Научная статья на тему 'Модель корпоративной коммуникации: смена модальности или стратегий корпоративной политики?'

Модель корпоративной коммуникации: смена модальности или стратегий корпоративной политики? Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Потапчук Владимир Адамович

В современной экономической модели выделяют сложившиеся в последние десятилетия три типа корпораций, которые отличаются подходами к ведению бизнеса с точки зрения использования коммуникаций: производственно-ориентированные компании, клиенто-ориентированные компании, человеко-ориентированные антропоцентрические компании, соответствующие целям и реалиям бизнеса XXI века, который прозрачен, динамичен, нацелен на будущее (развивается с точки зрения стратегий). В статье рассматриваются изменения развития в коммуникации корпораций с точки зрения их сущности, задач и подходов к реализации. Автор считает, что сегодня корпорациям предстоит смена модальности корпоративной политики и стратегий в связи с расширением коммуникационной компоненты их деятельности.

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The contemporary economic model includes three corporation types formed during the last three decades. These types vary in their approaches to business, which use different communication methods: production-oriented companies, customer-oriented companies, person-oriented anthropocentric companies, consistent with the objectives and the realities of the XXI century business, which is transparent, dynamic and focused on the future (concentrated on strategies). The article discusses the changes in the development of corporate communication in terms of their nature, objectives and approaches to implementation. The author believes that nowadays corporations have to change the modality of corporate policies and strategies owing to the expansion of the communication components of their activities

Текст научной работы на тему «Модель корпоративной коммуникации: смена модальности или стратегий корпоративной политики?»


Author : POTAPCHUK Vl.A.

POTAPCHUK Vladimir Adamovich, Candidate of philosophical sciences, professor, Chairman of the Council on the professional public accreditation of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR). Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The contemporary economic model includes three corporation types formed during the last three decades. These types vary in their approaches to business, which use different communication methods: production-oriented companies, customer-oriented companies, person-oriented - anthropocentric - companies, consistent with the objectives and the realities of the XXI century business, which is transparent, dynamic and focused on the future (concentrated on strategies) . The article discusses the changes in the development of corporate communication in terms of their nature, objectives and approaches to implementation. The author believes that nowadays corporations have to change the modality of corporate policies and strategies owing to the expansion of the communication components of their activities.

Keywords: model of corporate communication, change in the modality of corporate policy, multipolar corporatism , social capital, digitalization, Wikinomics, heterarchical paradigm of communication, corporate meritocracy, corporations of collaborative type, corporate business communications studies, Public Relations, creative management, information field creation.

For citation: Potapchuk Vl.A. Corporate communication model: a change of modality or instrategic policies. - Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1. P. 178-194 DOI 10.21453/23113065-2017-5-1-178-194

The corporation is the dominant social institution of our time [1]. However, the 2010s have witnessed the emergence of brand new models of economic production, which are known as wikinomics ("wiki" is a Hawaiian word meaning "fast, swift") [2]. Such modern authors as Don Tapscott, Anthony Williams and Ann Mettler [3] single out perfectly new characteristics of corporations functioning within the conditions of unprecedented availability and transparency of any information, business and market of ideas. In this context, all actors - producers and consumers - have equal rights to exchange and participate in business processes. The involvement of social representatives is becoming a compulsory condition for production activity in innovative business models. Besides, people have recently succeeded in getting many goods and services directly from each other, not from traditional institutions, such as corporations [4].

Nowadays it is necessary to consider the contemporary characteristics of communication, the Internet being the first of them, since it works as a phygital

technology integrating online and offline interaction of people. The interests of consumers should also be taken into consideration. Together with the previous factor, they form the parameters of the economy that is defined as "discursive". Communication is becoming more important than the production activity, corporate policy is determined by communication policy, and therefore, the activity of PR specialists is getting strategically significant for the company.

Let's see to what extent the world reality coincides with the Russian one. At the beginning of the century, the volume of our corporate consulting was estimated as 110-120 million US dollars, which made up approximately 40% of the general market volume. By the end of this year, the corporate segment is still not less than 40% and estimated as 1,66 billion US dollars1. There are, however, considerable differences between global and national (e.g. Russian) strategies of business and corporate communication development. The activity component of the Russian corporation is just forming: the country is holding the 123rd out of 183 places in the List of Economic Indicators. Among the urgent business problems, the world experts single out corporate communication policy. They claim that when national companies intensify project realization, their public image will become the biggest obstacle on their way2.

