Научная статья на тему 'Morphological and specific features of causative agents of paramphistomatosis of cattle in the lower reaches of the Zerafshan River'

Morphological and specific features of causative agents of paramphistomatosis of cattle in the lower reaches of the Zerafshan River Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Khashimov Botirbek Sunnatovich, Daminov Asadullo Suvonovich, Mahammadiev Zohid Nasrullaevich

The article presents data on the results of studies of the species difference and morphological features of the structure of different types of gastrointestinal trematode-paramphistomatosis.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Morphological and specific features of causative agents of paramphistomatosis of cattle in the lower reaches of the Zerafshan River»

Khashimov Botirbek Sunnatovich, Researcher, of the department of infectious and invasive animal diseases, E-mail: xashimov1971@mail.ru Daminov Asadullo Suvonovich, doctor, of Veterinary Sciences, head of the department of infectious and invasive animal diseases Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan, E-mail: daminov1960@gmail.com Mahammadiev Zohid Nasrullaevich, researcher, of the department of infectious and invasive animal diseases, E-mail: elmuratov.a@mail.ru


Abstract: The article presents data on the results of studies of the species difference and morphological features of the structure of different types of gastrointestinal trematode-paramphistomatosis. Keywords: helminthiasis, trematode, fascioliosis, dicrocoliosis, paramphistomatosis.

Introduction. Among the parasitic diseases of cattle trematodozy (fascioliosis, dicrocelia, paramphistomatosis) are one of the main helminthiases causing significant damage to cattle breeding, they are also affected by wild mammals. International organizations (FAO, WHO, OIE) view them as part of the global ecologic and food problem.

The most common among the ruminant animals are trematodes: paramphistomatoses, the causative agents of which are localized in the rumen (mature individuals) and the submucosal layer of the duodenum (young parasites) in cattle, causing acute or, more often, chronic course of the disease, accompanied by general intoxication, digestive system disorders and exhaustion of the body, which leads to the death of the animal. Paramphistomatoses, in turn, are divided into several species, each of which has its own specific morphological structures, characteristic for each species and the study of which is necessary for the classification of diseases. In Uzbekistan, this helminthiasis is widespread.

Aims and objectives of research The aim of the research is to study the specific features and morphological aspects of some types of causative agents of cattle paramphistomatosis.

The objectives of the research are to study the individual characteristics of some types of causative agents of the paramphistomatosis of the lower reaches of the Zeravshan River. Materials and methods of research The species composition of paramphistomatoses in cattle and their distribution were studied (2005-2017) by complete

helminthological autopsies (according to K.I Skryabin) of plain tripe and small intestines of animals killed in slaughterhouses and fallen in farms of Samarkand and Navoi regions.

A total of 738 plain tripe and intestines of cattle of different ages (calves up to one year, 1-2 years, over two years old) were examined. Of these, larvae affected by paramphistomatosis were 195 animals, in which 30174 specimens of paramyphistomatid larvae were found. They were collected manually, placed in separate glass jars with water and supplied with a label on which the species, sex, the animal's appearance, the date of opening and the name of the farm from which it was received were indicated. The trematodes were kept in water for 24 hours, and then the length and width of their bodies were measured, then they were fixed in a 3% formalin solution. To determine the species identity of paramphistomatoses, all procedures, such as: washing of pathological material, fixation were carried out in the laboratory, and preparation of total preparations and sagittal sections was carried out at the Department of Human Anatomy of the Samarkand State Medical Institute.

Results of the study

During the period 2005-2017, 195 animals were examined in the laboratory, infected with paramfistomatoses, living in the middle reaches of the Zerafshan River. They found 30174 specimens of larvae of paramyphistomatids.

Morphological study showed that these trematodes found in pathological materials belong to the following three kinds of different families of the family of Paramphistomatidae: Col-


icoforon colicophorum (Fischoder, 1901), Liorchis scotiae (Wilmott, 1950, Vielichko, 1966). Family: Gastrothylasidae: Gastrothylax crumenifer (Creplin, 1847 The Poierier, 1883).

