Научная статья на тему 'Modern principles of sports pedagogics, realized in a staged specialized complex-variative method of 1- year cycle of training formation among qualified hockey players'

Modern principles of sports pedagogics, realized in a staged specialized complex-variative method of 1- year cycle of training formation among qualified hockey players Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
adaptation / training level / sports shape / principles of sports pedagogics / technique of sports movements / methods of the training process formation in sport / staged specialized complex-variative method of 1–year cycle of training formation among hockey players

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Alexsandr S. Pavlov, Alexsey E. Deev, Sergeiy E. Pavlov

The article states that system laws of physiology (in particular the laws of adaptation) is the only thing on which the theory, methodology and practice of sport can be based. The main conclusions are maid, which come from the laws of adaptation and which are extremely important for the theory, methodology and practice of sport. The opportunity of the abstract “physical qualities” of an organism existence is rejected and the viciousness of the work over their “development” is underlined. The basis of sportsmanship among hockey players and the main objectives, which should be solved during qualified sportsmen training, are defined. The definitions of the states “training level” and “sports shape” are given. Modern principles of sports pedagogics are enumerated. Also the necessity to follow the unity (integrity, composite nature) of a purposeful process of qualified hickey players training is underlined. The work importance of hockey players over the techniques of sports movements is especially underlined and the ways of their mastering are mentioned. Low effectiveness of traditionally used in hockey periodization method of a yearly training cycle organization is underlined and 42 methods of the training process organization, for different kinds of sport, are mentioned. The classification of the training exercises is given, offered by A.P. Bondarchuk. Taking into account the peculiarities of the game, it is offered to introduce the exercises of technical orientation into this classification. The author’s method of the training process organization among qualified hockey players in a yearly training cycle is presented.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modern principles of sports pedagogics, realized in a staged specialized complex-variative method of 1- year cycle of training formation among qualified hockey players»

DOI 10.14526/03_2017_238


Alexsandr S. Pavlov - Candidate of Pedagogics Alexsey E. Deev - Director of Children's Hockey School CSCA (Central Sports Club of the Army) Sergeiy E. Pavlov - Candidate of Medicine Ice Sports Complex of CSCA Leningrad Avenue, h.39, Moscow, Russia, 125167

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The article states that system laws of physiology (in particular the laws of adaptation) is the only thing on which the theory, methodology and practice of sport can be based. The main conclusions are maid, which come from the laws of adaptation and which are extremely important for the theory, methodology and practice of sport. The opportunity of the abstract "physical qualities" of an organism existence is rejected and the viciousness of the work over their "development" is underlined. The basis of sportsmanship among hockey players and the main objectives, which should be solved during qualified sportsmen training, are defined. The definitions of the states "training level" and "sports shape " are given. Modern principles of sports pedagogics are enumerated. Also the necessity to follow the unity (integrity, composite nature) of a purposeful process of qualified hickey players training is underlined. The work importance of hockey players over the techniques of sports movements is especially underlined and the ways of their mastering are mentioned. Low effectiveness of traditionally used in hockey periodization method of a yearly training cycle organization is underlined and 42 methods of the training process organization, for different kinds of sport, are mentioned. The classification of the training exercises is given, offered by A.P. Bondarchuk. Taking into account the peculiarities of the game, it is offered to introduce the exercises of technical orientation into this classification. The author's method of the training process organization among qualified hockey players in a yearly training cycle is presented. Keywords: adaptation, training level, sports shape, principles of sports pedagogics, technique of sports movements, methods of the training process formation in sport, staged specialized complex-variative method of 1-year cycle of training formation among hockey players.

Training qualified hockey players is a difficult process the aim of which is to bring up sportsmen, who are able to realize the set competitive objectives. The effectiveness of the training organization system among qualified hockey players depends on the laws of their development realization, taking into account the abilities of each individual.

