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preschool education system / staff / teachers / modern requirements / innovative methods / professional skills

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mahmudova D.T.

This article discusses the current requirements for future staff working in the preschool education system. The issues of formation of professional skills of teachers working in the system of preschool education are analyzed.

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УДК 374

Mahmudova D. T.


Namangan State University


Abstract: This article discusses the current requirements for future staff working in the preschool education system. The issues of formation of professional skills of teachers working in the system of preschool education are analyzed.

Key words: preschool education system, staff, teachers, modern requirements, innovative methods, professional skills.

In modern preschool institutions - a place where the child experiences a wide range of emotional and practical interactions with adults and peers in the most important areas and aspects of their development. implements the conditions; the teacher develops his professional and personal qualities, the leader ensures the success of the activities of children and teachers; The institution takes into account the specifics of parents' views on the future of their children and directs them to build a constructive partnership with children, as well as with all participants in the educational process. Today, there are a lot of innovations in the field of education of various characteristics, directions and significance, large-scale and small-scale state reforms are being carried out, innovations are being introduced in the organization, content, methods and technology of education.

Kindergarten now needs an educator who can work with children on the basis of advanced innovative technologies and new programs. He must be a creator of the pedagogical process, have flexible thinking, skillfully use innovations. The relevance of the work is that recently the issue of the use of innovative technologies in preschool education is growing, because the introduction of innovations in the work of the educational institution is the most important condition for improving and reforming the preschool education system. Pedagogical innovations should be understood as changes in the content and technology of education in order to introduce innovations in pedagogical activity, increase its effectiveness. Thus, the process of innovation consists in the formation and development of the content and organization of innovation. The carrier of news - the pedagogue - is described as an element of the structure of the innovation process in terms of the unity of perception, assimilation and evaluation of innovation, goal setting and goal achievement. The combination of motivation (want), theoretical (can), technological (do) and result (get)

aspiration and readiness forms the system of innovation literacy of preschool education teachers.

The qualities of the educator, such as aspiration to innovation, innovative potential and behavior, acceptance of innovation, are also very important. The phenomenon of innovation occurs in educators who aim to introduce innovations, high mental capacity, critical attitude, the search for alternative ways. V.A. Slastenin and L.S. Podimova described the team's innovative potential as the ability to create, adopt and implement innovations, as well as the timely removal of old, pedagogically inefficient aspects. Acceptance, which is part of the innovative potential, is determined by the perception of innovation, preparation for it, acquaintance with the problem, analysis of existing ways to solve it, choice of path, acceptance of the consequences of decision-making. The content of pedagogical activity in the process of innovative education is quite different from traditional activity. First, the activity of developing the content and technology of the activity is much more complex, as its technological basis is rapidly evolving. It requires the development of special skills of the teacher, methods of work. In addition, modern information technology places additional demands on the quality of activity and its products. Second, the peculiarity of the modern pedagogical process is that, unlike traditional education, in which the educator is central, the main focus here is on the child - his activity, choice, creativity.

An important function of the educator is to support the child in his activities, to support his successful progress in the world, to facilitate the solution of problems, to assist in the acquisition of a variety of information. K. Rodgers, A.B. Orlov and S.Ya. Romashina noted that in the world educational community for this reason a new term - facilitator - has emerged and is used to help, facilitate, facilitate learning. Third, ways of presenting cognitive material and giving experience involve intensive communication between educator and children, with the teacher's generalized communication with all children taking precedence, but the educator's interaction with individual children being much less active in modern education among these subjects. requires an interesting interaction. Thus, the necessary conditions for the use of innovative technologies in preschool education will be the potential and actions of the educator, his sense of novelty, openness and facilitation.

The change in the role of the teacher and the child in the educational process requires the reconstruction of the relationship, first of all, the system of integration and mutual adaptation of teachers, as well as improving the relationship in the triangle "teacher - child - parent". This, on the one hand, will be a necessary condition for the innovative process in preschool education, on the other hand - it will be an indicator of its outcome and success. At the primary level, innovation is the creation of new content for two separate courses, a block of two courses (e.g., environmental or humanitarian); to develop new

ways of creating the structure of the two educational processes; focuses on the development of new technologies, new forms and methods of education.

If we analyze the system of differences between traditional education and innovative education and identify pedagogical ways of implementing innovative activities, this analysis leads to the conclusion that educational technologies need to be changed. The most common definition of educational technology is as follows: educational technology is a method of implementing educational content, which consists of a system of forms, methods and tools of teaching, provided in the curriculum, which ensures the most effective achievement of the didactic goal.

Thus, education is part of culture, and the changes it makes to its core change the ways people live their lives, which means that innovations in education occur. In the post-industrial period of human civilization, which is called the information-innovation era by many scientists, knowledge and education become fundamental concepts.


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