Научная статья на тему 'MONGOLIC WORDS IN ÖZBEK (II): WORDS BEGINNING WITH č-, J-, Y-'

MONGOLIC WORDS IN ÖZBEK (II): WORDS BEGINNING WITH č-, J-, Y- Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rybatzki Volker

This is the second part of a series of papers (to be continued) on Mongolic words in Özbek. There seem to be no direct borrowings from Mongolic languages in Özbek, with the majority of loanwords finding their way into Özbek through Modern Uyghur, Kazakh, or Kirghiz. Some Mongolic words entered Özbek through Persian, and some (very few) words seem to have arrived through languages located to the west and northwest of Özbek most notably, through Turkmen and Kara-Kalpak.

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Текст научной работы на тему «MONGOLIC WORDS IN ÖZBEK (II): WORDS BEGINNING WITH č-, J-, Y-»

Volker Rybatzki

University of Helsinki, Helsinki

MONGOLIC WORDS IN OZBEK (II): Words beginning with c-, j-, y-

This is the second part of a series of articles that has dealt/will deal with Mongolic words in Ozbek1. The general background of the research has been outlined in part one, the argumentation within this part should be altered in two aspects: I underestimated to some extent the importance of Kirgiz, and there seem to be also Mongolic words in Ozbek that did not enter through Uyghur, Kazax or Kirgiz, although this is the great majority, but seem to have western/north-western origin, cf. in this article sub jilav. With respect to abbreviations and literature, only new ones have been cited at the end of this article, this will also be the practice in further parts, for the older abbreviations and literature the reader is referred to the first part.

Ozb. cana (< Ru. [CAHG]) 'sled' | Uyy., Kir. cana 'sled, sleigh' | Kzx. Sana 'id.'. || The structure of the word CVCV points to a Mo. origin [vs. Tu. *CVC], the article itself (sled, sleigh, snowshoe) indicates a northern, snowy environment. The basis of the Mo. word might be *ca, as in ca/sun 'snow', ca/yan ~ caya/yan (ca/yayan?) 'white', ca/kir 'very white'; but a derivational suffix *-nA is not known from Mo.; for this reason perhaps X > Mo. > Tu. languages. According to Doerfer [TMEN § 1129], Tu. (i) *can- ^ cana > Mo., (ii) *can- ^ canyu ^ cayyu. However, the word is not attested in older and medieval languages, the earliest evidence is from Cag., and for this reason also the following development might have occurred: Tu. < Tu. ^ MTu/OT/X > MMo. ^ Mo. > Tu. > Tu.? Thus possibly Ozb. < Uyy. or Kir. • Kalm. cane 'Schlitten'; BurNU, T, Ch sana ~ S cana 'Schneeschuh' [Castren 1857b: 157]; OirL cana; MoL, KhalL cana 'snowshoes; sleigh; ski' • Mo. > Tu. [Castren 1857a: 102, 120; Kecskemeti 1973: 7] > Ru. сани [Vasmer 1958: 46].

1 The first part has appeared in the Festschrift for Prof. Sertkaya [Rybatzki 2013].

?~? Özb. canyi 'ski' | Uyy. cayya 'id.', also called liza | Kzx. sayyï 'id.' | Kir. cayyï 'braided skis' (Ru. плетеные лыжи) || Schwarz [Sch] compares also this word with Mo. cana, but this is a Tu. word.

Özb. canyarâq 'smoke-hole ring of a yurt' | Uyy. cayyiraq 'smoke hole on top of a round Mongolian-style home' | Kzx. sayaraq ~ sayïraq 'wooden circle forming the smoke opening of a yurt' | Kir. cayaraq 'id.' [Rona-Tas 1961: 94-95зз] || Probably Mo. > Tu/Kzx., Kir., Kkp., Nog., Bsk. [VEWT 99], all nomadic people that are/were in close linguistic and cultural contacts with the Mongols. However, also the borrowing (?Tu. >) Mo. > Tu. > Tu. can not be excluded, thus perhaps Uyy. > Özb., or < Kir. or Kzx. Although the word is not attested in MMo., it could be a comparatively old Mo. l.-w. in Tu. because Tu. -yy- vs. Mo. -y- <—yy- as also in moyyol ^ moyol • Ord. cayarik ~ cayaraq ~ cayäraq 'anneau, cerceau, cadre rond (p. ex. d'un tamis)'; OirD cagäräy, OirKho/U cagriy 'cerceau; une des lattes courbées dans le cerceau du faîte de la tente (D/Kho)' [OirL cayariq]; Kalm. cayervy 'die Querhölzer im Rauchring, bisweilen der Rauchring, Dachring (der Jurte)'; MoL cayariy, KhalL cagarig 'circle, ring; hoop; rim of a wheel'.

Özb. canqa- 'to become thirsty, to thirst for' ^ canqâq 'thirsty', ^ canqâv 'thirst' [CAHG]; Özb/Qil. cayqa- 'to be thirsty' [Ja37: 47] | Uyy. cayqa- 'to be extremely thirsty' | [Kzx. samïrqan 'to be thirsty (and quench one's thirst')] | Kir. cayka 'to feel/be thirsty; to be in need of water' || Özb. < Uyy. < Mo. • Ord. cayya- 'avoir soif'; Kalm. cayyvjv 'durstig und totmüde sein (an einem heißen Tag), vor Durst schmachten'; MoL cangya-, KhalL cangax 'to be/come thirsty, to be/come dried up' ^ MoL cangyay, KhalL cangag 'thirst' ^ MoL canyalta, KhalL cangalt 'id.'.

(??) Özb. 3caqa (dial.) 'child' ^ caqalâq 'newborn baby' > Taj. caqalaq [TMEN § 1094] | Uyy. (only in the compound) bala caqa 'family' [Ja64: 66, Me55: 27] | Trkm. caga (ca-) '(i) child, baby, infant (Ru. ребенок, дитя); (ii) young, cube (Ru. детеныш); (iii) greenhorn, puppy; punk (Ru. молокосос, сопляк)' [Baskakov et al. 1968: 715] | Kzx. saya 'raven nestling', bala-saya 'children; family' | Kir. (only in the compound) bala caka (~ bala-bakïra ~ bala-barïka) 'children, babies, little ones, young ones (Ru. дети); family, household' || Due to the limited distribution, it is difficult to decide the origin of the word;

according to Räsänen, following N. Poppe, Tu. ~ Mo. [VEWT 96], other opinions include Tu. > Mo. [Kara 2001: 88] and Mo. > Tu. [Me55: 27; T74: 67]. If Mo., prob. Özb. < Uyy. < Mo., or ^ Uig. caya 'Estraden-Maid, Tänzerin' [T74: 67], or < Kir. If, however, the word occurs as nyacu 'the young girl' ^ nya 'young girl, female slave' + cu '3 p. poss. s. = <article>' already in a Turco-Slavic graffiti from the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, dated by Pritsak to the 11th century, then the word should probably be considered Tu. [Golden 2001: 47; Menges 1951: 64; Pritsak 1982: 156] • MMoM caqa ~ U cay-a 'Kind', M caqa-yan köü-ben tebci- 'seine Kinder und seine Söhne verstoßen'; EMoL/AT cay-a glossed as köbegün 'son, boy' [XVr14], and nilqa 'infant, tender' [XVr23]; Ord. caga 'Teil von n. pr. m./f.' [Kler 1956: 489, 497]; MoL cay-a (obs.) 'a little boy', MoL caqa, KhalL cax 'small child, infant'; OirL caxas 'child, infant, children' • Mo. > Yak. cadaï ca + daï) 'klein von Wuchs, kleinwüchsig, untersetzt; Zwerg-; klein, winzig' [Kaluzynski 1995: 256; Pekarskij 1917-27: 3552-3553; Slepcov 1972: 505].

