MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ACTIVITIES OF PROSECUTOR'S OFFICES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
prosecutor’s offices / information technologies / information / criminal proceedings / information support / органи прокуратури / інформаційні технології / інформація / кримінальний процес / інформаційне забезпечення

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nataliia Lesko

The article deals with modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor’s offices. It is stressed that the character and importance of information technologies used by prosecutors can directly or indirectly influence transparency of the prosecutor’s work; professional exercising of their functions; personal security; communication with the law enforcement agencies; improvement of the document flow; access to data and reliable processing of information; effectiveness of managerial and procedural decisions. Informatization of prosecutorial activities should be considered as a favorable environment for introducing digitalization, modern information and communication, network, analytical and automated technologies in the prosecutors’ managerial (administrative) and procedural activities that are carried out by using organizational and legal, as well as financial support. Informatization of the activities of prosecutor’s office has great prospects, as it is a complex of processes, necessary to create optimal conditions (organizational, legal, political, social and economic, scientific and technical, production processes) for an integral use of information and communication technologies in the work of prosecutor’s offices of Ukraine. The current conditions of information technologies development confirm that effective performance of tasks and responsibilities by prosecutors is impossible without automated systems, modern hardware and software. It is determined that information support for the activities of prosecutor’s offices is a complex process, focused on creation of a system of information resources of the prosecutor’s offices, which provide the opportunity to achieve goals, fulfill tasks, and exercise functions, assigned to the prosecutor’s offices. Moreover, information support for the activities of prosecutor’s offices aims to organize obtaining, registration, storage, analysis, transfer and employment of the information, required for effective performance of the prosecutor’s duties, as well as maintenance of the information safety; creation of prerequisites for supplying full information for the publicity. Information support for prosecutor's offices is viewed as the legal relations, which appear in the process of collection, accumulation, processing, storage and employment of information by prosecutor’s offices and in relation to them.

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Досліджено сучасні інформаційні технології в діяльності органів прокуратури. Зауважено, що сутність та роль використання прокурором інформаційних технологій можуть прямо чи опосередковано впливати на: прозорість прокурора; професіоналізм у виконанні функцій; забезпечення особистої безпеки; спілкування з суб’єктами правоохоронних органів; поліпшення документообігу; доступність даних та надійність обробки інформації; ефективність управлінських та процесуальних рішень. Інформатизацію прокурорської діяльності необхідно розглядати як сприятливе середовище для впровадження комп’ютеризації, сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних, мережевих, аналітичних та автоматизованих технологій в управлінській (адміністративній) та процесуальній діяльності прокурорів, що реалізується з використанням організаційно-правового та фінансового забезпечення. Інформатизація діяльності органів прокуратури має безперечні перспективи. Так, інформатизація в органах прокуратури є сукупністю процесів, необхідних для створення оптимальних умов (організаційних, правових, політичних, соціально-економічних, науково-технічних, виробничих процесів), з метою комплексного використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у діяльності органів прокуратури України. Сучасний стан розвитку інформаційних технологій дає підстави констатувати, що ефективне виконання органами прокуратури завдань та службових обов’язків неможливе без використання автоматизованих систем, сучасної комп’ютерної техніки. Підкреслено, що інформаційне забезпечення діяльності органів прокуратури – це комплексне явище, що спрямоване на створення системи інформаційних ресурсів органів прокуратури, які забезпечують можливості для досягнення цілей, завдань й реалізації функцій, покладених на органи прокуратури. Крім того, інформаційне забезпечення діяльності органів прокуратури має на меті організацію отримання, реєстрації, зберігання, аналізу, передачі й використання інформації, необхідної для ефективного здійснення прокурорської діяльності, а також забезпечення режиму безпеки цієї інформації, формування передумов для надання громадськості повної інформації. Інформаційне забезпечення органів прокуратури – це правовідносини, що виникають у процесі збирання, нагромадження, обробки, збереження і використання інформації органами прокуратури та щодо органів прокуратури.


