Научная статья на тему 'Modern source analysis of literature on the Russian Orthodox Church (based on the materials of the Voronezh and St. Petersburg dioceses)'

Modern source analysis of literature on the Russian Orthodox Church (based on the materials of the Voronezh and St. Petersburg dioceses) Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Ashmarov Igor Anatol'Evich

The article considers modern Orthodox periodicals that are of interest to historical scholars as sources, as well as the concept of source studies in the modern perspective of the situation of the Russian Orthodox Church. The author of the article considers the modern media of the two dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church: Voronezh and St. Petersburg, as well as their social significance. The article analyzes the printed and electronic editions of the St. Petersburg diocese "Living Water", reflects the ideological and thematic originality and purpose of this church magazine. The result of the author’s work is certain conclusions that reproduce the discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church in modern printed Russian media.

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В статье рассматриваются современные православные периодические издания, представляющие интерес для ученых-историков как источники, а также концепция источниковедения в современном ракурсе положения Русской Православной Церкви. Автор статьи рассматривает современные СМИ двух епархий Русской Православной Церкви: Воронежской и Санкт-Петербургской, а также их социальную значимость. В статье анализируются печатные и электронные издания Санкт-Петербургской епархии «Вода живая», отражается идейно-тематическая оригинальность и назначение этого церковного журнала. Результатом работы автора являются определенные выводы, которые воспроизводят дискурс Русской Православной Церкви в современных печатных российских СМИ.

Текст научной работы на тему «Modern source analysis of literature on the Russian Orthodox Church (based on the materials of the Voronezh and St. Petersburg dioceses)»

Publication date: April 12, 2020 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3715106

Historical Sciences




Ashmarov, Igor Anatol'evich1

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of RAE, Voronezh State Institute of Arts (VGII) 394077, st. General Lizyukova, 42, Voronezh, Voronezh Region, Russia


The article considers modern Orthodox periodicals that are of interest to historical scholars as sources, as well as the concept of source studies in the modern perspective of the situation of the Russian Orthodox Church. The author of the article considers the modern media of the two dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church: Voronezh and St. Petersburg, as well as their social significance.

The article analyzes the printed and electronic editions of the St. Petersburg diocese "Living Water", reflects the ideological and thematic originality and purpose of this church magazine. The result of the author's work is certain conclusions that reproduce the discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church in modern printed Russian media.

Keywords: church mass media, diocesan periodicals of the Russian Orthodox Church, mass media of the Voronezh diocese, mass media of the St. Petersburg diocese.


Church media play a large role in the life of the Church and in the life of society as a whole. Church media perform an important educational function and organize the religious consciousness of people. The dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church develop their own diocesan media and conduct a large educational work with the population. In order to support the diocesan media, the Synodal Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church created the Orthodox Bulletin project («Pravoslavnyy vestnik»). This project will help in the development of the regional Orthodox press. Participants in this project in the regions will be able to receive a ready-made monthly layout of an Orthodox newspaper every month, which they can then use both for printing a separate publication and as a thematic tab in any other media.



The article uses a wide variety of methods, including the method of abstraction, the historical method, the associated retrospective method, typological and analytical research methods. The work collected certain empirical material, which was subjected to research analysis. Statistical material and the statistical method of scientific research are also used.


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a revival of the press system of the Russian Orthodox Church began. Moreover, this formation took place using the experience of publishing in the Russian Orthodox Church of the 19th century.

The press system of the Russian Orthodox Church was formed at the beginning of the 19th century, and by the middle of the Russian Orthodox Church there was a wide network of periodicals designed for various groups of the population. There were both purely scientific and theological publications aimed at the public of scholarly theologians and at the highest church hierarchy, as well as heterodox publications that performed the functions of religious and moral education, catechism, religious edifying, and official chronicle.

The reason for the emergence of a wide network of publications of the Russian Orthodox Church was published in the first issues of many newspapers and journals published in that period. So, the task of the theological journal «Vera i tserkov'» («Faith and Church») was to answer "to the requests of religious thought and the spiritual life of modern society, to counteract rationalism and unbelief". The journal «Pravoslavnyy sobesednik» explained the process of the emergence of church periodicals as the need for the convergence of Orthodoxy and secular life. These publications, by their nature and type, were divided by tasks and classrooms.

