MODERN TEACHING METHODS USED IN TEACHING ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Akhmedova Sh.T.

This article examines modern teaching methods used in the education of economics.

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UDK 378

Akhmedova Sh. T.

Senior Lecturer

of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Andijan State Medical Institute


Abstract: This article examines modern teaching methods used in the education of economics.

Key words: economics, economic sciences, method, methodology, innovation

The teaching method is a way of interrelated activity of the teacher and students to achieve the goals of teaching, development and education. The correct choice of teaching methods depends on many circumstances and conditions of the educational process, the nature and content of the subject, specifically on:

- The level of knowledge and skills of the teacher.

The teacher needs to know, and most importantly, to understand the essence of the method, the classification of teaching methods, the basis of this or that type of classification, to be able to apply them in various learning situations and combinations. Using one or another system of methods, diverse or complementary to each other, aimed at achieving a common goal, the teacher establishes feedback with his students, reveals the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, determines the effectiveness of the application of methods and works on errors, if any, or simply adjustment, thereby increasing your level of professional competence.

- The general goal and objectives of training, the characteristics of the subject, its topic, the planned goals and objectives of a specific lesson.

- The content of the teaching material selected by the teacher.

- The level of development of students, their ability and desire to learn, opportunities and age characteristics of students.

- Roles of a method or a combination of teaching methods in the development of students' cognitive activity, their activity, independence and creativity.

- Time.

The holistic theory of teaching methods began to actively develop in the 30s of the 20th century. The methods used in economics lessons can be divided into the following groups:

I - Methods of one-sided presentation of educational material (teaching): story, explanation, lecture.

II - Methods of two-way presentation of material: dialogue, debate, discussion, "brainstorming", group work, business games;

III - Methods of highlighting empirical experience (exchange of information, experience, etc.);

IV - Methods of various types of learning: problem-based, heuristic, student-centered, etc .;

V - Methods of control and feedback (conversation, consultation, testing, credit, exam, etc.).

When preparing lessons in economics at school, it is important to use active teaching methods, because they allow students to understand the practical significance of economics, to apply theoretical knowledge in this discipline in practice, to understand the structure and mechanism of functioning of some enterprises with others, etc.

According to the degree of activation of students and the nature of their educational and cognitive activities, they differ: simulation methods based on pedagogical techniques and special forms of conducting classes, in which educational, cognitive and research activities are built on the idea of future professional and practical activities and non-imitation methods that are based on real professional and practical situations.

Within the framework of a general school course in economics, it is advisable to use this type of active learning as business games. They contribute to the formation of not only professional, but also job knowledge, skills and abilities. The business game is a model substitution of two realities - production processes and processes of human activity in it.

The methodological support of a business game should include:

1) initial information about the business game;

2) the methodology for preparing and conducting a business game;

3) a set of various forms and other documentation.

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