Mechanisms and methods aimed at helping people trust Russian business are not effective and do not meet the expectations of the world community. This conclusion was made by the experts of the international public relations firm Edelman. Some time ago, they examined 18 countries with Trust Barometer3. It turned out that Russian companies commonly use the vertical mechanism of trust-forming (through mass-media and official messages of the company's management) while the world community is giving more and more credit to the horizontal communication model, which means net interaction and a larger contribution of prosumers in corporate values.

Russian corporations have some problems with their information policies. As a rule, business tries to communicate with society not via effective dialogue communications, but through informing. It is connected with the general political and economic situation, business non-transparency. Corporate interaction with the public depends on business strategies, which are short-term, aimed at quick profit and are still viewed as market-oriented, manipulative schemes [5]. Political and economic situation causes the non-transparency of business, which makes PR needed as an auxiliary market activity, not as the strategic one. There is also little or no precautionary scientific interest to relevant issues and target audiences, and the theoretical knowledge is rather fragmentary. Therefore, corporate policy does not achieve the planned results.

In prognostic models of innovation economics, an individual becomes the compulsory condition, the goal and the means of production process realization.

1 Access mode: http://www.raso.ru [Access: http://www.raso.ru].

2 Access mode: //http://www.rusal.ru

3 Access mode: http:// www.allmedia.ru/headlineitem.asp?id=345630

The subject-subject model of production / consumption of innovative goods / services is formed [6]. Multilevel interaction between the state, business and science is considered of crucial importance. It is noticed that inefficient communication leads to poor realization of national programs. The key actor able to organize the innovation model development is the corporation, whose communication policy in the society becomes determinative [7].

In the first decade of the XXI century, a modern corporation was defined as "a model which represents the unity of activity and communication. A corporation's constitutive principle is a rationally interpreted goal which should be achieved by means of a hierarchical structure, an organization that integrates and coordinates individual actions. A corporation exists due to social actions, the unity of conscious reasonable behavior and communication of grouped individuals, as well as due to their hierarchical relationship based on a certain collectively admitted authority type" [8; the translation is ours - V. Potapchuk].

Let's take an academic definition of "corporation" as the basic one: "A corporation is a group of people united to achieve common goals; an organizational structure consolidating a part of society with certain economic and social connections and forming an independent subject of law - a legal entity" [9; the translation is ours - V. Potapchuk]. This definition of "corporation" is conceptual and so far the most comprehensive in Russian communicological literature. Most definitions propose narrow, strictly specialized interpretations1 .

All corporations have "the system of social relations". "An institution is a small-scale model of society" [10; the translation is ours - Vladimir Potapchuk]. Playing a more and more significant role in the economy, corporations also get involved in social processes. For this reason, it is possible to state that corporations are the dominant social institutions of today [11].

The primary aim of an effective modern corporation is not profit, but rapid increase in production, which satisfies the requirements of society. Since the communication component of companies' activity is expanding as fast as never, very soon corporations will have to change their corporate policy models.

The contemporary economic model singles out three types of corporations with different approaches to communication in business. The Production-oriented companies, which prevailed from the beginning till the middle of the previous century, regarded a good as the main object of communications. The client-oriented companies, which started to dominate in the 1970s, were aimed exclusively at fast and profitable sale goods. Today the market is more and more occupied by person-oriented - anthropocentric - companies. They fully correspond with goals and characteristics of the XXI century business, which is

1 The terms "corporate" and "institutional" are used interchangeably, the "last used in the western practice of public relations for the replacement of the first and represents all that is associated with the image of a company or organization, considered as" institution "/ AP Sitnikov, Lebedeva T .YU. Preface / Beaudoin J.-P. Image management company. Public relations: Subject and skills. Moscow, 2001. P. 9

transparent, dynamic and future-focused (concentrated on strategies). "Those who represent person-oriented companies do not talk about the consumer, sales and production issues. They describe their business strategy, the way they see the future - that is what underlie the communication" [12; the translation is ours -V. Potapchuk].

Corporations should pay attention to essential changes and tendencies of their development in communication. The essence, purposes and methods of the company ought to be taken into account. Classical corporate traditions reflected the development and interaction of most individuals within the paradigms of corporate solidarism. It means that corporations united their members only on the basis of common material interests, joint thirst for profit, or even some completely immoral, inhumane goals. An individual was involved in communication with his/ her colleagues only functionally, not emotionally.

