Научная статья на тему 'Morphofunctional indicators in children in the conditions of Southern Aral Sea region'

Morphofunctional indicators in children in the conditions of Southern Aral Sea region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mirametova Nadira Purkhanatdinovna

This article studies the state of functional indicators of children in various ecological zones of the South Aral Sea region. The analysis of the erythron system in children living in this region was performed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Morphofunctional indicators in children in the conditions of Southern Aral Sea region»

Mirametova Nadira Purkhanatdinovna, external doctorate student, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Institute of Science Karakalpak branch Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan E-mail: svetmamb@mail.ru


Abstract: This article studies the state of functional indicators of children in various ecological zones of the South Aral Sea region. The analysis of the erythron system in children living in this region was performed. Keywords: Southern Aral Sea Region, morphofunctional indicators, blood-vascular system.

One of the integrative systems that allow monitoring shifts at different levels of functioning is the blood-vascular system. Children have an increased sensitivity, which determines not only their health, but also influences the further morphofunctional development of children and adolescents. At present time, most effective way to assess the state of the body according to the state of the blood-vascular system. The main goal of this research was to study the indicators of the erythron system of children that live in adverse environmental conditions of the Southern Aral Sea Region.

Change of environment causes an increase or decrease of the amount of bone marrow production in organism, depending on its needs in red blood cells.

Individual adaptation is a process that develops in the course of life, as a result ofwhich the body acquires resistance to environmental factors and is able to live in conditions previously unsuitable for life.

Many researches [1; 2; 3] have proven that along with genetic factors, environmental factors have a great influence on the development of children. The scientific merit of researches of the physical development of children has increased in particular in recent years [4; 5]. The acceleration process has slowed down considerably or even stopped, deeming a new scientific research necessary.

Numerous data shows that there was a decrease in the indicators of physical development and the state of health of certain groups of children in the past two decades [6]. Moreover, the specification of the situation in terms of timely and reliable information about the state of physical development of children and adolescents is necessary for the organization of preventive work.

The physical development of children and adolescents is currently being studied in various directions, and one of the most topical is the issue of studying its characteristics in adverse environmental conditions, for example, in the Southern

Aral Sea Region. The study of the functional status of children and adolescents in different geographical areas of the Southern Aral Sea region will ultimately provide a broader systemic approach in the organization of preventive work to preserve the health of the population.

The study of adaptive reactions of children is determined by the ability to diagnose and predict the development of the disease at the prenosological level and carry out preventive and curative measures more successfully [7; 21].

Children have potentially more opportunities to adapt to different climatic and geographic conditions, if their actions do not go beyond the limits of biologically determined boundaries. Therefore, at an early age, the children's body is more labile, meaning that new ecological and social conditions can significantly affect the state of the functional systems of the body, including the erythron system, which manifests itself in various quantitative indicators of the cardiovascular system [8; 14].

In order to properly assess a child's condition, to make a clear diagnosis and to timely detect abnormalities, it is necessary to know the peripheral blood composition of healthy children of all ages, due to the fact that each age period has its own specifications. There is no doubt that when evaluating peripheral vascular system, one should use standards, which are designed for children based on their age and climatic conditions, which have a definite influence on the composition of the peripheral vascular system of a child [11; 13].

Analysis of the obtained parameters of the red blood of the examined adolescents showed that the characteristics of the cellular composition of the peripheral blood mainly follow the laws studied in detail and well known in the literature [10; 22]. In relatively healthy children living in Karakalpakstan, although the number of red blood cells did not go beyond the physiological norm, it was close to its lower limit [16]. In addition, it was found that in 13-14 years old boys, the


number of red blood cells is higher than that of 15-16 years old, and in the group of 10 years old children, this number was significantly lower than that of 8 years old (p < 0.05). The hemoglobin concentration (Hb) in the healthy children we examined was at the upper limit of the physiological norm and did not have significant differences depending on age and gender.

When studying the incidence of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in the examined children, it was found that such pathologies as tonsillitis and acute bronchitis are more common [18]. Considering that the respiratory and blood-vascular systems are aimed at performing one function - supplying oxygen to tissues, we tried to find out the effect of respiratory diseases in children on the blood-vascular system.

Examination of children suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract has shown that the number of red blood cells and the concentration of hemoglobin do not go beyond the indicators of healthy children. It was found that in 15 year old boys of15 years the number of erythrocytes is significantly higher than in 13 and 14 years old children (p < 0.05), and the concentration of hemoglobin in 14 year old boys is higher than in 15 year old children (p < 0.05). The average content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte in children with diseases of the upper respiratory tract does not go beyond the physiological norm, since this indicator is more determined. The average hemoglobin concentration in the erythrocyte in children suffering from respiratory diseases is lower than in healthy children in the same region. Apparently, this is due to an increase in the volume of erythrocyte cells in sick children.

In summary, changes in the erythron system are observed in the examined children, which, for the most part, do not depend on the type of disease and are determined mainly by the direct presence of the pathological process. The most pronounced changes are in the average volume of the erythrocyte and in the average concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte. This fact points to that, in any disease of the respiratory organs, compensatory mechanisms are activated to increase the supply of oxygen to tissues, since, in the opinion of Agadzhanyan et al. (1990) an increase in the average volume of the erythrocyte cell leads to an increase in the respiratory surface of the erythrocyte, and, consequently, a better supply of oxygen to the tissues. The erythron system is sensitive to changes in the oxygen supply and plays a large role in the transport of oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body and the transfer of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.

Therefore, on the basis of the conducted research the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The environmental conditions of the Southern Aral Sea Region cause issues in the regulation and the very function of erythropoiesis, as well as lead to unfavorable functioning possibilities ofboth the hematopoietic apparatus and the erythron system.

2. In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, an increase in the average red blood cell volume is noted with a simultaneous decrease in the average concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cell.

3. Changes in the erythron system parameters in the examined children under the environmental conditions of the Southern Aral Sea Region are one-directional, regardless of the type of diseases.


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