MODELLING AND RESEARCH OF HARMONIC COMPONENTS OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGE IN ELECTRIC NETS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Borisova Yelena, Amurova Natalya, Kodirov Fazliddin, Abdullayeva Surayyo

This аrticle provides mаteriаls of modelling аnd reseаrch of quаntity аnd quаlity vаlue аnd pаrаmeters of power energy of power supply nets with high-quаlity electricity аnd to ensure the quаlity. The аnаlysis of results of reseаrches of electric nets of consumers of power energy with defective tension on the big objects used for vаrious purposes wаs presented. Given results of modelling hаrmonic components of current аnd voltаge in electric nets of consumers with low power consumption аnd filter compensаtion equipment’s.

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№ 2 (95)_ДД ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ_Февраль. 2022 г.


DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.95.2.13134


Yele^ Borisovа

Senior lecturer Department "Power supply " University of information technology named after Muhammad al-Kwarizmy,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: elenfox@list.ru

Nаtаlyа Аmurovа

Senior lecturer Department "Power supply" University of information technology named after Muhammad al-Kwarizmy,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: amuryonok@Jist.ru

Fаzliddin Kodirov

Senior lecturer Department "Power supply" University of information technology named after Muhammad al-Kwarizmy,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: _ faz7780@mail.ru

Sumyyo Аbdullаyevа

Senior lecturer Department "Power supply" University of information technology named after Muhammad al-Kwarizmy,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: sura2007@Msti.ru


Борисова Елена Анатольевна

ст. преподаватель кафедры «Системы энергоснабжения» Ташкентского университета информационных технологий

имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Амурова Наталья Юрьевна

ст. преподаватель кафедры «Системы энергоснабжения» Ташкентского университета информационных технологий

имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Кодиров Фазлитдин Мислитдинович

ст. преподаватель кафедры «Системы энергоснабжения» Ташкентского университета информационных технологий

имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Абдуллаева Сурайе Мунировна

ст. преподаватель кафедры «Системы энергоснабжения» Ташкентского университета информационных технологий

имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан. г. Ташкент

Библиографическое описание: MODELLING АЖ RESEАRCH OF HARMONIC COMPONENTS OF CURRENT АND VOLTАGE IN ELECTRIC NETS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Borisovа Y. [и др.]. 2022. 2(95). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13134


№ 2 (95)_ДЛ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ_Февраль. 2022 г.


This article provides materials of modelling and research of quantity and quality value and parameters of power energy of power supply nets with high-quality electricity and to ensure the quality. The analysis of results of researches of electric nets of consumers of power energy with defective tension on the big objects used for various purposes was presented. Given results of modelling harmonic components of current and voltage in electric nets of consumers with low power consumption and filter compensation equipment's.


В дaнной статье приведены мaтериaлы моделировaния и исследовaния количественно-кaчественного зтачения и napaMeTpOB электрической энергии электросетей с ^честенной электроэнергией и для обеспечения Ka4ecTBa. Представлен aнaлиз результатов исследовaний электрических сетей потребителей электрической энергии с дефектным тапряжением та крупных объектах paзличного нaзнaчения. Приведены pезультaты моделиpовaния гармонических составляющих тоо и тапряжения в электрических сетях потребителей с мaлой потребляемой мощностью и фильтpо-компенсaционной aппapaтуpой.

Keywords: power quality, energy efficiency, voltage tolerance, ripple factor, voltage and current nonsinusoidality, the amplitude-frequency spectrum, reliability, filter condition device.

Ключевые слова: очество электроэнергии, энергоэффективность, допуск по тапряжению, коэффициент пульсaций, несинусоидaльность тапряжения и то^, aмплитудно -чaстотный спектр, тадежность, состояние фильтpa, устройство.

Introduction. The modern power supply system is explained by the expansion of load-bearing. For this reason, power supply systems are faced with such a serious problem as "pollution", which is higher than frequency of harmonics in the power distribution nets. If the load-bearing load in the power supply system does not exceed 5-10%, no significant changes in the power supply system will occur. Some power consumers, with low power consumption, prevents additional energy supply with higher harmonic current, except for a significant reduction in electricity consumption for nonlinear loads. Due to the constant growth of electricity consumption, ensuring the clean quality of electricity, energy remains one of the main problems [1-3].

Reseаrch Methodology. Nowadays, for example, lighting through led diodes, which are widely used in our daily life, is one way to save energy. But semiconductor light sources have a wide range of harmonics in the power supply, low electromagnetic flexibility and pulse character and has low power consumption equipment.

The problem of electromagnetic compatibility of led lamps in the power supply can be solved with the help of phase-compensating devices, that is, with the use of power factor correctors.

However, the power factor correction device significantly reduces the economic efficiency with large -scale application in low-power industries that have an active electronic circuit. Thus, providing the required power in the power supply net, filtering high harmonics, creating simple and reliable tools is an urgent scientific and technical task. Taking into account the above considerations, this article discusses the circuit design and scientific basis of effective filter compensation devices, methods for the synthesis of the characteristics of a

weightless volt-ampere and their parameters in providing uninterrupted power consumers with quality electricity in electrical nets.

The transition from incandescent lamps to energy-saving light sources can significantly save energy. The research of electromagnetic safety showed that actively studied semiconductor light sources can serve as an alternative to reduce energy consumption in lighting [3].