Özb. carla- 'to call, to invite' | Uyy. carla- 'to patrol, reconnoiter [Sch]; to inspect, reconnoitre [Ja64: 66]'; jarla- ~ jala- 'ausrufen, verkündigen' [Me55: 38] | Kzx. jarla- 'to promulgate' | Kir. 0? || Özb. < Uyy. carla- ^ Tu./Uyy. *jarla- < Mo. jarla- ^ jar < Tu. *yar; cf. also Doerfer [TMEN § 146]. The root of the verb, car ^ jar < *yar, is not attested in OT, MTu., or Uig., the first occurrence is Cag. (XVff) etc. yar. Known from a MMo. paizi (XIV) with scripts in MMoU/P, Pe. and Ch. in the compound U jar tungyay ~ P jar tuyqaq 'declaration, proclamation'. The unattested Tu. *yar is the basis of Tu. (VlIIff) yarlïy > Mo. jarliq ~ jarliy. In mod. Tu. languages the verb (besides the forms mentioned) is attested also as Trki/Kat jarla- ~ jala- 'to call out, proclaim', Osm. garla- 'to speak in a loud voice, shout' [VEWT 124] and Tuv. carla- 'to publish, announce' [Khabtagaeva 2009: 116]. Because of phonological reasons [Räsänen 1949: 185-188] only Kzx. jarla-(here also jar 'order' is attested, in Kir. only jar 'cry, notification, advertisement') might go back to *yarla- or *yar; all the other occurences should be considered Mo. l.-w., note also that the dev. n. s. -mci in the Uyy. derivate carlamci 'scout, detective [Sch]; inspector [Ja64]' is of Mo. origin (MoL -mji dev. s. forming n.s designating abstract ideas [Poppe 1954: § 171]) « Uyy. carliyuci 'patrol; reconnaisance; scout' • Ord. zar 'notification faite au public, nouvelle', zar bicig 'notification écrite faite au public'; Kalm. zar 'Proklamation, Kundgebung;

(auch:) Auktion' (> Alt. jar id.); MoL jar, KhalL zar 'written order or instruction; announcement, advertisement', MoL ulayan jar bicig 'order for relay horses' ^ Ord. zarla- 'répandre une nouvelle, un avis; porter à la connaissance du public per une notification officielle'; Kalm. zarfyv ~ zarFxB 'verkünden, proklamieren, ausrufen' (Alt., Tel. jarla-); MoL jarla-, KhalL zarla- 'to order; to make known, publish, announce, proclaim'.

Özb. 1cây 'time, occasion' > Taj. câq 'Zeit, Moment' [Do67 : 4 1386] | Uyy. 1cay 'time' [Sch]; lcay ~ caq (Pe.) 'occasion, account, time, moment' [Ja64: 63] | Kzx. 2saq 'term (time), age, time, period (of 8 months, date, etc.)' | Kir. 2cak 'time, period' || Old l.-w. in Tu. from MMo., attested since medieval times [C72: 403-404); not Tu. ~ Mo. [VEWT 95], or Tu. > Mo. [TMEN § 1045]. ([M]Mo. > Pe. >) Özb. < Uyy. cay ^ MTu/UigS/Uig. cay < MMo. [C72: 403-404; DTS 139] • MMoM/S/P/A caq (Cag/MA cay ~ caq [P38: 120, 130ff]) ~ S/U cay ~ P cak '(right) time, period, season', (pl.) S caud; Ord. cay 'temps, saison, heure, horloge, montre'; OirD cay 'temps; heure; horloge; saison' [OirL caq]; Kalm. cay 'Zeit, Stunde; Jahrzeit'; MoL cay, KhalL cag '(i) time, period, season, age; time as a general situation or set of circumstances; tense (gram.); (ii) hour; (iii) clock, watch' • MMo. > UigS [Li66: 149], Cag. (H; . Mo. > Tu.

^ Özb. 1câyla- 'to ready, get ready; to estimate, figure; to aim for, to go for' | Uyy. lcayla- 'to consider, estimate, reckon' [Sch]; cayla- 'to make out, to reckon, to aim, to consider oneself good, to count' [Ja64], 'to estimate, measure' [Jarring 1991-92: 70]; caqla-'halten für' [Me55: 27-28] | (Kzx. saqïr- 'to call, invite, to crow') | (Kir. cakta- 'to determine approximately, to estimate, measure') || Probably (i) Özb. < Uyy. cayla- ^ Uyy. cay ^ MTu/Uig. cay < MMo.

and not (ii) Özb. < Uyy. cayla- ^ MTu/Uig. cayla- < MMo., or (iii) Özb. < Uyy. cayla- < Mo.; according to Doerfer [TMEN § 1046], Tu. > Mo. • MMoM/P caqla- (den. v. ^ caq) 'to consider, estimate, determine' ~ U *cayla- (^ caylasi ügei ~ caylasi ügei); Ord. cayla-'faire avec mesure, avec modération'; Kalm. caylexu 'für längere Zeit vorbereiten, sich für eine gewisse Zeit versehen'; MoL cayla-, KhalL caglax 'to set a time; to measure, weigh, compare; to limit, act moderately; to imagine, consider, realize'.

Özb. Cecan 'skilled, adept' | Uyy. cicän 'astute, perspicacious; shrewd' | Kzx. sesen '(i) eloquent, expressive; (ii) orator' | Kir. cecen

'eloquent, eloquent speaker' || Özb. < Uyy./Kir. < Mo. • MMoM/S/U secen ~ A *cecen 'intelligent; sage, wise, clever', (pl.) M secet ~ U seced ~ Ch. junzi 'person of noble character' « U siliyu sayid [Cleaves 1951: 101; Rachewiltz 1982: 75-76]; Ord. jicin ~ secin 'sage, intelligent, qui a beaucoup d'esprit'; OirL cecen, Oir. cêcen; Kalm. cecn 'scharfsinnig; Scharfsinn, Weisheit; n. pr. m.'; EMoL secen 'sage, wise' [Ka09: 255], (pl.) seced 'sages, the wise' [Ibid.]; MoL secen ~ cecen, KhalL secen 'wise, sage, intelligent, prudent' • MMo. > Cag/MA

* cecen ^ cecenlik [P38: 131]; Mo. > Tu. [Castrén 1857a: 103, 114; Csaki 2006: 73-75; Halasi-Kun 1975: 176, 186; Kaluzynski 1995: 140, 152, 341; Khabtagaeva 2009: 247; TMEN § 207; VEWT 407]. Mo. > Tung. [Doerfer 2004: 167; MT § 120; TMEN § 207].

