МНОГОЯЗЫЧИЕ В ДИНАМИКЕ НАУЧНЫХ ПОДХОДОВ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
глобализация / многоязычие / научный подход / поисковые базы данных / иностранный язык / globalization / multilingualism / semantic field / search databases / foreign language

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Е.В. Головина, И.Ю. Моисеева

Актуальность проблемы обусловлена противоречиями глобализированного мира – распространением одного языка по всему миру в ущерб другим и установлением многоязычия в силу политических, географических и социальных факторов. Поэтому необходимо провести исследование многоязычия и прояснить основные перспективы его реализации. Этот феномен был проанализирован с помощью комплексных методов исследования, включающих теоретические и математические, а также возможности корпусной лингвистики. Используемые методы были направлены на то, чтобы составить объективную картину научного развития многоязычия, оценить его актуальность и изучить основных носителей его значения в современной науке. Исследование показало, что глобализация как явление планетарного масштаба вызвала интерес к изучению многоязычия. Научные данные свидетельствуют о пересечении интересов российской и зарубежной науки в изучении многоязычия в 2014–2016 гг.; преобладание в количественном распределении зарубежных научных работ объясняется различными историческими и социальными условиями.

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The urgency of the problem is conditioned by contradictions of the globalized world – one language spreading around the world to the detriment of others and the establishment of multilingualism due to political, geographical, and social factors. Therefore, a research on multilingualism and clarification of the main prospects to implement it are needed. This phenomenon is analyzed with the help of complex research methods including theoretical and mathematical methods and the possibilities of corpus linguistics. The methods used were aimed at drawing an objective picture of the scientific development of multilingualism, at evaluating its relevance and at studying the main carriers of its meaning in modern science. The study reveals the fact that globalization as a planetary-scale phenomenon aroused interest in studying multilingualism. Scientific data indicate the intersection of the interests of Russian and foreign science in the study of urban multilingualism in 2014-2016; there is preponderance in quantitative distribution of foreign scientific works explained by different historical and social conditions.


11. Taylor B. Constable Paintings, drawings and watercolours. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1973.

12. Bindman D. Hogarth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

13. Frederick J. Samuel Jablon. Available at: https://www.artnews.com/art-in-america/aia-reviews/samuel-jablon-61807/

14. Frederick J. Albert Oehlen. Available at: https://www.artnews.com/art-in-america/aia-reviews/albert-oehlen-61255/


1. Hunston S., Thompson G. Evaluation in text: authorial stance and the construction of discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

2. Stevenson Ch.L. Facts and values: Studies in ethical analysis. New Haven-London: Yale Univ. Press, 1964.

3. Vol'f E.M. Funkcional'naya semantika ocenki. Moskva: Nauka, 1985.

4. Arutyunova N.D. Tipy yazykovyh znachenij: Ocenka. Sobytie. Fakt. Moskva: Nauka, 1988.

5. Belyaeva L.E. Sposoby yazykovoj reprezentacii ocenki proizvedeniya zhivopisi na materiale anglijskih literaturnyh proizvedenij. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2021; T. 15, № 1.

6. Lybarger J. The World on a Single Plane: Joseph E. Yoakum at the Art Institute of Chicago. Available at: https://www.artnews.com/art-in-america/aia-reviews/joseph-yoakum-art-institute-chicago-1234601059/

7. Ghorashi H. Weinstein Gallery Will Host First Major Kurt Seligmann Survey in America in 55 Years. Available at: https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/weinstein-gallery-will-host-first-major-kurt-seligmann-survey-in-america-in-55-years-4032/

8. Ollman L. One Work: Eva Beresin's "Fixing It". Available at: ttps://sephina.com/2021/08/20/one-work-eva-beresins-fixing-it/

9. Selvin C. Five Leonardo Scholars Selected Their Favorite Work by the Italian Master. None Picked "Mona Lisa". Available at: https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/leonardo-da-vinci-experts-favorite-works-13495/