Sports specialists should understand, that system laws of physiology is the only thing on which the theory, methodology and practice of sport can be based [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], and the laws of a person's organism adaptation are the main in the results of any

activity formation, including his activity in sport [11]. It should be noted that really functioning system laws of adaptation differ from the notions of adaptation, which are used by most sports theorists and practicians [8, 11]. In accordance with these laws any fulfilled by an organism work is absolutely specific and every definite work fulfillment is provided by a definite complex of structures and functions of an organism. This definite structural-functional complex is "trained" during the definite work fulfillment. Specific changes, which happen in an organism during its adaptation to complex environment

factors, are one of the main instruments of adaptation. Sports training should be a purposeful conditions change of an organism functioning, which is to achieve adaptive changes in an organism, conditioned by the specificity of a chosen kind of sport [1, 5, 6, 7, 11].

According to really functioning laws of adaptation:

1. An organism always functions as an integral mechanism and forms behavioral (motional) acts in a strict correspondence with the conditions. In this connection, the ideas of V.N. Seluyanov about the opportunity to "train" the separate microstructures of an organism in order to stimulate the functions of its works energy supply and with the help of which higher sports results can be achieved, should be rejected.

2. Any activity of an organism is extremely specific, both according to its outer parameters and structural-functional work characteristics of an organism, which realizes this activity. In general this specificity is conditioned by the structure and characteristics of the activity itself and the level of an organism functional readiness for its fulfillment. There are no "non-specific" movements (movements "in general") and taking into account this point of view the terms "general physical working capacity" and "general physical readiness" should be considered "illegal" in sports pedagogics. Training level increase of a sportsman depends on positive (concerning the demands of this kind of sport) structural-functional (adaptive) changes in physiological components, which provide specific (competitive) activity of an athlete's organism. At the same time, positive or negative character of such kind of changes should be always estimated according to its influence on competitive activity results.

3. Adaptive changes in a sportsman's organism always correspond with the specificity of the realized by him training activity. At the same time, as specific motional acts are, fulfilled by a sportsman during the training, so are specific energetic and substrate expenses of an organism

fulfilling the definite work and so are specific rehabilitation processes, which take place in a definite organism, which is fulfilling or has fulfilled the definite motional act or some sum of motional acts. It means that there is no "movement in general" and no "rehabilitation in general".

4. Stable systems of the definite motional acts are formed as a result of multiple standardized repetitions of the definite movements. This thesis is very important for its use in the work over technical elements of sports movements mastering by the athletes and for the work over the level of sportsmen's special training level increase.

Speaking about the specificity of the training activity, we can't but mention "physical qualities". There are no "independent physical qualities" that is why their training is senseless [11]. Not abstract "physical qualities" should be trained, but the definite functions (movements), which can be used in competitive activity of a sportsman in general and a hockey player in particular [1, 4, 5, 6, 7]. In order to get maximum training effect the movements structures in the exercises, which are to develop demanded motional characteristics, should correspond with the structures of movements, fulfilled by a sportsman in competitive activity. A trainer and sportsmen during the training lessons should "build" the definite motional acts, which can be used by them in competitive activity. All efforts should be made in order to achieve the definite sports results. A.N. Vorobev, two-time Olympic champion, Merited Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored trainer of the USSR, professor, doctor of medical sciences underlined the following: "... Organism adapts only to the load, which it fulfills, only to those conditions, in which it functions" [3]. Correspondingly, nonspecific for a chosen kind of sport training work fulfillment leads to adaption to this work, at the expense of special training level and sports result.

The following main objectives should be solved in the training process: technique and tactics of the chosen kind of sport

mastering; motional characteristics development, which are demanded by the chosen kind of sport - functional and physiological abilities of an organism increase, which provide successful fulfillment of competitive exercisers by sportsmen and the planned results achievement; practical experience gaining by sportsmen, which is necessary for a successful training and competitive activity [12]. The results of sports training objectives solution are demonstrated by the following notions: "training level" and "sports shape".

Training level is the state of specific structural-functional readiness of an athlete for competitive activity realization, which is quantitatively part of "sports shape" state. The base of a sportsman's specific training level increase form adaptive changes in his organism, achieved as a result of a purposeful training work. The degree of a sportsman's special training level is conditioned by the level of his sports effectiveness, but it doesn't guarantee stability of sports results.

