METHODS OF USING COMMUNICATIVE GAMES IN ENGLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ruzmetova M.A., Djuraeva Yu.A., Ergashev D.D.

In article are considered questions of the use the communication tasks and plays on lesson of English for the reason increasing of the vocabulary spare trained. Practical value of the work is concluded in that that proposed plays can be an useful teacher of English and trained when learning to lexicon on lesson.

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Ruzmetova M.A.

Djuraeva Yu.A.

Ergashev D.D.

Chirchik State pedagogical Institute



Abstract: In article are considered questions of the use the communication tasks and plays on lesson of English for the reason increasing of the vocabulary spare trained. Practical value of the work is concluded in that that proposed plays can be an useful teacher of English and trained when learning to lexicon on lesson.

Keywords: playing technologies, efficiency, communication plays, to functions, activation, and creative activity.

Many outstanding teachers note the effectiveness of using game technologies in the educational process. At the same time, the game still retains its leading role. Based on this feature, the game should become the basis for the development of educational activities of students. The game creates a steady interest in further learning English, as well as confidence in its successful acquisition. But I want to note that the game has not only motivational functions.

The use of game moments in lessons and extracurricular activities helps to enhance the cognitive and creative activities of students, develops their thinking, memory, stimulates initiative and overcomes boredom in teaching a foreign language. Games develop ingenuity and attention, enrich the language and consolidate the supply of students' words, focus on the shades of their meaning. The game can make the student remember the past, replenish their knowledge. The game is a natural form of activity in training, which is carried out through practice, in action, and not by indicating or following a pattern. Games in English lessons are games only formally.

In fact, the students in the game participate in useful actions aimed at performing specific didactic tasks: ensuring consolidation and repeated repetition of the transmitted material, creating students' psychological readiness for oral communication, teaching students the right choice of speech, team building and creating an atmosphere of cooperation. Everyone has an equal position in the game, and even a student with poor command of the language can be the first in the game due to his resourcefulness and quick wit.

The form of communication games can be divided into 2 large groups: a) competitive games; b) situational games. The classification of games is varied.

Exercise game. They usually take 10-15 minutes and are aimed at improving the cognitive abilities of students, are a good tool for the development of cognitive interests, understanding and consolidating educational

material, its use in new situations. These are various quizzes, crosswords, puzzles, chins, charades, puzzles, explanations of proverbs and sayings, riddles.

Tourist games. They can be carried out both directly in the lesson, and in the process of extracurricular activities. They serve mainly to deepen, understand and consolidate the training material. Activation of students in travel games is expressed in oral stories, questions, answers, their personal experiences and opinions.

Story-based (role-playing) games differ from exercise games and travel games in that the conditions of an imaginary situation are set, and students play certain roles.

A competitive game may include all of the above types of didactic games or their individual elements. To conduct games of this type, students are divided into groups, teams, between which there is a competition. An essential feature of competitive play is the presence of competition and cooperation in it. Thus, it follows the logical conclusion that the introduction of games in the lessons creates such an intellectual field that gives students incentives for a more detailed and high-quality mastery of the English language, playing certain roles with them. This is the rational core of games. Moreover, as D.L. Mitukhin, "basically they contain an imitation of conditions for the implementation of real professional activity with the aim of modeling actual problem situations, that is, simulation modeling. We believe that the use of forms and methods, which are based on simulation, ensures the achievement of role prospects in the educational process, the unity of the subject and procedural aspects of training.

The game is a vital and necessary element in the development of the student's personality. Games, in fact, activate the process of formation and development of the student's personality, develop business qualities in it (initiative, creativity, independence in decision-making, etc.). Games are inextricably linked with practical life, and therefore they are not only an effective way of mastering knowledge and skills, but also a means of mastering professional skills. "The game," said A.Parakhonsky, "" preserves and develops a huge range of spiritual, emotional values of human manifestations "[2, 164].

Game techniques develop in students such qualities as memory, attention, logical thinking. Underdeveloped memory, as you know, is a big obstacle to learning foreign languages. Without playful actions, fixing in the memory of students of foreign vocabulary is less effective and requires excessive mental stress. At the same time, the game, as a means of ensuring a positive emotional state, increases the activity and interest of students, which affects the quality of educational material.

The introduction of role-playing methods in English classes is the key to successful professional development of future specialists, as it immerses them in an environment of intercultural communication. Methods of game learning, stimulating the cognitive activity of students, contribute to a conscious perception of the world, the formation of their personality as a specialist. But the main function of the methods of teaching the game as an aspect of independent

work is the formation of a highly cultured personality, since only in independent intellectual and collective activity does a person develop.

Here are some examples of communicative games for use in the classroom. The goal of the listening game is to teach students to understand the meaning of one statement, to emphasize the main thing in the flow of information, to develop students' auditory memory.

You can play games to listen to the text, without any pictures, without drawings, without pre-prepared questions, without text points, etc., These are games for the development of auditory memory. The teacher reads the text at the usual pace, the players listen. After listening to the text, the teacher suggests writing down the words that each participant in the game remembered. Then the teacher reads the text again and gives the task: to write out groups of words and catchy phrases.

After that, the participants in the game restore the text from memory using their notes. The winner is the one who most accurately conveys the content of the text.

Team games have a great influence on learning to listen, during which, after listening to the text, team members compose and then ask opponents questions about the content of the text. The winner is the team that more accurately answers the questions posed.

Of particular interest are games in which, after listening to the text (preferably with a large number of characters), it is necessary to play a scene based on the content of the text. In these games, children demonstrate not only their auditory abilities, but also their artistic abilities.

It is advisable to conduct listening training in a variety of interesting games. In them, the child can prove himself as a person, as well as as a member of the team. There are no universal games for learning to listen, but you can turn any exercise, any text into a game. To do this, you need to prepare the necessary accessories, create an atmosphere of competition, make the task for the texts varied, but at the same time accessible and interesting.

Texts can be used from textbooks, additional books in English, invented by the teacher or students. The main thing, in our opinion, is to turn an elementary text into an interesting game that attracts a child"[3, 36].

In the game "Take a photo of the robot" the class is divided into three teams, each of which represents a police station. 3 speakers selected. They go to the police station to find a missing friend or relative. The host describes their appearance, and the children make the corresponding drawings. If the image matches the description, it is believed that the missing person was found. Leader: I can't find my sister. She's ten and a schoolgirl. She's not tall / Her hair is dark. Her eyes are blue. She is wearing a red coat and a white hat.

Communicating during the game, students do not notice how they simultaneously practice intonation, speech turns, and new words. With this approach, children's self-expression in English is possible even with minimal knowledge. This creates a certain comfort for the fruitful work of students and teachers. In addition, an important factor is that the communicative method

helps to improve and replenish the vocabulary, thereby stimulating intensive training in the future. This is the kind of immersion in the language that the student discovers, and it undoubtedly bears fruit. Communication technique involves the ability to confidently and comfortably communicate and speak English in any life situation, and with any person, not just with a teacher or training partner. Ability to convey your ideas to the interlocutor, talk to a group of people, Express yourself in writing in English.


1. Matveev, S.A. English. All necessary conversational topics: For beginners who do not speak English / S.A. Matveev. - M .: AST, Astrel, VKT, 2012.-p. 93.

2. Parakhonsky A.P. The role of game teaching methods in personality formation and stimulating students' cognitive activity // p. 164. http:// www.econf.rae.ru/ pdf/2006/12/33.pdf

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