MODERN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
management / modern education / theory and practice / continuous / development. / management / modern education / theory and practice / continuous / development.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Samatov Shokhjakhon Erkin Ugli

This article examines modern educational management in continuing professional education. Modern educational management is an innovative theory and practice of education management in the context of its reform, based on innovative thinking and behavior of management subjects and aimed at creating a new model of education, focused on a person’s life career in a high-tech, competitive, open society.

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This article examines modern educational management in continuing professional education. Modern educational management is an innovative theory and practice of education management in the context of its reform, based on innovative thinking and behavior of management subjects and aimed at creating a new model of education, focused on a person’s life career in a high-tech, competitive, open society.


Central Asian Journal of

Education and Innovation


Leading specialist of the Department of Popularization of Foreign Language Learning of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11239654



Qabul qilindi: 10-May 2024 yil Ma'qullandi: 15- May 2024 yil Nashr qilindi: 22- May 2024 yil


management, modern education, theory and practice, continuous, development.

This article examines modern educational management in continuing professional education. Modern educational management is an innovative theory and practice of education management in the context of its reform, based on innovative thinking and behavior of management subjects and aimed at creating a new model of education, focused on a person's life career in a high-tech, competitive, open society.

Modern educational management is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that integrates productive ideas, principles, methods, approaches and mechanisms that reveal social, economic, pedagogical, legal, psychological and acmeological aspects of the theory and practice of managing innovatively developing education.

The goal of modern educational management is to achieve high quality of functioning and development of the domestic education system in the open cultural and educational space of modern civilization of the XXI century.

Quality management is the most relevant component of modern educational management. Managing the quality of education has become the main task of modernizing the entire education system and innovative development of each educational institution. Quality management in education is an area of theory and practice of ensuring a new quality of education and its improvement, adequate to new directions of innovative development of society and based on the productive use of internal resources for self-realization of the personality of students and teachers. It is obvious that the quality of education is a systemic category that includes the quality of the goal, the quality of management, the quality of the educational process and the quality of the result. The result of education is a derived function of the quality of all other components of the educational system, including the effectiveness of management. The quality of the result of modern education is characterized as the degree of its compliance with the goals and objectives of a person's active and constructive participation in the innovative development of society, its economy and culture.

The ability for innovative activity as a general criterion for the quality of educational results is formed in the presence of an acmeological focus on the management of educational systems at all levels, a focus on motivating achievements, developing the creative potential of the individual, the ability for self-organization and self-realization, the need for self-

development and continuous education. Education for a person's life career in an innovative society is an urgent task of modern educational management. This task involves the creation in the management process of organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of personality qualities characteristic of a person successful in life: determination, ambition, enterprise, ingenuity, creativity, communication skills, efficiency, hard work, etc.

Educational management has its own characteristics, determined by the specifics of the education system as a socio-pedagogical organizational structure that ensures the education, training and development of the younger generation:

1. Educational management is a type of social management determined by external and internal social factors and based on the development of intersubjective interaction between participants in management and pedagogical structures in accordance with the legal framework of education.

2. Educational management is always innovative management, since innovative processes in the education system are permanent in nature, associated with the tasks of rapid development of human quality and his socio-professional adaptation to the constantly changing conditions of society.

3. In educational management, socio-psychological management methods dominate, since administrative and economic methods have limited capabilities in stimulating the creative initiatives of teachers and in solving the growing number of socio-psychological problems in teaching staff.

4. In modern educational management, priority is given to quality management, due to the growth of socio-economic and strategic functions of the education system in the new geopolitical conditions of the development of Uzbekistan and civilization of the XXI century.

5. The scientific basis of modern educational management is the integration of knowledge about education and management, and the managerial activity of a manager in education is always of an integrative nature: managerial-pedagogical, managerial-psychological, managerial-economic, managerial-organizational, financial-economic.

Modern educational management as an activity is built on the basis of a set of scientific management principles:

• systematic management, achieved by combining the "vertical of power" (management at the federal, regional, municipal and institutional levels of the hierarchical structure of the education system) and the "horizontal of interaction", cooperation, social partnership of organizations (educational, cultural, medical, sports, industrial, scientific, social and everyday) at each level of system management;

• continuity of management of the functioning and development of the education system at each level, each educational institution, each teaching staff, each manager, who act as subjects of continuous education as a prerequisite for the effectiveness of management as a whole;

• regionalism in managing the development of the regional and municipal education system, aimed at implementing the region's social order in training personnel for the economy, small and medium-sized businesses, agriculture, taking into account the demographic situation and creating a new model for managing the innovative development of the regional education system;

• self-government as the basis for ensuring the state-social nature of management, strengthening the role of the public in monitoring the quality of education, the priority of collegial democratic management methods, stimulating creative initiatives and training a personnel reserve, a combination of innovations "from above" and innovations "from below";