10. Melly G. Philip Core Paintings. London: GMP Publishers Ltd, 1985.

11. Taylor B. Constable Paintings, drawings and watercolours. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1973.

12. Bindman D. Hogarth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

13. Frederick J. Samuel Jablon. Available at: https://www.artnews.com/art-in-america/aia-reviews/samuel-jablon-61807/

14. Frederick J. Albert Oehlen. Available at: https://www.artnews.com/art-in-america/aia-reviews/albert-oehlen-61255/

Статья поступила в редакцию 05.01.22

УДК 811

Golovina E.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia), E-mail: Gol114@yandex.ru Moiseyeva I.Yu, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of Department of Romanic Philology and Methods of Teaching French, Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia), E-mail: desire2003@yandex.ru

MULTILINGUALISM IN THE CONTENT DYNAMICS OF SCIENTIFIC FIELDS. The urgency of the problem is conditioned by contradictions of the globalized world - one language spreading around the world to the detriment of others and the establishment of multilingualism due to political, geographical, and social factors. Therefore, a research on multilingualism and clarification of the main prospects to implement it are needed. This phenomenon is analyzed with the help of complex research methods including theoretical and mathematical methods and the possibilities of corpus linguistics. The methods used were aimed at drawing an objective picture of the scientific development of multilingualism, at evaluating its relevance and at studying the main carriers of its meaning in modern science. The study reveals the fact that globalization as a planetary-scale phenomenon aroused interest in studying multilingualism. Scientific data indicate the intersection of the interests of Russian and foreign science in the study of urban multilingualism in 2014-2016; there is preponderance in quantitative distribution of foreign scientific works explained by different historical and social conditions.

Key words: globalization, multilingualism, semantic field, search databases, foreign language.

Е.В. Головина, канд. филол. наук, доц., Оренбургский государственный университет, г. Оренбург, E-mail: Gol114@yandex.ru И.Ю. Моисеева, д-р филол. наук, проф., зав. каф. романской филологии и методики преподавания французского языка Оренбургского государственного университета, г. Оренбург, E-mail: desire2003@yandex.ru


Актуальность проблемы обусловлена противоречиями глобализированного мира - распространением одного языка по всему миру в ущерб другим и установлением многоязычия в силу политических, географических и социальных факторов. Поэтому необходимо провести исследование многоязычия и прояснить основные перспективы его реализации. Этот феномен был проанализирован с помощью комплексных методов исследования, включающих теоретические и математические, а также возможности корпусной лингвистики. Используемые методы были направлены на то, чтобы составить объективную картину научного развития многоязычия, оценить его актуальность и изучить основных носителей его значения в современной науке. Исследование показало, что глобализация как явление планетарного масштаба вызвала интерес к изучению многоязычия. Научные данные свидетельствуют о пересечении интересов российской и зарубежной науки в изучении многоязычия в 2014-2016 гг; преобладание в количественном распределении зарубежных научных работ объясняется различными историческими и социальными условиями.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, многоязычие, научный подход, поисковые базы данных, иностранный язык.

Relevance of the article. The modern conditions of the global world are characterized by contradictions associated with the expansion of economic, political and cultural interconnections (blurring the spatial and conceptual limits of individual national cultures) and with the impossibility of reducing national value systems to a common denominator, which leads to internal instability of any multicultural society.

The aim of the study is to identify the content dynamics of multilingualism in the modern scientific field. The objectives of the study are the followings: 1) theoretical analysis and synthesis of the accumulated studying experience in the world; 2) the study of quantitative dynamics of Russian and foreign publications in scientometrics and bibliometric. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time the issues of multilingualism have been studied in a dynamic aspect. The theoretical significance of the article consists in the deepening of the concept of "multilingualism", in a systematic approach to the studied material. The prospects for such research are to further study the issues of multilingualism in the world and the role of world languages.

The policy of multilingualism is becoming increasingly important as one of the main problems of states inhabited by different language communities. The formation of the multilingualism problem field in the beginning of the XXI century is connected with the major achievements in developing its directions, approaches and research methods. First of all, there are achievements in the field of sociolinguistics and language

education [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]. Multilingualism refers to "the use of multiple languages within a particular social community (primarily state) and of the several individual (group of people) languages, each selected in accordance with a specific communicative situation" [8].