Sports shape is a state of functional readiness of a sportsman for competitive activity realization on the basis of achieved by him training level. The state of sports shape can be achieved only as a result of adaptedness of a sportsman's organism to a complex of used by him during the training exercises and loads and is characterized by stability of sports results at the achieved by a sportsman degree of special training level. Moreover, the state of sports shape achievement potentiates sports results increase during the whole period of sports shape preservation. In this case it is reasonable to speak about the "peak of a sports shape".

Sports training should follow the range of main principles of its organization: purposefulness of the training process; training loads optimization; balanced training loads; age-related and qualification adequacy of the training loads; unity and interaction between the structure of competitive activity and the structure of training a sportsman; cyclic recurrence of the training process.

The principle of purposefulness of the training process predetermines means and methods of training influence choice, which provide a sportsman's special training level increase and his sports results improvement. These means and methods of training influence use, in this case, takes the character of expediency [7].

The principle of training loads optimization conditions the necessity to use such volume and intensity of the training loads during each training lesson, which would correspond with sportsmen's level of functional abilities, would provide these loads effective mastering and would stimulate the increase of sportsmen's special training level [7].

The principle of balanced training loads of different orientation conditions the necessity of their combination, which would exclude the effect of differently directed loads opposition and would provide maximum effectiveness of each training lesson [7].

The essence of the training load age-related adequacy principle is in the fact, that during the process of a long-term training the dynamics of a sportsman's age-related development should be taken into consideration, as it helps to influence effectively age-related dynamics of his abilities, demonstrated in a definite kind of sport and, at the same time, which is doesn't contradict ontogenesis laws of a person's organism [12].

The principle of the training load qualification adequacy predetermines the necessity to take into account the level of a sportsman's special readiness and this level correspondence with the demands of competitive activity, in which the definite sportsman is to take part [12].

The principle of unity and interaction between the structure of competitive activity and the structure of training a sportsman is based on physiological laws, which condition this interaction. A rational process of training provides its strict orientation at the structure of competitive activity formation, which provides its effective realization [7].

Cyclic recurrence of the training process should be predetermined by system laws of physiology and only in this case it provides full realization of the used in training means and methods [11].

The level of sportsmanship (training level) of a hockey player is initially conditioned by set of his technical readiness level and his special physical readiness level.

Today hockey has special training work on the ice and physical training. Such kind of division should be considered as a vicious practice, which decreases the effectiveness of training hockey players. This viciousness, on the one hand, is conditioned by ignoring the laws of system physiology, and, on the other hand, by ignoring classical and modern principles of sports pedagogics. All kinds of sports training among hockey players should follow one aim - their special training level increase and ideally, the state of sports shape at a high level achievement and further preservation. All parts of the training process should be combined in accordance with the effectiveness criterion of their use in training hockey players and taking into account the necessity to realize the principle of positive transfer of the training level from the training exercises to competitive activity [10].

One of the main objectives of the training process is mastering necessary for competitions motional abilities and skills. Motional ability is the degree of mastering motional action, which is characterized by a realized control of a movement, instability to distorting factors influence and instability of the results. Motional skill is an optimal degree of mastering the technique of a definite motional act, which is characterized by automated (in case of minimal control on the part of consciousness) control over the movements and a high level of reliability of their fulfillment [12].

Technical training of a sportsman is the process of control over knowledge, motional abilities and motional skills formation. Repeated fulfillment of the definite motional acts leads to gradual automatization of these movements. Owing to this a definite

motional ability transforms into a definite skill, which is characterized by a high degree of this movement technique mastering, when it is controlled automatically and the actions are extremely reliable. Each motional skill is finally formed when the system of necessary training influences is reproduced often enough and when it is stereotypical [12]. For an automatic mastering of each sports movement its correct fulfillment should be controlled during 40 and more training lessons- in accordance with an individual period of each sportsman adaptation [2, 11].