Özb. cevar 'master seamstress; master, expert' | Uyy. lciwär 'wise, brilliant' | Kzx. seber '(i) foreman, master (craftsman, expert); (ii) tailor' | Kir. ceber '(i) skillful craftswoman, good sewingwoman [Ru. искусная мастерица, хорошая рукодельница]; (ii) master' || Mo. > Tu., but Özb. probably < Kir. (because of semantics), also < Uyy. is phonologically possible, but the semantics do not fit; perhaps Özb.

• (M)Tu. < Mo. • MMoU jeber (ceber) ~ A ceber (Cag. cecenlik [P38: 131]) 'skilled'; Ord. ciwer 'propre, pur, chaste, qui n'est pas souillé, immaculé, net'; OirD cewür ~ ceür 'net, pur' (OirL ceber); Kalm. cewr 'reinlich, sauber'; MoL ceber, KhalL cewer 'clean, pure; neat[ly]; immaculate[ly]; net (as profit, etc.)'; OirL ceber 'id.' • MMo. > MTu./CC ceber 'cute, pleasant, decent' [Granbech 1942: 74, Poppe 1962: 335]; Mo. > Tu. [Csaki 2006: 82-83; Kaluzynski 1961: 110 (Yak. säbär 'rein'; cf. säbär 'rein, sauber' [Böhtlingk 1851: 158]); Khabtagaeva 2009: 172, 251 (Tuv. < Bur.); Rona-Tas 1975: 203, [but:] 1982 0; Schönig 2000: 78-79; Stachowski 1993: 73 (Dolg. cäbär 'sauber, Sauberkeit' = Yak. cäbär 'sauber, ordentlich' < Mo.); VEWT 101].

Özb. cida- 'to (with)stand, endure, put up with; to last' [CAHG]; Özb/Afgh., Buch. cida- 'to endure, bear' [Ja38: 182; 005: 13] | Uyy. cida- 'to bear, endure, stand' [Sch]; cïda— cïdœ— cïde— cide- 'to stand, withstand, endure, resist, last' [Ja64: 70] | Kzx. sïda- 'to suffer, endure, undergo; to bear, sustain, stand' | Kir. cïda- 'to tolerate, endure, to (with)stand; to suffer' || One of the most widely spread Mo. l.-w. in Tu. (but not Tung.) languages • MMoM/S/U/A cida- (Cag. cïda- [P38: 133]) 'to be able, capable; to reach, achieve, attain'; Ord. cida- 'avoir le

talent de, savoir, étre en état de, pouvoir, oser, pouvoir maîtriser'; Kalm. cad'xv 'können, in der Lage sein, fähig sein; vermögen; treffen; erlangen' (> Tu.); MoL cida-, Khal. cadax 'to be able, capable; to be able to overcome or vanquish' • MMo. > UigS [Li66: 152], Cag. (^); Mo. > Tu. [Csâki 2006: 75-77; Khabtagaeva 2009: 166, 263; Nugteren, Roos 1996: 57-58; Schönig 2000: 79-80; TMEN § 188; VEWT 106-107]. Mo. > Tung. [TMEN § 188].

Özb. cilâpcin (dial.) (Pe.) 'basin for catching water used in washing the hands and face with a pitcher' | Uyy. cilapca ~ cilapcin 'copper basin used by Uyghurs and Özbeks for washing hands' [Sch]; cil'abce ~ cil'apce 'basin, washing-tub for hand-washing', cil'ampuyza 'washing-tub for hand-washing' [Ja64: 72] | Kzx. sïlansïl 'wash-basin' | Kir. cïlapcïn 'small metal basin' [Ru. небольшой металлический таз, который подставляют, когда поливают на руки] || Generally considered a Mo. l.-w. in Tu., but possibly Özb. < Pe. < Mo.; the den. n. s. -bci (jila + bci? If the word has to be analysed like this) forms nouns designating covers of objects [Poppe 1954: § 108], which semantically does not fit here • MMoA jalabci 'basin', A yeke jilabci (Cag. uluy jïlapcï 'large dish' [P38: 389]); Ord. jilabci 'marmite en fonte de petit format'; Kalm/Öletjillpci 'kleiner Kessel oder Kochtopf' (Kh. zalvpcin toyö; Mo. > Cag., Kir.); MoL jilabci, KhalL zalawc 'small kettle; bowl' • MMo. > Cag. (^); Mo. > Tu. (Osm., Cag., Kzx., Kir.) [TMEN § 2028; VEWT 108].

Özb. cilvir 'strong cord or rope' | Uyy. culwur 'reins, halter' | Kzx. sïlbïr 'long reins (for tethering a horse)' | Kir. cïlbïr ~ cïlmïr 'reins; leads' (Ru. чумбур) || Uyy. culwur (^ * culwur) < Mo., probably Oir-Kalm., Kh.-KhDial. (cf. [Nugteren 2011: 302]), but Özb. < Kzx. or Kir., the exact Mo. source of these languages is unclear • MMoM cilbUr ~ S/A cilbur ~ A culbur 'leather cord attached to the bride; loin, tether'; Ord. cilbUr 'longe'; OirD/Dz culbur ~ culwur ~ /Dz culwur ~ /U colwur 'id.' (OirL culbur); Kalm. culwUr 'Leitriemen, Leitzügel (außer den Zügeln binden die Kalmücken einen langen Riemen links am Gebiß an)'; MoL cilbuyur ~ culbuyur, KhalL culbuur 'long leather cord attached to the headstall of a halter or bridle; tether' • MMo. > MTu. culbur [P38: 403]; Mo. > Tu. [Csâki 2006: 78-80; Nugteren, Roos 1996: 57:36; Schönig 2000: 80-81; TMEN § 181; VEWT 108] > Ru. чумбур ~ чембур ~ чалбур ~ чимбур [Vasmer 1958: 315]. Mo. >

Tung. [MT § 583]; recent Mo. > Ma. cilburi 'a guide rope fastened to a bridle ring to lead beasts of burden, a tether' [Rozycki 1994: 48].