Nowadays, when different factors are converging to form the civil society, modern corporatism may be defined as a special type of personal involvement in socio-political and economic processes. The multipole corporatism - a new phenomenon in the institutional aspect - combines the features of public and commercial corporations. It presupposes the activation of various social institutions - functional associations. These are professional interest groups, whose autonomous contribution to problem solving in economic, political and cultural spheres will be more and more noticeable.

It seems that a corporate type of civil society is more appropriate for the accumulation of the so-called "social capital" [13], which includes trust, norms and social net communication. Taking these circumstances into account makes for the actors that can form their own position and have some independence in dealing with current management issues.

The integration of corporations into the social structure causes special relationship between the corporation itself and its members. A complex interaction system is emerging inside the company, and these links allow the corporation to function as a single body with a shared aim (common interest). Such system is self-adjusting, i.e. it becomes a unity due to efficient internal mechanisms.

Corporate relations are relations between different groups of the corporation's members, between them and professional administrators, between directors and managers. This interaction embraces various domains - for example, management (which is wider than supervising the communication inside the company) and property issues (e.g. fixing salaries and highest possible bonuses for directors). The quality of these internal mechanisms influences the company's position outside: its transparency and attractiveness for investors.

It is important to note that participation in corporate activity has to be voluntary, which follows from the legal definition of the non-governmental organization. This voluntariness of participation allows corporate members to take part in the company's activity by establishing corporate regulators - for example, corporate codes of communication and moral codes.

So what communication can be regarded as the corporate one? Traditionally, the communication was defined as corporate [14] "when it implies the participation of a legal ("incorporated") entity, i.e. when full responsibility for this communication is on the instance which is authorized to involve an incorporated entity and can be given executive powers. On this principle, "corporate" communication may concern financial, social and political communication, but no specialized communication is corporate in essence" [15; the translation is ours - V. Potapchuk]. The adjective "corporate" can also be explained as "characteristic for a corporation, typical of it" [16; the translation is ours - V. Potapchuk], belonging to a corporation on the basis of authorship or realization of the company's interests.

Not so long ago (very "short ago", in fact), the notion "corporate communication" was interpreted as broadly as possible. Some researchers viewed advertising and sponsorship as the main and only tools forming the company's reputation and public image [17].

The Russian Federation is interested in corporations. Their mission is to favor the formation of a common position on certain issues that concern the organized community. The state will delegate some of its duties to emerging social structures, which will help to create the "collaborative society".

Corporations of the second decade of the XXI century are complex, constantly transforming phenomena. The essential changes affect the organizational structure and interactional hierarchy, whose development is largely influenced by new information and communication technologies.

As digitalization and the Internet are spreading further and further, the world is witnessing the emergence of new reality of corporate organizational structures. These cardinal shifts are caused by changing communication models and characteristics of all interaction participants. In 2005, the software products of the latest web iterations started to overwhelm the market. For this reason, a heterarchical communication paradigm became dominant, which initiated significant changes in corporations' activity. This tendency was detected by American scientists when they studied the influence of the Internet on economic processes (with web iteration 2.0 being the most thought-provoking) [18].

Such business practices of contemporary economics - or wikinomics, to be more precise - have promoted changes in technologies, which resulted in unprecedented availability and transparency of any information, business and market of ideas. In this context, all actors have equal rights to exchange information and participate in business processes. Prosumers have become active communicators. We may also observe the development of consumer-initiated innovations and science, which is stimulated by actors who have equal joint access to its data base. There are open infrastructures for team work and so-called "enterprises 2.0" (that are organized and governed horizontally, not vertically). Corporate meritocracy destroys hierarchically structured organizations. Activity is globalized and integrated at a new level and accompanied by completely different competition. It becomes open, eventually turning into collaboration.

"The new promise of collaboration is that with peer production we will harness human skill, ingenuity, and intelligence more efficiently and effectively than anything we have witnessed previously" [19]. Therefore, person-oriented tendencies in modern economy, which are becoming stronger and stronger, have assumed a new dimension. The role of consumers has also changed. Their influence on production processes is steadily increasing (with great help from the Internet).

So today we are witnessing the emergence of fundamentally new - collaborative -corporations. European experts suppose that in this context corporate business communications should be developed through PR technologies: entrainment and retention of clients, cooperation with prosumers, broader usage of Internet communication [20]. Thus, public relations become a theoretically important sector of corporate activity.

