MILITARY MUSEOLOGY AS THE PHENOMENON OF MUSEUM AFFAIRS Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
military museology / museum studies / military-historical museum / військове музейництво / музеєзнавство / військово-історичний музей

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Mashtalir V.V.

The article analyzes the existing historical and modern laws of the functioning of museums for the purpose of studying their contribution to the nationwide system of cultural and educational enrichment of visitors with military-historical knowledge. Historical typologies of classification of museums and factors influencing its current state are analyzed. The formation of a uniform military-museum space of the all-Ukrainian scale is proposed.

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У статті висвітлено дослідження наявних історичних та сучасних закономірностей функціонування музеїв на предмет вивчення їх внеску в загальнодержавну систему культурного та просвітницького збагачення відвідувачів військово-історичними знаннями. Проаналізовано історичні типології класифікації музеїв та фактори, що вплинули на її сучасний стан. Запропоновано формування єдиного військово-музейного простору загальноукраїнського масштабу.




Машталiр В.В.

доцент кафедри вшськовог пгдготовки Нацюнального унгверситету бюресурсгв та природокористування Украти (м. Кшв),

кандидат iсторичних наук


Mashtalir V. V.

Associate Professor of the Department of Military Training of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv),

candidate of historical sciences


У статп висвилено дослщження наявних юторичних та сучасних закономiрностей функцюнування музе1в на предмет вивчення ïx внеску в загальнодержавну систему культурного та просвггаицького збага-чення вiдвiдувачiв вшськово-юторичними знаниями. Проаналiзовано iсторичнi типологiï класифжацп му-зе1в та фактори, що вплинули на ïï сучасний стан. Запропоновано формування единого вiйськово-музейного простору загальноукрашського масштабу.


The article analyzes the existing historical and modern laws of the functioning of museums for the purpose of studying their contribution to the nationwide system of cultural and educational enrichment of visitors with military-historical knowledge. Historical typologies of classification of museums and factors influencing its current state are analyzed. The formation of a uniform military-museum space of the all-Ukrainian scale is proposed.

Ключовi слова: вшськове музейництво, музеезнавство, вшськово-юторичний музей.

Keywords: military museology, museum studies, military-historical museum.

Introduction. In European countries, culture is considered to be not only a sociocultural component in the life of society, but also an important factor in socioeconomic development; it is considered one of the factors contributing to the competitiveness of the country in the modern globalized world. The culture is viewed as an integral part of solving economic, political and social problems.

Museums are multifunctional institutions of social information, intended to preserve cultural-historical and natural-scientific values, accumulate and disseminate knowledge through the study and demonstration of unique monuments of material culture.

The aim of the article. After analyzing the historical foundations and cultural development of a large number of museums of the military-historical profile and military museum formations that are not only within the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the author, for the purpose of this article, sets the foundations for defining a separate place for military museology in a diverse cultural space.

To achieve the goal, the author defines the tasks for an analytical study of the existing regulatory framework regarding the functioning of the cultural and museum industry in Ukraine, their degree of interoperability and relevant counterparts in the leading countries of the world, the ways of development and the best museum experience available.

The stated purpose of the article obliges to consider the history of the development of "museum sci-

ence as a doctrine", its branches, tasks, object, and subject, as well as principles and approaches to the current classification of museums.

The content. Consequently, museology as a study about museums arose in the eighteenth century, following the emergence of professional state museums. In the second half of the XIX century museology is formed as a science, and then the very term appears (in foreign literature - museology).

Museology belongs to interdisciplinary sciences. It integrated elements of various specialized historical disciplines, as well as special and additional disciplines: historiography, source studies, archeology, ethnography, numismatics, sphygroscopy, paleography. The modern development of museology is impossible without interaction with the theory of information, documentary, archival studies, library science, pedagogy, psychology, sociology. In recent decades, such a research discipline as museum pedagogy has been formed.

Theoreticians associate the future of museum studies with a certain information and management science, covering only the problems of cultural heritage. It should coordinate the libraries, museums, exhibition centers, restoration services, monuments, archives and other institutions and the media.