Özb. cirây (Pe.) 'beauty; good looks, mood, mien' ^ cirâyli 'pretty, beautiful' [CAHG]; Özb/Afgh. cir'ayliq 'beautiful' [Ja38: 182] > Taj. cirâylik 'schön' [Do67: 40377] | Uyy. ciray 'face, complexion'; cf. özä, 1yüz (i) [Sch]; cïr'ay ~ cir'ay ~ ciray ~ cirây (Pe.) 'face, countenance, beauty' [Ja64: 71] ^ cirayliq 'beautiful', cf. päyz (i), sabahätlik, körkäm, güzäl (i) [Sch]; cïr'aylïq ~ cïraylïq ~ cïr'aylïy ~ cïraylïy ~ cir'ayliq ~ ci'aylïq ~ cïy'lïy ~ ciy'aylïq (Pe. Tu.) 'beautiful, handsome, nice, beauty, careful', c. qïl- 'to beautify' [Ja64: 71] | Kzx. sïray 'look, aspect, appearance, exterior, outward (look, view, appearance), facial features' ^ sïraylï '(i) beautiful, kind, nice; (ii) sister in relation to her brother's father-in-law' | Kir. cïray 'features [Ru. черты лица], beautiful face [Ru. красота лица]; form, image [Ru. образ]' ^ cïrayluu 'beautiful, nice, handsome; pretty, cute' || CAHG considered the word Pe. > Özb.; more correctly < Pe. < Mo., also Özb. < > Uyy. seems possible • MMoM/S/U/A cirai (Cag. cïraï [P38: 135ff]) ~ S/A cirayi (Cag. cïrayï [Ibid.]) 'colour, appearance, face, mien; reputation, power; form, likeness'; Ord. carä 'visage, figure, mine, teint du visage, apparence'; OirD carâ ~ /T cire: 'visage, face' [OirL cirai]; Kalm. cire: 'Gesicht (des Menschen)'; MoL cirai, KhalL caraï 'face; physiognomy; appearance, mien' • MMo. > MTu/CC, MA [Poppe 1962: 335; P38: 135ff]; Mo. > Tu. [Csaki 2006: 80-82; Khabtagaeva 2009: 165, 273; Schönig 2000: 81; TMEN § 187; VEWT 109 (here incorrectly Tu. = Mo.)]. Mo. > Tung. [MT § 584; Rozycki 1994: 48 (recent borrowing)].

Özb. Coci- 'to be startled, to be frightened' [CAHG]; Özb/Afgh. coc- 'to be or become afraid, to feel fear' [Ja38: 183] | Uyy. cöcü- '(i) to be startled; (ii) (med.) to sprain' | Kzx. sosu- 'to fear, to become frightened' | Kir. cocu- 'to boggle; to fear, be afraid' || Tu. < Mo., but Özb. < Uyy. or Kir. < Mo. • MMoM *soci- ~ M *coci- (^ soci ul-, cocimtawu) ~ U soci- 'to get frightened'; Ord. joci- 'éprouver un mouvement subit de frayeur; tressaillir de frayeur; sursauter de frayeur'; OirD cocna ~ cocna 's'effrayer' (OirL coci-); Kalm. cocyv ~ coc^e 'zusammenfahren, zittern, erschrecken'; MoL coci- ~ soci-, KhalL cocix 'to start in alarm, suffer a shock; become suddenly frightened or startled; to be surprised; to swell (of glands)' • Mo. > Tu. [Kaluzynski 1995: 124; Khabtagaeva 2009: 259; Nugteren, Roos 1996: 73282; VEWT 113].

Özb. Col 'desert; hungry, yearning for' [CAHG]; Özb/Afgh. col 'desert' [Ja38: 183], Özb/Buch. cul 'steppe, desert' [005: 14] > Ar/Buch. cül 'id.' [Do69: 30472] > Taj. col 'Steppe' [Do67: 41394] | Uyy. cöl '(geo.) desert, wasteland'; also cöl-bayawan, cöl-jäzirä [Sch]; cöl 'desert', c. jezi:re ~ c. yer 'id.' [Ja64: 76] | Kzx. söl '(i) desert, steppe, plain, without water, waterless; (ii) cataract, wall-eye; (iii) thirst' | Kir. cöl 'desert, wilderness; steppe, plain' || The word is attested three times in the OT inscriptions, KT E4, BQ E4-5, To 23. In all cases, cöl indicates place names. In KT and BQ cöl is situated between bökli ~ bükli 'Korea' and tabyac 'China', i. e. a location in the Far East, probably in Manchuria. In To, cöl[l]üg 'from Cöl' points to a location in NW Mongolia. In both cases, the geographical areas are not deserts [C72: 420; Rybatzki 1997: 104-106270). Between VIII and the XIV/XV the word is not attested in Tu. languages. When cöl entered Tu. in XIV/XV with the meaning 'desert', it was as a Mo. l.-w., thus Özb. < Uyy. cöl < Tu., f. ex. Kir. cöl < Mo., or < Mo. [Rybatzki 2009: 157] • MMoM cul (read cöl) in *cöl oljaur-a 'bastard' ~ U/A cöl (Cag. cöl [P38: 136ff]) 'desert, (A also) mainland', (pl.) U cöl-nujud (sic); Ord. cöl 'désert sans eau'; OirD cöl 'désert' (OirL cöl ~ cölö); Kalm. cöl 'wasserlose, menschenleere Wüste'; MoL, KhalL cöl 'desert, desolate place; deserted, desolate, uninhabitated' • Mo. > Tu. [Nugteren, Roos 1996: 60:60, TMEN § 1145 (Tu. > Mo.), VEWT 117 (here also wrongly Tu. > Mo.)].

Özb. Colpân 'Venus' | Uyy. colpan '(ast.) Venus'; also called zuhrä [Sch]; colpay 'bright, clear', c. julduz 'morning star' [Ja64: 75] | Kzx. solpan '(i) Venus (planet); (ii) woman's name; (iii) dawn'; s. jüldi'z 'morning star' | Kir. colpon ~ c. jïldïz 'Venus, morning star' || Due to the "exceptional" shape of the Tu. word, considered by Doerfer [MT § 98] a l.-w. from Ruanruan (Mo.?) in Tu.; however, the word occurs very late, interestingly nearly at the same time (XIV), in both Tu. (UigS colpan 'étoile de matin' [Li66: 153-154]), and Mo. (MMo/Ras colban tr. MTu. *tang yulduz 'id.'). It seems the word has been borrowed several times within the same language groups. The various borrowings might be represented as Mo. > Tu. (^ OT <) Ruanruan ^ OMo. ^ MMo. ^ Mo. > Tung. It is probably that the Özb. word is borrowed from Uyy. or Kir., and that the Kir. and Uyy. words are in turn l.-w. from Mo., but this can not be definitely proven. The hypothesis that the word is a Mo. l.-w. in (most) mod. Tu. languages could be supported by the fact that the distribution in Mo. languages is fairly

large (missing only in Baoan, Dongxiang and Moghol) [MYYC 575; Nugteren 2011: 307], whereas in Tu. languages, the word occurs only in languages lexically strongly influenced by Mo. [VEWT 115] • Tu. (XIV) colpan 'the planet Venus'; not noted before XIV but no doubt older (perhaps not in Tu. — V. R.]), although the word for 'Venus' in the idiosyncratic VlIIff document from Toyoq is the Sogd. l.-w. naxid and in XI Qutadyu Bilig sävit. S.i.a.m.l.g. with some phonetic changes (c- ~ s- etc.) but in SW Osm. çoban yildizi 'the shepherd's star', no doubt owing to a false etymology [C72: 418] • MMoA colban 'morning star' (•); Ord. colmon ~ culmun 'Vénus (planète)'; OirDz colbuy ~ colmuy 'étoile du berger, aurore' (OirL colbun); Kalm. colwon ~ colwoy 'Venus, Morgenstern'; MoL colbon ~ colmon ~ colman, KhalL colmon 'morning star, Venus' • Ruanruan (Mo.?) > Tu. [MT § 98]; Mo. > Tu. (•; [Kaluzynski 1961: 97, 117; VEWT 115]). Mo. > Tung. [MT § 98].

