In Uzbek mythology there is another character named Adjina. In part, it is evil spirit whose image formed as reinterpretation of those demonic images transferred from Islam religion under the influence of local pre-Islamic mythological images such as Albasti, Pari and others. Adjina appeared as a woman image that could suddenly change its size turning into Giant or animal image.
In conclusion, as it was mentioned above, British and Uzbek mythology is rich in different woman mythological characters whose peculiar features can be both similar and different. These images are still used in different interpretation and are appreciated in their own way.
1. Женщина в мифах и легендах. Энциклопедический словарь.-Ташкент. 1992
2. Classical mythology in English literature: A Critical Anthology. London. 2000
3. Mythological characters in British literature. Listverse. 2009
UDC 1082
Osamah Mohammed Abdo Ahmed Faculty of management and entrepreneurship Rostov State University of Economics Russia, Rostov-on-Don MODERN TECHNOLOGY IN SERVICE INDUSTRY
Abstract: Advances in communication and technology are having a profound effect on ways customers interface with service providers. This effect has two sides either to enhance the quality of service or create new problems . Service encounters are critical in all industries, including service industries. The growing deployment of technology is modifying the nature of service encounters formerly powered in a " low- tech " paradigm. This article looks at the benefits from using technology in the service sector and focuses on how service can be enhanced through the effective use of modern technology and how it can dispose of disadvantages.
Key words: modern service industry, employees, technology, communication.
Services is an activity or series of activities occur by interaction between client and service employees . It's an economic activity which is consumed at a time it is created and provide added real value in forms of pleasure, enjoyment, timeliness, comfort or health. Nobody can deny it, services are a business for people, but technology can improve services or even take over certain tasks. In particular, the technologies that enable modern digital transformations can have a significant effect on the delivery of services and the customer experience. The modern service industry seems to be moving with the development of information technology and knowledge Economy. It uses the advantages of new technologies, new business forms and new service approaches to transform the traditional
service industry. Currently, the increase in value of the global modern service industry accounts for over 60 percent of the total capitalized value, the large industrialized countries share more than 70 percent, even if the countries with medium and low incomes reach the average of 45 percent. Industrial structure has been transformed from " industrial- based economy to service- based economy the level of development of the modern service industry is the important point burdening the degree of development economy of modern society.
The analysis we carried out allowed us to highlight the key technologies that have the greatest impact on the development of the service industry by increases its efficiency. the most advanced technologies are:
-Bluetooth temperature sensors: many restaurants have started using Bluetooth temperature monitoring systems to ensure that their food and equipment are up to par.
- Digital inventory tracking: many enterprises switch to an electronic inventory system because it allows them to see their most important assets better.
-Digital table/reservation manager: this software offers everything from booking reservations directly with customers to recommending optimal seating based on time and group size.
-Virtual reality Onboarding: VR and HR form the latest trend for employee management: Virtual Reality Onboarding. With a headset and customized software, new employees can experience a unique experience without the risks and costs of a normal training session[4].
The benefits that we can get through using most advanced technology are:
-Improves communication:
Many industrial service enterprises use different business digital tools to alter the way their staff interact and communicate effectively at work. Workers can use various communication techniques to interact or share information. For instance, staff from different sectors of a company can use SMS services or videoconferencing software, such as Skype, to share and exchange ideas. Communication technologies are also used in the sales department to serve customers on time. This model reveals that when technology, service quality and brand factors is aligned with overall business strategy, trusties created as an important determinant in firm structure leading customers' loyalty[5].
"Technology factors,_
Trust customer loyalty
Fig. 1: the research overall construct
Encourages Innovation and Creativity:
Employees can use totally different business technology to produce integrated business ideas that can be used to quickly develop businesses. Corporate social platforms such as can be used by workers to communicate and interact with other innovative employees from different groups, leading to information sharing and discussing on a huge range of work- related topics.
Improves on Human Resource Management:
Workplace technology can affect the way HR managers do their jobs. It enhances the system of screening, recruiting and hiring new employees.
Technology can also be used to monitor almost every employee 's performance and productivity at work. As soon as employees are fully aware that they are being tracked, their productivity tends to increase [5].
Saves Time:
The technology can be used to optimize different tasks at work, this automation will pretty much guarantee reliability and will also boost production at work. The use of databases to collect and store vital information can speed up rapid decision- making at work. Staff can easily check business information from a single database; this data can be edited and stored for later use. Using internal networks in the working environment can help share electronics such as printers and scanners, so employees don't even have to move to other departments to share technology tools[1].
on the contrary, as everything in our life has advantages it is normal to get disadvantages as well. the most drawbacks of using an advanced technology are:
Causes distraction at workplace:
There are many ways modern technology can distract employees at work. The use of social media sites at work can cause so much distraction and impact employee productivity. Many companies have managed to block access to websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube only because they cause so many distractions.
