УДК: 08.00.06
Haydarova M.E.
English teacher of secondary school No.122 of the Yunusabad district
Annotation: This article discusses the most effective methods of teaching a foreign language and their use in the educational process
Key words: Communicative culture, information technology, design method, multimedia programs, communicative competencies
There are various approaches to teaching English, the main thing is to choose methods that are suitable for you and your students. Each teacher chooses his own method of teaching English.
The emergence of new information technologies related to the development of computer facilities and telecommunication networks made it possible to create a qualitatively new educational information environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system.
The use of information technology opens up new opportunities in teaching a foreign language, because modern training programs, the use of the Internet have advantages over traditional teaching methods, activate the potential of knowledge, skills, and communicative competencies of a student. Students have the opportunity to participate in contests, contests, quizzes, testing conducted on the Internet, take part in video conferences, receive information on a problem of interest, news, articles from newspapers and magazines, etc.
One of the most effective ways to use a computer is to use multimedia presentations. The teacher uses an interactive whiteboard in the lesson, attracting the attention of the entire group of students.
Multimedia programs have unlimited possibilities, which makes it possible to present any type of activity in the form of animation or image. In foreign language lessons, training presentations, all kinds of information objects: lexical, grammatical material, texts, dictionaries are most often used.
The most affordable way to use information technology in a foreign language lesson is to use cognitive and educational programs. Programs are most often compiled in a playful way, which allows students to easily and quickly learn new material, consolidate previously learned.
Learn English Euro talk Interactive thematic illustrated vocabulary has great potential in vocabulary learning. This program allows you to train vocabulary on nine different topics. Among the exercises, special attention is paid to practically necessary forms: the perception of foreign speech by ear, speaking and the development of memory.
The effectiveness of the application of information and communication technologies in the field of teaching a foreign language depends on the chosen methodology, methods and forms of their application. It is very important how
"Экономика и социум" №4(71) 2020
competently the teacher owns the methodology of working with computer technologies, which resources are used in pedagogical activity.
The communicative method: To create a communicative atmosphere in the lesson, it is important to maintain the high activity of each student. Even if the children are silent, they can be busy with mental work: think about their answer, comprehend the statements of the interlocutors. It's not easy to create such an environment. It is important for the teacher to collect the attention of all those present with the task of extracting and using information from the dialogue or the monologue of students, and commenting on the response of their comrades. It is very important to encourage the answers of each student for perseverance, ingenuity, originality of thinking.
Project method: One of the ways to activate students in the process of teaching foreign languages is the project method. A training project is a complex of search, research, graphic and other types of work performed by students on their own with the aim of a practical or theoretical solution to a problem.
Types of projects that students can use:
- role-playing games, stage plays (holidays, music programs, performances,
- research (regional studies, generalization of scientific knowledge, historical, etc.);
- multimedia presentations, educational projects; - creative (essays, translation, quizzes, crosswords, etc .;
Creative tasks motivate students, create the foundation for cooperation, communication of all participants in the educational process. In order to maintain the interest of students in a foreign language during its study, methodological techniques are used that activate the speech-cognitive activity of students. Each lesson is communication in a foreign language, knowledge of the life of the country and the people of the languages studied. The necessary didactic material, additional literature contributes to the formation of skills and abilities of all types of speech activity (all kinds of supports, test tasks in grammar, vocabulary, reading; texts for listening, educational games). Integrated lessons in Tatar and English are interestingly held. By demonstrating the interesting aspects of life, culture of the native land that are characteristic only for a given nation, attention is also paid to the formation of a steady interest and love for one's village, city, and one's homeland.
Students especially like the work of compiling and solving crossword puzzles on country studies topics, designing exhibitions, stands, drawings, and essays. Non-traditional forms of lessons have a positive impact on the relationship between teacher and student, create an atmosphere of cooperation and creativity, contribute to the achievement of common goals.
'^KOHOMHKa h coquyM" №4(71) 2020
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'^KOHOMHKa h ^uyM" №4(71) 2020