Научная статья на тему 'Методика организации и проведения коммуникативных игр в обучении иностранным языкам'

Методика организации и проведения коммуникативных игр в обучении иностранным языкам Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Копжасарова У. И., Бейсенбаева Б. А., Утеубаева Э. А.

Данная статья освещает проблему использования коммуникативных игр в обучении иностранному языку. Авторы статьи обращают внимание на то, что использование коммуникативных игр в обучении иностранному языку способствует реализации личностно-ориентированного обучения, индивидуализации и дифференциации процесса обучения. Коммуникативные игры связаны с реализацией практических задач, позволяющих развивать логическое мышление, творческую познавательность и исследовательский подход в обучении языку, что отражено в методике организации

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The article deals with the problem of using communicative games and the technique of its organizing in foreign languages teaching and learning process, which in the authors’ opinion is based on such parameters as didactic potential of a game, speech abilities, communicative orientation and social form of interaction, rules and didactic equipment. The detailed analysis of teacher and student activity in phases of game preparation, its realization and reflection gives the chance to use the given technique in foreign language teaching process.

Текст научной работы на тему «Методика организации и проведения коммуникативных игр в обучении иностранным языкам»

УДК 378. 096 : 811. 111

Копжасарова У.И.1, Бейсенбаева Б.А.2, Утеубаева Э.А.3 ©

13 К.п.н., доцент; 2магистр педагогических наук, ст. преп., Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е.А. Букетова



Kopzhassarova U. I.1, Beisenbaeva B.A.2, Uteubayeva E.A.3

1,3 Candidate of Education; 2 Master of Education,

Karaganda, Academician Buketov Karaganda State University



Данная статья освещает проблему использования коммуникативных игр в обучении иностранному языку. Авторы статьи обращают внимание на то, что использование коммуникативных игр в обучении иностранному языку способствует реализации личностно-ориентированного обучения, индивидуализации и дифференциации процесса обучения. Коммуникативные игры связаны с реализацией практических задач, позволяющих развивать логическое мышление, творческую познавательность и исследовательский подход в обучении языку, что отражено в методике организации


The article deals with the problem of using communicative games and the technique of its organizing in foreign languages teaching and learning process, which in the authors' opinion is based on such parameters as didactic potential of a game, speech abilities, communicative orientation and social form of interaction, rules and didactic equipment. The detailed analysis of teacher and student activity in phases of game preparation, its realization and reflection gives the chance to use the given technique in foreign language teaching process.

Keywords: communicative games; cognitive research projects; communicative potential of the game; communicative intentions; interaction of game participants; intercultural background of a game; didactical equipment; social form of interaction.

The problem of improving foreign languages teaching process at a higher school is one of the urgent problems. There are different ways and techniques of teaching and learning process intensification. They primarily include problem- solving communicative activities, cognitive research projects, academic debates etc...

Communicative games are considered to be one of the effective ways of enhancing foreign language educational process. According to the researches of Borovicova E.A., Semenova E.V., Simeonova I.I. a game becomes an effective means of foreign language teaching, if it is properly organized [1-3,230-269].

In scientific literature a special attention is focused on the algorithm of organizing a game, which depends on a number of parameters. This is usually the name of a game, the aim of its use, the financial means, which are necessary for the conducting of the game and game rules. But nevertheless we find it a little simplified, owing to the fact that important from the

© Копжасарова У.И., Бейсенбаева Б.А., Утеубаева Э.А., 2012 г.

methodological point of view parameter as didactic and communicative potential of the game aren't taken into account. Here we mean pointing to a) concrete speaking skills; b) communicative intentions; c) form of social interaction of game participants.

In some publications of foreign authors these parameters are shown. Thus, Lofert's research gives the detailed description of games and includes also lexical-grammatical material, time of conducting games, a game course, and examples [4,158]. However, being valuable in respect of game conducting, it doesn't reflect the content of a game from the view point of communicative necessity of using it at foreign language lessons. Describing a language communicative game, the author does not connect it with types of speech activity, emphasizing only grammatical and lexical units. Meanwhile, linguo-communicative aspect of the foreign language teaching involves also developing learners' skills in foreign language communication. E.S. Kazakova offers fuller description of invariant model of organizing and conducting the communicative game. The given model in our opinion, meets the following requirements: 1) takes into consideration the communicative approach to foreign languages training 2) reveals intercultural background of a game 3) organizes teacher activity in preparation for the game [5,157].