Is Russia following the principal world trends? There is a tendency to unify national corporation models, which is followed and intensified by business globalization and capital concentration. Russian researchers1 have proved that the formation of the national model of corporate management is rather similar, since it is derivative and based on the real universal economic processes. However, it is quite difficult to indicate the dimensions of Russian corporate space. The systematic study is hampered by business non-transparency and lack of legitimate economic and financial data. Nevertheless, the country is joining in the global economic processes, and the state is declaring the evolution towards the information society. Therefore, we may conclude that Russian companies should move to transparency and social responsibility paying enough attention to the world trends.

According to The Economist Intelligence Unit2 , most national companies have regional bias but tend to have leading positions on the world markets. Among the problems, the experts name those connected with communications and public image [21]. In general, the results of the study show that international business community is rather far from Russian reality. Western businessmen "disapprove of four principal issues: those of transparency, corporate management, business ethics and ecological safety". As a result, 58% of foreign respondents who have worked in the Russian Federation do not regard Russian companies as the world level competitors and 32 % do not have clear opinion. Only 10% believe in positive progress of Russian business. The situation seems paradoxical, since more than 60% of the poll participants expect the country's business to grow, and 40% think

1 In order to understand the current state of the economy of scale, we note the work of the Institute of Economy in Transition, with the analysis of the latest trends: The crisis of the modern Russian economy. - M., Prospect, 2010. - 656 p .; Russia after the crisis: Trans. from English. / Avt.-status. Turiev S. Kachin E., Aslund A. - M .: OOO "United Press", 2011. - 394 p .; Strategy of modernization of the Russian economy / Ed. Ed. Polterovich V. - SPb .: Aletheia, 2011. - 424 p..

2 The Agency is a division of the Economist, which for 50 years providing information and consulting services to the global business community. "Rusal" study initiated by the company. Russians are coming! Access: http://www.rusal.ru - S. 27.].

that Russia may become the largest European market. Hence, foreign analysts suppose that national companies' resources are sufficient for optimal development and better competitiveness. However, the experts find it necessary for the country to achieve a new level of communicational activity: to introduce companies into the public space, to stimulate their participation in social projects, to improve their public image, to create a reputation that will meet the community's requirements. In other words, administrative and strategy-forming processes should be guided by PR specialists. To be economically and strategically effective, a corporation should always be in sight and in mind of people. (It ought to be noted that surveys conducted before and during the crisis have lead to similar results).

Mechanisms and methods aimed at helping people trust Russian business are not effective and do not meet the expectations of the world community. A serious research have shown that Russian companies commonly use the vertical mechanism of trust forming (through mass-media and official messages of the company management) while the world community is giving more and more credit to the horizontal communication model, which means net interaction and a larger contribution of prosumers in corporate values. (Among the values are backwardness of Russian economic space, political and judicial problems, a digital gap. David Brain, Edelman's President and the project's supervisor, has noted that a company becomes trusted due to two components: rational and emotional. The first component is quality of goods and services, and the second one is socially responsible activity and relations between the employees. D. Brain also mentions that today developed countries pay more attention to social responsibility than a corporate brand or financial indicators. In this context the primary corporate information is the most productive (provided that it is transparent and largely available). This is what the Internet tells us, mainly via official corporate resources.

The challenges of contemporary economic and communication space are such that all processes have to be institutionally supported by PR specialists. Aleksandr Chumikov and Mikhail Bocharov propose a detailed definition of Public Relations: "a special management function favoring the establishment and maintenance of communication, mutual understanding and collaboration between the organization and its public, coping with different problems and tasks; it also helps the company directors to be informed about public opinion and react just in time and to be ready for any changes in order to use them as effectively as possible; defines and accentuates the main purpose of the company directors - to serve the interests of society; fulfils the role of "early warning system" indicating danger and aids to struggle with undesirable tendencies; uses research work and transparent, ethics-based communication as the principal means of activity" [22; the translation is ours - V. Potapchuk].

Public Relations is a communication process with the aim to create a company's professional team; interaction with corporate milieu, adaptation to the information and communication space, finding a common language with society as a whole.

Such professional activity as public relations first emerged in Russian companies not so long ago, in the 1990s, simultaneously with the modern-type companies

and public relations as a phenomenon. In the Russian Federation "this activity was given a new impetus owing to socio-economic reforms and more active interaction between administrative and social structures in the domain of universal social values and global problems" [23; the translation is ours - V. Potapchuk].

