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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Chechetkina S.A., Bystrova V.I., Nikolaychuk K.M., Bekeneva K.A., Levchenko I.D.

The study of the morphology of lymph nodes of different anatomical and topographic localization at a young age was carried out. In the work, data were obtained on the relationship between the localization of lymph nodes and the peculiarities of their micromorphological organization. Thus, the lymph nodes of the inguinal lymphatic region are characterized by a predominant paracortical zone and a developed sinus system. Tracheobronchial lymph nodes are distinguished by a developed B-zone and the smallest area of the sinus system. Mesenteric lymph nodes are characterized by uniformly developed TIV-zones. The morphotype of the lymph node determines its functional features and specialization.

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студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ студент 4 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ студент 4 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ Научный руководитель: Горчаков В.Н., д.м.н, проф., НГУ, НИИКЭЛ - филиал ИЦиГ СО РАН

г. Новосибирск, РФ



В работе проведено исследование морфологии лимфатических узлов разной анатомо-топографической локализации в молодом возрасте. В работе были получены данные о взаимосвязи локализации лимфоузлов и особенностями их микроморфологической организации. Так для лимфоузлов пахового лимфатического региона характерны преобладающая паракортикальная зона и развитая синусная система. Трахеобронхиальные лимфатические узлы отличаются развитой В-зоной и наименьшей площадью синусной системы. Брыжеечные лимфоузлы характеризуются равномерно развитыми Т- и В-зонами. Морфотип лимфатического узла определяет его функциональные особенности и специализацию.

Ключевые слова

Лимфатический регион, трахеобронхиальные лимфоузлы, гидратация.

Chechetkina S.A., 5th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Bystrova V.I., 5th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Nikolaychuk K.M. ,5th-year student of NSU

Novosibirsk, Russia Bekeneva K.A., 5th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Levchenko I.D., 4th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Veremenko A.S., 4th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Scientific supervisor: Gorchakov V.N., MD, Prof., NSU, RICEL - Branch of IC&G SB RAS

Novosibirsk, Russia

Чечеткина С.А., Быстрова В.И., Николайчук К.М., Бекенева К.А., Левченко И.Д., Веременко А.С.,




The study of the morphology of lymph nodes of different anatomical and topographic localization at a young age was carried out. In the work, data were obtained on the relationship between the localization of lymph nodes and the peculiarities of their micromorphological organization. Thus, the lymph nodes of the inguinal lymphatic region are characterized by a predominant paracortical zone and a developed sinus system. Tracheobronchial lymph nodes are distinguished by a developed B-zone and the smallest area of the sinus system. Mesenteric lymph nodes are characterized by uniformly developed TIV-zones. The morphotype of the lymph node determines its functional features and specialization.


lymphatic region, lymph nodes, young age.


Among the organs and systems involved in ensuring homeostasis of the internal environment, an important role belongs to peripheral lymphoid organs that protect the body under the influence of environmental factors [1, 2, 3]. Lymph Nodes have a special place in the lymphatic region due to the combination of interstitial drainage and immune function [4, 5, 6]. Unity lymphatic drainage and immune function needs structural support and is determined by the range of adaptive capabilities of lymphoid tissue inherent in young adulthood. In many ways, adaptive capabilities depend on the dimension of compartments where lymphoid cells are concentrated, without which the formation of an immune response under external influences cannot do. The emergence of the concept of the lymphatic region forced us to pay attention to the structure of regional lymph nodes. The structure of lymph nodes is described in sufficient detail in the literature [1,7], but it is not always associated with age and regional affiliation of lymph nodes to different areas of the body.

The aim of the study is to study the structural organization of lymph nodes of different localization in young animals.

Materials and methods

The animal experiment was conducted in accordance with the principles of bioethics, the rules of laboratory practice (GLP, European Communities Council Directives of 24 November 1986, 86/609/EEC), set out at the Geneva Conference (1971), as well as in the documents "On the approval of the rules of laboratory practice", "On the humane treatment of experimental animals" (Ministry of Health USSR No. 775 of 12.08.1977), "International recommendations for conducting biomedical research using animals" (1985), guidelines for laboratory animals [8] and in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 267 of 19.06.2003. Withdrawal from experience and painful manipulations on animals were performed under general ether anesthesia. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology" (Protocol No. 126 of 11/30/2016).