As far as the content technique is concerned, it is represented in the following main parameters:

- didactic potential of a game,

- speaking skills,

- cross-cultural basis of a game,

- communicative orientation,

- the social form,

- rules of conducting and didactic tools.

On the basis of the model, offered by E.S. Kazakova, we can single out basic requirements to the organization of a language game.

The didactic potential of a game should integrate communicative and cognitive aspects of foreign language teaching. Due to this fact it will be appropriate to consider didactic potential of a communicative game taking into account such criteria as formation of the certain type of speech activity skills, actualization of cross-cultural materials, developing personal qualities.

Under the speech orientation in a communicative approach a communicative character of activities is meant (E.I.Passov). The communicative orientation within the game technology means consideration of its potential in stimulating natural communication process.

One of the major parameters of a model is linguo-cultural basis of games. This parameter, first of all, focuses on the solution of some problems within intercultural approach to foreign languages teaching, namely:

1) inclusion of trainees to the history, traditions, socio-cultural heritage of the country of studied language;

2) widening of the general erudition, level of culture of students;

3) developing interest to educational process, motivating interest to teaching and learning of foreign languages

4) maintenance of natural inquisitiveness of trainees.

Another important parameter of the model is game's social form. There exist individual, pair, face-to-face and group forms of social interaction. Communicative orientation of the process of foreign languages teaching causes the use of a game as a model of natural communication. At the same time, motivating character of a game is not equally inherent to all its social forms. Group game and the pair form of social interaction are oriented on creation of authentic conditions of communication. That is why it will be proper to organize communicative games in the form of group or pair work.

Any game, as it is known, demands observance of certain rules. Game rules is a brief information on a principle of interaction with partners and game object for the solution of educational and cognitive problems.

Didactical equipment of a game implies providing of its participants with necessary financial means. Didactical tools of a game are cross-cultural texts, pictures, crossword puzzles and so on.

Teaching foreign languages, as it was mentioned above, implies learners' mastery of the main types of speech activity. Hence, in the course of game playing the skills in speaking, listening, readings and writing are developed.

In relation to the games, which didactical potential is directed on formation of speaking skills; variability of a model should be expressed, in our opinion, in reckoning of two more already known parameters: 1) communicative intentions of participants and 2) samples of speech behavior.

Communicative intentions of participants mean inquiry and acceptance of information. The methodical importance of speech behavior samples consists in their orientation a) on production of the speech statement; b)on management of activity of partners in dialogue; c) on creation of a basis for development of skills of dialogical communication; d) on formation of skills and habits in the use of speech patterns in certain situations of communication; e) on maintaining of steady motivation and granting to students the possibility of independent solution of problems (without intervention of the teacher).

On the whole, the value of organizing and conducting a communicative game means that it: a) describes potential of a game from the point of view of didactic and communicative expediency of its use at foreign language classes, b) differentiates games by kinds of speech activity, c) helps teachers in organizing a game.

Further we will consider in details specific features of a teacher and students' work in phases of preparation, realization and game reflection.

Any game represents the sequence of several phases, the most frequent of which are phases of preparation, realization and discussion of results. Of these three phases, the phase of preparation and conducting a game have been studied theoretically more, in comparison with questions concerning specificity of the third phase of the game, called in most of the scientific papers as a stage of discussion of results.

Unlike traditional approaches concerning didactical aspects of game using, innovative researches most of all deal with reflection [6, 256].

The reflection implies analysis and discussion of results of game through self and mutual assessment work, accompanied by an active exchange of thoughts, feelings and opinions. Elements of self and mutual assessment, characterizing autonomous work of game participants, differentiate discussion of results from a reflection.

In our opinion, the phase of preparation to a game requires much attention, because it implies on a side of a teacher the solution of different spectrums of problems, both before lesson, and at the lesson.

At the same time in researches, dealing with the given problem, the phase of preparation, doesn't reflect specific features of the teacher's work from the point of view of a temporary periodization and it is often of generalized and simplified character. This factor causes division of the phase of preparation to the game into two subphases: 1) subphase of preparation to a game before the lesson and 2) subphase of preparation to a game at the lesson.