• corporatism of management, expressed in the formation of a corporate culture in teaching teams, a management team of like-minded people, in the creation of corporate business-educational organizations, in the development of partnerships and dialogue between the individual and the team;

• ensuring and improving quality as the main goal and main result of the education system, the quality of human capital, the principle focuses on the creation of an education quality management system in each educational institution;

• acmeological orientation of management, expressed in creating conditions for activating the internal resources of creative self-realization of the individual, self-development and self-improvement of each subject of management and educational activities, in moral and material encouragement of creative achievements, orientation towards success and high quality of work, towards the creation of a "school of creative education"; in stimulating the need for achievement, motivation for achievement and the ability for self-organization and innovation.

Modern educational management is developing in the following directions:

• informatization and internetization of management, creation of a unified information and educational space, unified information networks in the systems "education management bodies - rector (director)", "rector-teacher-student", "rector -parent-student", for the purpose of operational management;

rector student teacher

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• technologization of management, development and application of new management technologies: social (strategic design, management decision-making, formation of corporate culture, social partnership, networking, comprehensive assessment of the activities of an educational institution, etc.); automated information technologies; pedagogical management technologies (education quality management, education quality monitoring, design of original pedagogical systems, innovative modeling, system goal setting, etc.);

• economization of management, expressed in strengthening the economic factors of education management (per capita financing, division of educational institutions into state-owned, budgetary and autonomous, paid educational services, etc.), in reducing the number of management staff, in strengthening the role of economic indicators of management efficiency, when at minimal costs, a high level of quality of management results is achieved in the creation of business educational structures;

• psychologization of management, the growing importance of management

psychology and the psychological

competence of a manager in education, psychological assurance of the quality of innovative professional activities of managers and teachers, motivational management and motivation of creative activity of staff as a management function and management process;

• modernization of management, this is a generalized direction of development of educational management as an open dynamic system in which there cannot be stereotypes and traditional management models that hinder the innovative development of educational practice; This direction includes all of the above-mentioned areas of development of educational management and assumes new variable models of management in new types of emerging educational institutions.

Modernization of management is the initial condition for ensuring success in modernizing the entire education system. The changes taking place in the practice of education are significantly ahead of the development of the theory and legal framework of education. New types of educational institutions, integrative, corporate, business and educational structures are being created; new architectural structures of buildings are put into operation, the area of which exceeds previously established standards; there is a need to introduce new personnel into the staffing table (deputy director for economic affairs, swimming pool director, primary school director, etc.); computerization and the distribution of interactive whiteboards in classrooms require new methods of managing the educational process; etc. Significant contradictions arise between the intensively changing practice of education and the outdated theory of pedagogy of the XX century, traditional methods of administrative management and legal documents.

The question of who should become the director of a secondary school: an education manager or a teacher is debatable. There can be no clear answer. In the variable education system, there are various types and types of educational institutions. The integrative business educational structure should be headed by a manager capable of creating a new productive management model, which may include a top manager, quality manager, knowledge manager, human resources manager, innovation manager, business manager (or financial and economic director).

The modern theory of pedagogy as an integral system of knowledge has not yet developed, it cannot be read in pedagogy textbooks, it is being formed in parallel with changes in practice. It is obvious that modern pedagogy must have a new subject of study and transformation, a new model of the teacher and his functions, new types of activities and competencies, new teaching technologies, new management models and the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge about education. The development of modern educational management largely depends on the development of a new theory of pedagogy.

An integral part of modern educational management is the design of strategies for managing the development of an educational institution based on a certain paradigmatic approach. The archeological strategy of education management, tested in wide practice, has become promising in the context of modernization of education.

The archeological management strategy implements the archeological paradigmatic approach in pedagogy and education. Acmeological strategy is a strategic value-motivational management of the innovative development of an educational institution based on the actualization of the internal resources of creative self-realization of the personality of a manager, teacher, student, achievement motivation, desire for success and high-quality

performance results. An archeological strategy as a management document can be presented in the form of a system of promising managerial and pedagogical archeological tasks that determine a long-term development forecast and criteria for the quality of education, reflecting the standards of personality in demand in a high-tech, competitive world, and a system of means and technologies for achieving these tasks.

The acmeological education management strategy involves the creation of a new system of values that reflect the highest forms and levels (acme - forms) of holistic human development in educational activities: self-development, creativity, professionalism, individuality, spirituality, talent, maturity, health. This value system is focused on the formation of a self-developing and self-organizing creative personality, capable of successful life and self-realization in an innovative society in the conditions of its modernization.

These are the conceptual foundations of modern educational management as a system of scientific and practical knowledge about educational management.


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