However, many questions of multilingualism interesting to scientists in the early 21st century, were left without proper theoretical analysis; particularly vague was the phenomenon of 'multilingualism': the issues of its determination, the heterogeneous nature of the globalization process, the increase in the international migration flow, the process and the consequences of establishing the independence of individual departments (Catalonia, the Italian regions of Lombardy and Veneto, the independence movement in Scotland, etc.) were not fully clarified, which sets new problems that require urgent solutions. Thus, a research vector of this process is needed, as well as the clarification of the main perspectives in implementing the multilingualism policy. The need to update the problem field becomes clear due to the interdisciplinary context, aimed at finding approaches to study multilingualism. In this regard, thoughts of I. Lakatos about the criteria for a progressive research program acquire a new meaning: "the research program is considered progressive if its theoretical growth anticipates its empirical growth, that is, when it can predict new facts with some success, and the program is regressing if its theoretical growth lags behind its empirical growth" [9].

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify specific content dynamics of multilingualism in the modern scientific field. This dynamics refer to the current status of research in the field of multilingualism, the development of interest in the phenomenon and the change of the reseacrh vector under the influence of linguistic and ex-tralinguistic factors.

The proposed approach is based on three principles: similarities, differences and relationships [10]. The former means using evidence of similarity in the quantitative dynamics of Russian and foreign publications on scientometrics and bibliometrics to identify similar trends in the interest to study multilingualism in the period from 2000 to 2017.

The distinctive principle is to use the signs of difference to separate the quantitative dynamics indicators of Russian and foreign publications according to three search engines during the specified time period, and to classify points of view to form the problem field of this phenomenon. Disclosing relationships of the data on quantitative dynamics of Russian and foreign publications is manifested in the analysis of their diachronic development over 18 years.

The research material is represented by three samples: 1) research results in the fields of history, politics, economics, cultural and spiritual development, contemporary linguistic, sociolinguistic and pedagogical concept of multilingualism; 2) the scientometric and bibliometric data of a quantitative representation of Russian and foreign publications (2000-2017; 18 years; 3 search engines - Web of Science, Scopus, E-library; 1287 articles.

Studying the content dynamics of the multilingualism scientific field was carried out with theoretical methods of research (theoretical analysis, synthesis and generalization of sociolinguistic, linguistic, linguo-didactic, philosophical, scientific and scientometrics data; induction and deduction); mathematical methods (processing the study data, establishing quantitative dependences between the studied phenomena) and the opportunities of corpus linguistics (full semantic text analysis online https://miratext.ru/ seo_analiz_text).

Below are the main results obtained in the first stage of studying multilingualism context dynamics in accordance with the developed algorithm.

The rapid and deep transformations, typical of the globalization process have an impact on all the aspects of human life. Globalization has many manifestations, and this is caused by contradictory and ever-changing trends and also by the clash of interests, according to B.R. Mogilevich [11].

D. Heald highlights the following achievements associated with current cultural globalization: "the increased intensity, the volume and speed of cultural exchange and communications of all kinds; the predominance of the multinational cultural industries in creating and owning infrastructures and organizations to produce and distribute cultural goods; the new global infrastructure providing a large possibility to penetrate cultural elements across borders and reduce the cost of their use; a shift in the geography of global cultural interaction, retreating from the geography of the global order which existed before the Second World War; the spread of Western mass culture and increased communications in the cultural business as the main content of global cultural interaction." D. Heald brings to the fore two major trends of the globalized world, manifested in language most stably. The first is the worldwide spread of one language at the expense of others [12]. Thus, according to the third edition of the 'Atlas of languages in danger of extinction', 2471 languages are currently in different degrees of disappearing - almost half of the existing languages. During the life of the last three generations 200 languages disappeared, 538 are in critical conditions, 502 languages seriously threatened, 651 languages in danger, and 607 in a state of instability [3]. The second trend is establishing bilingualism or multilingualism on the territory of a state, which facilitates the transmission of cultural achievements and ideas [12]. E.A. Naiman, S.K. Gural, V.M. Smakotin, M.A., Bovtenko, together with D. Holdom, put emphasis on the fact that in the era of globalization, to include a language of universal communication in the individual linguistic repertoire, raising multilingual and multicultural identity is a necessity for building a modern society [3].