The official publication of the Holy and Governing Synod was the weekly «Tserkovnyye vedomosti» ("Church News"), where each issue consisted of three sections: «Vysochayshiye poveleniya», «Vysochayshiye nagrady», «Vysochayshaya blagodarnost'». In addition, the journal «Pravoslavnyy blagovestnik» ("Orthodox Evangelist"), which as an organ of the Orthodox Missionary Society, enjoyed the highest patronage of the imperial family, belonged to it.

Scientific and theological journals were published mainly at theological educational institutions. One of the oldest academic periodicals was the journal «Khristianskoye chteniye» («Christian Reading»), which was published at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and appeared in the first quarter of the 19th century. The journal had five sections: on the creations of the Holy Fathers, on research and discussions on the Christian religion, on Christian teachings, on spiritual history and instructive thoughts.

Academic theological journals have been devoted to research in theological thought. Such academicism did not correspond to the nature of periodicals; therefore, these publications were calculated on a narrow circle of readers. For this reason, many publications began to move away from their narrow focus and began to create a new theological, secular-oriented periodical. But the very nature of the theological academic publication did not have the opportunity to popularize complex theological problems.

And since such a need existed, in 1902 in St. Petersburg began to publish a church-public journal «Pravoslavnoye russkoye slovo» ("The Orthodox Russian Word"). It stated that, unlike a number of other spiritual bodies that served as "academic theological science" and offered to read "not always accustomed to the vital issues and vital interests of "society". It will take a number of measures for "greater communication with society" [9].


In the same era, a new type of folk church journal arose, which extended to all age categories and was intended primarily for family reading, reading in temples and school reading. Journals for Sunday reading belonged to this group, so many of them had the names «Voskresen'ye», «Voskresnyy den'», «Voskresnyy blagovestnik» («Sunday Evangelist»). The publications were religiously edifying in nature and were intended mainly for family reading.

Many journals were published for the intelligentsia, interested in philosophy and problems of religion, their historical roots. Such publications include: «Vera i razum», «Chteniya v Obshchestve lyubiteley dukhovnogo prosveshcheniya», «Chteniya v Obshchestve lyubiteley drevney pis'mennosti», «Chteniya Moskovskogo Obshchestva Istorii i Drevnostey Rossiyskikh», «Strannik», «Dushepoleznoye chteniye», «Pravoslavnoye obozreniye». ("Faith and Reason", "Readings in the Society of lovers of spiritual enlightenment", "Readings in the Society of lovers of ancient writing", "Readings of the Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities", "Wanderer", "Useful reading", "Orthodox Review").

The latest edition was edited by the priest N. A. Sergievsky, and in addition to dogmatic, moral, church-historical materials of edifying content, published the best works of foreign theology. After the change of power and political regime in 1917, almost all church "counter-revolutionary" publications were closed. The exception was the «Pravoslavnyy tserkovnyy kalendar'» ("Orthodox Church Calendar"), which is still being published without interruption. This phenomenon is associated with the exclusively informational nature of the publication, reporting only the chronology of church holidays.

Religious periodicals are being replaced by new anti-religious newspapers «Tserkov' i revolyutsiya», «Nauka i religiya», «Bezbozhnik» («Church and Revolution», «Science and Religion», «Atheist»). In addition, the socio-political journals «Krasnaya nov'» and «Proletarskaya revolyutsiya» («Proletarian Revolution») were published.

In 1925, the monthly scientific and methodological journal «Antireligioznik» appeared, which was an organ of the Central Council of the Union of Militant Atheists. The main task was to "guide the entire scientific and methodological work of the Union of Militant Atheists, both in the field of propaganda of atheism and in the organization of a godless movement". In 1930, the publication of the journal «Voinstvuyushchiy ateizm» («Militant Atheism») began, the main purpose of which was to "free the workers from a religious view of nature and society" [12].

Only after 70 years, the Orthodox press begins to revive. It will take a long time to restore this powerful system of periodicals. The type of publications was changed: small-sized newspapers in two or four pages prevailed; however, there are also multi-colour editions made at a high printing level, however there are few of them. Most publications are not subscribed.

In addition to the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate («Zhurnal Moskovskoy patriarkhii»), the same founder publishes a colored illustrated monthly «Pravoslavnoye chteniye» («Orthodox Reading»), published since 1990. It publishes spiritual edifying materials and fragments from patristic works.