The quality of electricity in urban distribution nets is deteriorating in many developed countries. High harmonics are considered to be one of the subs of the deterioration of electricity, and in some cases the level of harmonics 3 and 5 exceeds 20%. The highest harmonics in electrical nets are typical for nets where a large number of household and office electronic devices are used. Currently, the load on the lighting reaches 20-23% of the electricity supply, up to 30% in lighting. The transition to new energy-saving technologies can lead to the failure of electrical equipment, which will lead to significant economic damage.

As determined, the total effect of all harmonics is determined by the coefficient of sinusoidal current disturbance Ki [1]:

Here is!(n) the current value of the current harmonic compiler; 11 - the current value of the main current frequency.

When analyzing the consumer current in the researched clips, it was found that the 3rd harmonic of the current in the net was high (Fig. 1). For rice. 1 harmonic curvature 1 and 3 indicate their common source.

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Figure 1. Harmonic current phase 1 harmonic current (A); — 3rd harmonic current ( % );

-the 7th harmonic current (%)

Given the loading nature of these fragments, it can be concluded that the Sources of the 1st and 3rd harmonics can be concluded that they are electrical nets.

Changes in the noise factor of the sinusoidal curvature of the current and voltage are shown in figure 2. As seen in Fig.2, the coefficient of the sine wave current interference curve reaches 25% (table 1).

Tаble 1.

The coefficient of the sine ^^ve current interference curve

Meаsured vаlues Meаsurement Results

Phаse A Phаse B Phаse C

Ku, % 1.99 1.81 1.79

kumax, % 2.51 2.21 2.33

kh % 7.96 14.72 10.05

klmax, % 13.09 24.89 15.04

Some loads can be used with passive filter compensation devices to increase the power factor of the power supply network with the load.

To increase the power factor in networks with non -static static load resistance and reduce the level of high harmonics, a wide range of filter compensation devices based on a passive harmonic filter can be used. One of the main elements of reactive power compensation in electrical networks are capacitor devices.

Reactive power of the sequential circuit the basic frequency harmonic is significantly different Qc from the power of a single capacitor n2(n2-1):

Qu=(ri/(ri-1))Qc, (2)

where n = m0H/mc is the resonance frequency of the vibration circuit in the sequence.

The peculiarity of filter filtration is determined by its quality factor, i.e. it is directly related to the resonant resistance of the filter. To ensure the quality of the filter factor, a method for determining the tan coefficient in the transition space has been developed. It is defined by the following expression:

a=(lgwp-lgo>3 )tg , (3)

Traditional filter-compensation devices based on passive harmonic filters are tuned to a certain frequency of certain consecutive vibration circuits. You can also use the serial loop of the vibration in each phase.

At present, the filter compensating devices can be used in a wide range by the "asterisk" method (Fig.2). This method is energy efficient and cost-effective in electric power networks [5]. Passive harmonic filters with four light topologies reduce the number of LC-links, that is, twice less than conventional LC-filters. If filters 3, 5, 7 and 9 harmonics through conventional LC filters, than need 12 series vibration loop harmonics passive filters that connect in parallel.

Reactive resistance in Fig.3 are resonant elements tuned to different frequencies Lo, Co and Lo. Therefore, passive filters connected in parallel can filter current harmonics. Creates a circuit with low resistance to certain frequency harmonics, i.e. the elements in the circuit (a) form two resonance groups at a frequency of 3 and 5, (b) in the circuit of 7 and 9 harmonics.

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a) b)

Figure 2. Four-beam filter configuration

The scheme of a four-wire filter with four sockets based on the resonant elements LC is shown in figure 3. In such cases, the phase z^ and neutral Z0 resistances are modelled as follows:


Lu œ-

Сф œ

Zo =R +3Ro )+

(Ьф +3L0 )œ--


1 3




The filter in picture 3 has two resonant frequencies. For specific exact values of R, L and C, the initial filter parameters can be calculated using the expressions of the quality factor and resonance frequencies (5) and (6).

Figure 3. Diagram of the device offiltercontrol with four rays

Modeling and research

The power supply circuit of led lamps is simulated as in Fig.4.

Figure 4. Model of Net diagram of a four-point filter compensation device

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As a result of modeling and research's, we can say that in nets 3, 5, 7 and 9 harmonics are characteristic harmonic sequences.

The analysis model and results showed that in three-phase electric nets it is more effective to use passive filters with four harmonic rays. Filtering harmonic components significantly reduces the non-sinusoidal power supply current and improves the quality of minimum consumption in power supply nets.

In the control of continuous processes of production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity, high accuracy, uniformity of current transformer elements widely used in production, distribution and operation, as well as their security and performance with measured information, improper control and management of electrical energy and energy consumption, which leads to significant economic damage, are of great importance.

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• the use of energy-saving sources can greatly reduce costs to save significant energy. At the same time, the use of silent electricity consumers loads to significant disturbances in the power source;

• introduction of efficient and filter-based devices to provide high-quality energy, taking into account the mass use of modern energy-saving consumers with unsurpassed characteristics of volt-ampere;

• use of passive filters to reduce the high harmonic effect caused by static loading, preferably;

• the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the four-beam frequency filters provide the required quality for filtering high harmonics;

• four light frequency filters support filtering function in symmetrical and symmetrical loads at the same level;

Results of modelling and research showed that the high-voltage harmonic voltage and current reduces the ratio of the sinusoidal to the light sources in electric nets for consumers with low power consumption.


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