Today, museums are searching for their place in a diverse cultural space. Museums are becoming important centers of education and training because they provide access to the national cultural and natural heritage for people of all ages and backgrounds. The im-

portance of this role is based on the capability of museums to provide the public with an interactive, substantive and ideological platform for a deeper understanding of their ethnic identity, nation, and the world. [1].

The museum field of developed countries is actively conducting museum studies to determine the latest trends of museum affairs in the modern environment, emphasizing the importance of interactivity as a means of developing a museum institution, outlining the various ways of interaction of museums, in particular the creation of a network covering museums of different levels and types: national, regional, local.

The network of museums in Ukraine is based on the scientific classification and typology established in the Ukrainian museum studies. The need for classification is conditioned by the diversity of forms of museum institutions since the classification of museums is the division of museums into groups according to one distinguished feature or several of them.

The generalization of the criteria for the classification of museums of our country took place in the 1920s when the state museum network was in the process of development. This classification took into account the specialization, as well as the status and departmental subordination of institutions.

The organization of the museum formations management largely depends on the official understanding of the purpose of the museum, its role in public life, development priorities and, accordingly, on the state cultural policy, including an important role in this issue of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine regarding the management of existing military-historical museums and military museum formations to increase the cultural awareness of growing defenders and future warriors of the Ukrainian army [2].

For those who want to see an independent and strong Ukraine as well as a full range of patriotically mature service members, it is necessary to remember that cultural monuments connected with military-historical events or combat subjects of martial art form a symbolic space for the existence of a pro-Ukrainian nation. The objects of military antiquity are the material embodiment of national spirituality, in which such important components of the social consciousness as the historical memory, the idea of the origin, factors, and forms of the national Ukrainian identity are encoded. In the opinion of the author of the article, the noted military-historical space can be considered, in particular, as a means of uniting the Ukrainian community around a new national-cultural project and the upbringing of a modern national military-historical consciousness, the main component of which will be the forces and means of military museology.

In general, Ukraine possesses a huge and diverse cultural military heritage, which reflects its complex, dramatic history, a colorful palette of the impact of different conquerors who aimed at it at different times. There are more than 140 thousand monuments on the state registration. There are 63 preserves, about 5 thousand museums, including 546 state and municipal, 1117 branches and departments, in which almost 12 million exhibits are stored. About 9400 settlements of Ukraine have more than 70 thousand objects of cultural

heritage that require research and registration. Four hundred and one settlement is included in the List of Historical Settlements of Ukraine [3].

As an example, on February 14, 2014, the CNN edition created a selection of the world's best aviation museums. The Ukrainian Aviation Museum ranked sixth. The Kiev Museum is one of the largest places in the world where military equipment is stored. Most aircraft were built in the Soviet Union. Among the exhibits are supersonic bombers.

The military museum affairs, their establishment, and further development rely on the current regulatory framework of Ukraine.

As it is commonly known, important events that took place in the society and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, have always been reflected in the work of historical museums. And since life in Ukraine throughout its history and struggle of the Ukrainian people for its independence proceeded and, unfortunately, proceeds now among endless wars and hostilities, the question of raising national identity and historical memory of past generations, the use of accumulated military-historical heritage, the revival of centuries-old traditions of the Ukrainian troops is evidence of a progressive formation of scientific understanding of historical development and national maturity of society.

Increasing the significance of the patriotic upbringing of the population in socio-cultural processes has given impetus to rethink the concept of the museum, the improvement of national museum networks in order to intensify their social influence, expand cooperation in the museum sphere and military traditions of the Ukrainian troops. The task of modern museums is to make the military-historical heritage an inexhaustible source of knowledge and tools for social development.

The exhibits of military-historical museums cover the heroic struggle of the people for their independence, the great battles over the centuries-old period, outstanding military commanders, the history of the creation of the Armed Forces; they unveil the feats of warriors on the frontline and in peacetime, recreate the evolution of the development of military affairs and the arming of all branches of troops (forces), as well as the history of military formations at different times. The process of creating an exposition is multifaceted. It has its own sequence and organizational principles. Methodically correctly and meaningfully organized exposition of the military museum has a great emotional impact on visitors.

