Научная статья на тему 'Musical model of morning exercise taking into account the physiological reaction of the body of schoolchildren in a children's camp (for example: Artek international children's center")'

Musical model of morning exercise taking into account the physiological reaction of the body of schoolchildren in a children's camp (for example: Artek international children's center") Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Golubev D., Demchenko D.

The article presents the results of the influence of the developed musical model with optimized physical exercises from modern fitness areas (yoga, Pilates, aerobics, taibo, functional training, etc.) on the student's body. We studied 45 children of school age. The objectives of the study were: to find the relationship between musical rhythm and heart rate; to identify the physiological "response" to the morning motor stimulus embedded in a specific musical model. The heart rate was recorded using the Polar sports technology in Finland. The study established the relationship between musical rhythm (bpm) and heart rate, as well as optimized physical exercises that are adequately superimposed on the musical model.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Musical model of morning exercise taking into account the physiological reaction of the body of schoolchildren in a children's camp (for example: Artek international children's center")»


Golubev D.

phd-student department physiology, deputy for organizational and methodological work of the

Department for physical culture, sports and tourism

Demchenko D.

head of the Department for physical culture, sports and tourism FGBOU VO National State University of sports, sports and Health. P.F.Lesgafta,

35 Dekabristov str., Saint Petersburg, Russia FGBOU International Children's Center "ARTEK", Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta city district, urban-type settlement Gurzuf, Leningradskaya str. 41.


The article presents the results of the influence of the developed musical model with optimized physical exercises from modern fitness areas (yoga, Pilates, aerobics, taibo, functional training, etc.) on the student's body. We studied 45 children of school age. The objectives of the study were: to find the relationship between musical rhythm and heart rate; to identify the physiological "response" to the morning motor stimulus embedded in a specific musical model. The heart rate was recorded using the Polar sports technology in Finland. The study established the relationship between musical rhythm (bpm) and heart rate, as well as optimized physical exercises that are adequately superimposed on the musical model.

Keywords: charging, children's camp, circulatory system, school children, biological feedback


An important component of a person's health-improving activity is morning exercise [1, p. 314]. The situation around this event is diverse in all countries. In Australia, this is a block of stretching exercises to music, residents of European countries perform highly intensive" blocks " of strength exercises, in the United States-this is a minimal-simple set of exercises without additional load [4, p. 5684].

The ARTEK international Children's Center (hereinafter referred to as "ARTEK") is a research site and an object of Federal significance. There are nine camps on the territory of the center, and in each of them the morning begins with physical activity to music. Employees of the Artek sports center note that morning exercises do not have a single structure and stage [2, p.166]. To date, the physical education instructor chooses the musical accompaniment, motor actions and the rhythm of their performance to his "taste", guided only by General guidelines. All this makes it difficult for students to repeat and remember.

The absence of a single model of morning exercise that takes into account the speed of music playback (bpm), optimization of physical exercises from modern fitness programs and the physiological response of the body of schoolchildren predetermined our study.

Organization and methods of research

During the two summer camps, we surveyed 45 students (average age 14.9 years, average weight 50.2 kg, average height 165.8 cm). A musical model of a certain rhythm (BPM) is proposed, equipped with physical exercises from modern fitness programs (yoga, Pilates, tai-Bo, functional training). This model was memorized and presented by the physical education and sports teacher to students every morning. The study of the functioning of the circulatory system during

morning physical activity was carried out using sports equipment from Polar, Finland. The heart rate (hereinafter referred to as heart rate) was recorded. The results of statistical analysis are presented in the form of arithmetic mean and standard deviation (M±q). According to the student's criterion, the sample was examined for belonging to the normal distribution law. Indicators where P>0.05 were considered significant. The analysis was performed in the Microsoft Exel 2017 statistical package.

Research result

Performing physical exercises is accompanied by an increase in the level of metabolic processes in the human body. The circulatory system is the most accessible for evaluating an urgent response to a motor stimulus. Heart rate is the oldest biomarker of quantitative "measure" of functional state [3, p. 47]. The connection of the physiological parameter with the speed of musical accompaniment (bpm) is traced (tab. 1). The reliable average value of the maximum heart rate was 127.7 beats per minute, which corresponds to a musical rhythm of 128 (bpm). These data indicate the performance of morning motor activity in a zone of low (aerobic) intensity [5, c. 1147]. The average heart rate values of individual blocks report the highest energy expenditure, which falls on the fourth block (tai-bo). This block is represented by dynamic Boxing hand movements and jumps. The decrease in motor activity occurs gradually, through marching steps, stretching and breathing from the block (yoga) at a musical rhythm of 124 (bpm). The physiological response of the cardiovascular system at this stage of morning activity reveals a decrease in heart rate to 100.6 beats per minute. We believe that these heart rate values are acceptable and do not cause significant functional changes in the body.

Table 1

Average heart rate ^ values in the music model periods (M±1, n=45)

Heart rate (bpm/min) speed of music accompaniment (bpm)

88,1±6,4* 124

111,2±8,3* 126

125,7±3,2* 128

127,3±4,6 126

100,6±8,2* 124

*- reliability of differences p>0.05 during periods of different musical accompaniment speeds relative to the first day of measurement

A graph was constructed based on the average group monitoring data (Fig. 1). It is worth noting that with an increase in the musical rhythm (bpm), the heart rate increases gradually, as indicated by the General linear trend. Also, we believe that the increasing trend in (Fig. 1) it is explained by the features of selected physical exercises from modern fitness areas (Pilates, yoga,

functional training, taibo, etc.) and performing them with certain muscle modes to music. However, it should be taken into account that the established patterns were also influenced by such factors (incentives) as climatic, psychological, social and similar loads to which the child's body successfully adapted.