Özb. Coqqi 'peak, summit' | Uyy. coqqa '(i) crest, top', adämniy coqqisi 'the top of a person's head'; '(ii) (geo.) peak, summit; (iii) (fig.) acme, apex, pinnacle' [Sch]; coqa 'the crown of the head; crown (byname)', coqcœ 'a small mountain-top' [Ja64: 76] | Kzx. soqï 'pointed hill, knoll, peak, spire, pinnacle' | Kir. lcoqu '(i) parietal bone [Ru. теменная кость], (ii) head, top, crown' || Although not attested in MMo., considered a Mo. l.-w. in Tu., as the word occurs only in Tu. languages adjacent to the Mo. language area; Özb. probably < Uyy. • Oir/DzM cox ~ /DzÜ cöxxo 'derrière de la tête' (OirL coxo); Kalm. lcox° '(i) Hinterkopf (Ölet); Schläfe, Seite des Vorderkopfes (Dörbet); (ii) Seite, auf der einen Seite'; MoL 2coqu, KhalL cox 'protuberances on the sinciput; the upper part of the forehead (coll.)' • Mo. > Tu. [Kaluzynski 1961: 51; TMEN § 1139 (Yak., Kir., Kzx., Bsk., Kkp., Özb.); VEWT 114 (Kir., Yak.)]. Mo. > Tung. [MT § 585]; Doerfer's idea [Ibid.] that Ma. coki 'prominent, jutting out' < Mo. coqu was rejected by Rozycki [1994: 49-50] because of semantic problems involved.

Özb. jabduq 'harness; gear, equipment' | Uyy. jabduq '(i) implement, tool, utensile; (ii) preparation'; cf. täräddut, täyyargärlik, täyyarliq, hazirliq [Sch]; jabduq ~ jabduy 'outfit, equipment, gear, kit, preparation' [Ja64: 90]; jabduq 'Instrument, Ding; (metaph.) Penis' [Me55: 37] | Kzx. jabdïq '(i) medium, mean; (ii) equipment, outfit, outfitting, arrangement; (iii) reserve, reserve stock, supply; (iv) inventory' | Kir. jabdïq '(i) weapon, arms; (ii) supplies, equipment, tools' || Özb. < Uyy. < Mo., or • Uyy.

jabdu- < Mo. • Kalm/Ölet zabdvy 'side income, profit; favorable coincidence, opportunity' (> Kzx.); MoL jabduya ~ jabda, KhalL zawdaa 'free time, leisure' • Mo. > Tu. (Otü/Kat) [VEWT 122] ^ MMoU jabdu- 'to have the opportunity (to do something), to start (an activity)'; Ord. jabdu- 'avoir le temps de faire quelque chose; être près d'arriver (dit du temps); approcher (d'un certain âge, d'un certain nombre); se préparer'; Kalm. zabd'xv '(i) (Ölet) Zeit haben, unbeschäftigt sein; (ii) (Dörbet) drohen, bedrohen, drohend schwenken; (iii) im Begriff sein, tun wollen, die Gelegenheit nutzen (Zwick)'; EMoL jabdu- 'to prepare, to take time to do sth.' [Ka09: 128]; MoL jabdu— jabda-, KhalL zawdax 'to have or find time or leisure for; to be in time; to be about to do something; to prepare for; to forestall; to do something at the right moment; to attempt, undertake; to intend; to be approaching' > Uyy. jabdu- '(i) to prepare, get ready'; cf. täräddutlan-, täyyarla-; '(ii) to adorn, tidy up, decorate'; cf. böjä-, bezä-, pädäzlä-, zinnätlä-; '(iii) to dress up' [Sch], jabdu- 'to equip, arrange' [Ja64: 90]; Kir. jabdï- '(i) to supply; (ii) to equip'; in Kzx. and Özb. the stem is not attested, here: ^ Kzx. jabdïkta- '(i) to supply, equip; (ii) to provide with necessary equipment; (iii) to arrange in good order', Özb. jabduqla- 'to saddle, to outfit (horse)' • Mo. > Tu. (Otü/Kat) [VEWT 122]. Mo. > Tung. (Sib., Ma.) [MT § 595]; recent Mo. > Ma. jabdumbi 'to have or find time or leisure for; to be in time; etc.' [Rozycki 1994: 117-118].

Özb. jayalbay ~ jayalmay, cf. jiyâltây 'kestrel, falcon' | Uyy. jayalway '(zool.) merlin, pigeon hawk (Falco columbarius)'; also called turumtay, kökinäk [Sch]; jïyalmœy 'the hobby-hawk', cf. [Le Coq 1913: 8; Ja64: 95] | Kzx. jayaltay '(zool.) kestrel' | Kir. jayalmaï 'hobby (falcon); red-footed falcon' [Ru. кобчик] || Özb. < Tu. < Mo.; belongs to the large group of designations of hunting birds or birds of pray that were borrowed from Mo. into Tu. • MMoS jaqalmai (den. n. ^ *jaqal) 'aigle noir'; Kalm. 3zayBlmä 'ein Raubvogel; schwarzer Adler' (Tu. (Küär.) yayalbai, (Cag.) yayilbai 'id.'); MoL/Ra jayalmai singqor 'un épervier avec des ailes déployées' « MoL/L jayalai, KhalL zagalaï 'eagle having white feathers and dark spots' ^ Ord. jayal 'ayant sur les épaules des taches d'une couleur plus foncée que le reste de la robe (cheval)'; Kalm. zayvl 'the dark hair on both sides of the neck (of horses), light strips from the neck sidewards (of dogs)'; MoL jayal, KhalL zagal 'having dark spots on the neck and shoulders (of a stallion or gelding)'. Mo. > Tu. (Kzx. jayal 'smudgy, dirty'; Uyy. jayil 'rust-

coloured' [Sch]; Yak. zayïl ~ jayïl [VEWT 122], jayïl toyon 'Meeradler, Haliaëtus pelagicus' — lit. 'gescheckter Herrscher' [Hauenschild 2008: 72], Dolg. gagyl 'glänzend, funkelnd' [Stachowski 1993: 88]). Recent Mo. > Ma. jahala a horse with red or brown stripes around the neck [Rozycki 1994: 118].

Özb. jarcï 'caller, crier, announcer' vs. jahrcï '(arch.) crier, announcer' • jahr (Ar.) 'news, announcement, etc.' | Uyy. jarci 'announcer, spokesman; mouthpiece; towncrier'; cf. diktor, jakaci, elanci; see also (|) carla- | Kzx. jarsï 'public crier, messenger, announcer' | Kir. jarcï 'herald, (street) crier' || Özb. < Uyy./Kir. < Mo. [MYYC 435] • MMoM/S/U/P/A *jarci (^ jarcila-, jarcim, jarcimla-); Kalm. zarece 'Diener (der Fürsten oder anderer), Arbeiter, Knecht' (> Tel. jarcy 'die Arbeiter des Zaisans'), Kalm/Ölet zarc1 'Verkünder, Vorleser der Proklamation, Ausrufer, Herold' (> Alt., Tel. jarcy 'id., Bote'); MoL jarci ~ jarca, KhalL zarc 'footman, servant, errand boy; messanger'; OirL zaraca 'id.' • Mo. > Tu. [Schönig 2000: 107-108; TMEN §§ 146-147].

