METHODS OF TEACHING STUDENTS IN TRANSLATION IN THE SPHERE OF PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
methods of translation / written translation / interpretation / training of translators / professional competencies. / приемы перевода / письменный перевод / интерпретация / обучение переводчиков / профессиональные компетенции.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rajabaliyeva, Nodirakhon Abduvosit Kizi

It is proposed to consider the translation methodology as an independent type of translation activity that requires the formation and development of special skills that are different from those required by translators and interpreters. An attempt has been made to refute the point of view about sight translation only as a means of teaching translators. A number of exercises are aimed at the formation and development of specific skills in students studying translation studies in the field of professional communication, which are necessary for the implementation of this type of translation activity. The article is of a theoretical and methodological nature.

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Предлагается рассматривать методологию перевода как самостоятельный вид переводческой деятельности, требующий формирования и развития специальных навыков, отличных от тех, которые необходимы письменным и устным переводчикам. Предпринята попытка опровергнуть точку зрения о переводе с листа только как о средстве обучения переводчиков. Ряд упражнений направлен на формирование и развитие у студентов, изучающих переводоведение в сфере профессиональной коммуникации, специфических умений, необходимых для осуществления данного вида переводческой деятельности. Статья носит теоретико-методологический характер.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Rajabaliyeva Nodirakhon Abduvosit kizi

Lector at the Department of World Languages At the Kokand University E-mail: Nodirarajabaliyeva@gmail .com


It is proposed to consider the translation methodology as an independent type of translation activity that requires the formation and development of special skills that are different from those required by translators and interpreters. An attempt has been made to refute the point of view about sight translation only as a means of teaching translators. A number of exercises are aimed at the formation and development of specific skills in students studying translation studies in the field of professional communication, which are necessary for the implementation of this type of translation activity. The article is of a theoretical and methodological nature.

Keywords: methods of translation, written translation; interpretation; training of translators; professional competencies.

самостоятельный вид переводческой деятельности, требующий формирования и развития специальных навыков, отличных от тех, которые необходимы письменным и устным переводчикам. Предпринята попытка опровергнуть точку зрения о переводе с листа только как о средстве обучения переводчиков. Ряд упражнений направлен на формирование и развитие у студентов, изучающих переводоведение в сфере профессиональной коммуникации, специфических умений, необходимых для осуществления данного вида переводческой деятельности. Статья носит теоретико-методологический характер.

Ключевые слова: приемы перевода, письменный перевод; интерпретация; обучение переводчиков; профессиональные компетенции.


In the context of ever-increasing and developing contacts between different countries, when a person constantly surrounded by so-called cross-cultural and cross-linguistic communication situations, the issue of training professionals who


Предлагается рассматривать методологию перевода как

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

provide communication between representatives of different linguistic cultures is of particular importance. This is even more important to ensure that communicants perform certain professional tasks. In this sense, the professional pragmatics of translation, its orientation is not just on communication at the intersection of two linguistic cultures, but also on a multifunctional one

The professional activity of communicants poses new challenges for research scientists, methodologists, and practitioners. They consist in the following: integrate new functional-activity translation realities into translation studies; develop on their basis qualitatively new theoretical; positions and rework the existing ones; to form a new methodological concept of teaching translation; based on the qualitative interaction of theoretical and practical methodological provisions, supported by real translation practice, to develop a conceptually new model of a translation textbook; to bring the student into the functional sphere of current translation competencies.

Translation training by its structure is an objectively complex and complex process. This is due to the fact that this kind of speech activity as a translation, being at the crossroads of different cultures, language, and associative-conceptual systems, being developed between two or more members of the different cultures and reflecting features occasional-subjective and situational character, has a number fundamental characteristics that distinguish it from monolingual communicative situation.


Translation training by its structure is an objectively complex and complex process. This is due to the fact that such a type of speech activity as translation, being at the intersection of different cultures, language and associative-conceptual systems, unfolding between two or more representatives of different linguistic cultures, as well as reflecting the features of the occasional-subjective and situational nature. Has a number of fundamental characteristics that distinguish it from the monolingual communicative situation the approaches to the analysis of translation, its main components are the basis for choosing a strategy for teaching translation. definitions of the corresponding group of translation competencies and their components as methodological and activity guidelines, the formation of which will allow you to perform the tasks of training a translator.

Translation, first, considered as a type of speech activity in a bilingual environment, in which the translator is a language intermediary between two

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

communicants who are directly or indirectly motivated to communicate and who have or do not have a bilingual essence. Translation activity is not spontaneous. Motivational source for the implementation of translation activities is, as a rule, outside the translator. The need for translation is determined by the social order for this type of activity in conditions when the communicants (or one of the communicants) do not have a bilingual essence within the corresponding language pair, or when the existing bilingual essence of the communicants or one of them cannot be applied in a particular situation.