The founders of church publications were various departments of the Moscow Patriarchate of the dioceses. Diocesan newspapers are general in nature, however, there are publications with a specific purpose, which is indicated in the subheadings. So, the monthly newspaper «Mogilevskiye yeparkhial'nyye vedomosti» ("Mogilev Diocesan Vedomosti") comes out with a subtitle that defines the direction of the newspaper: "Spiritual educational and information publication". Founders and publishers can also be monasteries, laurels, individual churches, communities, parish meetings, unions, orthodox associations. Here you can find various publications: journals, newspapers, leaflets. The Moscow St. Danilov Monastery has been publishing the «Danilovskiy blagovestnik» («Danilovsky Evangelist») journal since 1991, and in 1989 it was actually the first among the monasteries to begin publishing its «Danilovskiy listok». In addition to dividing church editions according to the status of the founder, as well as identifying central and regional editions, which is not an essential principle with regard to the church press, the typological diversity of the Russian Orthodox Church's editions is currently manifested in the availability of editions for various purposes, with different orientations oriented towards satisfying requests as a believer, and non-believing part of the audience.


Through church publications, these people receive information on issues of purely cognitive nature that interest them. They represent population groups of completely different age categories.

Thus, the publications of the Russian Orthodox Church, the distinguished lines of activity and the purpose of publications of various types constitute only a small part of the reviving press system of the Russian Orthodox Church. New conditions dictate new approaches, although it is obvious that the Russian Orthodox Church's printing system has a long tradition and is being re-created on the basis of the historical foundation. Modern Media of the Voronezh and St. Petersburg Dioceses and Their Social Significance. The Voronezh diocese is a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church centered in the city of Voronezh. This diocese unites parishes and monasteries on the territory of the Voronezh region. The Voronezh diocese is headed by the Metropolitan of Voronezh and Liskinsky Sergiy (Fomin).

On the website of the Voronezh Metropolitanate in the "Publications" section contains all the complete information about the periodicals of the Voronezh diocese. It is not very diverse and has only five publications.

Diocesan publications of the Voronezh region include the following publications:

• The "Voronezh Pravoslavnyy" («Voronezh Orthodox») newspaper (The newspaper conducts a quarterly review every two months).

• An educational bulletin of the Voronezh Theological Seminary, which periodically publishes the scientific journal "Trudy Voronezhskoy dukhovnoy seminarii" («Proceedings of the Voronezh Theological Seminary»).

The city church publication is the journal of the Voronezh Orthodox Theological Seminary "Obraz zhizni" ("Lifestyle").

Publications of the deaneries of the Voronezh diocese include the publication of the numbers of the Orthodox newspaper of the Pavlovsky church district (Pavlovsky deanery) "Pavlovskiy blagovest" ("Pavlovsky evangelism") (Voronezh metropolis // https://www.vob-eparhia.ru/).

Youth newspaper "Angel-Khranitel'" ("Guardian Angel") of the diocesan department for the protection of motherhood and childhood of the Voronezh and Borisoglebsk dioceses nominated for the award "Civil Initiative".

Table 1. Orthodox publications in the Voronezh region

Publications of the Voronezh Diocese Circulation, copies Percentage, %

Diocesan editions 4499 64,3

1. Newspaper «Voronezh pravoslavnyy» 3000 42,9

2. Educational Bulletin "Proceedings of the Voronezh Theological Seminary", journal 500 7,1

3. "Angel Khranitel'" an Orthodox youth newspaper in defense of family values (monthly edition) 999 14,3

City editions (VPDS publication) 1500 21,4

4. Edition of the Voronezh Orthodox Theological Seminary "Obraz zhizni", journal 1500 21,4

Publications of the Deaneries of the Diocese 999 14,3

5. "Pavlovskiy blagovest", newspaper of Pavlovsky deanery 999 14,3

TOTAL 6998 100


In total, approximately seven thousand copies of Orthodox publications a month are obtained for the entire Voronezh region with a population of 2.3 million. Of course, this is very little or, as they say in the Russian people, "a drop in the ocean." The population of the Voronezh region according to Rosstat is 2,323,657 people. Preliminary estimate of the resident population as of January 1, 2020 and an average of 2019 (Rosstat, 2020). In the Voronezh diocese, in contrast to the St. Petersburg diocese, despite the presence of print media, radio and television remain unreached by the church.