Özb. jayran '(zool.) antelope' ((< Pe.) < Tu. < Mo.) vs. jiyrân 'sorrel', yiyrânqus '(zool.) red heron' (• Tu.) | Uyy. järän '(zool.) gazelle (Gazella)' [Sch]; jeg'en '(Guma) male antelope' [Ja64: 94] (< Mo. [Rona-Tas 1966: 434]) vs. jirän '(zool.) palm yellow (of horses)' [Sch] (• Tu.) | Kzx. jayran '(zool.) gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa)' (< Mo.) vs. jiren 'sorrel (of horse); red (of hair)' (• Tu.) | Kir. 0? || MMoS jeren (read: jëren) ~ Ajëren (Cag. jayran (< Pe.) [P38: 205]) 'gazelle'; Ord. jëre 'id. (Gazella gutturosa)'; Oir. zëren ~ zerën, OirD zëren, /Dz zërin biiyii 'id.' (OirL zëren); Kalm. zëm 'roe deer, doe; chamois; antelope'; MoL jeger-e/n, KhalL zeer 'antelope (Ch. huangyang ^^ 'Mongolian gazelle; Procapra gutturosa) • Tu. (VIII) yägrän 'chestnut' as the colour of a horse's coat. A second period l.-w. in Mo. as jegere where it is used as a noun meaning 'gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa', the derivate form jegerde being used for the colour. In this meaning and in forms similar to the Mo. it was reborrowed by various Tu. languages from Cag. onwards, but survives with its original meaning in NE Alt. yärän (yärän), Koib. yegrin, Leb. yigrän, Sag. cägrän ~ cägri ~ cigär, Sor cägrän ~ cigrän, Khak. cägrän; SE Trki jirän; NC Kzx. jirän; SC Özb.yiyrân; NW Kkp. jirän, Kum. jiyrän, Nog.yiyrän; SW Trkm.yägrän [C72: 914] • MMo. > Cag/MA; Mo. > Tu. (•; [Hauenschild 1998: 38

(TatKrim jeyran 'gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa'), 2006: 92 (Cag. jerän 'Kropfgazelle, Gazella subgutturosa'); Schönig 2000: 114-116; TMEN § 171 (jegere 'Gazelle'), § 1878 (yägrän 'lichtbraunrot (vom Perd)'); VEWT 125 (Mo. > Osm., Krm., Otü/Kat järän 'roe deer', Kaz.) > Ru. дзерен 'Mongolian gazella' vs. 194 (Tu. *yägir-än ~ *yägrän)]. Mo. > Tung. [Kaluzynski 1971a: 63, 1977: 147; MT § 564]; Jur. jeri 'Mongolian gazelle' [Kane 1989: 235501], recent Mo. > Ma. jeren 'Mongolian gazelle, Procapra subgutturosa' [Hauer 1952-55: 530; Rozycki 1994: 122-123]. Mo. > Tib. adzeg-ran 'Procapra subgutturosa' [Laufer 1916: 496].

Özb. jilya 'rivulet, stream, brook' [CAHG]; Özb/Afgh. jilya ~ jilye 'gorge, narrow valley' [Ja38: 186] | Uyy. jilya 'mountain stream or valley'; also jira [Sch]; jïlyœ ~ jïlqa 'gorge, ravine, stream, brook', su j.sï 'brook' [Ja64: 95] | Kzx. jïlya 'stream, brook, river in a ravine; gully' | Kir. jïlya 'riverbed, a long valley [Ru. длинная впадина]; hollow, ravine; beam [Ru. балка]' || Tu. < Mo., but Özb. < Uyy. or Kzx./Kir. < Mo. • MMoA*jilya 'ravine', (pl.) A Ulayin jilyas (Cag. tay qolï [P38: 372]) 'mountain fold (Ru. горная падь)'; Kalm. jilyv 'Flußbett, trockenes Flußbett (mit hohen Ufern), Bach; steiler Abhang'; MoL jilya ~ jilaya, KhalL zalga 'ravine, dell, hollow, basin, ditch' • Mo. > Tu. [Nugteren, Roos 1996: 57134; Schönig 2000: 117-119; VEWT 200 (Bar., Kzx., Kaz. etc.)].

Özb. jilâv 'reins' | Uyy. 0? | Kzx. 0?, but cf. Kkp. jïlau 'rein, bridle' [TMEN § 164] | Kir. jïloo 'bridle' (Ru. уздцы), jeke jïlov '?' (Ru. ременный повод) || The only Mo. l.-w. in Özb. until now that does not follow the pattern Özb. < Uyy./Kzx./Kir.; probably Özb. < Trkm. jïlav 'rein/s, bridle' [Baskakov et al. 1968: 330] or Kkp. (^), perhaps ^ MTu., the final -v points to a Qipcaq language < MMo. (note also Cag. jïlayï 'bride de cheval; avant, le devant' [Courteille 1870: 308]) or < Pe. jilau 'Zügel, (modern und vulgär auch:) vorn' < WMMo. [TMEN § 164] • MmoM jilo a ~ jilua 'Zügel; Zucht, Ordnung' ~ U jiloy-a ~ A jilau ~ A jilawu ~ A jilau ~ A jola 'Zaum, Zügel'; Ord. jilö 'rênes'; OirD/Dz/M/U jola ~ /Dz jolö 'id.'; Kalm. jola 'Zügel'; Mogh/Ra jilöii 'früh, früher', jilöiidii 'vorn, entgegen; in der Zukunft' (< Pe.); MoL jiluya, KhalL zolö 'reins' • Mo. > Tu. [Khabtagaeva 2009: 170 (Tuv. colacï 'driver, chauffeur' < Mo. *jola + ci); Schönig 2000: 119; TMEN § 164]. Mo. > Tung. [MT § 333; TMEN § 164]; recent Mo. > Ma. julhU 'reins' on pattern basis [Rozycki 1994: 126].

Özb. yalqâv 'lazy, indolent' | Uyy. yalqaw 'indolent, lazy, slothful'; cf. tänbäl, horun, erincäk, laxma | Kzx. jalqau 'lazy man, idler, loafer, bore' | Kir. jalkoo 'lazy, indolent; bummer, idler, loafer' || Özb. < Uyy. < Tu. < Mo. • Ord. jalxü 'paresseux'; OirD, Dz zalxü ~ zalxU 'id.' (OirL zalxuu); Kalm. zalxü 'faul, träge, müde, apathisch'; MoL jalqayu/u, KhalL zalxuu 'lazy, idle, loafing; idler, loafer' • Mo. > Tu. [Kaluzynski 1961: 51; Khabtagaeva 2009: 247; VEWT 183 (Kaz., Bar., Kzx., Oirot, Tel., Soj.)].