The study was conducted on 45 white male Wistar rats aged 3-5 months. This age correlates with the adolescent age of a person, which is determined using a coefficient of 1.7 [9]. All animals in the process of work had free access to water and received a standard diet. Three groups of lymph nodes were selected as the object of research in the work: inguinal, mesenteric and tracheobronchial. The choice of these topographic groups of lymph nodes is determined in accordance with the principles of ecological lymphology [1, 7, 10] using the following methods.

The morphological method is based on the use of light microscopy, which allows for the analysis and morphometry of structural and functional zones of lymph nodes. In the characterization of lymph nodes, a certain

research algorithm was followed, corresponding to the requirements of histological examination [11, 12]. In the experiment, lymph nodes of different localization were taken, fixed in 10% neutral formalin, and then wiring and pouring the biomaterial into paraffin was performed according to the classical scheme. This was followed by the preparation of histological sections and their staining with hematoxylin and eosin, azur and eosin, trichromic dye according to C. Masson. The study of the preparations was carried out using microscopes Leica DM 750, Micmed-2 with a scanning prefix ScanMicro, combined with a computer.

Statistical processing of the obtained results is carried out using Excel and StatPlus Pro, AnalystSoft Inc. The calculation of the arithmetic mean is carried out with the determination of its standard (RMS) error. The Student's t-test was applied to assess the level of statistical significance of differences (p < 0.05) under the condition of a normal distribution or close to it. When comparing different lymph nodes, a methodical technique was used, consisting in standardizing the total area of each lymph node, taken as 100%, and based on this, the area of compartments was calculated for comparison.

Results and discussion

Depending on whether the lymph node belongs to a certain lymphatic region, they are characterized by common signs and differences in the dimension of compartments and, consequently, a certain functional specialization. Regardless of whether the lymph node belongs to a certain topographic group, it is formed by cortical matter (includes the interstitial part of the cortex, paracortical region and lymphoid nodules) and cerebral matter (includes cerebral cords and cerebral lymphatic sinus).

The cortical substance of young animals differs in the proportion of compartments depending on the lymphatic region, provided that their total area is standardized. The brain matter in the lymph nodes of young animals of different localization is very variable. In the lymph nodes of young animals, the proportion of cortical (66.31%-71.01%) and cerebral (28.8%-33.58%) substances is approximately comparable in lymph nodes of different localization. The cortical-cerebral ratio (K/M index) progressively increases in a number of lymph nodes: inguinal (1.98± 0.06), tracheobronchial (2.34±0.05), mesenteric (2.47±0.04). The value of the K/M index indicates the predominance of cortical matter in the structure of different lymph nodes, indicating their compact morphotype.

In lymph nodes, regardless of their belonging to different topographic regions, there are two main functional zones. The T-zone is formed by the interstitial part of the cortex and the paracortical region. The thymus-dependent zone (or T-zone) determines the effectiveness of the cellular link of the immune response. The T-zone in the lymph nodes of young animals is about 38.40-43.07% of the total cortical matter without a significant difference between the lymph nodes of different topographic groups. The proportion of the interstitial part of the cortex increases in a row: inguinal (6.20 ± 0.47%), mesenteric (12.53± 0.50%), tracheobronchial (15.2± 0.70%) lymph nodes. The proportion of the paracortical region is almost the same in visceral lymph nodes (mesenteric and tracheobronchial lymph nodes), its proportion is 25.93-27.6%, which is 1.4 times less than in somatic lymph nodes. In the inguinal lymph node, the paracortical region accounts for 36.9 ± 1.72%.