■ bpm

HR -----Линейная (HR)

< LU




160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

bpm HR

1 124 90,1

2 126 111,3

3 128 125,8

4 126 127,3

5 124 100,6


Figure 1 Heart rate dynamics for the proposed musical model of morning exercise

The measurements revealed the sequence of fitness directions, the time frame for each motor exercise, the optimal model of musical rhythm (bpm), and pulse values for each stage of morning exercise (Fig.2).

модель физиологическая реакция

Figure 2 The structure of morning exercise, taking into account the musical rhythm, physiological response, time interval and optimized physical exercises from modern fitness areas

Thus, a certain musical model and optimized motor activity is expressed in an adequate physiological response and repeatability of students.


The results of our research allow us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The undulation of the physiological response of the cardiovascular system fully duplicates the musical model embedded in the structure of morning exercise

2. Reproduction and visualization of the music model, as well as optimization of physical exercises from modern fitness areas developed in the course of the study contributes to improving the quality of the health process in the children's camp


1. Fenev V. E., Egorycheva E. V., Cher-nysheva I. V., Shlemova M. V. Utrennyaya ozdo-rovitel'naya gimnastika i ee znachenie // Mezhdunarod-nyi studencheskii vestnik. 2016. №5. S. 313-314.URL: http://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=15714 (data obrashcheniya: 07.01.2020)

2. Golubev D. V., Shchedrina Yu. A., Dem-chenko D. I. Planirovanie obrazovatel'no-ozdo-

rovitel'nykh meropriyatii na osnove srochnogo monitoringa funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya shkol'nikov v detskikh lageryakh (na primere: MDTs ARTEK) // Problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniya. 2018. № 4. S. 165-171.

3. Bolezni serdtsa i sosudov. Rukovodstvo Evropeiskogo obshchestva kardiologov. Pod red. A. Dzhona Kema, Tomasa F. Lyushera, Patrika V. Se-ruisa, (perevod s angliiskogo pod redaktsiei E. V. Shlyato). M.: Izdatel'stvo «GEOTAR-MEDIA», 2011 / Heart and cardiovascular diseases. Guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology. Edited by A. John Kamm, Thomas F. Lucher, Patrick V. Serruis, (translated from English under the editorship of Shlykhto E. V.)

4. Ali Barbar Effect of morning exercise on the psychological well-being of high school female students // Annals of Biological Research. 2012. № 3. S. (12):5681-5686 (http://scholarsresearchlibrary.com/ar-chive.html)

5. J. Gholamhasan, et. all. The Effect of exercise in the Morning and the Evening Times on Aerobic and Anaerobic Power of Inactive Subjects // World Applied Sciences Journal. 2013. 22 (8):" 1146-1150 (DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.22.08.2558).

УДК 576.3: 575:633.111


Zharkov N.

senior researcher of the Omsk agrarian scientific center, Omsk


Жарков Н.А.

ст. научный сотрудник Омского аграрного научного центра, г. Омск


Results of the cytological analysis of a meiosis metaphase I at a full series of monosomal lines of soft spring wheat variety Milturum 553 are presented in this article. On the basis of the conducted researches it was established that conjugation of chromosomes has the polygenic control system where entering genes stimulators and inhibitors, genes with autonomous functional activity and genes with the interfaced action type. Existence of the genes having identical efficiency in double and one doses is revealed. Besides, reasons for variation from control were determined for the analyzed traits of sisterly disomik.


В данной статье представлены результаты цитологического анализа метафазы I мейоза у полной серии моносомных линий сорта яровой мягкой пшеницы Мильтурум 553. На основании проведенных исследований установлено, что конъюгация хромосом имеет полигенную систему контроля, куда входят гены стимуляторы и ингибиторы, гены с автономной функциональной активностью и гены с сопряженным типом действия. Выявлено наличие генов, обладающих одинаковой эффективностью в двойной и одной дозах. Кроме того, были определены причины отклонения от контроля по анализируемым признакам сестринских дисомиков.

Keywords: soft wheat, monosomal lines, meiosis, chromosomes, genes.

Ключевые слова: мягкая пшеница, моносомные линии, мейоз, хромосомы, гены.

Мягкая пшеница Triticum aestivum Ь. является аллогексаплоидом и включает в себя три генома: А, В, Б, принадлежащим разным видам родов Triticum Aegilops [1-3]. В состав каждого генома входит по 7 хромосом (2п = 14). На основании проведенного нуллисомно-тетрасомного анализа было установлено, что по три пары хромосом, принадлежащим

разным геномам, обладают сходным содержанием генетической информации и являются гомеологами [4]. После этого каждая хромосома получила двойное обозначение, где цифра указывает на принадлежность ее к конкретной гомелогичной группе, а буква - к геному. В результате такой нумерации каждая из 7 гомеологичных групп включает по три

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