Complex assessment of PR genesis has led to the following conclusions. Historically, public relations were forming in modern Russia as an applied activity within political consulting and marketing. Unlike highly developed industries, PR were not regarded as something of strategic importance mostly because of the fact that society did not have global strategies and federal / public contracts. The newest practices are chiefly linked to corporate connections with wide audience, lesser political consulting and more PR projects initiated by governmental structures. The specialists primarily use vertical, one-sided, or two-sided asymmetrical communication models, which are outdated against developed industries and general tendencies of socio-economic discourse.

The newest practices of Russian public relations reflect the tendencies of their functioning as a supplementary part of integrated marketing communications. The public relations marketing strategies are typical of emergency markets, which include Russian PR. The systemic economic crisis demonstrates that marketing strategies of the national public relations are not really needed and effective. It means that basic activity characteristics must be reconsidered. Under any circumstances, even during the crisis, the most efficient are the strategies of developed markets. Their public relations fulfill strategic functions harmonizing the interaction between PR subjects and the community. The Internet communication becomes more and more important for public relations in developed markets. Their perspectives in Russia are also mentioned, but there is no relevant information about successful practical steps [24].

Research works dedicated to corporate relations with the public are pragmatic in essence, which is determined by the object of study; there are many dissertations reflecting certain aspects of technological PR-support of corporate activity [25].

In Russia, corporate relations with the community are bent to business strategies, which are short-term, as mentioned above, aimed at quick profit and are still viewed as market-oriented, manipulative schemes. Not so long ago, there was a "speaking name" for representatives of corporate PR services: "grey eminences". Political and economic situation causes the non-transparency of business, which makes PR needed as an auxiliary market activity, not as the strategic one.

In the early 2000s, the volume of the national corporate consulting was about 40% of the total market volume. At the end of this year, the corporate segment is still not less than 40%. Companies' average PR expenses are under 10% of their marketing expenses, and in big companies it is about 11%. However, in some areas the costs made up 20-30%. These are primarily non-manufacturing sectors (for example, finance and credit), along with IT and telecommunications [26].

Professional corporate relations with the community have low institutionalization level. According to International Association of Business Communacators (IABC),

it is not deep in the past when three out of ten companies did not have press services, as well as staff press secretaries and PR managers. Another negative factor was the crisis.

Characteristics of Russian corporate PR segment have been provoking professional interest from the 90s, when they emerged. However, until very recently, this attention was not purely scientific. There were no valid data based on complex large-scale research.

Some time ago the Russian Public Relations Association (RASO) and Ifors company presented "Corporate PR in facts and numbers"1, the first representative research work on the subject. The authors inform the community of such issues as organizational and functional peculiarities of corporate PR services, differences in sectorial approaches, principles of budget distribution, etc. The research involved top managers of almost 600 companies and eight key sectors of the Russian economy: engineering industry, fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, transport and communications, finances, consumer market, construction and trade.

One of the authors, Maria Mussel , paid special attention to the following fact: many companies have PR budgets in their structures, but do not have the relevant subdivisions. However, the rate of allocated budget does not practically depend on such structural unit (whether it exists or not). Therefore, the sector demonstrates a low institualization level. The absence of a special subdivision in companies' structure does not make public relations more professional. Besides, interaction with the community is becoming less and less effective and coveted, while PR budgets are "dispersing".

Numbers related to certain sectors confirm the latter factor, which demonstrate positive quantitative dynamics of PR corporate segment. (Quality PR characterictics are not presented in this research). Aleksey Glazirin, the Vice President of RASO, claims that the survey has provided the first valid data about the sector's condition, which allows fixing the volume and structure of the corporate segment and initiating its further development and upgrowth [27].

The RASO's research confirms that an institutionalization level was low and that half-legal schemes of PR activity were used, which indicates the initial stage of their formation. Besides, the predicted increase in corporate PR reflects two circumstances: Russian companies' owners are displaying a little more interest to PR, but they totally misunderstand the aims and goals of this phenomenon in the modern world. Nevertheless, the object field of Russian professional activity is broadening in Russia, and today it is possible to single out several corporate PR directions: Business Relations, Consumer Relations, Government Relations, Media Relations, etc.

1 This study is the first project of the Committee for Research in the field of communication of the Russian Public Relations Association ( RASO ) and companies Ifors. As a representative database sources were taken " Editions " Maximova " conducted its own research work and data processing.

