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Ключевые слова
Техническое обслуживание / ремонт / автомобильная промышленность / автотранспорт / качество. / Maintenance / repair / automotive industry / motor vehicle / quality.

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Четырко Р.Ю.

В данной статье изучено понятие «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт». Рассмотрены особенности технического обслуживания и ремонта грузовых автомобилей, а также предложены возможные пути повышения качества ремонтных работ.

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This paper examines the concept of «maintenance and repair». The peculiarities of maintenance and repair of vehicles are considered and possible ways to improve the quality of repair work are suggested.


3. Canbek NG, Mutlu ME. На пути к искусственному интеллекту: обучение с интеллектуальными личными помощниками. 2016. ^ 592-601.

4. Брилл Т.М., Муньос Л., Миллер Р.Дж. Siri. А1еха и другие цифровые помощники: исследование удовлетворенности клиентов приложениями с искусственным интеллектом. 2019. 35 с.

5. Обеспечение масштабируемого глубокого обучения для исследований с помощью bridges-AI. / П.А. Буйтраго // Латиноамериканская конференция по высокопроизводительным вычислениям, 2019. 200 с.

6. Юйцзюань Дж., Сянъян Л., Бинлай А. Суперкомпьютер на основе искусственного интеллекта: возможности и вызовы: международная конференция по космической информационной сети, 2019. ^ 47-55.

7. Кочанни С.Е., Пирсон В.Т. Ученые как лидеры революции в области искусственного интеллекта при раке. 2016. 76 с.

UDC 629.083


Chetyrko R.Yu., 2-year student of the Master's degree in 23.04.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and


Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Egorov R.N. Language advisor: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages



В данной статье изучено понятие «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт». Рассмотрены особенности технического обслуживания и ремонта грузовых автомобилей, а также предложены возможные пути повышения качества ремонтных работ.


Техническое обслуживание, ремонт, автомобильная промышленность, автотранспорт, качество.


This paper examines the concept of «maintenance and repair». The peculiarities of maintenance and repair of vehicles are considered and possible ways to improve the quality of repair work are suggested.


Maintenance, repair, automotive industry, motor vehicle, quality.

Introduction. Nowadays, all car manufacturers present not only on the Russian but also on the world market knowingly reduce the standard service life of their cars to an average of 5 to 6 years, and if this figure is expressed in terms of mileage, it will be about a hundred thousand kilometers. As a rule, after this period of time or mileage, all car manufacturers withdraw their obligation to service and repair their vehicles at the official dealer, which means that all responsibility for the correct technical condition of the car falls on the shoulders of the owner.

The purpose of the work. It is impossible to say whether this is good or bad. On the one hand, car service at an official dealer is, as it may seem at first glance, only quality repair and maintenance, installation of original spare parts, competent specialists, etc., but if you look at the situation objectively, no modern car manufacturer is set up to make its cars «eternal», because the sooner the car breaks down, the sooner the consumer will come to the showroom to buy a new one and bring his money to the car company. In other words, we are talking about a deliberate reduction in the quality of the car, not only at the production stage, but also during subsequent maintenance and repair. This is where the laws of the market come into play - the more you sell, the more you earn.

Materials and methods of research. What exactly is maintenance and repair, and what is meant by its quality? The first thing you can do in response to this question is to have a look in any technical reference book and read a simple definition. Maintenance and repair is a set of technological operations and organizational actions to maintain the performance or serviceability of the object when it is used for its intended purpose. More specifically, it is a wide range of activities that ensure that cars, buses, trucks, etc. are in a serviceable technical condition. Such measures include technical condition control with a certain periodicity, scheduled or unscheduled repair of units and assemblies, timely replacement of elements that have reached a certain operating time, replacement of various lubricating elements depending on their technical condition or according to a scheduled plan [3]. When we talk about the quality of maintenance and repair, we are talking about the above-mentioned operations. It is the quality of work performance, the responsibility of the mechanic who performs certain operations on the vehicle, the choice of quality lubricants, the installation of spare parts recommended by the manufacturer and simply the responsibility of the fleet manager or a simple car owner at the stage of planning maintenance and repair that is the key to quality and ensuring the operational condition of the vehicle.