High maintenance costs:
It 's expensive to purchase technology, but it's also costly to maintain it . Many small businesses can not afford the price of hiring a fulltime technical person, so they resort to monthly tech contractors to charge them for the work they do.
Makes employees lazy:
Since most tasks are fully automated by technology, many employees become affectless and lazy at work, new technology puts down their innovation and talents. Simple tasks like measuring sales and monitoring inventory are being done with computers, so you will find that staff do not put their brainpower at work, they can't solve high- end business difficulties because a computer or software can do the same without any challenge[2].
Affects workplace relationships:
Employees connect through cell phones, messages, e-mail or virtual video conference techniques. This type of professional services eliminates face- to- face communication. Inter- personal information is key for building relationships in the working environment, as staff have the opportunity to get to know one another personally. Sometimes they can even exchange non- work related information. This kind of interaction is destroyed by communication technology new tools.
Threatening customer privacy:
Although we appreciate the benefits of the technology at work, it is also risky, especially when it comes to data protection. All employees in key decisionmaking positions need access to private business information; this can be a threat as it can be very difficult to monitor the use and privacy of this information. Many employees come with flash drives at work so they can transfer critical business information and use it for their own personal gain[3].
Technology can be a huge help in expanding our communication and security If used ethically. On the other hand, if the technology is used for greedy or destructive purposes, it can become a mortal enemy within the service industry. when we have all these drawbacks through our article we suggest reducing the detrimental impact of using modern technology in service industrial scope , I offer the following suggestions:
Training employees very well to use technology: because technology is only as good as the people who use it. Often service centres hire people who are simply misusing the technology and create more problems than they solve.
Control the access of employees to crucial data: by using an encryption system that allows staff just to enter the data and make them unable to take a copy.
Rely on technology only when needed: when even the best computer will never replace the love and care that comes from human being, if used adequately, technology can solve many problems.
- arrange a monthly meeting for staff to discuss everything belong to their works, the problems they have faced, their suggestions and ask them to write reports. Doing this meeting will make the employees more active and interact one other face to face, therefore, the relation between them will be stronger. As a result of that, they will avoid the negative impacts of communication technology that reduce the social relation between them[5].
To sum up, Remember that the service industry is about people" interfacing " with other people. No matter how good your technology is, the technology will not provide human warmth for your business. Remember that service is about selling memories, and then wonder when you are ready to sacrifice memories for efficiency. Whether we like or not, technology touches every aspect of the service industry. however, when the service industry forgets the value of the human element and based on experience, it makes a big mistake.
1- H. G. Baum, A. C. Joel, and E. A. Mannix, "Management Challenges in a New Time", Academy of Management Journal 45 (October 2002), 916-31
2- En T. Lorens, James Veber, "Business and society", Datapons, Skopje, 2009
3-Kaufmann, Daniel, Cray, Aart and Mastruzzi, Massimo, the Worldwide Governance Indicators: Methodology and Analytical Issues (September 2010). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper №. 5430.
3- 7 technologies transforming the service industry Niall Keane, CEO of SynergySuite service Management Software, Jan.9,2018. -industry/
4- Sukhvir Singh Panesar "Development of a framework for industrial service innovation" Center for Maintenance and Asset Management, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Research paper , Vol. 14 Issue: 2, pp.177193,
УДК 904
Абдуллаева Ф.Ш.
Преподаватель кафедры "национальная идея, основы духовности и
правовое образование" Бухарского государственного университета НАСЛЕДИЕ ИСТОРИЧЕСКОГО ГОРОДА ВОСТОКА - БУХАРЫ
Аннотация: В данной статье освещено наследие исторического города востока - Бухары.
Ключевые слова: Бухара, история, город Востока, наследие.
Abdullaeva F.Sh.
Lecturer of Department "National Idea, Basics of Spirituality and Legal
Education" Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara city HERITAGE OF THE HISTORICAL CITY OF THE EAST -
Annotation: This article highlights the heritage of the historical city of the east - Bukhara.
Keywords: Bukhara, history, city of the East, heritage.
Человек Родиной жив, утка - озером Бухара - один из древнейших городов мира, областной центр современного Узбекистана, выросший в центре культуры и развитого поливного земледелия. Народные легенды почти всегда сами по себе свидетельство далекой старины. Одна из таких легенд, записанная первыми историками Бухары, называет строителем бухарской цитадели Сиавуша. В древности Сиавуш, сын иранского царя и турчанки, был убит царем Турана Афрасиабом. Наршахи (древний историк Бухары написал «Историю Бухары») приводит даже легенду о том, что Сиавуш похоронен внутри кухендиза (цитадель) у восточных ворот.
Территория Бухары, была заселена еще до нашей эры. В VI н.э. город носил согдийское название - Нумиджгат, в VII-VIII веках - Пухо, Бухо,