A.A. Guseynov highlights two drawbacks of globalization methodologically. Firstly, the primary interpretation of globalism as a quantitative increase, the expansion of scales to planetary dimensions, the spread to all of humanity of those processes that have hitherto occurred in locally organized forms of sociality simplifies its understanding before turning a lot into one (many states - one state, many languages - one language). However, as A.A. Guseynov mentions, this conversion is not always possible due to the fact that some phenomena cannot exist in the singular - for example, identity, family, ethnicity, nation exist only as sets. In this regard, studying the globalist trends it is necessary to carry out the analysis of the qualitative transformations that affect forms of human life in the course of their global expansion. Second, studying the globalization process is narrowed to information technology, environmental, financial-economic and political-institutional aspects, leaving behind the framework of scientific and practical interest in the field of culture and spiritual life. A.A. Guseynov explains the reason for the scientific reorientation from the point of view of the impossibility of purely quantitative changes, associated with global changes in the field of culture and spiritual life [13].

The data of the statistics below clearly illustrate the situation with the worldwide spread and disappearance of languages on a global scale. On the territory of the 225 countries in the world there are about 6700 languages. Barbara F. Grimes systematized the distribution of multilingualism in the world [14].

The data analysis given in the table allowed concluding that multilingualism is less pronounced in Europe: about 4.5 languages per country (49 countries), 25 mil-

lion speakers (4% of the total world population) of 1000 languages in 46 countries is approximately 21.7 languages in the country. It should be noted that more than 90% of the European population speak English, Spanish and Portuguese. The countries of Asia, Africa and Oceania, which account for 70% of the world population, have reached a very high level of multilingualism: 47 languages per each Asian country, 35.9 languages per each African country, and 48.2 languages per country in Oceania. Taking into consideration that in every European country people speak 4.3 languages, the indicators of multilingualism in the countries of Asia, Africa and Oceania are the inevitable data in modern lifestyle (Leclerc 2017). The language situation in Europe and North America, although characterized by a relative homogeneity, however, has the trend towards multilingualism.

Russia, the largest world country located on the continent of Eurasia, is a multilingual and multicultural country. According to the results of the latest 2010census, Russia is home to 145.2 million people. In addition to the official Russian language (spoken by 99.4% of the population), over 50 native languages conventionally divided into 3 groups are spoken.

1. Languages spoken by over a million people are Tatar, German, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Chechen and Chuvash.

2. Languages spoken by 100 thousand to a million people are Armenian, Avar, Azerbaijani, the Mordvin languages (Moksha and Erzya), Kabardino-Circassian, Kazakh Dargwa and others.

3. Languages spoken by 10 to 100 thousand people are Permian Komi, Polish; Nogai, Altai, Korean, Chinese and others.

The native language as an essential tool of socialization, according to A.A. Lev-itskaya, serves as a primary means to develop creative thinking, the main channel broadcasting the national culture and familiarizing the person with the global civilization processes. The use of the mother tongue as the language of instruction is a fundamental cultural principle for the multilingual education system to function. However, modeling different versions of a multicultural school in accordance with the multicul-turalism and multilingualism, it is necessary to consider that the Russian culture and language form a central component and play a major role in the development paths of the country's civilizational development. In this humanistic paradigm of education, the role of the foreign language increases, since it is used as a way to understand the world, to familiarize with the culture of many countries and to raise people's awareness of belonging to a planetary cultural community [15].

In the Russian Federation there are 22 republics, most of them multilingual. Thus, in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russians make 39.5% of the total population, Tatars - 52.9%. The Russian and Tatar languages are recognized as state languages; studying them is obligatory in all the educational institutions, in accordance with the laws of the Republic. 52 Sunday schools teach the languages of 27 nationalities (Ukrainian, Polish, Bashkir and others). The Chuvash Republic, located in the center of the European part of Russia - Volga-Vyatka Region, is one of the active territories of the inter-ethnic and inter-regional communication of peoples of the country. The territory of the Chuvash Republic is represented by 97 nationalities (the Chuvash -67.7%, Russians - 26.5 per cent, Tatars - 2.8%, Mordvinians - 1.2%, etc.). The Constitution of the Republic declares two state languages, Chuvash and Russian. In the resettlement areas of the diaspora, there are national schools in addition to Russian and Chuvash [16].