[¡¡сник Нацiонального унiверситету '^bBÏBCbra полггехшка". Серiя: "Юридичш науки" № 3 (35), 2022

УДК 347.963

Nataliia Lesko

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of Law, Professor, professor of the Department of Administrative and Informational Law

leskonataly@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-1790-8432



© Lesko N., 2022

The article deals with modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor's offices. It is stressed that the character and importance of information technologies used by prosecutors can directly or indirectly influence transparency of the prosecutor's work; professional exercising of their functions; personal security; communication with the law enforcement agencies; improvement of the document flow; access to data and reliable processing of information; effectiveness of managerial and procedural decisions. Informatization of prosecutorial activities should be considered as a favorable environment for introducing digitalization, modern information and communication, network, analytical and automated technologies in the prosecutors' managerial (administrative) and procedural activities that are carried out by using organizational and legal, as well as financial support.

Informatization of the activities of prosecutor's office has great prospects, as it is a complex of processes, necessary to create optimal conditions (organizational, legal, political, social and economic, scientific and technical, production processes) for an integral use of information and communication technologies in the work of prosecutor's offices of Ukraine. The current conditions of information technologies development confirm that effective performance of tasks and responsibilities by prosecutors is impossible without automated systems, modern hardware and software.

It is determined that information support for the activities of prosecutor's offices is a complex process, focused on creation of a system of information resources of the prosecutor's offices, which provide the opportunity to achieve goals, fulfill tasks, and exercise functions, assigned to the prosecutor's offices. Moreover, information support for the activities of prosecutor's offices aims to organize obtaining, registration, storage, analysis, transfer and employment of the information, required for effective performance of the prosecutor's duties, as well as maintenance of the information safety; creation of prerequisites for supplying full information for the publicity.

Information support for prosecutor's offices is viewed as the legal relations, which appear in the process of collection, accumulation, processing, storage and employment of information by prosecutor's offices and in relation to them.

Key words: prosecutor's offices, information technologies, information, criminal proceedings, information support.

Problem formulation. Nowadays, performance of prosecutor's offices is hardly possible without modern information technologies, because the growing information flow needs higher efficiency and

effectiveness of their work. In that context, one of the key tasks of prosecutor's offices is to obtain, process and operate with a great scope of information on the issues of ensuring public order, fight against crime, as well as other data, which secure adequate organization of the law enforcement agencies' work. It is significant that without information technologies it is almost impossible to create an effective system of interaction of power authorities that consequently prevents improving the efficiency and adequacy of decision making, faster identification of managerial mistakes. Therefore, the effective performance of prosecutor's offices is primarily based on the advanced modern information support for their activities.

Analysis of the problem study. The peculiarities of application of modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor's offices in Ukraine, as well as the main aspects of the prosecutor's procedural status in the electronic criminal proceedings were studied in the scientific works of such researchers as O. Androshchuk, Ye. Blazhivskyi, V. Lusher, Ye. Bezkrovnyi, V. Tsymbaliuk, S. Haidai, S. Mazuryk, O. Melnyk, D. Patreliuk, A. Stolitnii, I. Bevziuk, A. Antoniuk and others.

The aim of the article is to study modern information technologies used in the work of prosecutor's offices.

Presenting main materials. Nowadays, social development is characterized by the increasing importance of information technologies in all fields of life. Innovative information technologies significantly influence political, defense, economic and other spheres of the state safety. Furthermore, advanced technologies have been shaped into a separate sphere of social life, which is fast developing and therefore, of no doubt, the effective performance of any branch is hardly possible without information technologies. Moreover, modern information technologies contribute to an increase of the efficiency of training and transition to the process of continuous learning, as well as provide a solution for the problem of access to new sources of information [1, p. 42].

It is important that without information technologies, an effective system of interaction among the power authorities cannot be achieved and in its turn, it prevents improving the efficiency and adequacy of decision making, faster identification of managerial mistakes. Therefore, the key aspects of an effective performance of prosecutor's offices is to use modern and relevant information support for their activities [2, p. 115].

Apparently, the probability of making adequate managerial decisions (that is often limited in time) is higher in case the prosecutor's offices get reliable and fuller information on specific events. Following this, it is worth noting that in a legally set time limit, a prosecutor is hardly able to make an adequate decision, which would be scientifically justified, correct and effective, if prosecutor's offices have no appropriate information support and don't use modern information technologies [3, p. 114].

Thereby, it is necessary to analyze the concept of "information technologies", which is defined as a complex of processes, which involves means and methods of collecting, receiving, storing, processing and transition of initial information to obtain updated data on the information product conditions. Those processes include a clearly regulated sequence of actions, as well as stages of different intensity of processing information, stored in the computer. Thus, the main goal of modern information technologies is to process initial information by following a set complex of actions in order to make effective decisions on some action performance [1, p. 43].