Modern companies also practice lobbyism, which is regarded as relations influencing economic decisions, social concepts, and social interaction development in the relevant power structures. The lobbyists organize communication platforms: congresses, conventions, conferences, forums; publish and present annual reports about the client's activity, hold charity and sponsored events that are included in the social investment concept. For analytic support of management decisions, corporations create expert councils and groups, organize "round tables" and public hearings. All these measures make the discussion of initiatives and socially important projects very urgent and meaningful.

Media Relations aim to optimize the presentation of the company in the information space. Viacheslav Moiseev believes that work in the information field presupposes three strategic directions: gnosiological (studying functional specificity and peculiarities, getting acquainted with a national or regional information market); analytical (examining changes of the information market, paying attention to newly published works on "your" subject); organizational (holding events for journalists, satisfying their thirst for information) [28].

Planning its information field management, a corporation should rely on two things: its communication strategy and Media Relations concept. These are formed by all the company's actions aimed at providing the general public with relevant data via mass-media in a definite period. Aleksandr Chumikov proposes a so-called "creative approach" to the information field management in an organization. His scheme implies the formation of the company's own data flow; the segmentation of the data flow; the first-priority information delivery (informational partnership); the optimization of delivery methods and style [29]. A complex work in all four directions is very important.

A corporation's communication policy is focused on external and internal target audiences. The strategic aim of such interaction is to create and sustain a positive public image for the company by developing and strengthening the corporate identity.

Nowadays corporate Personnel Relations are acquiring special significance. Human Resources programs make employees more motivated and loyal by satisfying the most fundamental emotional need - to feel needed and appreciated [30].

In the modern information and communication society there is a tendency to integrate communications. Don E. Schultz, Stanley I. Tannenbaum and Robert F. Lauterborn [31] define the modern corporate integrated marketing communications (IMC) as "a new way of looking at the whole where once were only parts such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion, publicity, employee communication, and so forth. It's aligning communication to look at the way the customer sees it - as a flow of information from indistinguishable sources".

John Burnett and Sandra Moriarti believe that integrated marketing communications are primarily aimed at cumulative-synergetic effect of information processes' integration. Such result is impossible without creating a company's

single information image, which confirms that effective IMC and communication policy as a whole need a flow of positive associations in people's minds [32].

Feliks Sharkov stresses the fact that a key tool of communication policy, which allows acquiring this new synergetic quality, is a "competent plan of organizational events" [33; the translation is ours - V. Potapchuk].

Analyzing integration processes in the modern information and communication space (including corporate communications), Dmitry Evstafyev proves that today the marketing communications are not a specifically marketing phenomenon, but a part of new social reality [34].

So what are the prospects of corporate public relations development? In developed countries, the study of national PR trends is a constant corporate process, because the strategic approach to the development of such important segment is the most urgent.

The specialists working for the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) have studied the current state and future prospects of corporate PR. The project, which involved 1500 professionals from 37 European countries, revealed five main tendencies: regulation of business and communication relations (45,4%), establishment of corporations' stable development and legal responsibility (41,3%), due regard to IT evolution and social networks' potential (38,5%), formation and sustention of effective trust systems (30,4%), attention to the requirements of new transparency and active audience (28,9%)1.

Thus, contemporary corporate PR trends reflect a higher and higher demand in business communication support [35]. In particular, it is connected with the distribution of newest-format information technologies and the formation of horizontal collaborative communication models. Their principal subject is an active audience of prosumers - professional consumers of goods and services proposed by the corporation.


1. Potapchuk Vl.A., Shilina M.G. Kommunikatsionnaya politika korporatsij. Monografiya. -M., 2013. -288 s. - S. 4. [Potapchuk Vl.A. , Shilina M.G. Communication policy corporations. Monograph. -Moscow, 2013. P. 4]. (In Russ.).

2. Tapskott D., Uil'yams E.D. Vikinomika. Kak massovoe sotrudnichestvo izmenyaet vse. - SPb.: Best Business Books, 2009. - 392 s. [Tapscott, D., Williams, ED Wikinomics. How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything . - SPb .: Best Business Books, 2009. - 392 p.]. (In Russ.).

