betes"(d),"abstract"(a). KW can be preceded or not by the indicating tool: "intitle" or "allintitle". This defines the location of KW in DOC. This search procedure applies the instructions (Fi): F1) KW need not be [intitle]; F2) KW need to be [allintitle]; F3) The first KW should be [intitle], the others not. Various singular modes of search are generated (M) The following were used: F1 (M6) ["scientific name" "diabetes" "abstract"], search for the three KWs anywhere in DOC; F2(M5) [allintitle: "scientific name" "diabetes"], search DOC with the two KW in the title and, is more selective than the others; F31 (M1) [intitle: "scientific name"], F32 (M2) [intitle: "scientific name" "abstract"], F33 (M3) [intitle: "scientific name" "diabetes"], F34 (M4) [intitle:"scientific name" "diabetes" "abstract"]. The M1 2 3 4 search DOC the scientific name in the title. The differences are: in M1 DOCs on the plant are nonspecific; M2 seeks academic DOC; M3 seeks DOC who cite diabetes and; M4 seeks academic DOC, as well as contain diabetes. These searches display on the computer screen the retrieved DOCs, which were available somewhere, accessible on the date, given the applied search instructions and electronic resources adopted. Its contents, in part or in whole, on the screen, can be read freely or with restrictions. If restrictions are
not overcome, the essence and parts of the content are hidden. DOCs retrieved on the screen are read, filtered, and qualified (useful or not). The literature recovered feeds the purposes of building a better life. The average recovery capacity of DOC for M4, M5, M6 was also evaluated for 135 species(sp) used in diabetes therapy in Mato Grosso, Brazil [2]. The recovery was different between M5 (0.42%) (more filters), M4(4.91%) and, M6(94.66%). M4 and M6 respectively recovered around 12 and 224 times more than M5. For the four species (Curcuma longa L; Momordica charantia L.; Allium sativum L.; Aloe vera (L.) Burm. F.) that more recovered DOC, the result was little distinguished from the 135 sp: M5 (0.74%), M6 (93.37%), M4 (5.88%). This is consistent with the extent of filtering imposed by each modality. This methodology^) helps a lot of people, when the paid alternative is impracticable around the world.
Acknowledgments: UNEMAT, FLOBIO Research Group, FAPEMAT
1. Rieder A, Rodrigues FAC. 2012. Caceres: Unemat. 25 p.
2. Rieder A. Guarim Neto G. 2012. Caceres: UNEMAT Publisher. 94 p.
© Arno Rieder1, Fabiana Aparecida Caldart Rodrigues1, Germano Guarim Neto3, Tatiane Gomes de Almeida1
1 University of the State of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT): Mato Grosso, Brazil; 2Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, Brazil
Diabetes is a disease that becomes chronic and causes progressive damage, compromising the quality of life to death. In the last half century it has been reaching more and more people around the world. Appropriate therapies can delay the onset of it, improve control, prevent or ameliorate harmful effects. Among the complementary control alternatives is phytotherapy. The popular use of medicinal plants in diabetes therapy is vast, but the alleged efficacy and safety are not always scientifically supported. It is shown the medicinal plant with more studies regarding diabetes, among the 135 species used in Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil (BR). In phase 1 of the study [1], more than 500 academic documents (DOC) on medicinal plants deposited in libraries of the public universities of Mato Grosso (UFMT, UNEMAT) were screened. We found 92 DOCs dealing with medicinal plants (52 families, 135 species) used in the therapy of diabetes in MT. The species Momordica charantia L is part. A second step [2] seeks DOC for specific scientific studies to clarify
the potential of species for diabetes. In this work we resorted to the online retrieval of DOC (available on the internet and with free access through Google's Academic - GA). A methodology developed to retrieve specific DOCs (studies on the species for diabetes), called search modality M5 is used. This applies the following instruction and keywords (KW) in the search box [BOX] of GA: [allintitle:"scientific name" "diabetes"]. It rescues specific DOCs (studies that treat that species for diabetes). This modality (M5) did not recover DOC on the subject for 104 species, but recovered 203 DOC for 31 species. The species Momordica charantia L. exhibited the highest number of DOC recovered (62 on 29 Dec 2012 and 96 on 29 May 2017") among the other spi. These studies cover several aspects: ethnoconduction, phytochemicals, pharmacological, clinical, product and drug development, among others. Hypoglycemic effects are confirmed in most studies. Studies show long-standing DOC (1943) but show exponential growth in this century. This reveals the
Obzory po kliniceskoj farmacologii i lekarstvennoj terapii [Reviews of clinical pharmacology and drug therapy] vol. 15/2017/suppLement 1
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importance and interest of researchers in this plant, probably because of the alternative potential this species has, in addition to official therapies for diabetes.
