the Department of Anatomy Clinical Anatomy of the Tashkent Median Academy

Mansurova D. assistant of the Department of Anatomy Clinical Anatomy of the Tashkent Median Academy

Abdukodirova N. assistant of the Department of Anatomy Clinical Anatomy of the Tashkent Median Academy


This article describes the dynamics of the morphological structure of the wall of the rat heart in postnatal ontogenesis. The results of the study showed that, with a feature of the structure of the myocardium of the ventricles, provide the combined work of the ventricles to release blood in normal hemodynamics. The vessels are surrounded by paravasal bundles of connective tissue and they are directed along the blood vessels. The results obtained can serve as an experimental model in identifying the pathogenesis of damage to the heart wall.

Keywords: heart, myocardium, pesticide.

Currently, various chemicals are used in agriculture, including pesticides. The use of pesticides in agriculture is primarily due to the desire to ensure maximum efficiency, but in addition, they have a negative impact on the external environment, including the human body. It is reliably known that the prolonged exposure to even small doses of pesticides on the body increases the frequency and aggravates the course of diseases of the cardiovascular system, including myocarditis of various etiologies [1,p.85-87; 3,p.52].

Therefore, it is of great interest to study the effects of pesticides on the human and animal organisms, in particular, on the cardiovascular system. The problem of the influence of pesticides on a growing young organism is becoming increasingly important [2,p.368-375;4,p.364-368]. Variability of the heart is not only of general biological interest, but also has a certain value in revealing the physiological processes developing in it, depending on environmental conditions. In view of the foregoing, the study of the effect of pesticides on the heart, especially those that pass through mother's milk on the baby's body, is an actual problem [5,p.84-89; 6,p.847-858].

The purpose of the study was to identify the features of microscopic, submicroscopic and morphomet-ric changes in various layers of the walls of the atria and ventricles of the heart of rat pups in early postnatal ontogenesis under the influence of pesticides that passed through breast milk.

The work is based on the results of a study of 85 hearts of baby rats, divided into one-day, 6-, 11-, 16-and 21-day olds. The experiments were carried out in accordance with the "European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals, which are used for experiments and other scientific purposes" (Strasbourg, 1985).

Animals were divided into 2 groups. In the first group, after the birth of rat pups, the kinmix pesticide was administered to mothers at a dose of 5 MDU and introduced to mother rats. In the control group, mother animals were fed 1 ml of distilled water daily in the morning on an empty stomach, depending on the period. A subclavian catheter was used as a probe for female rats. The rat pups of both groups were killed under anesthesia at 1, 6, 11, 16, 21 days after birth. In the work, a complex of morphological research methods was used, including general histological, histochemical methods, morphometry, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy. After extraction from the chest of the rat heart, histological sections were prepared.

Histological sections 8-10 mkm thick, made by using a rotary microtome, were stained with hematoxylin and eosin according to standard methods. Collagen fibers in the connective tissue skeleton of the heart walls were detected by picrofuchsin according to the van Gie-son method, elastic fibers according to the Weigert method, and reticular fibers according to Foot modified by N. A. Yurina. For transmission electron microscopy,

animal heart pieces were fixed in a 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 for 2 hours, washed in phosphate buffer, fixed with 1% osmium tetroxide solution and after dehydration in alcohol - acetone was poured into a mixture of epon and araldite. The data obtained were subjected to statistical processing using the packages of the statistical program Microsoft Excel 2010.

The results of morphometric studies of the wall thickness of the ventricles and atria of the heart of the control group of animals showed that the dynamics of growth of the wall thickness of both the left and heart right atria and ventricles at different times of postnatal ontogenesis occurs unevenly. The growth dynamics of the wall thickness of both the left and right ventricles of the heart at different developmental times depends on the parts of the heart walls. According to the results of the study, the growth rate of the thickness of the endocardium of the left and right ventricles is from 13.2% to 19.7%. Moreover, the greatest increase in endocardial thickness is observed in rat pups of 6 days of age in the upper ventricles, and the smallest increase in endocardial thickness is observed in 11- and 16-day-olds. A significant increase in the thickness of the endocardium of the left and right atria was observed at all stages of development (1-, 6-, 11-, 16-, 21st days) and ranged from 8% (in the right atrium on the 16th day) to 29% ( in the left atrium on the 6th day).

The results of the study of myocardial thickness showed that the growth rate of myocardial thickness at all stages of the study dynamically increased from 13.1% to 29.7%. Especially on the 6th day, by 25.8% and 29.7% in the upper and lower parts of the left ventricle and by 25% and 24.0% in the upper and lower parts of the right ventricle. A significant increase in the thickness of the myocardium of the left and right atria was observed at all stages of development (1-, 6-, 11-, 16-, 21st days) and amounted to 12% (in the right atrium on the 6th and 16th day) up to 22% (in the left atrium on the 11th and 21st days).

The growth rate of the thickness of the epicardium of the left and right ventricles showed that the thickness of the epicardium at all times compared to previous periods increases slightly and from 8.2% to 11.5%. These indicators in the left and right atria range from 9% to 18%. Thus, the growth rate of the thickness of the epicardium in the age aspect in comparison with the myocardium and endocardium changes slightly.