In existing museums, there are accumulated unique creations of the material and spiritual culture of peoples, evidence of their economic, socio-political, scientific, technical and cultural development. They form an integral part of universal values, reflect the ideals of generations, disclose different periods of history, prominent figures of the state, science, technology, and culture [4, p. 194-211].

The performance process of incorporating the military past into modern times is carried out with the help of the exhibition work of the military-historical museums of Ukraine, whose work is aimed at disseminating and popularizing knowledge about the military history

of our Motherland, its Armed Forces, military objects, as well as the upbringing of patriotism and the formation of historical public consciousness.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is constantly taking measures aimed at improving educational work, raising the level of culture in the Ukrainian Army, ensuring the rights of service members, members of the Armed Forces and their family members for access to cultural assets that are largely related to the development of military museum activities, awareness of a wide circle of public with a military historical heritage. In order to fulfill these tasks, on August 15, 2001, by the Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine the "Target Program for the Support and Development of Culture in the Armed Forces of Ukraine" was approved [5]. This program covers the issues of conservation, implementation of the artistic and spiritual activities of military museums, as well as active international cooperation in the field of museum affairs. The order clearly identifies the main measures aimed at ensuring the implementation of the tasks provided for by the Program, in particular: the establishing - in operational commands of the Services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - departments of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (now - the National Military-Historical Museum of Ukraine), and a network of rooms for military battlefield glory units; the development of a regulatory framework for the operation of military institutions, cultural institutions and state order for the training and advanced (in service) training of the personnel of military cultural institutions as well as the organization of training and advanced training of officers and employees who hold positions of heads of museums [6, p. 15].

On March 6, 2002, the "Regulations on the Organization of the Activities of Military Museums (Rooms), Combat (Work) Fame in the Armed Forces of Ukraine" were approved by the Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, which became the next important act in the normative-legal provision for the activities of military museums and enhancement of their role in military-patriotic education [7, p. 116-140]. In this Statute, the Military Museum is defined as a cultural-educational and research establishment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine whose task is to study, preserve and use the monuments of the material and spiritual culture of the military sphere, to involve the personnel of the troops (forces), citizens of our state in military national, historical and cultural heritage. Military Historical Museums actively contribute to the combat and humanitarian training of Ukrainian troops [8, p. 3].

Also, this Regulation regulates the organization of work of military museums and museum formations, determines the features of their legal status, functions, tasks, main directions of activity, organizational structure. The museum's network of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is based on historical museums (museum formations). Their employees, based on museum collections, document the history of troops, military art, the construction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, weapons, military equipment, uniforms, equipment and distinguishing marks. The main directions of the museum

work, in accordance with the Regulation, include cultural and educational, scientific-research, exhibition, research, publishing, restoration, memorabilia activity, manning of museum collections. The Regulation also clarifies the functions, role, and place of the Central Museum in the system of military museums in the Armed Forces of Ukraine [6, p. 16].

In order to improve the organization of the work of military museums, to join their efforts to advance museum affairs in the Armed Forces of our country, as well as to increase the role of museums in the military-patriotic education of service members and citizens of Ukraine by the decision of participants of the scientific and applied conference of the military museums employees on "Organization of activities, directions and prospects of the development of military museums and rooms of combat and labor glory in the Armed Forces of Ukraine", the Association of Military Museums was founded on May 30, 2002. The Association was created to promote further development of military-historical museums, museum affairs, and military-historical studies, to represent the interests of its members in state authorities and administrations, organizations, to protect the rights of museum institutions and their employees, and to provide public relations. Unfortunately, this Association today practically does not operate and does not have its own charter [9, p. 194-211].

The basis of the museum network of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is formed by military museums (museum formations) of historical type. Their collections document the history of wars, military art, the construction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, weapons, military equipment, uniforms, equipment and marks of distinction, military thought, as well as the combat (labor) way of military units, institutions and organizations, the way of life and activities of prominent military commanders, national heroes, honored figures in the field of military science, equipment and technology [7].

The National Military History Museum of Ukraine is intended to promote the development and scientific embodiment of museum affairs in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is of major importance to other military museums (museum formations). The National Military History Museum of Ukraine has branches and operates on the basis of a separate provision.