Results and discussion. Taking into account such means of transport as trucks of different tonnage, it is worth paying attention to the peculiarities of their maintenance, diagnostics and, if necessary, repair. First of all, the main feature of maintenance and repair of trucks is their overall dimensions. These vehicles are many times higher than any other piece of equipment and have a wide wheelbase, which means that they cannot be accommodated in a standard box or garage. Secondly, certain features and specific technical requirements imply the presence of specialized equipment for maintenance and repair. Thirdly, it is the peculiarities of planning works for maintenance of units and assemblies, because trucks, due to the specificity of their purpose, travel many times more kilometers per year than conventional passenger cars, and therefore the timing of numbered types of maintenance (TM-1, TM-2) and repair will be different from the above.

Considering the quality of truck service, it is worth paying attention to the current situation in this industry in Russia. In the years of the USSR, all trucks belonged to state automobile bases and enterprises, were Soviet-made, and the state was responsible for the quality of repair and maintenance, as well as for the quality of the vehicle in general. Nowadays, the Russian market is not only dominated by cars of domestic production, such as KAMAZ, Tonar, URAL, ZIL, but also by a number of foreign manufacturers, who, like any large car company, are interested in the quality of their products. As a result of the appearance of foreign car brands such as SCANIA, MAN, VOLVO, IVECO, RENAULT, MERCEDES-BENZ and others, representative offices of these manufacturers were established, which are engaged in repair and maintenance of their cars [4]. Due to the peculiarities of repair and maintenance of each brand, a variety of equipment and tools for car maintenance appeared. Thus, the emergence of healthy competition on the Russian market, attraction of foreign specialists, exchange of experience with other countries led to an increase not only in the quality of truck production, but also, as a consequence, in the quality of their service.

It is worth noting that despite the temptation of Russian consumers with foreign cars, the choice for the most part still remains in favor of our, domestic car. In 2019, around 80,700 new trucks were sold in Russia, which is 2% less than in 2018, but despite the general decline in demand, Russian carmakers managed to increase their sales. The market leaders remain

KAMAZ, which sold 27,600 trucks, or 34.2% of the total (up 7.3%), and GAZ - 8900 vehicles (+5.9%). Foreign trucks, which are among the five best-selling brands, did not increase their sales: Volvo sales fell by 11% to 5700 units, Scania - 5600 (-16%) and MAN - 5000 (-1.5%) [1]. The actual data for 2020 are still being compiled, but most experts predict an even bigger drop in sales due to the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite the positive changes in the automotive industry in Russia that can be observed throughout the period since the collapse of the Soviet Union, there are still a number of problems whose solution can significantly improve the quality of maintenance and repair of both trucks and cars in our country. One of the ways to improve the quality of maintenance and repair throughout the country is to develop a sufficient number of network competitive services for truck maintenance, as competition is known to be the best engine of progress. At present, the official representations of car manufacturers are actively developing, but when it comes to private specialized organizations, the pace of their expansion and growth leaves much to be desired. However, the situation should not be seen as critical, as there is still some progress for the better. Another possible step that can be taken to improve the quality of services is the purchase of expensive professional equipment, which would accelerate not only the pace of technological operations, but also their quality.