3. Mettler A., Williams A.D. The Rise of the Micro-Multinational: How Freelancers and Technology-Savvy Start-Ups are Driving Growth, Jobs and Innovation // The Lissbon Council, 06 October 2011. -Rezhim dostupa: http://www.lissboncouncil.net; Mettler A., Williams A.D. Wired for Growth and Innovation: How Digital Technologies are Reshaping Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses // The Lissbon Council, 18 April 2012. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.lissboncouncil.net [Mettler A., Williams A.D. The Rise of the Micro-Multinational: How Freelancers and Technology-Savvy Start-Ups

1 These studies provided by the book .: Minaeva LV Internal communications . - M .: Aspekt Press , 2010. - 287 p. - S. 7.].

are Driving Growth, Jobs and Innovation // The Lissbon Council, 06 October 2011. Access : http:// www.lissboncouncil.net; Mettler A., Williams A.D. Wired for Growth and Innovation: How Digital Technologies are Reshaping Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses // The Lissbon Council, 18 April 2012. - Access : http://www.lissboncouncil.net].

4. Charlene Li, Josh Bernoff ., Li Ch. Web-Blast Wave: How to succed in a world transformed Inernet technologies /per.from English. Harvard Business Review Press, 2008.

5. Chumikov А., Bocharov M., Tishkova M. PR v Internete.Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0. - M.: Al'pina Pablisherz, 2010. P. 10; Sharkov F.I. Pablik rilejshnz. - M.: Izdatel'sko-torgovaya korporatsiya «Dashkov i Ko», 2010. - 332 s. - P. 10. [Chumikov A., M. Bocharov, Tishkov M. PR in Internete.Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0. - M .: Wiley Publishers, 2010. - 134 p. P. 10; Sharkov FI Public relations. M .: Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov & Co", 2010. P. 10]. (In Russ.).

6. Shilina M.G. Intellektual'naya ehkonomika i formirovanie novoj predmetnoj sfery v teorii i praktike obshhestvennykh svyazej: Academic Public Relations i Scientific Public Relations // Mediaskop. - M.: MGU, 2010 - № 3. - Rezhim dostupa: http: //www.mediascope.ru [Shilin M.G. Intellectual economy and the formation of a new subject area in theory and practice of public relations: Academic Public Relations and Scientific Public Relations // Mediaskop. - Moscow State University, 2010. No. 3. -Mode of access: http: //www.mediascope.ru]. (In Russ.).

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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35. Potapchuk Vl.A., Shilina M.G. Kommunikatsionnaya politika korporatsij. M., 2013. - 288 s. ; Sharkov F.I., Potapchuk Vl.A., Davydov D.G. Korporativnaya imidzhelogiya. Monografiya. -M.:MABiU, 2013. - 176 s. [Potapchuk Vl.A. , Shilin MG Communication policy corporations. Monograph. -M : MABiU , 2013. - 288 p . . ; Sharkov FI , Potapchuk Vl.A. , Davydov , DG Corporate image making . Moscow, 2013. 176 p.]. (In Russ.).



ПОТАПЧУК Владимир Адамович - кандидат философских наук, доцент, руководитель Центра коммуникационных технологий МАК, Председатель Совета по профессионально-общественной аккредитации Ассоциации Коммуникационных Агентств России (АКАР). Москва, Российская Федерация. E-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация: В современной экономической модели выделяют сложившиеся в последние десятилетия три типа корпораций, которые отличаются подходами к ведению бизнеса с точки зрения использования коммуникаций: производственно-ориентированные компании, клиенто-ориентированные компании, человеко-ориентированные - антропоцентрические - компании, соответствующие целям и реалиям бизнеса XXI века, который прозрачен, динамичен, нацелен на будущее (развивается с точки зрения стратегий). В статье рассматриваются изменения развития в коммуникации корпораций с точки зрения их сущности, задач и подходов к реализации. Автор считает, что сегодня корпорациям предстоит смена модальности корпоративной политики и стратегий в связи с расширением коммуникационной компоненты их деятельности.

Ключевые слова: модель корпоративной коммуникации, смена модальности корпоративной политики, мультиполярный корпоративизм, социальный капитал, дигитализация, викиномика, гетерархическая парадигма коммуникации, корпоративная меритократия, корпорации коллаборативного типа, исследования корпоративных бизнес-коммуникаций, Public Relations, креативный менеджмент, создание информационного поля.

Для цитирования: Потапчук В.А. Модель корпоративной коммуникации: смена модальности или стратегий корпоративной политики? - Коммуникология. Том 5.№1.С.178-194 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-178-194


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