The category of "informatization" is synergistically close to the concept of "information", but still has many principal differences. Thus, information is any peace of data, which can be stored on physical information carriers or reproduced in the electronic form, whereas the process of informatization refers to the information, which is only in electronic form. Thus, informatization is first a process of operating with digital data, as well as transformation of different kinds of information into the data, which can be processed due to computer-aided technologies.

Modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor's offices

The large-scale implementation of information technologies is an element of advanced development of social energy activities, whereas its regulatory aspect is revealed in stimulation and state support for introduction of information technologies into managerial processes; development of the appropriate interdepartmental regulation of information processes; strengthening of juridical guaranties of the information technologies use by governmental officials and employees; unification of the policy of information support for automated workplaces of governmental officials and authorities; development of the institutes of electronic interaction in the system of e-governing between the entities of public law.

Every day, prosecutor's offices generate and analyze a great scope of information, which includes data necessary both for making procedural and managerial decision, and for performance of the whole system of law enforcement agencies. At this point, it is important to stress on the fact that efficient and effective exercising of prosecutor's functions and substantiation of the approved decisions primarily depend on the appropriate organization of the work with information and the adequate information support.

However, while working with the electronic information, a prosecutor should not just understand the content of information (problem), but also be able to apply the intellectual and logical competences and skills of work with the information technologies, which help to better use the wide range of options of data processing. A prosecutor, who uses advanced information technologies in his/her work, demonstrates high professional competences, capability to self-improvement and learning something new, that significantly improves his/her organizational, control and monitoring functions [4, p. 120].

Information support is definitely an important aspect, securing effective prosecutorial activities. Some researchers define "information support for prosecutorial activities" as an integrity of organizational, legal, material and technical and other measures, which are intended to collect, record, and process the information, necessary for the practice of departments, sub-departments and officials of the prosecutor's offices, its storage, documental registration and implementation. The essence of the mentioned concept is considered in the form of searching and collecting information, required and relevant for solving problems by the prosecutor's office; accumulation of the information, recording, assessing, systematization, and grouping for the following employment [5, p. 50].

Moreover, V. Tsymbaliuk describes informatization of the prosecutor's activities as a set of interrelated processes (organizational, legal, financial, scientific, technical, etc.), focused on creation of the conditions to satisfy information demands of the prosecutor's offices while performing their constitutional duties, to support fulfillment of the legal rights of citizens and society, and governmental responsibilities through creation, development, effective application of computer-aided information systems, electronic telecommunication networks, resources, databases and knowledge, computer-aided technologies [6, p. 21].

The researcher S. Mazuryk notes that information support for the activities of prosecutor's offices is a complex phenomenon, focused on creation of a system of information resources of the prosecutor's offices, which provide the opportunity to achieve goals, to fulfill tasks, and to exercise functions, assigned to the prosecutor's offices. Furthermore, information support for the activities of prosecutor's offices aims to organize receiving, registration, storing, analyzing, transiting and use of the information, required for the efficient performance of prosecutor's offices, as well as to secure safety of that information; creation of the prerequisites to supply publicity with complete, reliable and appropriate information about the processes, which take place in the system of prosecutor's offices, success or failure of them [7, p. 31, 32].

In short, information support for the prosecutor's work is considered as the legal relations, which appear in the process of information collecting, accumulating, processing, storing and employing by the prosecutor's offices and in relation to them.

In the current conditions, informatization of the prosecutor's activities should be focused on performance of the following tasks [3, p. 15]:

1) to improve analysis of the information on legality and fight against crime, particularly by using automated systems, designed for systematization and processing of information, accumulated by the prosecutor' offices;

2) to make better control for reliability of the processed information by automatic comparing the data obtained from different sources;

3) to simplify the current record keeping system, particularly by using information systems and computer-aided technologies to exercise the control functions for preparation, implementation, and annulment of various documents;

4) to introduce a common methodology of automatic collection, storage, application and processing of information by the prosecutor's offices;

5) to supply fast access to relevant information for the prosecutor's offices, as well as to provide the opportunity for its effective analysis and employment.