Karelia, a Federal subject of the Russian Federation, is home to over 150 nationalities, the most numerous of which are Russians (76%), Karelians (9%) and Belarus-sians (5%). The Karelian and the Russian languages are used as the state ones, and three Baltic-Finnish languages (Karelian, Veps and Finnish) are also spoken, although the amount of the representatives of these nationalities is rather small (Boinic, Bog-danova 2008). The population of Dagestan consists of more than 120 nationalities, the official languages being Russian and the native languages, 14 of which are written and the rest oral. The complexity of the language policy of the Republic is that, despite the lack of accurate information on the population, 60 independent languages are spoken by the people (Multilingualism in Russia: regional aspects).

In addition to multilingual multinational republics, the Russian Federation has multiethnic and multilingual regions (e.g., the Volga region, the Urals, the Kama region, Siberia). This is due to the dispersal of many peoples in different regions, resulting in some people living beyond their national entities.

The linguistic landscape of the European Union is also highly diverse. In addition to the 23 official languages in the territory of the 28 member States of the EU there are about 60 local languages and a large number of languages spoken by different migrants' communities. For many inhabitants of the European continent, multilingualism is part of everyday reality. Despite the fact that numerous languages are developing in different historical trajectories and have different international influence, they all are legally accepted and share equal dignity. Reflecting the culture and peoples' identity, language is the main communication tool of interacting with other people and of understanding other cultures. Based on the adoption of these provisions the language policy of the European Union is built since its foundation (Orban 2008). Thus, mul-tilingualism promotes the development of the European relations with the world and strengthens self-determination of a single European nation. Moreover, multilingualism plays a central role in the integration of migrant communities which are either already living in Europe or arrive to stay. From 2005 to 2010, a sharp increase in the number of international migrants from 195 million in 2005 to 214 million in 2010 was recorded, as well as the expansion of migration geography through the largest corridors (Mexi-

co - United States (11.6 million people), the Russian Federation - Ukraine (3.7 million people), Ukraine - the Russian Federation (3.6 million people), Bangladesh - India (3.3 million people), Turkey - Germany (2.7 million people) (Population Facts: United Nations). Providing opportunities for the young generation of migrants to receive native language education contributes to preserving the national roots and liaising with senior members of the community, which, of course, in the short term will make a significant contribution to the development of the European civil society.

Thus, as a result of increased citizens' mobility, migration flows and globalization, linguistic diversity takes on a new dimension not only within the European Union, but also the entire world community, underlining the need for policy enhancements in a multilingual society [4].

Jacques Leclerc identified three major factors that determine multilingual society:

1. The number of people speaking several languages - the more multilingual people, the higher the social significance of non-native languages;

2. The social weight of the non-native language (this factor is mainly manifested in the form of diglossia) in a situation of unbalanced bilingualism when one of the languages or options acts as 'dominant' and the other as 'peripheral'. It is possible that the latter is the native language spoken by all the population or its part, and the former is closely related to the native language, or an unrelated supra-ethnic language of the area with diverse ethnic composition. An example of primary demand for the non-native language is the situation with the languages of immigrants. The native language is used in interpersonal or religious communication, the second language in social communication (e.g., the English-speaking part of Canada). A special case is triglossia (trilingualism) - a functional distribution of three languages in the same area. An example is the situation in Luxembourg, where almost the entire adult population speaks three languages depending on the different communicative purpose: the Luxembourg language, the native language of the majority, is used in the process of interpersonal religious communication having an informal status; French is the official language of formal and business relations, and German is used mainly in the media;

3. The geopolitical and historical context of multilingual society, due to peoples' history, their geographical proximity, the nature of the joint official status of languages within a single region or country (for example, the language situation in Catalonia and Luxembourg, French-speaking residents of Quebec living in English-speaking Canada, and French-speaking inhabitants of The Aosta Valley in Italy).

Undoubtedly, a situation where one language could perform all the functions in a certain area would be perfect. However, for this the language is supposed to, at least, maintain its dominant position in such important strategic areas as family, work, school, hobbies, religion, politics, etc. In a situation of social multilingualism, it is important to ensure some dominant situation for the native language, otherwise the risk of language change remains high [17].