The Voronezh Metropolis is actively working with universities in the city of Voronezh. In February 2020, cooperation agreements were signed between the Voronezh diocese and leading Voronezh universities -Voronezh State University, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology. The signing of the documents is aimed at establishing an effective and mutually beneficial interaction between the Voronezh diocese and universities, the development of joint scientific, educational and creative projects. As part of the implementation of the agreements, it is planned to implement projects in the fields of journalism and media communication, the organization of scientific and educational events and social projects.

The next diocese is the St. Petersburg diocese, the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church in the city of St. Petersburg. The diocese was established on September 1 (12), 1742. During the synodal period, it was the first diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church in seniority and honor. Since March 12, 2013, it has been a part of the St. Petersburg Metropolis. Starting from the 19th century, St. Petersburg is considered the center of cultural, spiritual and moral education of Russia. It was here that in 1871, the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy (SPbDA), Archpriest loann Yanyshev, founded a special publication, «Tserkovnyy vestnik» ("Church Messenger") [11], which became a weekly supplement to «Khristianskoye chteniye» («Christian Reading»). However, after the October Revolution of 1917, all St. Petersburg Orthodox mass media ceased to exist.

Now, topical Orthodox media belong to the St. Petersburg diocese. These include:

- Diocesan journal «Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik» («St. Petersburg Church Bulletin»). This is a modified version of the journal «Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik», the official publication of the St. Petersburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, founded in 1875 and restored in 2000.

«Voda zhivaya» is not only a journal, but also an information agency that disseminates relevant information and news related to St. Petersburg and the diocese. The journal displays all issues of public interest for the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg. The chief editor is Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofiy [13].

- Radio "Grad Petrov". One of the main tasks of the radio station is church and cultural education through stories about the life of the Church today. Every day on the air you can hear literary, historical, musical programs, programs for children and youth. The clergy of the St. Petersburg Diocese, professors of the Theological Academy, teachers of the St. Petersburg State University, employees of the Pushkin House, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum and other cultural and scientific centers come on radio.

The St. Petersburg Diocesan Radio "Grad Petrov" in its work focuses on the traditional rejection of all political agitation and debates with other Christian denominations, the creation of programs mainly based on positive Orthodox experience, as well as the use of modern Orthodox theologians and preachers in programs [15].

- The «Slovo» program on the St. Petersburg TV channel. The spiritual and educational television program «Slovo» is sponsored by the St. Alexander Nevsky Spiritual Revival Charitable Foundation. The program has been aired since 2012 every week on the TV channels «Saint Petersburg» and «Soyuz».

The television program allows the viewer to see a modern intellectual conversation not only about events, but also about the meanings that underlie the Orthodox worldview. Being the world-famous cultural, scientific and educational center of Russia, St. Petersburg has a special resource - a culture of communication, insight into the deeper issues of the soul and a subtle dimension of cultural heritage.


Almost all media regularly post materials related to the life of the Russian Orthodox Church and Orthodoxy as a system of values. However, information is not always presented objectively due to a lack of education and a biased approach to the topic.

The goal of the «Slovo» program is to respond to current social needs, to provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the Orthodox worldview thanks to real bearers of spiritual values, that is, priests, personalities, scholars, pastors, figures in the educational, cultural and social spheres. A short unobtrusive format, friendly conversation creates an idea of people in the church as organic, interesting and fruitful representatives of secular society. The television program «Slovo» conveys the meaning of many lost values, the meaning of life, the human soul, the faith of ancestors, and help one's neighbour; indicates habitual stereotypes, spiritual problems, the depth and kinship of the Orthodox approach to man and the meaning of life with universal values [24]. Thus, despite the not-so-extensive media system of the St. Petersburg Diocese, they have important social significance. The central tasks of the diocesan media are the spiritual and moral education of society and the introduction of people to the life of the church.


3. Analysis of the Publication of the St. Petersburg Diocese «Voda zhivaya»: Ideological and Thematic Originality and Purpose of the Journal. The object of research is the journal «Voda zhivaya» of the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Diocesan journal «Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik» is published once a month with a circulation of 3,000 copies. For comparison: the circulation of the issue of the Moscow Orthodox journal «Foma» alone is 25 thousand copies.