Family name Colicophoron(Nasmark,1937)

Type Colicophoron colicophorum (Fishoeder,1901)

Quite large trematode, pear-shaped. Bodylength13-19 mm, at the anterior end of its cuticular papillae absent. The abdominal sucker is located at the posterior end of the body, its length is 3.17-3.760 mm, width 3.438-3.867 mm. The histothesis shows that the abdominal sucker is constructed according to the colicophoroid type, the dorsal outer layer of the round muscles is not divided into the dorsal outer first and dorsal outer second layer. There are no oblique and longitudinal muscle fibers. The pharynx is oval, 1.608-1.671mm long, 1.289-1.307mm wide. Its ratio to the total body length is 1: 10.7. It is seen on the histosuction that the structure of the pharynx is calicophoreal - it has extremely poorly developed internal layers of round and longitudinal muscles. Esophagus S-shaped, its length 1.18-1.31 mm before the genital orifice, the esophagus branches into two lateral intestinal tubes, which end at the level of the middle of the abdominal sucker. Testes lobed and arranged diagonally, their length, 90-2.10 mm, width - 2.11-2.88 mm. Approximately in the middle of the anterior half of the body there is a fairly deep cup-shaped depression, at the bottom of it there is a powerful genital papilla, the distal end of which is surrounded by a muscular roller forming the true genital orifice. The ovary is round, its length is 0.955-1.069 mm, width 0.640-1.067 mm. Vitellaria extend from the level of intestinal bifusion to the level of the middle of the abdominal sucker. The length of the egg is 0.104-0.127 mm, width-0.061 mm.

Family name Liorchis Vielichko, 1966

Type Liorchis scotiae (Wilmott, 1950, Vielich-ko,1966).

Liorchis is a trematode of medium size: body length 12-14 mm, width - 4-6 mm. Abdominal sucker of liorhoid type, ratio of its diameter to body length is 1: 4. The pharynx is of the lyroid type, 0.84 mm long, the ratio of its length to the body length is 1: 7.6-9.5, the mucosa in the anterior third is lined with large papillae.

The esophagus is straight or S-shaped, 0.81 mm long, the inner lining is thickened; it is surrounded on the outside by cells that are arranged in several rows in the anterior and posterior parts, forming a collar-like thickening. In the anterior third of the body, the esophagus divides into two intestinal branches that extend to the posterior testis or to the front edge of the middle or the posterior edge of the abdominal sucker. Testes are transversely oval, surface-lobed or deep-holed, located one after another. The seminal vesicle is comparatively long, convoluted, the muscular part is absent, the prostatic

part is spherical. The uterus begins in the area of the ovary, wriggling, is directed forward, dorsally from the testes, in the anterior part of the body goes to the metrateria, which joins the common hermaphrodite duct. Mehlis's calf and ovary are located between the posterior testis and the abdominal sucker. the yolk follicles are connected in small groups, their anterior border passes at the midpoint of the pharynx, the posterior border at the middle of the abdominal sucker. A sex cell of the epiclitoid type, the Laurer channel crosses the excretory vesicle, whose opening is located on the dorsal side, behind the excretory opening. The length of the egg is 0.144-0.182 mm, width is 0.060-0.0101 mm.

Family - Gastrothylax crumenifer Poierier, 1883

Type - Gastrothylax crumenifer (Creplin, 1847 The Poierier, 1883)

Gastrothylax crumenifer- relatively large trematodes, round-oval-shaped, 14-17 mm in length, 5-9 mm in width. Cuticle is smooth. Powerfully developed vertical chamber, which begins at a distance of 0.7411-0.31 mm from the front end of the body and ends at a distance of 0.119-0.442 mm from the sucking sucker. A ball-shaped or oval pharynx leads to a slightly curved esophagus 0.498 mm-0.829 mm in length. The esophagus is bifurcated into two slightly convoluted intestinal branches, located laterally on both sides of the ventral chamber. Intestinal branches blindly terminate behind the level of the anterior margin of the testes. Abdominal sucker situated at the posterior end of body, length 1.577-2.012 mm, width, 718-2.808 mm, width 1.131-2.597 mm. The genital orifice is in front of the fork of the intestine. A transverse-ovary ovary 0.658-1.048 mm long and 0.458-0.579 mm wide located between the testes at the level of the posterior margin, but somewhat closer to the right testis. On the left of the ovary are the Mehlis calf, with a diameter of 0.332-0.711 mm. The uterus begins at the level of the Melis calf, from where it goes forward, to the right intestinal cecum and, approximately at the mid-length of the body, passes to the other side. On the left side, the uterus is again directed forward, going almost parallel to the left intestinal trunk, opens into the common genital opening. Eggs are oval in shape and reach a length of 0.117-0.171 mm and a width of 0.060-0.081 mm.


1. In the irrigated and submontane-mountainous zones of the Samarkand and Navai regions, to the previously registered various trematodes of cattle, local foci of paramphistomatids of cattle have joined.

2. The causative agents of paramyphytomatosis are the trematodes of the plain tripe of cattle: Colicophoron colicophorum, Liorchis scotiae, Gastrothylax crumenifer. Previously, these trematodes were not recorded on the territory of these regions.


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