MODERN TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPROVING SEED QUALITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Avdeeva Valentina Nikolaevna, Bezgina Iulia Aleksandrovna, Volosova Elena Vladimirovna

The findings of wheat planting preparation are presented in the article. Productivity of agricultural crops depends on a seed grass quality. In this article the results of seeds quality improvement tests are given, in particular, the germinating energy and germinating ability of seeds, by means of electro ozonization, as modern, ecologically safe method.Two-factorial test allows revealing optimum ozone doses and a seeds exposure, from ozonization to germination setting up. Doses equal 14,0-17,0 g·s/m3 of ozone are most optimal parameters for ozone stimulation of sowing qualities of wheat; 14 days is the recommended exposure period from ozonization to germination wheat seed setting up.Tests result, presented in the article, allow to make a conclusion that it is necessary to do further scientific researches in effective modes of processing definition of agricultural crops, by ozone-airy mixture for sowing qualities of seeds improvement.

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Похожие темы научных работ по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям , автор научной работы — Avdeeva Valentina Nikolaevna, Bezgina Iulia Aleksandrovna, Volosova Elena Vladimirovna

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11 6 QUTaCh and Practice

I I u Journal Bulletin of Stavropol Région

UDK 631.53.01

V. N. Avdeeva, Iu. A. Bezgina, E. V. Volosova


The findings of wheat planting preparation are presented in the article. Productivity of agricultural crops depends on a seed grass quality. In this article the results of seeds quality improvement tests are given, in particular, the germinating energy and germinating ability of seeds, by means of electro ozonization, as modern, ecologically safe method.Two-facto-rial test allows revealing optimum ozone doses and a seeds exposure, from ozonization to germination setting up. Doses equal 14,0-17,0 gs/m3 of ozone are most optimal parameters for ozone stimulation of sowing qualities of wheat; 14

days is the recommended exposure period from ozonization to germination wheat seed setting up.Tests result, presented in the article, allow to make a conclusion that it is necessary to do further scientific researches in effective modes of processing definition of agricultural crops, by ozone-airy mixture for sowing qualities of seeds improvement.

Key words: electro ozonization, the ozone doze, the binning, the germinating energy, the germinating ability of seeds.

Valentina Nikolaevna Avdeeva -

Ph.D. in Agriculture, associate professor,

Electrical Energy in Agriculture Department

Stavropol State Agrarian University


Tel.: 89064960472

E-mail: Avdeeva_VN@mail.ru

Iulia Aleksandrovna Bezgina -

Ph.D. of Agriculture, associate professor,

Chemistry and Plant Protection Department

Stavropol State Agrarian University


Tel.: 89054977176

E-mail: Juliya.bezgina@mail.ru

Volosova Elena Vladimirovna

Ph.D. of Biology, associate professor,

Chemistry and Plant Protection Department

Stavropol State Agrarian University


Tel.: 89187533412

E-mail: volosova_elena@mail.ru

Working out of strict scientific bases providing environmental security, quality of foodstuff and society health, is a priority problem of each country. Creation of new update ecological technologies of getting in heavy yield is not less important. Productivity of agricultural crops depends on sowing quality of seeds. Now various technologies of seed treatment, however not all of them conform to the modern ecological safety standards and requirements.

Thus scientific and practical interest represents a search of ecologically safe methods of influence on yielding qualities of agricultural crops. And with the help of the scientific literature we can make a conclusion that ozonization is such a method.

The great attention is given to ozonization in Russia as to a way of sowing quality seeds increasing and disinfecting of agricultural crops. In particular, tt the Kuban state agrarian university have experimentally proved that at processing of corn seeds with an exposure till 15 minutes, the germinating ability of seeds considerably increases. Also from references it is found out that energy of germination and germinating ability of seeds processed by ozone, depend on the binning time after processing to germination seeds setting up. The best result can be reached at the binning time from 5 till 20 days.

In the Stavropol state agrarian university for a number of years we conducted researches on ozone influence on a sowing material in order to increase germination energy and the germinating ability of

seeds. Tests and experiments have shown the three factors influence on yielding properties of seeds. This three factors are: ozone concentration, time of ozone- airy stream processing to the sample an and the binning time of seeds after processing. For working out of common approach to an estimation of ozone influence on wheat seeds, we have introduce a concept «a processing dose». It is calculated by formula:

D = c • t,

Where :

D - a processing dose, g s/m3

c - Concentration of ozone, g/m3;

t - Time of processing of seeds (exposure time)

Processing of seeds was spent on an ozonizer «Ozon-60P» ozone concentration equals 0,035 g/m3. Ozone concentration was defined with the help of gas analyzer «Tsiklon-5.41». Researches have shown what germinating energy and the germinating ability of seeds considerably increase with the use of ozone doze from 9,0 till 19,0 gs/m3.