The conditions for the deployment of cross-language communication may differ from each other. communication may take place with the direct work responsibilities of the communicants and the translator; one or both communicants may be absent during the deployment of the translator's direct activities; the recipient of the speech message may be real or virtual; communication may take place orally or in writing, directly or using means of communication, etc.

Meanwhile, the setting for translation activity made in advance, even before the translator receives the original speech work to be translated. In this case, as a rule, the translator conducts pre-translation activities related to various forms of speech and / or subject-situational training. The translation activity itself essentially carried out in stages in the form of a meaningful perception of the original speech work and the creation of a translation text based on the results of perception by making a set of logical translation decisions. These stages did not characterize by autonomy and consistency in relation to each other, but directly integrated into each other at the intersection or, more precisely, parallel deployment of certain components of these stages.

The result of translation activity is also a speech work - the text of the translation, executed in written or oral form.


The methodology of teaching translation takes into account all the components that make up translation competencies, i.e. it focused on teaching the student everything that he will need to perform translation activities in one form or another.

The new conceptual methodological model of translation is the result of a qualitative rethinking of the processes and phenomena, as well as the realities associated with the professional activity of the translator from the point of view of various aspects of its manifestation. The analysis of the complex of correlated

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

competencies, as well as the totality of various processes that precede and accompany this type of activity.

From this point of view, the following axiomatic provisions are important, which determine the main directions of the content of this study:

1. The basis for the formation of theoretical scientific positions related to the analysis of translation is the direct translation activity in the totality of its constituent types and forms of manifestation, as well as the results of this activity.

2. Existing methods of teaching translation, embodied in the concepts of translation textbooks, based on the insights of a practical nature related to the reflection of certain parties of translation and analysis of translation of texts, as well as on the basic provisions of the theory of translation. summarizing the full range of current knowledge of this kind of activity in its preparation, flow and results.

3. Translation activity is a special manifestation of speech activity and is located at the interface of functioning two language systems with all the features of their system-structural and functional-communicative elements.

4. Translation training is a professionally oriented component of general language training in the relevant foreign language and carried out based on existing language and speech competencies with their parallel development, with the aim of forming general and special competencies of this type of activity.

5. The methodology of teaching translation technologically advanced. Basis, providing the learner not simply a collection of any techniques and methods of translation within the existing types of interpreting, and creating functional-technological and functional-behavioral models. providing an interpreter technologies that are built on a conscious or unconscious understanding of the nature, the essence of this kind of activity and that allow the interpreter to respond adequately to standard or non-standard situation translations.

6. The model of a translation textbook is a product that embodies a qualitative combination of theory, practice, methodology, operational technologies and technical achievements against the background of the pragmatics of this type of activity and its results. The textbook models integrate general conceptual provisions applicable to all language pairs, as well as implement specific features of specific language combinations in the framework of translation activities.

Of particular interest is the consideration of both general and particular conceptual positions on the example of languages that have significant differences in a wide range of aspects. This allows us to reveal the actual issues of the considered type of speech activity, which often remain out of sight in the

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

comparative study of related languages or languages of similar typology, which, however, does not reduce their conceptual significance for the most complete and holistic study of translation processes. To a large extent

The most significant from this point of view is the analysis of the stated questions within the language pair, which, on the one hand, includes the inflectional Russian language, and on the other hand, the agglutinative Turkish language. The practice of using the Uzbek language in translation studies shows that the study of inflectional-agglutinative language pairs almost completely covers all the conceptual fields relevant for inflectional languages. In addition, adds a significant amount of new research information that productively used for a deeper perception of the cognitive essence of inflectional languages themselves and the development of unique methodological techniques for teaching translation within inflectional language pairs.

The innovative nature of the developed methods of educational activities aimed at the formation of translation competencies consists in a serious revision of the components of the system of training translators on the principles that ultimately provide a functioning model of professional activity. This becomes possible thanks to a clear alignment of the entire process of learning a foreign language in the direction of achieving the set pragmatic tasks, when each component of this system works not for itself, but for achieving the final goals.

Translation as an activity involves the translator performing a structurally complex role function to ensure cross -language communication through the perception of the original speech work and the creation of a translation text that is communicatively adequate to the original speech work. The role function of a translator is a complex behavioral and activity center of a person's professional activity and is formed by based on the competence of the translator, taking into account the specific conditions for performing a particular type of professional translation. Depending on the type of translation, the role function of the translator with the general similarity of speech-thinking operations acquires a number of features.

New translation methods of competence-based content allow for more effective formation and development of functional components of translation activity models that take into account both the general problems of translation and the activity-specific features of the deployment of each type of translation.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

The translation course should be clearly associated with the logical continuation of the implementation of the general methodological task, the components of which can be determined in accordance with the components of the professional profile of the graduate in the relevant field of training. At the same time, this type of training is characterized by a clear professional pragmatics, which manifests itself in the system of translation training. Only then can we talk about translation technology, tactics and strategies of translation. A set of relatively universal tools, stereotypical elements of content and translation techniques-activities focused not so much on the spiritual, but on the rational component of human existence.


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