The total population is 17 issues of the journal (the total number of issues from January 2018 to May 2019). The sample is five issues of the journal.

The sampling method is mechanical (it happens that a random method is also used). The unit of measure is the number of articles in the journal. 1095 articles were analyzed.

The purpose of the analysis is to identify the ideological and thematic originality of the journal, names relevant to the journal, as well as the most important places of the spiritual life of St. Petersburg and the diocese.

Table 2. Ideological and thematic originality of the journal

«Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik»

Ideological and Thematic Priority Number of Articles Percentage, %

Bishop services 244 22

Head of the Moscow Patriarchate 86 7

Mercy and charity 79 7

Divine services of the metropolitan in the St. Petersburg diocese 84 7

Conferences and seminars 32 2

Temples 76 6

Cooperation with the city administration 32 2

TOTAL 1095 100

«Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik» // URL: http://aquaviva.ru/


In accordance with the data in Table 2, it can be concluded that the journal focuses mainly on divine services with the participation of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofiy, diocesan life, as well as relations with the Moscow Patriarchate. At the same time, the journal focuses little on cooperation between the church and society (including the administration of St. Petersburg) and on the organization of conferences and seminars on the Russian Orthodox Church. In addition, the diocesan journal is positioned as exclusively spiritual and educational, therefore, the journal does not contain articles related to the economy, politics and social problems in the state (the exception is volunteering associated with the help of veterans, people with disabilities and orphans).

On the website of the St. Petersburg Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church in the section "Diocese" contains the necessary information about church media (Church Media // URL: http://mitropolia.spb.ru/smi/).

1. Diocesan journal «Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik» («Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik» // URL: http://aquaviva.ru/).

This is a new, changed format and sound, version of the journal St. Petersburg Church Herald, the official publication of the St. Petersburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, founded in 1875 and renewed in 2000.

«Voda zhivaya» is not only a journal, but also an information agency, on the page of which you will find a news feed and announcements. From this news feed, all people who are interested in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg can find out the latest events in the life of the church.

2. Diocesan Radio «Grad Petrov», created in 2000.

Radio has a church and cultural-educational orientation, talks about the life of the Church today. Every day, literary, historical, musical programs, programs for children and youth go on the air. Clergymen of the St. Petersburg Diocese, professors of the Theological Academy, teachers of the St. Petersburg State University, employees of the Pushkin House, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum and other cultural and scientific centers cooperate with us.

3. The program «Slovo» on the TV channel "St. Petersburg". The head of the TV program: Archpriest Alexander Glebov.

Telecasts offer an intellectual conversation not about events, but about the meanings that underlie the Orthodox worldview. Today, a request for church subjects has been updated in society. The program aims to answer this society's request, makes it possible to get acquainted with the Orthodox worldview not from simplified distorted materials "for the malice of the day", but to meet with real bearers of spiritual values - priests as individuals, scientists, pastors, educational, cultural, social workers. A short, unobtrusive format, friendly conversation forms an idea of the people of the Church as organic, and often one of the most interesting and fruitful representatives of society. The program will help convey to the viewer the significance of many lost values, such as the meaning of life, soul, faith of ancestors, helping one's neighbour, look at familiar stereotypes and problems from a spiritual point of view.


Table 3. Actual names of the journal

«Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik»

Actual Names of the Journal Number of Articles Percentage, %

Varsonofiy, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga 525 48

Kirill, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia 93 8

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Nazariy, Vicar of the St. Petersburg Diocese, Bishop of Kronstadt 62 5

Priest Iliya Makarov 46 4

Archpriest Alexander Pelin 47 4

Seraphim, Bishop of Peterhof, Vicar of the St. Petersburg Diocese 30 2

TOTAL 1095 100

«Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik» // URL: http://aquaviva.ru/

The data in Table 3 indicate that the largest number of journal materials is devoted to the current Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofiy (48%). Thus, we can conclude that the main task of the journal is to inform readers about the various events in which the Metropolitan was a participant. News about His Holiness Patriarch Kirill represented 8% of published materials. The journal also mentions the rector of SPbDA, Bishop Peterhof Seraphim (2%). Such a small amount of information is due to the fact that the bishop began to manage the Academy only in September 2018, the rector of the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra, Bishop of Kronstadt Nazariy (5%) and priests known in the diocese - priest Iliya Makarov (4%), archpriest Alexander Pelin (4%) and others.