The relationship between the native language and a second language from the perspective of citizenship is a complex system, in which M. Verdelhan-Burgad identifies some aspects. Firstly, the idea of studying the native language as the driving force in the development of civil society is not devoid of rational grain, although it does not correspond to the real state of things. The fact is that if family plays the most important role in acquiring life values, then it is impossible to obtain civil education remaining in one's own home. In this case, it is not correct to assert unequivocally that the development of family values, social values and norms occurs through the native language, and the development of citizenship and civic values through a non-native language. Studying a foreign language promotes not only the formation of own national values, but values acquired in the process of interethnic communication. Second, the value of studying a foreign language is in establishing gender equality; this issue is particularly acute in countries with a large number of local dialects (e.g. in the Republic of Djibouti 500 000 inhabitants use 4 languages: French, Arabic, Somali and Afar). Education in countries with such a complex language situation is conducted in the official language. Through textbooks written in the non-native language for students it becomes possible to convey the information that the native environment considers forbidden or accepted as a manifestation of national traditions, for instance, the opportunity for girls to engage in other activities except domestic work, violence prevention and others [5].

Thus, the theoretical analysis of multilingualism studies in the world leads to the conclusion that globalization as a phenomenon of planetary scale is characterized by conflicting and constantly changing trends, the main ones being the worldwide spread of one language at the expense of other languages and the establishment of multilin-

Библиографический список

gualism, promoting successful business and intercultural communication. The analysis of the language situation in the world revealed a very high level of multilingualism in the countries of Asia, Africa and Oceania, and a strong tendency to multilingualism in Europe and North America.

The identified trends received theoretical justification. Below are the results of studying the quantitative dynamics of Russian and foreign publications on scientomet-rics and bibliometrics, obtained at the second stage of the investigation in accordance with the algorithm.

For the analysis of the situation in Russia, the data of the scientific electronic library (E-library) was used. The search involved the word 'multilingualism' and the derivatives ('multilingual', etc.) and a time period from 2002 to 2019. For comparison, a search on the Web of Science platform and in the bibliographic and abstract database Scopus was made using the keywords 'multilingualism', 'multilingual' and 'bilingualism' (title, keywords, abstracts). Analyzing the results from Web of Science allows clearly distinguishing three trends of interest for studying multilingualism. The first is observed from 2002 to 2010; the number of published works is below the average number of scientific papers (for example, 2002 - 4; 2003 - 4; 2006 - 11, etc.). However, towards 2008, the interest in the topic is growing, and by 2009 number of published works is as close as possible to the average quantities. The second trend is the sharp increase in researchers' interest to this problem from 2011 to 2018, when the quantity of published works exceeds the average number several times (for example, 2012 - 53; 2017 - 87; the maximum number of published works in 2018 is 103). 2019 faced a dramatic reduction in the number of published works.

Despite the fact that the number of works available in Scopus is 1.5 times less than on Web of Science, similar trends are also observed in their quantitative distribution; however, the time periods are somewhat different. Thus, the first trend is the emergence of interest for studying multilingualism from 2002 to 2012. The number of published works is below the average quantity, and the increasing interest is uneven (for example, in 2002 there was not a single article; in 2003 there were 3; in 2004 - 0; in 2005 - 1; in 2007 - 6; and in 2009 - 11). Closer to 2012, the interest in the topic increases, and the number of published works is as close as possible to the average quantities. The second trend is the increasing interest from 2012 to 2017, when the quantity of published works exceeds the average number (from 32 in 2013 to a maximum of 69 in 2015). In 2018 there is a reduction in the number of published works.

The distribution analysis of works available in E-library showed a very small number of articles where issues of multilingualism posed in the center of attention -58. Since 2002 until 2011, there was one work on the subject. In the period from 2012 to 2015 there was a slight increase in interest, and only in 2016 to 2018 the number of published papers increased several times, although it remained three times below the average. From 2019 onwards, there is a decrease in the number of published works.

Conclusion. The results obtained during research allow identifying three groups of advanced problems in the study of multilingualism. The first is connected with further intensive study of this phenomenon. In this area, the correlation of the proposed form of multilingualism description with other types of descriptions (e.g., study group, social, gender, age and other language features, etc.) is of great interest. The second group of problems is formed around the need to include extensive material in the scientific field of multilingualism. Prospects for further research lie in the study of the specifics of multilingual competence development in the linguistic consciousness of speakers of different languages, and in typological comparison of the results. The third group of problems is in the field of theory application. The results of the formation of the semantic field of multilingualism through core, content and peripheral keywords open up possibilities in the experimental definition of the cognitive capacities of keywords in the multilingual consciousness formation.