At present, many motor transport companies still use obsolete machinery and tools necessary for repairs. This problem is particularly relevant for regional private enterprises and services, where the material base produced in the last century is still actively used. And of course, when talking about improving the quality of maintenance and repair, the main attention should be paid to the training of professional staff. Even if you have the most modern equipment, open hundreds of specialized services, buy or produce the best spare parts, all these attempts will be useless, if only because first of all you need people who have special knowledge and skills, who are able to work with the latest material base, who are ready to learn something new and gain invaluable experience at every opportunity [2]. Of course, the above-mentioned ways of improving the quality of maintenance and repair can be questioned and challenged, arguing, for example, that old tools are perfectly suitable for maintenance and that many technical operations can be carried out by the usual driver responsible for a particular vehicle. But there are also many examples of the effectiveness of the proposed methods in practice.

Let's take a look at the company "Rentrans", whose main activity, according to OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities), is the transportation of goods by non-specialized vehicles. In addition to cargo transportation, the company carries out maintenance and repair of various vehicles, regular passenger transportation by buses in urban and suburban traffic, as well as technical inspection of vehicles. The company is located in the territory of the Gubkinsky district of the Belgorod region. LLC "Rentrans" has been on the market for 14 years, has good economic indicators, and is a guarantor of stability and quality of services, but at the same time this company is a vivid example, showing the problems in the field of repair and service of road transport in general and maintenance of trucks in particular. The whole point is that the fleet of the company in question is based on the automobile base that appeared in the eighties of the last century. At the time of 2021, the material base of this car yard has, of course, become obsolete: the boxes in which the vehicles are repaired and stored are not in the best condition and require repair, sometimes there are no necessary tools, and the mechanics involved in repairs and possessing special skills are practically not left in the staff of the company, in connection with which the responsibility for the good condition of the vehicles fell entirely on the shoulders of ordinary drivers. The occurrence of the above-mentioned problems in the company during the whole period of its existence certainly affected the quality and speed of repair and maintenance of vehicles, and thus the amount of profit received by the company. Nevertheless, it should be noted that all the vehicles owned by "Rentrans" (trucks of various tonnages, buses of various categories, etc.) are in good technical condition, because the resources available to the company are still sufficient to keep the vehicles in good condition. However, this does not mean that the company can turn a blind eye to the problems; on the contrary, it indicates the need to solve them as soon as possible.

An example of a flourishing network of services for maintenance of heavy-duty vehicles, which, having solved all the difficulties of a small enterprise, shows high growth and development rates in the sphere of maintenance and repair of trucks on the territory of the whole world and, in particular, in the CIS countries, is a large network of official technical support centers of the company "BELAZ". The Belarusian Automobile Plant ensures the quality of its heavy-duty dump trucks not only at the production stage, but also during subsequent maintenance and repair. This is a departure from the generally accepted tendency to underestimate the normative service life of a vehicle and its quality due to the peculiarities of this type of transport. Vehicles of this brand are not mass products and are used in a small number of areas of human activity, which means that they must be of exceptional quality in order to beat their competitors in the fierce battle for first place on the market. In this respect, great attention is paid to improving the already high quality of maintenance and repair. Every year, mechanics and engineers from the network's service centers in different countries and cities are sent on training courses to acquire new knowledge and skills needed to carry out certain technological operations. The «BELAZ» car brand pays great attention to the training of qualified specialists, periodically replaces the technological equipment necessary for the repair of its non-standard equipment, develops a system of bonuses and incentives thanks to which the personnel is stimulated to even better performance of work and responsible approach.

Conclusions. After studying two companies with the same orientation and the steps taken by each company to improve the quality of TM, we can conclude that the methods proposed and studied in this paper already show their effectiveness and usefulness and therefore need to be recognized, publicized and implemented.


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2. Инфоурок. Исследовательская работа о гибридных двигателях. // URL: https://infourok.ru/issledovatelskaya-rabota-o-gibridnih-dvigatelyah-1925576.html] (дата обращения 17.04.2024).

3. Сетевое издание «Международный студенческий научный вестник». // URL: https://eduherald.ru! (дата обращения 17.04.2024).

4. Электронный научно-практический журнал «Современная техника и технологии» // http://technology.snauka.ru/2013/07/2136] (дата обращения 17.04.2024).

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