When stained by the van Gieson method, large bundles of collagen fibers are revealed in the walls of arteries, and gentle and intermittent collagen fibers are found in the walls of venous vessels and in the myocardial stroma. In the walls of arterial vessels, the number of elastic fibers increases. The inner subendothelial elastic membrane, which is represented by a thick sinuous substance of uneven thickness of a dark purple color, is especially thickened.

In the muscle and adventitious layers of the wall of the arterial wall, there are few elastic fibers, and they are presented in the form of shadow bluish structures. The results of morphometric studies of the ventricles of the heart of rat pups during lactation during poisoning of mothers with kotoran showed that from the initial

period of the experiment, the wall thickness of all departments is less than the control indices. It was established that a marked lag in the thickness of the walls of the ventricles was observed on the 11th day: it was less than the control index to 31%.

The smallest change was detected on the 21st day, the indicators of the experimental group were lower from 4% to 19% compared with the control group. A comparison of the thickness of the left and right atria with the control group showed that at all times of the experiment, the thickness of the endocardium and myocardium was less than the control value from 6% to 23%. The difference in the data of the left and right atrium is not established. Moreover, the thickness of the epicardium is less than the control from 2% to 11.5%. Significant thinning of the wall of the right and left ventricle is associated with the toxic effects of pesticide on the organism of rat pups and the development of edem-atous-discirculatory and dystrophic-destructive changes in the structural elements of the heart.

Initially, the vessels of the microvasculature underwent pathomorphological changes, then the venous vessels, and at the end of the experiment, the changes covered the arteries. At the same time, plethora, stasis and diapedetic hemorrhages were detected in small vessels of the heart, which were accompanied by perivascular edema, swelling and disorganization of the connective tissue stroma. Discirculatory phenomena spread to venous vessels in the form of their expansion and plethora, the development of perivascular edema and diapedetic hemorrhage, which are the result of toxic effects of a pesticide that develop as a result of microcirculatory discirculation, toxic venous congestion and increase vascular permeability.

An increase in the permeability of microvessels and vessels of the venous link was accompanied by the release of the liquid part of the blood into the vessel wall and surrounding connective tissue. On microscopic examination, these disorganization changes were manifested by edema, myxomatosis, and connective tissue fibrinoid. In particular, in the heart, vascular walls and perivascular connective tissue were initially subjected to these changes.

Fibrinoid swelling of fibrous structures is accompanied by the appearance of alterative changes, opposite which an inflammatory and hyperplastic process develops. In our observations, the inflammatory process reached a maximum by the 16th day of the study, manifesting as perivascular and interstitial lymphohis-tiocytic infiltrate.

The proliferation of lymphohistiocytic cells is often accompanied by the development of hyperplastic processes in the form of proliferation of initially granular and then connective tissue and leads to a thickening of the vascular-stromal interstitial stroma, which is revealed by the van Gieson histological staining method.

In this case, the reticular fibers of intermuscular interstitium are in a state of loosening and decay, and an uneven thickening is noted in the vessel wall. The above-described general morphological changes in the cardiovascular stromal tissue of the heart lead to meta-

bolic disturbances in parenchymal cells or in cardiomy-ocytes. Morphologically, these abnormalities in cardi-omyocytes were manifested in the form of protein hyaline droplet and vacuole dystrophy, which in our observations was often localized in the perivascular zones and the subendocardial layer of the myocardium.

Morphological data on impaired contractility of cardiomyocytes, damage to mitochondria with impaired energy and metabolic processes, reaching necrobiosis, changes in microvessels with impaired transport function of the endothelium and other components of the vascular wall, resulting in intercellular edema, were obtained.

Studies of the effect of pesticides on the myocardial ultrastructure using SEM and TEM and preliminary study of semi-thin sections showed that the nature of myocardial changes on the effecting of suckers is quite stereotyped.

In the early stages, marked changes in cardiomyocytes are noted, consisting in ultrastructural changes in myofibrils, indicating violations of their contractile function. This leads to violations of the three-dimensional structure of the muscle fibers of the myocardium

Marked changes in mitochondria indicate a violation of their specific function, which leads to a weakening of energy processes, metabolic disorders and the development of partial appearance of necrosis and necrobiosis. All this exacerbates violations of the contractile function of the myocardium.

Kinmix also affects microvessels, which disrupts the transport function of the endothelium and other components of the vascular wall and causes the development of interfiber and intercellular edema. At later follow-up periods (days 16-21), fibroblasts and connective tissue fibers appeared in the intermyocytic and interfiber spaces, which indicates the development of myocardial sclerosis processes.

Based on the studies, the following conclusions are presented:

1. The toxic effect of pesticides on the heart of rat pups was manifested by pathomorphological changes

developing in the wall of arterioles and capillaries in the form of disorganization of fibrous structures, the development of the proliferative process of vascular wall cells own, as well as changes in muscle fibers of the myocardium in the form of protein dystrophy, loosening of myofibrils and discompletion of the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio.

2. Kinmix, by affecting the ultrastructure of the heart, leads to submicroscopic changes in myofibrils, indicating impaired contractile function, damage to mitochondria with impaired energy and metabolic processes, reaching necrobiosis, and also affect microvessels with impaired transport function of the endothelium and other components of the vascular wall due to which intercellular and intercellular edema develops.


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Duve K.

Assistant Professor of Neurology Department I. Y a. Horbachevskyy Ternopil National Medical University

Ternopil, Ukraine


Дуве Х.В.

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