MODERN METHODS OF TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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K. M. Khazratova

English teacher of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University Tashkent

Sh. T. Djuraev

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of languages of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

One of the central problems in the modern methodology of teaching a foreign language is the problem of improving the effectiveness of teaching. The intensification of foreign language teaching involves the use of modern forms and means of teaching, the use of new methods of cognition in teaching: the use of computers, audio, video and electronic computing equipment.

The requirements for the modern educational process significantly exceed the tasks of simple transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the students. In the conditions of today's information age, the teacher needs to change from the usual transfer of ready made knowledge to teaching students how to independently extract them, how to obtain, comprehend and apply new information that they need for their further self development.

So, the goals of modern education, outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard, are sharpened on the principle «to teach not science, but to teach to learn» The analysis of the methodological literature on this issue shows that there is an increased interest in the methods of teaching communication activities, the formation of listening and speaking skills in students. Thus, the communicative method is by far the most popular and effective in teaching a foreign language. The communicative method is a combination of traditional and intensive methods, but with a number of its own features.

This method helps to overcome the language barrier, relieves a person from the fear of speaking in a foreign language. In the classroom, students have the opportunity to use the language in real-life situations. The communicative method develops all language skills: from speaking and writing to reading and listening. Grammar is learned in the process of communicating in a language: the student first learns and

remembers words, expressions, language formulas, and only then begins to understand what they are in the sense of grammar. Classes are held in a relaxed atmosphere.

Communication takes place only in a foreign language. New rules, words are explained by the teacher only with the help of familiar vocabulary, grammatical constructions, gestures, facial expressions, drawings and other visual aids. Role-playing and dramatization are very effective at the initial stage of training. Dramatization - representation in the form of scenes, fairy tales, stories, as well as plot pictures. Everyday situations are played out: acquaintance, choice of travel route, congratulations, shopping, etc. The game provides an emotional impact on the trainees, activates the reserve capabilities of a person. It facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities, and creates conditions for active mental activity of its participants. The educational game-exercise helps to consolidate, control and correct knowledge. A game-task containing an educational task, stimulates the intellectual activity of students, teaches them to predict, investigate and verify the correctness of decisions made.

The formation of skills goes through several stages:

1. mastering standard skills;

2. automation of their application;

3. development of skills in free communication situations.

At the advanced stage, games like "Brain Ring " are quite effective, which help to expand knowledge of the culture, literature, traditions of the countries of the studied language and their country, general erudition and expressiveness, linguistic horizons. Along with the communicative method, other modern methods of teaching should be noted. Current teaching methods. Information technologies are very relevant today. Computers, electronic materials, textbooks, encyclopedias allow you to raise the educational process to a new level. Students receive an educational task, determine the main ways to solve it, find effective methods and means of independent work. Students follow the principles of developmental learning: research sources, compare them, get acquainted with different points of view, make a description of them, systematize reference material. Information technologies contribute to the development of cognitive and cognitive abilities of students: the ability to solve tasks, collect, analyze and synthesize data, extract information from them, think independently, and possess communication skills. As a result of training in information technology, students are critical of information on the Internet.

Interactive learning methods. Unlike traditional methods, where the teacher is used to give and demand certain knowledge, when using interactive forms of learning, the student himself opens the way to knowledge. The student becomes the main acting figure. The teacher in this situation is an active assistant. Assimilation of realities-that's what interactive forms of learning give. But the main thing is to develop the student's abilities, to prepare for society a person who is able to think independently and make decisions.

The use of tests in the learning process. The use of tests is a promising means of teaching at a university, since the use of personal computers allows you to automate the process of processing results and reduce the time spent on checking solutions. In the system of training specialists, tests perform the following functions: informational, activity- based, monitoring, updating, diagnosing, developing, educational and creative, and training. The immediate result of practical training according to the developed testing method is the formation of skills: to understand the exact meaning of the topic; apply the material to specific relationships; correctly determine the nature and structure of the topic.

A variety of modern pedagogical technologies helps to implement a personality oriented approach to teaching, increase motivation and ensure the differentiation of training taking into account the individual abilities of students. A vivid example of the combination of several pedagogical technologies at once — such as problem-based learning, project method, and collaboration-is the story-role (creative) game.

The New Dictionary of methodological terms and concepts, edited by E. G. Asimov and A. N. Shchukin, provides the following definition of role-playing: «Role-playing is a form of organizing collective learning activities in a foreign language lesson, aimed at the formation and development of speech skills and abilities in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of real communication. Provides for the distribution of students by roles and playing out communication situations in accordance with the topic of the role-playing game and the roles of students» One of the most interesting is a role-playing game of a problem orientation, where participants will have to solve a certain problem, face a conflict of interests, goals, points of view, critical understanding of the task.

E. S. Polat identifies the characteristic features of role-playing games of a problem orientation: 1) the mandatory presence of a problem situation; 2) a pre-prepared scenario (plot) role-playing game; 3) the presence and distribution of roles (each participant in the role-playing game gets a certain specified role and legend); 4)

the presence of a common goal for the team; 5) collective decision - making by the participants of the game; 6) multi-alternative solutions. Role-playing game mobilizes all students regardless of language training, during the game there is a passion for the process, creative potential is revealed, the language barrier is removed in a relaxed atmosphere, each participant feels their importance and shows activity, which, of course, creates a favorable psychological situation. The priority becomes the need to solve the problem, and a foreign language and communication in it turn into a real means of achieving the goal of the game. The line of the UMK "English in focus" adheres to the communicative orientation in teaching English, organically training all types of speech activity is carried out, the activity, personality-oriented character in training is clearly expressed. The authenticity of the texts and the inclusion of the native language and socio-culture make it possible to activate the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in the realities of everyday life.

In our opinion, this is most clearly reflected in the section "Focus on Russia", which allows you to build training in such a way that the student, comparing and analyzing the material, can compare and draw parallels between historical facts and the cultural realities of the foreign and native language being studied. Taking into account the fact that conducting a lesson in the form of a game is always exciting, lively and exciting, many sections of the UMK "English in focus" can be used for plot-role-playing games of a problem orientation with elements of career guidance, which is now of great relevance and significance. Trying on a particular role, the student unobtrusively gets acquainted with the profession, its specifics, independently analyzes and realizes the possibility of implementation in this particular industry, whether his character and abilities are suitable enough for it, performs well-coordinated work in a team on a favorable competitive basis, makes a constructive solution to a given problem, which helps him to understand how correct and suitable for him to choose such a profession.


1. Azimov E. G, Shchukin A. N. "New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts", M.: Ikar, 2009.

2. Galskova N. D. " Modern methods of teaching foreign languages: A manual for teachers. - 2nd ed., reprint.

3. E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina "Modern pedagogical and information technologies in the education system": Textbook. - M.: Academy, 2007.

4. Solovova E. N. "Methods of teaching foreign languages: basic course of lectures: a manual for students of pedagogical universities and teachers", 4th edition, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2006.

5. Titarenko N. V. "Methods of organizing role-playing games of problem orientation in distance learning of foreign languages: on the material of the English language", Moscow: Moscow State University of Economics, 2007

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