Научная статья на тему 'Modern trends in the ethnopolitical development of the Republic of Uzbekistan'

Modern trends in the ethnopolitical development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Естественные и точные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Ethnos / people / nation / ethnic policy / national cultural centres / tolerance / development

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — Aziza Baxodirovna Kabilova, Sherzod Farxodovich Majidov

The article is devoted to modern trends in ethnopolitical development in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the country's positive experience in maintaining stability in the ethnopolitical sphere has been studied.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modern trends in the ethnopolitical development of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Modern trends in the ethnopolitical development of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

Aziza Baxodirovna Kabilova Sherzod Farxodovich Majidov ijtimoiy.km@umail.uz Samarkand State Medical University

Abstract: The article is devoted to modern trends in ethnopolitical development in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the country's positive experience in maintaining stability in the ethnopolitical sphere has been studied.

Keywords: Ethnos, people, nation, ethnic policy, national cultural centres, tolerance, development.

Ethnic relations are an important aspect of the socio-political life of any multinational, multi-ethnic society, an example of which is the Republic of Uzbekistan. Ethnic politics in a broad sense is an integral part and a specific aspect of politics in a multinational, multi-ethnic state. Being included in the general context of politics, it has a certain independence, and in this capacity it is capable of both accelerating and slowing down the course of social, and hence national development. Ethnic policy in the narrow sense is the strategic course of government structures, political parties, social movements of multinational (polyethnic) states on the national issue, which is enshrined in legislative acts, special programs and other relevant documents.

The main principles of the ethnic policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan are equality, consolidation, interaction, joint prosperity of all ethnic groups. The Constitution and other legislative acts (the Law "On the State Language", the Law "On Citizenship", etc.) state: all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of nationality, are equal; the state guarantees the legitimate rights and interests of all nationalities, discrimination of any nationality is prohibited, as well as actions aimed at undermining the unity of nationalities. The state opposes chauvinism and nationalism; Every nation has the right to freely use and develop its own language and culture, has the right to preserve its own beliefs, traditions, rituals and customs. The main constitutional norms relating to ethnopolitics are enshrined in articles 4, 8, 18, 21, 31, 57, 73, 74, 115 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in article 6 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in article 5 of the Law "On freedom of conscience and religious organizations", in Article 6 of the Law "On the

Mass Media", in Article 24 of the Law "On the State Language" and in other legislative documents.

Democratic ethnic policy is based on the following principles: equality of ethnic groups, inter-ethnic, inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance, a combination of ethno-national and national interests, prohibition of any form of non-democratic solution of the national question (nationalism, racism, fascism, apartheid, segregation, deportations, forced migration, forced assimilation etc.), support for the rights of minorities to preserve their ethnic identity and originality. The state policy of Uzbekistan completely denies nationalism, racism, genocide, forced eviction or resettlement of peoples, infringement of other peoples and assimilation policy.

Uzbekistan is traditionally multinational, polyethnic. The history of the interaction of various ethnic groups here dates back to ancient times. Tajiks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Turkmens, Karakalpaks, Central Asian (Bukharian) Jews, Persians (Irons), Arabs, Uighurs, Dungans, etc. have been living next to Uzbeks for centuries. For a long time, openness, friendliness have been characteristic of ethnic processes and interethnic relations in Uzbekistan. , good neighborliness. Most of the indigenous ethnic groups of the region are united by deep household, linguistic, confessional, ethno-cultural closeness. As the outstanding orientalist N.I. Konrad: "The history of every nation is always connected with the history of its neighbors. This connection, of course, can be very different - both in nature, and in intensity, and in scale, but it always exists. Therefore, in the history of peoples there are factors that are created precisely by the commonality of historical life. Such a commonality is most likely regional, covering a certain group of neighboring countries, but it can also become very broad, including entire groups of countries. In modern times, it is even global on the scale of all mankind. The ethnic composition of the population of Uzbekistan has been changing for a long time towards an increasing number of representatives of various ethnic groups.