It is obvious that the realization of game phases is provided by joint efforts of a teacher and learners. At the same time, the level of teacher's and learners' involvement in different phases of a game will be unequal. It depends on the peculiarities, characterizing the work of a teacher and other participants in each of three phases of the game. Yet not all the researches on the given problem differentiate the teacher and learner activity. Generalized character of all the

specific features of teacher and learners activities are not given in them. That's why it will be expedient to differentiate teacher and learner activity, and consider the tasks to be solved by each of the individual within the game activity.

In our opinion, the phase of preparation to the game before the lesson on the teacher's side should include the following tasks:

- Choice of concrete speech skill to be formed;

- Inclusion to the game of definite speech activities, necessary for training;

- Choice of social form of interaction;

- Choice of small group formation way;

- Providing participants' location in a classroom;

- Ensuring of didactic game tools.

The phase of game preparation on students' side implies their support with didactical game equipment, for example, in preparation of cards. Preliminary preparation of cards will eliminate unimportant problems in the process of conducting the game.

Within the preparation phase to the game during the lesson, a teacher should assign the tasks on organization of social form of participants' interaction on formulating aims and rules of the game.

The phase of preparation to the game on students' side implies:

- Participation in organization of social forms of interaction,

- Acquisition of game goals and rules,

- Acquaintance with didactical tools.

While performing an active work in the phase of game preparation, the teacher becomes an assistant or adviser in a phase of realization. Without interfering in the process of game, he fixes the most typical language errors of participants for the purpose of the subsequent discussion and makes notes on peculiarities of game conducting.

Removal of an accent from an active role of a teacher to active position of learners is insured by self-educational character of learners' work at the game.

In our point of view, in a phase of game preparation the special attention should be paid to the problem of game equipment by the didactical tools, preparation to which requires from a teacher definite time expense and special systematic knowledge. Especially it concerns work sheets; their role in communicative game is specific.

The work sheet to some extent stimulates activity of game participants due to peculiarity of teaching material structuring, presence of illustrations and peculiarity of game task formulation. Its problem is:

- to stimulate the process of natural communication,

- to stimulate the partners to speech interaction,

- to contain essential cross cultural information,

- to ensure feedback between participants of a game,

- to control educational activity of students.

As it has been noted before, in preparation of didactical tools students can take an active part, which will enable to avoid unnecessary questions.

Rather motivating for students will be their direct participation in creating crossword puzzles, riddles, games like «Find a word in a square of letters». After staging the games in the phase of game reflection, a competition on the best crossword puzzle or riddle may be organized.

Conducting of some games (quizzes, riddles, crossword puzzles etc.) implies working out and using the "key" as a ready solution of a problem in the form of answers to questions. In our opinion the necessity of "key" use is caused by creating the opportunity for comparing and estimating participants' game results with sample. «Key» corrects the game participants work step by step, assesses each performed task. In this case there is no obvious necessity for a teacher to check the correctness of students' tasks performance. This type of a teacher's work is

successfully carried out by the "key". At the same time "keys" represent the big temptation for refusal from independent search; and in a certain extent, hold down the initiative of game participants, forcing them to follow the sample in correct problem solution. For this reason, the teacher should pay special attention to the time of «key" presenting. It means that "keys" are necessary for comparison of learners' results with the sample.

The further step of a teacher in the prephase game preparation is developing social form of a game, i.e. quantity of participants, and also the way of small group formation, and the variant of student's arrangement in a classroom.

The organization of social forms of learners' interaction is carried out, as a rule, by the teacher. In the given case a teacher, knowing the members of educational group, has possibility to divide them, taking into account psychological compatibility of learners. At the same time it is impossible to consider this method ideal for the reason that it deprives the trainees the possibility of independent choice of partners, i.e. the possibility of initiative, self-determination and self-organization.

Spatial conditions are considered to be the factor influencing the success of conducting natural communication from the very beginning of communication; they define the efficiency of established contact. Environment is considered to depress or contrary cause pleasant emotions. The researches in this area show that the appropriate temperature, pleasant colour scale, convenient furniture, as a rule, have the beneficial influence on communication [7,100].

The special attention is given also to the problem of communicators placing, because experimentally proved «non-effectiveness of formal organization of participants' location from the point of view of communicative processes efficiency» [3,198].

Within traditional methodology learners and teachers position is strictly fixed: learners sit at school desks and a teacher faces audience. Usually a teacher follows this rule. Irrespective from the character of educational activity he/she almost constantly is in the audience center and for this reason the learner's speech is directed to him but not to his partner.