Table 4. The most important places of the spiritual life of St. Petersburg and the diocese

Places of Spiritual Life Number of articles Percentage, %

St. Petersburg Theological Academy 107 10

Kazanskiy Cathedral 97 8

Svyato-Troitskaya Aleksandro-Nevskaya Lavra 114 10

Diocesan Administration of the St. Petersburg Diocese 51 4

Deanery of churches in universities of the St. Petersburg diocese 11 1

St. Petersburg Diocese 57 5

TOTAL 1095 100

«Voda zhivaya. Sankt-Peterburgskiy tserkovnyy vestnik» // URL: http://aquaviva.ru/


An analysis of the data in Table 4 shows the most common places in St. Petersburg, which are discussed in the journal «Voda zhivaya». These include the Holy Trinity Aleksandro - Nevsky Lavra (10%) and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy (10%). By analogy, the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University (PSTGU), a Russian private higher education institution, operates in Moscow. The educational institution was founded in 1992 as the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute. In 2004, it received the highest accreditation status of the type of "university", and since then it bears this modern name.

These data indicate the high importance of the spiritual places of St. Petersburg for both readers (laity) and the diocese as a whole. The analysis showed that the journal has a narrow focus, including with respect to its territorial range.

The content analysis of the journal «Voda zhivaya» allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The journal «Voda zhivaya» is the central (main) source of information for the St. Petersburg Diocese, the main task of which is to convey basic information about the persons, places and goals of the Russian Orthodox Church on the territory of St. Petersburg and its metropolitan area. The information massif of the publication is based mainly on intra-diocesan news, practically without affecting external factors. The publication practically does not contain any news related to the economy, finances, politics and social problems of the state.

2. The materials published in the journal have a homogeneous content of participants in intra-diocesan relations. News on the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofiy is covered in detail. Thus, the editorial board considers its main task to inform readers about various events in which the metropolitan was directly involved. At the same time, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy Seraphim and Bishop of Kronstadt Nazariy are less often mentioned in the journal. In accordance with the theme of the publication, the materials of the journal do not meet individuals related to business, economics and politics.

3. Most of the journal materials are local or regional. Basically we are talking about the well-known and having city-wide significance Orthodox churches, and the monasteries of the city, their life, charter and pressing problems. More than others, the journal mentions the Holy Trinity Alexander and Nevsky Lavra and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. At the same time, little attention is paid to parish churches of municipal significance, which indicates a certain incompleteness of the contents of the journal.

Thus, the study showed the importance of the journal for the diocese and St. Petersburg. His spiritual and educational appointment is an integral element of the modern press of the Russian Orthodox Church in the St. Petersburg diocese.


In accordance with the goals and objectives of the work, a study was carried out and a number of conclusions were drawn.

Firstly, both Russian religious and Orthodox, in particular, journalism has a number of specific features related to its historical past. Some stages of the formation of religious media in Russia were passed:

- the formation of the church periodical on the basis of theological schools;

- the period of illegal printing of Orthodox journals on the territory of the RSFSR and the creation abroad of Russian cultural and religious centers with active publishing;

- restoration of Russian Orthodox printed tradition in Russia;

- The formation of a new information order in Orthodox journalism.

Secondly, in the course of the study, it was found that all religious and Orthodox mass media are divided into general church mass publications and theoretical church publications.


Thirdly, some specific features of Orthodox periodicals were also revealed, including the presentation of material, an appeal to the reader and the composition of the editorial board.

Fourth, during the study, the editions of the Russian Orthodox Church were studied, the areas of activity and the purpose of publications of various types were identified. They constitute only a small part of the reviving press system of the Russian Orthodox Church. New conditions dictate new approaches, despite the obvious system of the press of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has a long tradition and is being created anew on the basis of the periodic tradition of pre-revolutionary Russia.

Fifth, despite the not-too-wide system of Orthodox media, this periodical carries important socio-cultural and spiritual significance. The central tasks of the diocesan mass media at the moment are the spiritual and moral education of society and the introduction of people to the life of the church and the life of society with the church.