Central Asia at various periods of its history was part of the polyethnic state formations: the Achaemenid Empire, the Greco-Macedonian Kingdom, the Kushan Empire, the Turkic Khaganate, the Arab Caliphate, the states of the Samanids, Karakhanids, Karakitays, Chinggisid states, the powers of Amir Temur, the Temurid states, the Russian Empire , Soviet Union. Naturally, this led to the emergence of more and more new ethnic groups in the region. Some of them assimilated and dissolved into the local population, the other part to some extent retained its ethnic specificity and originality. It must be remembered that until the 20th century, the states of the region did not have an ethnic character. "Ethnic tolerance of the population of modern Uzbekistan is a phenomenon that has ancient roots. The Great Silk Road of international trade between East and West passed through this territory, which initially created a diverse ethnic composition of the population.

As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev: "For many centuries, representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures and religions lived in peace and harmony in our ancient and fertile land. Hospitality, kindness, generosity of soul and true tolerance have always been inherent in our people and have become the basis of its mentality."

Currently, Uzbekistan is inhabited by representatives of more than 130 nations, nationalities, ethnic groups. The ethno-demographic situation in Uzbekistan is characterized by the following: the outflow of the non-ethnic population is stabilizing, the influx of the non-ethnic population continues, and the emergence of new population groups in the ethno-demographic structure of Uzbekistan is not excluded. Uzbekistan largely retains its ethnic diversity, the stability of the social situation in the republic guarantees the successful development of ethno-demographic processes. The stability of interethnic relations in Uzbekistan is noted not only by domestic, but also by foreign researchers.

The basis of the ethnopolitics of modern Uzbekistan are the following basic principles:

1) complete equality of all citizens, regardless of ethnic, racial, linguistic, confessional affiliation;

2) the priority of human rights over the rights of any groups, including ethnic ones;

3) respect for the rights, cultures, languages, traditions, customs, confessional characteristics of all ethnic minorities, creation of conditions for the preservation of their specificity;

4) development of a market economy, the rule of law, civil society, reform, renewal and modernization in the interests of all ethnic groups;

5) resolution of any complex and problematic situations in interethnic relations exclusively by peaceful and legal means;

6) development of the principles of interethnic and interfaith tolerance;

7) preservation of ethno-cultural diversity.

The main sources of ensuring the ethnic policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan


- The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other legislative acts in this area (Law "On the State Language", Law "On the Fundamentals of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan", Law "On Citizenship", Law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations", Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve interethnic relations and friendly relations with foreign countries, etc.);

- international treaties in the field of human rights and humanitarian law ratified by the Republic of Uzbekistan (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention

on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Final Act of the OSCE Helsinki Meeting, Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief) etc.);

- adopted and ratified resolutions and recommendations of international organizations, of which the Republic of Uzbekistan is a member (UN, OSCE, CIS, SCO, etc.);

- bilateral and multilateral interstate agreements regulating the status of ethnic minorities;

- Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026.

As noted in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: "Any theory of superiority based on racial difference is scientifically false, morally reprehensible, and socially unjust and dangerous, and there can be no justification for racial discrimination anywhere whatever it was: neither in theory nor in practice.

The elements of ethnopolitics are

- practical actions to create an atmosphere of interethnic and interfaith tolerance in society,

- improvement of legal institutions and legislative mechanisms to ensure individual and collective human rights, including minorities (ethnic, racial, linguistic, confessional, cultural, etc.),

- measures to preserve the ethno-cultural identity of minorities and their integration into society,

- ensuring proportional representation of ethnic minorities in all spheres of public life: political, economic, cultural, etc.

Article 8 of the Constitution states: "The people of Uzbekistan are citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of their nationality." Article 4 of the Constitution enshrines the principle of ensuring the cultural development of minorities: Uzbekistan "provides respect for the languages, customs and traditions of the nations and nationalities living on its territory, creating conditions for their development."