The obtained results have a wide range of practical applications. The proposed algorithm for identifying the features of the content dynamics of multilingualism in the modern scientific field can be used to study other linguistic phenomena. The data on the quantitative dynamics of Russian and foreign publications on scientometrics and bibliometrics and the identified keywords that form the semantic field of multilingualism in modern science are applicable in the course of linguistic examinations. The results can be used in creating training and search techniques, as they allow applying the approach proposed in the study on the basis of the principles of similarity, difference and relationship in assessing the optimization of the development of semantic space, as well as to be criteria for the selection of educational texts in specific disciplines.

1. Алпатов В.М. Языковая ситуация в регионах современной России. Отечественные записки. 2005; № 2 (23): 210 - 219.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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17. Leclerc J. La cohabitation des langues dans l'aménagement linguistique dans le monde. Québec, CEFAN, Université Laval. 2017. Available at: http://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/ Langues/acces_languesmonde.htm

Статья поступила в редакцию 10.01.22

УДК 81'27

Dutova N.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), Deputy Head of Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Novosibirsk Military Orders of Zhukov Institute

n.a. General of the Army I.K. Yakovlev of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: dutova_natalya@mail.ru

MULTIMODAL ASPECT OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES CHOICE (BASED ON THE MATERIAL OF A POLITICAL TALK SHOW). The article observes multimodal interaction of participants in a political talk show. The objective is to describe strategies choice mechanisms and semiotic heterogeneous elements of their implementation within socially acceptable norms of polite behavior in conditions of acute discussion. As a result of studying the pragmatic features of multimodal communication in the discursive genre of a political talk show, it is found that one of the problems of this type of genre is the optimal choice of politeness strategies and semiotic heterogeneous means of their implementation to maintain discussion within the framework of polite communication established by society and culture. It has been proved that distancing and rapprochement strategies are characterized by flexibility, dynamism, simultaneous functioning to express the same meaning, as well as the difficulty of maintaining balance while observing the politeness norms. The results of the study show that resources of different semiotic systems (verbal and nonverbal) contribute to more effective interaction due to the ability to duplicate, strengthen, contradict, supplement, explain, expand the context.

Key words: multimodal interaction, multimodal event, communicative politeness strategies, distancing strategies, rapprochement strategies, kinesic means, simultaneous functioning.

Н.В. Дутова, канд. филол. наук, зам. зав. каф. ПиП Новосибирского военного ордена Жукова института имени генерала армии И.К. Яковлева

войск национальной гвардии Российской Федерации, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: dutova_natalya@mail.ru




В статье рассматривается мультимодальная интеракция участников политического ток-шоу. Цель - описать механизмы выбора стратегий и семиотически разнородных средств их реализации при соблюдении норм общественно приемлемого вежливого поведения в условиях острой дискуссии. В результате изучения прагматических особенностей мультимодальной коммуникации в дискурсивном жанре политического ток-шоу установлено, что одна из проблем данного вида жанра состоит в оптимальном выборе стратегий вежливости и семиотически разнородных средств их реализации для поддержания обсуждения в рамках установленного обществом и культурой вежливого общения. Было доказано, что стратегии дистанцирования и сближения характеризуются гибкостью, динамичностью, симультанным функционированием для выражения одного и того же смысла, а также сложностью сохранения баланса при соблюдении норм вежливости. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют, что ресурсы разных семиотических систем (вербальной и невербальной) способствуют более эффективному взаимодействию за счет возможности дублировать, усиливать, противоречить, дополнять, объяснять, расширять контекст.

Ключевые слова: мультимодальная интеракция, мультимодальное событие, коммуникативные стратегии вежливости, стратегии дистанцирования, стратегии сближения, кинесические средства, симультанность функционирование.

Данная статья посвящена изучению мультимодапьного аспекта механизмов выбора стратегий вежливости, коррелирующих с социально-культурными нормами и ожиданиями собеседников в условиях острой дискуссии. Актуаль-

ность настоящего исследования вызвана необходимостью углубленного изучения мультимодальной интеракции участников межличностной коммуникации в различных дискурсах. Цель работы заключается в изучении механизмов выбора

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