Meanwhile, the positive role of informal placing of participants for stimulating communication is experimentally proved. In the given case, the use of games in educational process, undoubtedly, involves the change of positions of a teacher and learners in audience, because in a game a teacher changes his central position and stands usually at the back or lateral wall of a classroom, sometimes sits down at a school desk. In this case, the contact of cooperating members of a group becomes closer, because they address to each other, than to the teacher, their speech becomes really directed and faced to each other, that means more personal and emotional [8,95-101].

In organizing learners' social form of interaction, a teacher takes into consideration the quantitative structure of game participants, the way of small group formation, the variant of students placing in audience; a teacher starts the organization of social form of learners' interaction being engaged in a new phase - the phase of game preparation at the lesson.

Further the teacher formulates, and students acquire peculiarities of game aims and rules. Availability, clearness and accuracy are essential requirements in formulating aims and rules of the game. Proper understanding of game requirements will stimulate learners' interest and motivation. Not following the game requirements may cause misunderstanding, lose of understanding and even learner refusal from game playing.

Along with formulating aims and rules, a teacher introduces learners its procedural regulations. Time limit, as is known, increases the degree of concentration of learners on the task content, raises productivity of its performance. Limitation of learners in time therefore should become one of the requirements to conducting a game. Before starting the game the teacher presents «material means»: work sheets, cards, "keys" and explains the principle of work with them.

The phase of game realization is characterized by removal of an accent from the leading teacher's role on active autonomous work of students. Hence, the teacher's actions imply: a) advice and help in providing social interaction, b) observance of game rules, c) proper use of work sheets, cards, "keys" and other didactic tools.

For creating natural communication atmosphere the teacher could become also one of its direct participants. In this case a teacher and learners are partners of a game. Students' work in a phase of game realization implies active interaction in the form of pair or group work and solution of communicative problems.

The analysis of game results is a characteristic feature of the third phase of a game, called as reflection.

Reflection, as a rule, begins from asking participants numerous questions [9,135]:

- What result is the best in your opinion and why?

- What didn't you like in a game and why?

- What did you manage to perform easily?

- What was difficult for you?

- What new information have you learned?

Learners' answers to this type of questions imply self- and peer assessment of their work through an active exchange of thoughts, feelings and opinions. The task of a teacher at the given game phase is developing learners' skills in discussing, argumenting, expressing their view point.

Proper conclusions, made on the issue of a conducted game will allow organizing learners' error correction work and taking into consideration minuses in game preparation and conducting, and also in teacher and learner work.

Thus, a technique of game organizing represents consecutive interaction of preparation phases, realization and reflection, each of which is characterized by specificity of aims and problems, conditions and ways of organization, functions of communicative game activity of individuals. The use of the given technique will be beneficial for a teacher to realize all potential of communicative games and thereby make foreign language teaching process more effective and fascinating.


1. Borovikova E.A. Methodology of using the system of games for teaching informal communication (French language, non-language high school): Dis. candidat of ped. Sciences. — M., 1990 — p. 269

2. Semenova E.V. Didactic game in the course of formation of communicative abilities of Pedagogical University students: Dis. candidat of ped. Sciences. — М, 1984 — p. 230

3. Simeonova Y.I. Creation of communicative conditions at foreign language lesson as one of the ways of intensification of learners' educational-speech activity (on a material of English language): Dis. candidat of ped. Sciences.. — М, 1978— p. 198

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4. Lohfert W, Kommunikative Spiele fiir Deutsch als Fremdsprache. — Miunchen: Max Hueber Verlag, 1982.—158 S.

5. Kazakova E.S. Using of game in formation of communicative competence of language teaching Universities students: Dis. candidat of ped. Sciences. — М, 2000 — p.124

6. Selevko G. K. Modern educational technologies:Manual— М: National education, 1998 — p. 256

7. Kotov V.V. Organization of collective learners' activity at the lessons (reference book). — Ryazan: Ryazan. State Ped. Institute, 1977 — p.100

8. Rogova G.V. Teaching oral speech as means of communication/ Foreign Languages at Schools — 1988. — № 4. — p. 95-101.

9. Pidkasisitiy P.I. Independent cognitive activity of learners in teaching process: Theoretical -experimental research. — М: Pedagogics, 1980 — p. 240.

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