APPLICATION OF CASE STUDY TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ataeva G.B., Rakhmanova Yu.Kh.

Case studies can be used in education as a teaching aid. Many students learn better from real life examples and case studies can be an effective way to teach in the classroom. The article discusses the efficiency of case study technology, its positive features in education system.

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UDK00 1751

Ataeva G.B. teacher of english the faculty of economics foreign languages department Tashkent State Transport University Rakhmanova Yu.Kh. teacher of english the faculty of economics foreign languages department Tashkent State Transport University



Annotation: Case studies can be used in education as a teaching aid. Many students learn better from real life examples and case studies can be an effective way to teach in the classroom. The article discusses the efficiency of case study technology, its positive features in education system.

Keywords: educational system, case technologies, foreign languages, professional competence.

For the effective organization of the educational process, not only the material and technical base plays an important role, but close interaction with students is one of the priorities of the new educational standards. A natural question arises about how to organize the educational system in order to meet the employer's requirements for the most part. At the same time, the employer often makes requirements for a young specialist related to general competencies: team, make independent decisions, set and solve new professional tasks. From the above-mentioned positions as an educational strategy, the case study method seems to be the most functional.

The "case study" is a method of active learning based on real situations (there is a formation of a problem and ways to solve it on the basis of a case, which simultaneously acts as a technical task and a source of information for understanding options for effective action) [2].

As a rule, the following main features of this method are distinguished:

a) the central point is the problem, not the subject;

b) the case must concern a specific subject, and not just a general theory;

c) trainees are required to actively participate in the learning process, and not just passive listeners;

d) more than one solution to the problem is possible.

"Экономика и социум" №4(95)-3 2022



The situational methodology is based on and includes numerous teaching methods, but preference is given to methods of stimulating and motivating learning activities. Thus, the case study method can be represented as a complex system in which other, simpler methods of cognition are integrated. It includes modeling, system analysis, problem method, game methods and other forms and methods of teaching [4].

Today, there is no doubt that case technologies - learning on the example of specific cases - are one of the effective developing ways of teaching students the skills to solve typical problems.

Translated from English. "case" means briefcase, situation. Case study is a teaching technique that uses a description of real economic and social situations (from the English case - "situation, case"):

- this is a written description of a specific real situation in the company;

- students are encouraged to analyze the situation, understand the essence of the problems,

- propose possible solutions and choose the best of them. This is a kind of tool with which a piece of real life is brought into the lesson, a practical situation is discussed and an informed decision is made.

The case structure includes:

1) situation (case, problem, life story);

2) the context of the situation (chronological, historical, context

places, features of the action or participants in the situation);

3) commentary on the situation provided by the author.

The steps to resolve the case are as follows:

- The first stage is getting to know the situation, its peculiarities.

- The second stage is the identification of the main problem (main problems), the identification of factors and personalities that can really influence.

- The third stage is the proposal of concepts or topics for brainstorming.

- The fourth stage is an analysis of the consequences of making a decision.

- the fifth stage - the solution of the case - the proposal of one or more options (sequence of actions), an indication of the possible occurrence of problems, mechanisms for their prevention and solution [1].

The principle of the case method is especially significant, since it allows you to initiate an independent study of situations, form your own vision of problems and their solutions, and develop the ability to discuss the situation with your colleagues. This method is especially valuable for teaching foreign languages, since for successful mastery of a foreign language it is important to have a constant opportunity to master this language, develop the skills of dialogic and monologue speech, and improve the ability to maintain a conversation orally, to express one's point of view, the use of various

grammatical structures, the expansion of vocabulary. The main goal of learning foreign languages is still communication.

It goes without saying that students must have independent work skills and a sufficiently high level of knowledge and skills, which is not so common in my practice. Students from different schools come to our University with completely different levels of knowledge of a foreign language (in my case, English).

Therefore, the use of the case study, at least in the first semester of training, is reduced to nothing; first you have to use simpler methods of teaching the main types of speech activity. And only when it is possible to slightly raise the level of knowledge in the discipline under study among lagging students, then it is possible to proceed to the application of an innovative teaching method - the case study. Since this method is complex and contains all types of speech activity: reading, speaking, writing, listening, it can certainly be effectively used in the practice of teaching a foreign language. Moreover, in recent years in there has been a tendency to use the case study not only in business education, but also in subject learning, including science and the humanities. So, for example, A. I. Herzen, the first dissertation in Russia on the use of the case method in chemistry education. He proposed a methodology for compiling case studies in organic chemistry for use in the training of food technologists, based on the principles of the leading role of theory, efficiency and normativity, partially borrowed from works on praxeology [3].

The main goal of a secondary specialized educational institution is the formation of a student's cognitive strategies for self-learning and self-education, which is the basis and an integral part of future professional specialist. Any novice specialist must have fundamental knowledge, professional skills and abilities, i.e., must be competent in his profession. In acquiring this knowledge, skills and abilities, the creativity, research experience and independent activities of the future specialist is of no small importance.

Therefore, in order to achieve a high level of scientific and practical training of future engineers, economists, it is necessary to change the approach to organizing their independent work, which will certainly improve the quality of education, develop the creativity abilities of students, their desire to constantly acquire new knowledge. Case study is one of such modern pedagogical technologies aimed at organizing students' independent work.

As part of the application of the case study method in my lessons, I tried to thelp students how to write their graduation projects in English. This work was carried out with 4th year students studying in the specialty "Transport and Logistics". Under my guidance, being in constant contact with teachers of special disciplines, students learned how to make annotations to the materials of their diploma projects in English, abstract texts, make presentations of their proposals, be able to defend their opinions and find solutions to the problem

with the help of the English language that is relevant today for a qualified specialist.

Thus, the case study method provides students with an excellent opportunity to creatively apply the studied language material based on their professional knowledge and allows them to adapt to real and potential situations. So, the analysis of situations has a strong influence on the development of students' professional competence, contributes to their maturation, forms interest and positive motivation for learning a foreign language, which is especially important in the modern world and the development of society.


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мЭкономнка h соцнумм №4(95)-3 2022



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