It is important to know, that this or that motional skill can fade away if a motional act, which was repeatedly fulfilled in order to form this skill, is not used by a sportsman during the training lessons. However, a skill can be also ruined because of sportsman's physical conditions change ("positive" or "negative"), in particular as a result of his work over so called "physical qualities" development [11]. On the one hand, it conditions the necessity to take into account this effect during training process organization, and on the other hand, dictates the necessity to work over the technique of sports movements during all sports career of each sportsman.

During the work over the technique of sports movements different speed regimens of these movements fulfillment are used: movements fulfillment with a minimum speed provides the best control over correctness of movements fulfillment and creates "pictures" of correct movements in central nervous system; movements fulfillment with the average speed provides sufficient control over correctness of movements fulfillment, activates metabolic processes in motional units, which realize these motional acts and forms the base for mastering the technique of sports movements at speeds, corresponding with competitive activity; Sports movements fulfillment at speeds, corresponding with competitive activity, is based on the effect of "training level transfer" [10] from the movements, fulfilled at minimal and average speeds and, moreover, provides a purposeful development of motional characteristics,

which are necessary for a sportsman for these definite movements fulfillment in demanded speed regimen.

Traditionally periodization method of the training process organization, offered by L.P. Matveev, is used in a yearly training cycle of hockey players. The essence of this method is in sportsmen's yearly training cycle division into periods (preparatory and competitive) and stages (general-preparatory, special-preparatory and pre-competitive) of training, variability and multidirectional character of the training work and a wave-like change of the training loads volumes and intensity in different periods and at different stages of training sportsmen. However, the low effectiveness of this method use is proved by many leading theorists and practitioners.

The Olympic champion and a prizewinner of the Olympic Games, Merited Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored trainer of the USSR, doctor of pedagogics A.P. Bondarchuk underlined, that each kind of sport should use own, most effective for this or that kind of sport method of training process organization. A.P. Bondarchuk created 42 methods of the training process organization. Moreover, he offered the classification of sports training means. According to A.P. Bondarchuk (2014), sports training means (training exercises) form the base for the training process organization and is classified as general-preparatory means (GP), special-preparatory means (SP), special-developing means (SD) and competitive means (C).

General-preparatory exercises (GP) are the exercises, during which competitive actions or their parts are not repeated in general [2]. During general-preparatory exercises fulfillment not used by an organism during competitive movements motional units are active. That is why general-preparatory exercises stimulate motional functions development, which don't provide athletes' sports achievements increase, and which provide an individual's many-sided development. All this questions the expediency of general-preparatory exercises use during qualified sportsmen training.

However, it should be taken into account, that during general-preparatory exercises also muscular units or groups of muscles, which take part in competitive activity, can be activated. This fact predetermines the opportunity to use training exercises of "general-physical" orientation for metabolic processes stimulation in the separate muscles and muscular groups, which take part in competitive activity.

Special-preparatory exercises (SP) don't repeat competitive actions in general and in their separate parts, but during their fulfillment an organism uses motional and physiological units, which take part in a competitive exercise [2]. Special-preparatory training work stimulates the functions of an organism, which condition the increase of sports results.

Special-developing exercises (SD) repeat a competitive exercise in its separate parts [2]. During special-developing exercises fulfillment motional and physiological units, which take part in a competitive exercise realization, are active. At the same time, the working regimens of these motional and physiological units, during special-developing exercises fulfillment, according to different parameters can predominate the parameters of their work during a competitive exercise fulfillment. The level of indices, achieved in these exercises, is realized in competitive exercises. Special-developing exercises provide an athlete's level of special training level increase.

Competitive exercises (C) in theory and methodology of physical upbringing are identified with the notion "kind of sport", in which an athlete specializes. These exercises are fulfilled both during the process of competitions and during the training. Competitive exercises, fulfilled during the training, can fully copy competitive exercises, fulfilled during the official competitions or make them simple or difficult [2]. Competitive exercises provide a hockey player's special training level increase.