According to Article 15 of the Law "On the Fundamentals of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan": "All citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of nation, nationality ... have the same civil rights and are protected by the Constitution of the Republic and its laws".

Important indicators of democratic ethnopolitics are - a ban on the organization of political parties on the basis of national and racial principles (Article 57 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan); a ban on the creation of public associations whose activities are aimed at promoting ethnic, racial, religious hatred (Article 3 of the Law "On Public Associations"); prohibition of discrimination in labor relations depending on race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, etc.

(Article 6 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan); a ban on the use of religious slogans for the purpose of inciting enmity, hatred, interethnic strife (Article 5 of the Law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations"); the inadmissibility of using the media to promote ethnic, racial, religious hatred, war and violence (Article 6 of the Law "On Mass Media"); prohibition of impeding the exercise of the right of citizens to freely choose the language of communication, upbringing, education (Article 27 of the Law "On the State Language").

For example, the high title of "Hero of Uzbekistan" was awarded to 76 people, including Arabs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Koreans, Russians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Ukrainians.

As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev: "We will continue to attach paramount importance to the issues of further strengthening friendship and cohesion in the republic, ensuring equal rights for all citizens, regardless of their nationality, religion and beliefs".

The Republic of Uzbekistan regularly submits to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination reports on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which provide for the following:

- further improvement of state policy in the field of non-admission of racial discrimination and strengthening of social partnership in this area;

- study of advanced foreign experience in the legal regulation of issues of protection against racial discrimination in order to better implement the relevant international standards in the country's legislation;

- intensification of awareness-raising, educational and publishing activities in order to inform citizens and civil servants about the provisions of the Convention and other international documents, to form a culture of the rights of national minorities in society;

- strengthening monitoring and sociological studies of the state of implementation of the Convention by the relevant state bodies both in the center and in the field;

- improving the system for collecting and analyzing disaggregated data on the state of affairs in the field of ensuring the rights of representatives of various nations and nationalities living in Uzbekistan;

- specifying the powers of legislative, executive and judicial authorities in the sphere of fulfilling the country's international obligations to prevent racial discrimination.

Important indicators of the effectiveness of ethnopolitics are the functioning of the education system in 7 languages, the mass media - in 12 languages.

In addition, many national cultural centers (Armenian, Jewish, German, Polish, Tatar, etc.) have Sunday schools where young people and adults study their native language, literature, national history, customs, rituals, and traditions of their people. In all universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, education is carried out in Uzbek and Russian, in the Republic of Karakalpakstan - in Karakalpak, Uzbek and Russian. In addition, many universities have departments and groups with instruction in the languages of the indigenous ethnic groups of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Newspapers in Uzbekistan are also published in 8 languages: English, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Korean, Russian, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek (including the republican editions Pravda Vostoka and Narodnoye Slovo - in Russian, Nurly Zhol -in Kazakh, " Ovozi tojik" - in Tajik, "Uzbekistan today" - in English); magazines -also in 8 languages: English, Armenian, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Russian, Tajik, Uzbek, French. TV shows are broadcast in 11 languages: Azerbaijani, English, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Russian, Tajik, Tatar, Uzbek, Uighur. Radio programs are also broadcast in 11 languages: English, Bashkir, Kazakh, Karakalpak, Kyrgyz, Russian, Tajik, Tatar, Turkmen, Uzbek, Uighur.

Currently, there are 138 national cultural centers (NCCs) in Uzbekistan, covering 27 nationalities, representing as large ethnic groups numbering hundreds of thousands of people. (Russians, Tajiks, Kazakhs, etc.) and small groups numbering only hundreds of people (Lithuanians, Dungans, etc.). "Most researchers and experts note the stability and favorable dynamics of the development of interethnic relations in our country."

In general, the ethnopolitics of the Republic of Uzbekistan has sufficient theoretical, historical, demographic, legal and cultural grounds for its further development and improvement in the conditions of the development of the rule of law and civil society.


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