The main military museum of the Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is appointed from the number of military museums (museum formations) that belong to the military-museum network of the Services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; this is done by the decision of the related commanders (chiefs) as requested by the related personnel authorities.

Activities of the main military museums of the Services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and operational commands are distributed to military museums (museum formations) that are part of the corresponding military-museum networks.

The basis of the museum network of the Armed Forces of Ukraine includes military museums (museum formations) of historical type. Their collections document the history of troops, military art, the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, weapons, military

equipment, uniforms, equipment and signs of distinction.

The National Military History Museum of Ukraine, as the main scientific and methodological center among the military museums (museum formations) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, conducts work on the collection, processing, and analysis of statistical indicators of the activity of the mentioned institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The National Military-Historical Museum of Ukraine has 6 branches, in particular: the Museum of Strategic Forces (Pervomaysk); Volyn Regional Museum of Ukrainian Force and Military Equipment (Lutsk); Museum "Heroes of the Dnipro" (Ivano-Frankivsk city); Memorial complex "In Memory of Heroes of Kruty" (village Pamyatne, Borznyansky district, Chernihiv region); Museum of the Air Forces (Vinny-tsya); Central Naval Museum of Ukraine (Odessa city).

In connection with the annexation of the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the museum objects of the branch of the National Military History Museum of Ukraine - the Central Naval Museum of Ukraine (Sevastopol) - were not transferred to the mainland of Ukraine. According to the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring the rights and freedom of citizens and the legal regime in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine" of April 15, 2014, No. 1207-VII and the general directive of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, dated April 30, 2014, the Museum was relocated temporarily from the occupied territory to the mainland of Ukraine in Odessa and located on the basis of the former museum of the Odessa Military District and the Southern Operational Command. The National Military-Historical Museum of Ukraine has lost its unique monuments to the Museum Fund of Ukraine, as well as those with an exceptional scientific, historical, artistic or other cultural significance.

Unfortunately, we can state that today the National Military-Historical Museum of Ukraine with its affiliates is the only legal entity in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which is tasked with the implementation of the museum affairs responsibilities. The rest of the military museums and museum formations of the Services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, operational commands, special branches of troops and forces are kept on the table of organization or at the expense of patrons by decisions of the respective commanders (chiefs). These military museum formations, including military museums and the combat (formerly - labor) fame and rooms of the history of military units, carry out tasks concerning the repository of artifacts of their military units. Regional ethnographic museums of the country that are not part of the management of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine also carry out similar tasks.

Therefore, a logical question arises regarding the formation of space for military-patriotic education with the establishment of a single center of military museol-ogy in the field of culture and museum industry, which, according to the scale of activity and content of the collection, would be all-Ukrainian, aimed at revealing the military history of Ukraine from the ancient times to the present.

It should be noted that in our country even this kind of museum has not been created, although there are a number of military-historical museums of regional, monographic, memorial, and other types (for example, the Volyn Regional Museum of the Ukrainian Forces and Military Equipment in Lutsk, the National Historical and Memorial Reserve "Field of Berestec Battle" in Rivne Region, the Memorial Complex "National 260 Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" in Kyiv, the Arsenal Museum in Lviv, the Museum of Oleksa Dovbush in Ivano-Frank-ivsk and, of course, the National Military-Historical Museum of Ukraine in Kyiv) [10, pp. 248-262].

Conclusion. The cultural contribution of museums covering the military-historical heritage of the Ukrainian people can serve as an effective example of contemporary developments in the organization of the development of military museology as a phenomenon of museum affairs, the display of materials on the history of a particular military event, the preservation of various types of military affairs, things and subjects connected and related to military science. This article is the first attempt to determine military museums as a separate concept of museography and the initial cycle of research in the field of comprehensive analysis of the past of the military museum affairs of Ukraine.

In conclusion, the author of the article notes that Ukraine has a rich military-historical heritage, but a significant number of military museums do not fully use their potential, not only because of insufficient public funding, but also because of the conservatism of museum workers' views, lack of initiative, lack of interest and incentives, yet this issue is to be discussed in the future articles.


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