Taking into account the variety of hockey players' techniques and actions in playing practice on the ice and all information

mentioned above, we decided to underline the training exercises of technical orientation (T). These exercises, as well as competitive exercises, are identified with the notion "kind of sport" and partially or fully copy motional acts, used by sportsmen in competitive activity, but during the training lessons the exercises of technical orientation are fulfilled many times in different speed regimens, which provide gradual formation of the effective motional skills of competitive movements- during the individual adaptive

period. Exactly the techniques of sports movements, not fictional "physical qualities" invented by theorists, form the base of special training level increase among hockey players.

We created and offered to use a staged specialized complex-variative method of 1-year training cycle in practice of training qualified hockey players, on the basis of an organism functioning and adaptation system laws and modern principles of sports pedagogics, using mentioned above classification of the training exercises.

Этапный специализированный комплексно-вариативный метод построении годичного цикла подготовки квалифицированных хоккеистов

20% 30% 20% 15% 15% 15% 25% 25% 35% 25% 25% 50% 25% 25% 50%

1-й специально-подготовительный этап (3-4 недели) 1-й этап предсоревновательной подготовки (3-4 недели) 1-й соревновательный этап (5-6 недель) 2-Й соревновательный этап (5-6 недель)

10% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 40% 25% 25% 50% 25% 25% 50% ®©@©

2-й специально-подготовительный этап (1-2 недели]

2-й этап предсоревноват. подготовки (1-2 недели)


соревновательный этап (S-G недель)


соревновательный этап (5-G недель)

СП - специально-подготовительные упражнения; Т - упражнения на освоение и исправление техники соревновательных движений; СР - специально-развивающие упражнения; С - соревновательные упражнения; 0П - общеподготовительные упражнения.

Этапный специализированный комплексно-вариативный метод

построения годичного цикла подготовки квалифицированных хоккеистов-Staged specialized complex-variative method of 1-yeare cycle of qualified hockey players' training formation.

СП(специально-подготовительные упражнения)-SP(special-preparatory exercises);

Т(упражнения на освоение и исправление техники соревновательных движений)-T(exercises for the technique of competitive movements mastering and correction);

СР (специально-развивающие

упражнения)-SD(special-developing exercises);

С (соревновательные упражнения)-C(competitive exercises);

ОП(общеподготовительные упражнения)-GP(general-preparatory exercises);

1 -й специально-подготовительный этап (3-4 недели)-1^ special-preparatory stage (3-4 weeks)

1-й этап предсоревновательной подготовки (3-4 недели)- 1st stage of pre-competitive training (3-4 weeks)

1-й (2-й, 3-й, 4-й) соревновательный этап (5-6 недель)-1^ (2nd, 3rd, 4th) competitive stage (5-6 weeks)

2-й специально-подготовительный этап (1-2 недели)-2П|1 special-preparatory stage (1-2 weeks)

2-й этап предсоревновательной подготовки (1-2 недели)-2П|1 stage of pre-competitive training (1-2 weeks)

Picture - Staged specialized complex-variative method of qualified hockey players' 1-year cycle training-competitive preparation formation

The peculiarity of this method of a yearly training cycle formation among qualified hockey players is purposefulness of the training loads, used at all stages of training, which provides sportsmen's special training level increase, in terms of optimal loads, during all the stages of a yearly macro cycle. At the same time, variability of the References

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Authors information

Alexsandr S. Pavlov - Candidate of Pedagogics

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Alexsey E. Deev - Director of Children's Hockey School CSCA, (Central Sports Club of the Army) Sergeiy E. Pavlov - Candidate of Medicine, Ice Sports Complex of CSCA, Leningrad Avenue, h.39, Moscow, 125167, Russia

For citations: Pavlov A.S., Deev A.E., Pavlov S.E. Modern principles of sports pedagogics, realized in staged specialized complex-variative method of 1-year cycle of training formation among qualified hockey players, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 67-74. DOI 10.14526/03_2017_238.

DOI 10.14526/03_2017_239


Alexsei B. Tinyukov - Senior Teacher Svetlana N. Klyuchnikova - Candidate of Pedagogics,Associate Professor Lydmila A. Kochurova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 thAanniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

E-mail: ld [email protected]

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