Application and continuous updating, as well as upgrading of the modern information technologies in the work of prosecutor's offices provides the appropriate data receipt, particularly on private mobiles; fast publication of current news, outcomes of certain events, and announcements of measures; free access to any information that is available on the websites of prosecutor's offices; minimization of costs for paper copies, used in the work of prosecutor's offices; fast and effective processing and analyzing of a large volume of public electronic information; support for a high level of communication with the publicity, including studying the public opinion on the prosecutor's offices' work; fast search of archival information [8, p. 65].

It is worth noting that the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office" does not include legal regulations, which define conceptual and strategic prescriptions concerning application of modern information technologies by prosecutor's offices. Thus, the Chapter X of "Organization of the prosecutor's offices' activities" does not enshrine any legal norm on informatization of prosecutor's offices. However, by its essence, the chapter should also concern the information and technical support for the prosecutor's offices' performance. Nevertheless, part 2 of the Art. 91 of the Law includes the regulation, which says that the prosecutor's offices are provided with the transport, material and technical means according to the procedure, approved by the Prosecutor General, and within the cost limits, adopted by the State Budget of Ukraine for prosecutor's offices [9].

The definition of "material and technical means" is mentioned in details in the Procedure of supply of transport, material and technical means for the prosecutor's offices and the Training center of prosecutors in Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Prosecutor General's Office No. 316 of July 9, 2020. Thus, the material and technical means are defined as "the products, items of any type or use, commodities, equipment, technologies, communication means, hardware, organizational and electronic computing, spare parts for vehicles and for mentioned equipment, fuels and lubricants, stationery and paper products, printed products (related with the tasks and functions of the prosecutor's offices and the Training center), stationary, special clothes, furniture, appliances, building materials, stock, tools and instruments for household activities" [10]. Therefore, the analysis confirms there is no system vision on the strategy of formation and development of the material and technical, including information support for the prosecutor's offices.

Conclusions. To conclude, it is determined that informatization of the prosecutor's offices' performance has great prospects, as it is a complex of processes, which are necessary to create the best possible conditions (organizational, legal, political, social and economic, scientific and technical, production processes) for an integral use of the information and communication technologies in the work of prosecutor's offices in Ukraine. The current conditions of information technology development confirm that prosecutor's offices cannot effectively perform their functions without the automated systems and modern advanced computer-aided technologies.


1. Androshchuk, O. V. (2014). Informatsiini tekhnolohii ta yikh vplyv na rozvytok suspilstva. [Information technologies and their impact on the development of society]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Tsentru voienno-

Modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor's offices

stratehichnykh doslidzhen Natsionalnoho universytetu oborony Ukrainy imeni Ivana Cherniakhovskoho. No. 1. S. 42-47 [in Ukrainian].

2. Blazhivskyi, Ye. M. (2013). Znachennia informatsii u diialnosti orhaniv prokuratury Ukrainy [The value of information in the activities of the prosecutor's office of Ukraine]. Naukovo-informatsiinyi visnyk. No. 7. S. 115-119 [in Ukrainian].

3. Lusher, V. V. (2014). Pytannia informatyzatsii orhaniv prokuratury Ukrainy [Issues of informatization of the prosecutor's office of Ukraine]. Naukovi pratsi Mizhrehionalnoi Akademii upravlinnia personalom. No. 2. S. 114-117 [in Ukrainian].

4. Haidai, S. (2019). Informatyzatsiia prokurorskoi diialnosti: teoretyko-pravovi zasady [Informatization of prosecutorial activity: theoretical and legal principles]. Aktualni problemy pravoznavstva. No. 1. S. 120-125 [in Ukrainian].

5. Bezkrovnyi, (2018). Ye. A. Orhanizatsiia roboty v orhanakh prokuratury v umovakh yii zakonodavchoho reformuvannia [Organization of work in the prosecutor's office in terms of its legislative reform]. Naukovi zapysky Instytutu zakonodavstva Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. No. 2. S. 47-52 [in Ukrainian].

6. Tsymbaliuk, V. (2007). Pravova informatyka v diialnosti prokuratury Ukrainy [Legal informatics in the activity of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine]. Pravova informatyka. No. 2. S. 18-27 [in Ukrainian].