By results of the test, that we had done a two-factorial experiment of ozone influence on sowing qualities of wheat seeds. The factor x is the doses of ozone processing. The doses got out with the account of the past results. As doses from 9,9 to 18,9 gs/m3 on have greatly influenced on germinating energy and the germinating ability of wheat seeds, and the decision to repeat processing of seeds in the given range was accepted. Doses have made: 8,4, 9,9, 10,5, 12,6, 14,7, 16,8, 18,9 gs/m3. The processing

A gricultural

Bulletin of Stavropol Region

№ 1(21)/1 Supplement, 2016

was made by an ozonizer of «Ozon-60P», concentration of ozone was 35 of mg/m3. The factor y is an exposure of seeds from ozone processing to a germination setting up (0,7,14 days). The results of the experiments are shown in tables № 1 and № 2.

The dose (factor x ) has made a significant influence on germinating energy of winter wheat seeds

(tab. 1). At a dose 8,4gs/m3 the value of an indicator from 82,3 % that is considerable above control (69,0 %). The increase in a dose of processing has led to improvement of germinating energy, and at a dose 12,6 gs/m3 there is an essential distinction between variants. The indicator reaches the maximum at a dose 16,8 gs/m3 (89,0 %).

Table 1 - Ozone Influence on germinating energy of wheat seeds, in % (Control - 69,0 %)

Ozone doze, gs/m3, X The seeds exposure, 24 hours, y Average value

0 7 14

2,1 72,0 72,5 71,3 71,9

8,4 82,0 81,0 84,0 82,3

9,9 83,0 81,0 84,0 82,7

10,5 83,0 81,0 84,0 82,7

12,6 87,0 87,0 88,7 87,6

14,7 87,0 87,0 90,0 88,0

16,8 88,0 88,0 91,0 89,0

18,9 88,0 88,0 91,0 89,0

19,8 72,8 73,5 73,3 73,2

Average value 82,5 82,1 84,1 -


The seeds exposure (factor y) hasn't influenced greatly on germinating energy of wheat seeds. variability index of an indicator dependents on the binning time and had symmetric character: 82,5, 82,1, 84,1, the maximum value germinating energy has reached

at the binning time equals 14 days (HCPB95=1,9 %).The germinating ability of the wheat seeds has also increased, according to increase of an dose of ozone-airy stream (tab. 2) increased.

Table 2 - Ozone Influence on the germinating ability of wheat seeds, in % (Control - 75,0 %)

Ozone doze, gs/m3, X The seeds exposure, 24 hours, y Average value

0 7 14

2,1 77,5 79,8 80,0 79,0

8,4 82,0 83,0 84,0 83,0

9,9 86,0 86,0 89,0 87,0

10,5 86,0 86,0 88,0 86,7

12,6 90,0 90,0 94,0 91,3

14,7 92,0 91,0 94,5 92,5

16,8 90,0 90,0 94,8 91,6

18,9 90,0 90,0 93,0 91,0

19,8 74,3 74,3 76,8 75,1

Average value 85,3 85,6 88,2 -


The given indicator essentially changed, since an ozone dose of 9,9gs/m3, the germinating ability has reached the maximum value by ozone processing at a dose 16,8 gs/m3. Thus the germinating ability in comparison with control value (75,0 %) has increased by 19,5 % and has made 94,8 % at seeds exposure during 14 days.

Thus, processing of wheat seeds by an ozone-airy stream allows to improve sowing qualities of seeds in comparison with control value, raw ozone seeds. It is necessary to consider as optimum pa-

rameters of wheat seeds sowing qualities ozone stimulation the doses of 14,0-17,0 gs/m3; a recommended seeds exposure is the time from the moment of ozone processing by to a germination setting up . It takes 14 days.

Tests result, that had been done, allow to make a conclusion that it is necessary to do further scientific researches in effective modes of processing definition of agricultural crops, by ozone-airy mixture for sowing qualities of seeds improvement.

11 8 QTaCh and Practice

I I U J0umal Bulletin of Stavropol Region


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