And finally, a study was conducted that showed the importance of the journal «Voda zhivaya» for the St. Petersburg Diocese and the city of St. Petersburg. The spiritual and educational purpose of the journal is an integral part of the modern press of the Russian Orthodox Church in the St. Petersburg diocese.

In addition, it was decided to deepen the study of the functioning of modern Orthodox periodicals and to identify the demand for periodical media among the general reader. For this purpose, a sociological survey was righteous. The number of respondents is 43 people. Age - from 18 to 55 years.

The respondents were asked the following questions, namely:

1. Are you a believer?

2. Do you read religious literature?

3. Is there a desire to start reading church literature? (For those who answered the second question in the negative).

4. Do you find this periodical valuable for moral education of the younger generation?

5. Do you think that by reading this periodical you understand the culture of your homeland?

6. Are you interested in the inner life of parishes (churches)?

7. What would you add to the Orthodox periodical? What aspects of church periodicals have been modernized?

In accordance with the results of the survey, 60.5% of respondents consider themselves to be "believers", of which 55.8% read religious literature. 16.3% of respondents found it difficult to answer whether they are believers, the remaining 23.3% of respondents who consider themselves to be atheists. 51.6% of polled atheists and undecided citizens do not want to start reading church literature and periodicals, 29% of respondents have such a desire. Despite the above, the vast majority of respondents, namely 48.8% (including those who consider themselves atheists) point out the importance of such publications in the moral education of the younger generation. 55.8% of respondents considered Orthodox periodicals an effective way to study the culture and history of Russia. 44.2% of respondents wanted to learn more about the inner life of the parishes, 18.6% refrained from answering.

To modernize the media, it was proposed "to make materials for children and adolescents more accessible through the example of Italian religious media", "to improve the style of publications as it attracts young people," "change the presentation format, make the language more vibrant and give more examples from contemporaries". However, the majority of respondents cited their incompetence in this area and refused to comment on this issue. Only 35% of respondents expressed their recommendations and wishes for the publication of Orthodox periodicals, including those of a negative nature.



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Ашмаров Игорь Анатольевич1

1 Кандидат экономических наук, доцент, профессор РАЕ Воронежский государственный институт искусств (ВГИИ) 394077, ул. Генерала Лизюкова, 42, Воронеж, Воронежская область, Россия


В статье рассматриваются современные православные периодические издания, представляющие интерес для ученых-историков как источники, а также концепция источниковедения в современном ракурсе положения Русской Православной Церкви. Автор статьи рассматривает современные СМИ двух епархий Русской Православной Церкви: Воронежской и Санкт-Петербургской, а также их социальную значимость.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

В статье анализируются печатные и электронные издания Санкт-Петербургской епархии «Вода живая», отражается идейно-тематическая оригинальность и назначение этого церковного журнала. Результатом работы автора являются определенные выводы, которые воспроизводят дискурс Русской Православной Церкви в современных печатных российских СМИ.

Ключевые слова: церковные средства массовой информации, епархиальная периодика Русской Православной Церкви, СМИ Воронежской епархии, СМИ Санкт-Петербургской епархии.


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Ashmarov I.A., Ershov B.A., Bulavin R.V., Shkarubo S.N., Danilchenko S.L. The material and financial situation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the XIX - early XX centuries // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2020. Т. 138. С. 149-158.


Ershov B.A., Ashmarov I.A., Drobyshev A.V., Zhdanova T.A., Buravlev I.A. Property and land relations of Russian Orthodox Church and state in Russia // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences 2017. С. 324-331.

Ershov B.A., Ashmarov I.A. Interaction of the Orthodox Church and the state in Russia at the present stage // Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research. 2018. № 2. С. 19-24.

Ershov B.A., Ashmarov I.A., Danilchenko S.L. The development of Russian Church architecture in the 1990s-2017: the state and prospects // DataLumos. 2018. № 1.

Ershov B.A., Fursov V.N. The Russian Church in the State Mechanism of Russia. Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research. 2018. № 1. С. 32-37.

Ershov B.A., Lubkin Y.Y. The activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in countering extremism and terrorism in modern Russia. Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. 2016. №. 11-2 (73). С. 97-99.

Ershov B.A., Perevozchikova L.S., Romanova E.V., Ashmarov I.A. The Concept of Spirituality in Social Philosophy. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2019. Т. 139. С. 688-694.

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