Acknowledgments: UNEMAT, FLOBIO Research Group, FAPEMAT
1. Rieder A, Rodrigues FAC. 2012. Caceres: Unemat. 25 p.
2. Rieder A. Guarim Neto G. 2012. Caceres: UNEMAT Publisher. 94 p.
© Arno Rieder, Tatiane Gomes de Almeida
University of the State of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT): Caceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Diabetes is increasing in the world. Alternative and complementary therapies are welcome. Phytotherapy is one of them and, in the plants used, phytochemistry finds bioactive substances. Some may have a therapeutic effect on diabetes. There may also be an adverse effect, depending on the type of substances, concentrations and mixtures. Plants for therapeutic purposes should be chosen by checking for potential adverse effects. It is revealed medicinal plants used for diabetes control in Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil (BR) and, which also show to have harmful, attractive or repellent effect. In a first step, in a specific study1, a list of plants used in the control of diabetes in MT was constituted. In a second stage, on these plants, we sought popular knowledge1, essays2, literature3 and lifelong learning. This aimed to find other biological effects in these plants (attractive, repellent, nefarious). In the first stage a list of 133 species used to control diabetes in MT was identified, which were distributed in 52 botanical families. In the second stage, there were 9 species among those that had some effect on other organisms (insects, molluscs, etc.). Acting as attractive insects (ants, beetles, bees) has three species [Embauba (Cecropia pachystachya Trecul.- Cecropiaceae), Melon of Sao Caetano (Momordica charantia L. - Cucurbitaceae), Lixeira (Curatella americana L. - Dilleniaceae)], as insect repellent (mosquitoes, mosquitoes) and herbivores
(in general) there are two species [Negramina (Siparuna guianensis Aubl. - Monimiaceae), Losna (Artemisia absinthium L. - Asteraceae)] and, with insecticidal effect (Diptera larvae, Lepidoptera, etc.) there are five species" [two Anonaceae: Ata (Annona dioica A.St.-Hyl.), Graviola (A. muricata L.); Two Asteraceae: Losna (A. absinthium L.), Carqueja (Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC and; Quina (Strychnos pseudoquina A.St.-Hil.- Loganiaceae)]. Two plants (Losna, Carqueja) also have an effect against molluscs, bacteria and other microorganisms4. These plants should receive special attention and care and, if used medicinally, only under professional guidance. May have potential to help in the control of synanthropic pests, mainly in urban environments (households, health units, public roads, commercial houses)
Acknowledgments: FLOBIO Research Group (Bioactive Flora Study) UNEMAT / CNPq / FAPEMAT
1. Rieder A. Guarim Neto G. 2012. Caceres: UNEMAT Publisher. 94 p.
2. Rieder A, Lima LG, Straub AL. 2011. Plant Med; 77. (3).
3. Rieder A, Rodrigues FAC. 2012. Caceres: Unemat. 25 p.
4. Barbosa FS. 2007. Medicinal plants: effect on pest insects and their natural enemies. Montes Claros, MG: NCA / UFMG, xiv, 80 p.
© Röhrl J., Ammendola A., Abramov-Sommariva D., Künstle G.
Bionorica SE, Neumarkt, Germany
Many women suffer monthly from menstrual cramps severely enough that their quality of life is severely disrupted. In the case of primary dysmenorrhea, a condition related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), intense uterine contractions are thought to trigger moderate to intense pain despite the absence of an
underlying infection or other medically-identifiable disease states. The associated pain is likely to be mediated by the release of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes and the infiltration of leukocytes that normally accompany the breakdown of the endometrial lining.
Obzory po kliniceskoj farmacologii i lekarstvennoj terapii [Reviews of clinical pharmacology and drug therapy]
vol. 15/2Q17/suppLeMEnt 1