7. Mazuryk, S. (2016). Poniattia informatsiinoho zabezpechennia ta klasyfikatsiia informatsii v prokurorskii diialnosti. [The concept of information support and classification of information in the prosecutor's office.]. Aktualni problemy pravoznavstva. No. 3. S. 30-34 [in Ukrainian].

8. Piliai, I. (2018). Pytannia udoskonalennia informatsiino-analitychnoho zabezpechennia realizatsii elektronnoi transparentnosti v orhanakh prokuratury [Issues of improving information and analytical support for the implementation of electronic transparency in the prosecutor's office]. Aktualni problemy pravoznavstva. No. 3. S. 64-69 [in Ukrainian].

9. Pro prokuraturu [About the prosecutor's office] : Zakon Ukrainy vid 14 zhovtnia 2014 roku No. 1697-VII. URL : https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1697-18 (accessed: 21.05.2022) [in Ukrainian].

10. Pro zabezpechennia transportnymy i materialno-tekhnichnymy zasobamy orhaniv prokuratury ta Treninhovoho tsentru prokuroriv Ukrainy [On providing transport and material and technical means of the prosecutor's office and the Training Center of Prosecutors of Ukraine] : Nakaz Ofisu Heneralnoho prokurora vid 09 lypnia 2020 roku No. 316. URL : https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0316905-20#Text (accessed: 21.05.2022) [in Ukrainian].

Дата надходження: 05.07.2022р.

Наталiя Лесько

Нацюнальний утверситет '^bBiBCbKa полггехшка", доктор юридичних наук, професор, професор кафедри адмшстративного та шформацшного права

leskonataly@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-1790-8432


Дослвджено сучасш шформацшш технологи в дiяльностi оргашв прокуратури. Зауважено, що сутшсть та роль використання прокурором шформацшних технологш можуть прямо чи опо-середковано впливати на: прозоркть прокурора; професшнагазм у виконанш функцш; забезпе-чення особистоТ безпеки; спшкування з суб'ектами правоохоронних оргашв; полшшення документооб^у; доступшсть даних та надшшсть обробки шформацп; ефектившсть управлшсь-ких та процесуальних |)iiiiciii>. 1нформатизащю прокурорськоТ дiяльностi необхiдно розглядати як сприятливе середовище для впровадження комп'ютеризаци, сучасних шформацшно-комушкацшних, мережевих, анал1тичних та автоматизованих те\нологiй в управлiнськiй (адмшктративнш) та про-цесуальнiй дiяльностi прокурорiв, що реалiзуeться з використанням оргашзацшно-правового та фiнансового забезпечення.

НМаШа Lesko

1нформатизащя дiяльностi оргашв прокуратури мае безперечш перспективи. Так, шфор-матизащя в органах прокуратури е сукупшстю процесiв, меобхiдмих для створеммя оптимальних умов (оргашзацшних, правових, полггичних, соцiальмо-екомомiчмих, мауково-техмiчмих, вироб-мичих процеав), з метою комплексного використання шформацшно-комушкацшних техмологiй у дiяльностi оргашв прокуратури УкраТни. Сучасний стан розвитку шформацшних технологiй дае п1дстави констатувати, що ефективне виконання органами прокуратури завдань та службо-вих обов'язкiв неможливе без використання автоматизованих систем, сучасноТ комп'ютерноТ технiки.

Плдкреслено, що шформацшне забезпечення дiяльностi оргам1в прокуратури - це комплексне явище, що спрямоване на створення системи шформацшних ресурав оргашв прокуратури, якi забезпечують можливост для досягнення цiлей, завдань й реагазацп функцiй, покладених на органи прокуратури. Крiм того, iнформацiйне забезпечення дiяльностi оргашв прокуратури мае на мет оргашзащю отримання, реестрацп, зберманни, аналiзу, передачi й використання iнформацiТ, необхщноТ для ефективного здiйснення прокурорськоТ дiяльностi, а також забезпечення режиму безпеки щеТ iнформацiТ, формування передумов для надання громадськостi повноТ iнформацi■i.

Iнформацiйне забезпечення органiв прокуратури - це правовщносини, що виникають у мроцес1 збирання, нагромадження, обробки, збереження I використання шформаци органами прокуратури та щодо органiв прокуратури.

Ключовi слова: органи прокуратури, шформацшш технологи, шформащя, кримiнальний процес, шформацшне забезпечення.

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