Another important area of the lymph nodes is the thymus-an independent zone (or B-zone) responsible for the effectiveness of the humoral link of immunity. The B-zone in the lymph nodes of young animals accounts for about 41.18%-43.40% in the inguinal and tracheobronchial lymph nodes, and in the mesenteric lymph node its share is about 32.97%. The B-zone is formed by lymphoid nodules and cerebral cords. Lymphoid nodules in the composition of lymph nodes can be of two types. The first type is lymphoid nodules without a germinal center, which account for 5.99%-6.76%, with no significant difference in lymph nodes of different topographic groups. The second type is lymphoid nodules with a germinative center, their proportion increases in a number of lymph nodes: inguinal (8.32 ± 0.43%), mesenteric (9.21± 0.27%), tracheobronchial (11.8± 0.46%). Lymphoid nodules with a germinative center cause active proliferative processes in the lymph nodes of the studied groups of young animals, which are most pronounced in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes. In young animals, brain cords occupy different areas in lymph nodes of different localization: the largest is in the inguinal (26.87 ± 1.65%)

and tracheobronchial (25.56 ± 0.86%), the smallest is in the mesenteric (17.08 ± 0.52%) lymph nodes.

An important role in determining the functional of lymph nodes belonging to different lymphatic regions belongs to the transport sinus system of lymph nodes. In young animals, the proportion occupied by the sinus system depends on the studied groups of lymph nodes and determines the degree of their participation in the performance of drainage-depositing function. The smallest area of the sinus system was noted in the tracheobronchial (4.38 ± 0.32%), the largest - in the mesenteric (11.8 ± 0.19%) and an intermediate value - in the inguinal (6.71± 0.62%) lymph nodes. Such an organization of the lymphatic sinuses indicates a high transport potential in the lymph nodes belonging to the somatic and intestinal lymphatic region.

Based on the conducted studies, it is possible to note the structural features of lymph nodes belonging to different lymphatic regions (regional specificity). Thus, the tracheobronchial lymph node is characterized by a large size of the interstitial part of the cortex, lymphoid nodules with a germinative center and a small area of the cerebral lymphatic sinus. The inguinal lymph node has the largest size of the paracortical region, the smaller size of the areas of the interstitial part of the cortex, lymphoid nodules with a germinative center and the average size of the area of the cerebral lymphatic sinus. Mesenteric lymph node occupies an intermediate position, judging by the occupied area of the interstitial part of the cortex and lymphoid nodules with a germinal center, and has the largest size of the cerebral lymphatic sinus.

The peculiarity of lymphatic regions, due to the drained organs and their peculiarities of contact with the external environment, is reflected in the activity of lymph nodes, demonstrating their general and regional signs of maximum development of morphofunctional status at a young age. The internal structure of lymph nodes is associated with their localization, which determines their functional specialization depending on the characteristics of the lymphatic region being served. The inguinal lymph node has drainage functions to a greater extent, the tracheobronchial lymph node has immune function, the mesenteric lymph node has uniformly developed drainage and immune functions, judging by the development of intra-node compartments.

Organizationally different lymphatic regions are represented by the regional lymphatic apparatus and the tissue microdistrict of its lymph collection, where the leading role is assigned to the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are integral indicators for lymphatic regions, reflecting the processes taking place in the drained areas. Conclusions

Young age is characterized by high development of peripheral lymphoid organs. The morphofunctional status of lymph nodes depends on the localization, which makes it possible to determine the morphological variants and functional specialization of lymph nodes belonging to different lymphatic regions. Inguinal lymph nodes provide transport-depositing function, tracheobronchial lymph nodes provide immune function, and mesenteric lymph nodes provide mixed function combining transport and immune functions. Functional specificity is due to the dominance of certain compartments and the sinus system in the structure of the lymph node, determining its morphotype. The obtained data make a significant contribution to the understanding of the concept of the lymphatic region, demonstrating the principle of regional dominance in the formation of the structural organization of lymph nodes.

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© Чечеткина С.А., Быстрова В.И., Николайчук К.М., Бекенева К.А., Левченко И.Д., Веременко А.С., 2023

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