Özb. yara 'sore, cut, wound, (emotional) ache' [CAHG]; Özb/Buch. yara 'wound' [005: 25] > Taj. yara ~ yärä 'id.' [Do67: 20132] | Uyy. yara '(i) (med.) sore, ulcer, wound; (ii) pain, suffering' [Sch]; yara ~ yœra 'wound, wounded' [Ja64: 149] | Kzx. jara 'wound, scar; sore, ulcer' | Kir. ljara 'wound, sore, ulcer' || According to Räsänen, this is a Tu. l.-w. in Mo. [VEWT 189]. If this statement would be correct, this would be a Mongol period l.-w. because of y- > y-. However, the word is attested in Tu. only from Cag. (XIV-XV) onwards, the word has a Mo. phonological structure CVCV (vs. Tu. CVC), and the word is attested in Tu. only in languages, Cag., Otü. etc., Krc., Kzx. Kaz., Blk., lexically strongly influenced by Mo.; note also that the word is attested in all Mo. languages except Moghol [Nugteren 2011: 544]. For these reasons: Mo. > Tu., and Özb. < Uyy.; according to Doerfer [TMEN § 1778], Mo. <> Tu. • MMoM/A yara (Cag. yara [P38: 1129ff]) ~ A jara (Cag. yara [P38: 153ff]) 'Wunde', (pl.) M yaras; Ord. yara 'ulcère'; Kalm. yaf 'Beule, Wunde (eiternde), Syphilis; Blattern'; MoL yar-a, KhalL yar 'ulcer, boil, sore; scab, mange; knot in wood' • MMo. > Cag. (^); Mo. > Tu. (^).

Özb. yasa- 'to make, put together; to put in order, decorate, make pretty, fabricate' [CAHG]; Özb/Afgh. yasa- 'to build, to make (up, ready), to determine, to decorate, to erect' [Ja38: 199] | Uyy. yasa-'(i) to repair, mend, fix, make, construct'; cf. oysa-, oyla-, remontla-, yama-; '(ii) to dress up, make pretty' [Sch]; yasa- 'to build, to make, to construct, to form, to fashion, to arrange, to repair, to embellish, to decorate' [Ja64: 150] | Kzx. jasa- '(i) to live, thrive; (ii) to create, produce, make, construct; (iii) to load, charge (as a gun); (iv) to depict, portray; (v) to conclude; (vi) (local W) to do (a job)' | Kir. jasa- '(i) to make, do, to arrange; to create; (ii) to decorate, adorn' || Tu. > Özb. < Uyy. < Tu. or Mo., perhaps ^ Uig., MTu. < MMo. According to

Räsänen [VEWT 191], Tu. > Mo., but this is wrong as stated by Clauson [C72: 974]: Tu. yasa- 'to construct, arrange, set in order', and the like is a Mo. word which did not appear in Tu. until late XIII or XIV. It is first noted in XIII, and is also listed in Cag. XVff and Qipc. XV. It has been incorrectly read in KT N10 where the right reading is öd tyri aysar (not yasar) kisi oylï ölgäli törümis '(all) sons of men have been born to die when heaven prescribes the time'. The dev. n. yasaq is a Mo. 1.-w., which is first noted in the Uig. XIV civil petitions; the supposed occurrence in VIIIff Bud. Stake is a misreading ofyayaq • MMoM/S/U/P/A jasa- (Cag. yasa- [P38: 110ff]) 'to put in order, prepare, fix, organize; to get, make ready, to repair; to rebuke; to govern'; Ord. jasa- ~ (NE) yasa- 'réparer, remettre en orde, arranger, corriger, orner, parer, façonner, fabriquer; remplir la jatte (d'un hôte)'; OirD yasna ~ yasax 'réparer, remettre en ordre, corriger' (OirL yasa-); Kalm. yasjv 'in Ordnung bringen, (einen Kranken) heilen; (sein Bett) ordnen; ausbessern, reparieren; verschneiden, kastrieren' ~ (Dörbet) zasjv 'Vorwürfe machen, zurechtweisen, bestrafen, jemanden mit etwas drohen'; EMoL jasa- to adjust, bring in order, correct, mend [Ka09: 131-132], MoL jasa-, KhalL zasax 'to put in order, fix, repair, correct, make correction(s); to improve; to decorate; to castrate'; OirL zasa-'id.' • MMo. > Cag., MTu. (^); Mo. > Tu. [Khabtagaeva 2009: 181; Schönig 2000: 108-109; TMEN § 1794]. Mo. > Tung. [MT § 144; TMEN § 1794]; recent Mo. > Ma. dasambi 'to put in order, fix, repair, correct, make corrections, to improve' [Rozycki 1994: 56].

^ Özb. yasâq '(hist.) codex', yasâv 'rank': y. tort- 'to form ranks' | Uyy. yasaq '(i) tax'; cf. baj, seliq; '(ii) furnishings' | Kzx. jasaq '(obs.) armed force, army, militia' | Kir. jasaq '(hist.) squad leader of a major military unit' [Ru. дружина крупного военного предводителя] || Prob. Özb. < Uyy. < Tu. or Mo., perhaps ^ Uig. < MMo.; cf. yâsa • MMoM/S/P/A jasaq (Cag. salïq 'tax' [P38: 203]) ~ U jasay (dev. n. ^ jasa-) 'law, order, regulation; military law; rule; special levies, taxes'; Ord. jasak 'gouvernement; chef de bannière; nom d'une bannière des Ordos'; Kalm. zasvy (i) (Ölet) 'der regierende Fürst, der höchste Richter'; (ii) (Dörbed) 'Strafe, Vorwurf, Zurechtweisung'; (iii) (Ölet, Dörbed) 'Pflicht'; (iv) 'Steuer, Abgabe'; EMoL jasay 'rule, law' [Ka09: 132], MoL jasay, KhalL zasag '(i) rule, government, administration; ruling prince of a banner; power; political structure; (ii) law, punishment, penalty'; OirL zasag 'id.'; MoghL/W75yasaq 'Ordnung' • MMo. > UigS

yasaq 'usage', dans: törü mayasaq-nï'les règles et les usages' [Li66: 282]; Mo. > Tu. [Kaluzynski 1995: 104, 115, 119, 270; Khabtagaeva 2009: 180; Schönig 2000: 109-112; TMEN §§ 148, 1789]. Mo. > Tung. [Rozyc-ki 1994: 56 (•)]; recent Mo. > Ma. jasak 'chief of a Mongol banner' [Rozycki 1994: 121] vs. Özb. yâsa '(hist.) law' | Uyy., Kzx. 0 | (Kir. jasoo 'arranging (Ru. устраивание), rearrangement (Ru. приведение в порядок); decoration, ornament (Ru. украшение)') || cf. (•) yasâq • MMoA/IM yasa 'Gerechtigkeit; (Recht?)' ~ /Ras Ar. amr al-malik 'order of the king' = Pe. firmân, MTu. yasa, MMo. jasaq 'order (of the emperor)'; MoghL/W75 yâsâ 'Bestrafung; (i) gewaltsame Hinderung, gewaltsames Zurück-, Abhalten; (ii) Verweis, Bestrafung' • MMo. > Uig.yasa 'Gesetz, gesetzliche Ordnung, gesetzliche Strafe' [TMEN § 1789; Yamada 1993: 301].

^ Özb. yasâvul '(hist.) armed guard of higher officials of a khanate' [CAHG]; Özb/Afgh. yasau'ul 'a chamberlain' [Ja38: 199] | Uyy. yasawul '(hist.) bodyguard' [Sch; Ja64: 150]; yosöl 'Adjutant, Polizist' [Me55: 61] | Kzx. jasauïl '(local W) (i) watchman, guard; (ii) special messenger' | Kir. jasool '(i) (hist.) official who carries out orders (Ru. исполнитель поручений при должностном лице); (ii) messenger (Ru. рассыльный)' || Prob. Özb. < Uyy. < Tu., cf. Tat. yasawul, Kkp. jasawïl, perhaps • Uig. < MMo.? Räsänen [VEWT 191] wrongly states Mo. = Tu. • Tu. *yasa- 'machen'. Typical Mo. dev. n. s. -GUl designating names of occupations, frequently attested in (M)Mo. titles [Poppe 1954: § 153; Vâsâry 2009] • MMoM jasaul (dev. n. • yasa-) 'official title (steward, marshal)'; Ord. jasül = jasülcin 'l'immolateur chez les Erküt'; Oir. zasuul 'organizer, sentry, guard'; Kalm. 0?; MoL jasayul, KhalL zasuul 'arbitrator, referee, umpire, judge; sentry, guard'; MoghL/W75 yasâwul 'Nachhut; linker Flügel (der Armee)' • Mo. > Tu. [Csâki 2006: 105-106; Ry06: 324-325; Schönig 2000: 112; TMEN § 149] > Ru. есаул [Vasmer 1953: 405; VEWT 191 (Tar., Otü/Katyosöl 'adjutant, policeman' ~ Tar. yosul)].

Özb. 1yosin 'manner, way' | Uyy. yosun '(i) rule, custom, established practice; (ii) way, manner, means, method, pattern' | (Kzx. josuk 'Sitte, Gesetz' [VEWT 207]) | Kir. josun '(i) order, rule; (ii) track, trace [Ru. следы], remains of old [Ru. остатки старого]' || MTu. ^ Özb. < Uyy. • Uig. < MMo., or Tu. (Özb.) <> Uyy. < Mo. According to Räsänen [VEWT 207], Tu. = Mo. < Ch., but this is not correct. Generally considered a Mo. l.-w. in Tu. If -sun ofyo.sun is the Mo. den. n. s. -sUn [Poppe 1954: § 180], the basis of the word would be yo

which is by some scholars, for example, Ramstedt and Räsänen, connected with Ch. jö. Whatever the origin of the Mo. word, the term itself was central to MMo. administration and politics and is thus surely the origin of all Tu. forms, occurring first only during or after the MMo. period; semantically it corresponds to OT (VIII) törü (törö) 'traditional, customary, unwritten law' [C72: 531-532] • MMoM/S/U/P yosu/n 'principle; custom; practice, manner, norm, doctrine; rule, law'; Ord. yusu 'habitude, usage, coutume reçue, cérémonie prescrite par la politesse, convenances, bonnes manières, tenue morale, discipline, mœurs, règle, méthode, procédé, manière'; Kalm. yosn 'Sitte, Gewohnheit, ererbte Praxis'; EMoL yosun 'custom, behaviour, manner, (proper) way' [Ka09: 332], MoL yosun, KhalL yos/on 'generally accepted law, traditional custom, habit, usage; etiquette; doctrine, principle; regime, system; policy, mode, matter, manner, method' • MMo. > Uig. yosun 'Regel, Norm, Brauch, Gesetz' [Yamada 1993: 305], UigSyosun 'raison; manière, coutume', (dans:) yosun bilä 'avec raison, selon la raison' [Li66: 287], Cag. (XIVff) [C72: 975]; Mo. > Tu. [Kaluzynski 1961: 50; Khabtagaeva 2009: 218, 236, 262; MT § 366; Nugteren, Roos 1996: 79345; Schönig 2000: 185-186; TMEN § 408; VEWT 207]. Mo. > Tung. (recent borrowing in Ma.) [MT § 366; Rozycki 1994: 225].

Abbreviations (missing in Rybatzki 2013)

Ar/Buch. — Arabic spoken in Buchara [Doerfer 1969]; ast. — astrological; Bar. — Baraba [Räsänen 1969]; Blk. — Balkar [Räsänen 1969]; BQ — Bilgä Qayan inscription [Clauson 1972]; Bud. — Buddhist; BurCh — Khori-dialect of Buryat [Castrén 1857b]; BurNU — Nizhneudinsk-dialect of Buryat [Castrén 1857b]; BurS — Selenge-dialect of Buryat [Castrén 1857b]; BurT — Tunka-dialect of Buryat [Castrén 1857b]; den. — denominal; Do67 — Doerfer 1967; Do69 — Doerfer 1969; EMoL/AT — Early Literary Mongolian according to the Altan tobci [Rybatzkiforthcoming]; fig. — figurative; geo. — geography, geographical; Ja37 — Jarring 1937; Ja38 — Jarring 1938; Krc. — Karacay [Räsänen 1969]; Kaz. — Kazan-Tatar [Räsänen 1969]; Ka09 — Kara 2009; KhDial. — dialects of Khalkha [MYYC]; Kkp. — Karakalpak [Räsänen 1969]; Krm. — Crimea-Turkish [Räsänen 1969]; KT — Kül Tegin inscription [Clauson 1972] ; Küär. — Küärik [Räsänen 1969]; Leb. — Lebed [Räsänen 1969]; metaph. — metaphorical; Me55 — Menges 1955; MMo/IM — Middle Mongyol according to Ibn Muhanna [Rybatzki forthcoming]; MMo/Ras — Middle Mongyol according to the Rasulid hexaglott [Rybatzki forthcoming]; MoL/L — Literary Mongolian according to Lessing (ed.) 1960; MoL/Ra — Literary Mongolian according to

Rachewiltz 1982; Oir/DzM — Oirat/Dzakhacin (Mankhan sumun) [Kara 1958];

Oir/DzÜ — Oirat/Dzakhacin (Üyenc sumun) [Kara 1958]; Otü/Kat — Easterrn

Türki (Modern Uyghur) according to Katanov [Räsänen 1969]; Özb/Afgh. —

Özbek spoken in Afghanistan [Jarring 1938]; Özb/Buch. — Özbek spoken in

Buchara [Olufsen 1905]; Özb/Qil. — Özbek spoken in Qilich [Jarring 1937];

O05 — Olufsen 1905; P38 — Poppe 1938; Sag. — Sagai [Räsänen 1969]; Soj. —

Soyot [Räsänen 1969]; Taj. — Tajik [Doerfer 1967]; Tar. — Taranchi [Räsänen 1969];

To — Tonuquq inscription [Rybatzki 1997]; WMMo. — Western Middle Mongyol

[Rybatzki forthcoming].

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