METHODS FOR IMPROVING THE MANAGEMENT OF CHINESE COAL INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
economic management / coal industry / status quo / interaction / управление экономикой / угольная промышленность / статус-кво / взаимодействие

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Cheng Yan, А.А. Lukyanova, M.A. Ragozina

In recent years, China's coal market has seen a downward trend. In the economic management of the coal industry in China at the present stage, there are problems of varying degrees. Enterprises need to devote enough energy and formulate perfect measures to promote the better development of China's coal industry.

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В последние годы на рынке угля Китая наблюдается тенденция к снижению. В хозяйственном управлении угольной промышленностью Китая на современном этапе существуют разной степени проблемы. Предприятиям необходимо уделить достаточно энергии и сформулировать совершенные меры для способствования лучшему развитию угольной промышленности Китая.




УДК 334


Cheng Yan, А. А. Lukyanova, M. A. Ragozina

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

E-mail: 362485559@qq.com

In recent years, China's coal market has seen a downward trend. In the economic management of the coal industry in China at the present stage, there are problems of varying degrees. Enterprises need to devote enough energy and formulate perfect measures to promote the better development of China's coal industry.

Keywords: economic management; coal industry; status quo; interaction.


Ченг Янь, А. А. Лукьянова, M. А. Рагозина

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологии имени академика М.Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация,660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

E-mail: 362485559@qq.com

В последние годы на рынке угля Китая наблюдается тенденция к снижению. В хозяйственном управлении угольной промышленностью Китая на современном этапе существуют разной степени проблемы. Предприятиям необходимо уделить достаточно энергии и сформулировать совершенные меры для способствования лучшему развитию угольной промышленности Китая.

Ключевые слова: управление экономикой; угольная промышленность; статус-кво; взаимодействие.

Chinese coal reserves are very rich, the exploitation of coal resources and the development of coal industry is an important cornerstone of domestic energy security. However, the development of the coal industry is inevitably affected by changes in the domestic and foreign economic environment. For a long period of time in the past, the development status of China's coal resources is similar to the overall situation of domestic economic development. In the face of such a situation, in addition to relying on the adjustment and support of relevant policies, coal enterprises should also be aware of the problems existing in their own management work in the past [1].

Domestic coal enterprises economic management needs to face the problems. Loose supply and demand, slowing market demand growth and declining prices. Since 2014, there have been frequent mild winters across the country, so coal consumption for heating has been decreasing. In addition, due to the influence of policies, cement, steel and chemical enterprises continue to save energy and

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reduce emissions, so the growth rate of market demand in the coal industry has slowed down in recent years. In 2013, the domestic coal market showed a temporary recovery phenomenon, and many coal enterprises misinterpreted this phenomenon and blindly carried out production at full speed, which actually increased the backlog of coal stocks. In addition, the price advantage of imported coal has been constantly impacting China's local coal market, which in fact aggravates the difficulties that domestic coal enterprises need to deal with in economic management [2].

The management of coal enterprises is still extensive. The so-called management is still extensive, mainly reflected in the fine management is not in place, mining mechanization degree is low. In addition, the per capita salary of front-line workers in the coal industry is also very problematic, and the management innovation consciousness of some enterprises is not strong, which has actually become a very important reason for the frequent occurrence of safety accidents. The quality of the staff is not high, the implementation and application of new technology is not in place, many enterprises in order to pursue economic benefits, accustomed to overload mining, which in fact virtually increases the probability of safety accidents. At present, the rules and regulations of many coal enterprises are actually very imperfect, and this extensive management has brought many problems to the development of domestic coal economy. To solve this part of the problem needs to start from many aspects to develop a perfect work plan [3].

Important measures to improve domestic coal economic management.

Pay attention to personnel training in the coal industry.

1. The lack of professional talents is an important factor restricting the development of coal industry. The competition of enterprises in the era of knowledge economy should be the competition of talents in the final analysis. We should pay attention to the training of professionals in the coal industry, and promote the development of the coal industry by cultivating high-quality talents, which can also bring new power to the management and operation of coal enterprises. And from the other hand, the construction of professional talent team is also an important premise to realize the mechanization of coal mining. For coal enterprises, if the mining efficiency can be improved, the corresponding management measures can also be developed to a new height. To do a good job in talent training, the front-line employees of the enterprise should do a good job in the necessary knowledge and skills training, especially some mine disaster prevention and self-rescue knowledge, promote the employee certificate system, can effectively reduce the probability of related safety accidents. For this part of the work, the management of coal companies should form a perfect work plan, formulate a more reasonable salary system and incentive system, and attract professionals with high technical standards to join the coal industry, which can bring new vitality to the development of the industry. If the coal industry can timely supplement or cultivate high-quality professionals, then it will effectively reduce the difficulty of economic management.

2. Strengthen the management of coal mine safety production; In order to strengthen the management of coal mine safety production and stabilize the income of coal mining enterprises, it is necessary to establish sufficient safety consciousness in daily mining work. Because a lot of safety accidents are caused by the carelessness of front-line workers, secondly, through the restriction of the system, does a good job in the behavior prevention of safety accidents, carry out the construction of safety standardization mining work, and implement safety pre-control management. Ensuring that safety and equipment are in place in a timely manner is the kind of detail that can save workers' lives in a crisis. Of course, if necessary, production can be organized according to the market situation, and the reasonable determination of the mining progress, which is actually a very important part of the work of safety in production.

3. Strengthen the management and control of coal enterprises. From the overall nature of the coal industry, from the work of budget management, improve the speed of capital flow, can create a good situation for the operation of enterprises. We can try to invigorate idle assets, concentrate capital and improve the efficiency of capital utilization. It is necessary to strengthen the control of coal quality and stabilize the quality of coal produced. In this way, the income of coal enterprises

Секция «Инновационная экономика и управление»

can be effectively improved. We should fully implement the relevant policies of the state, close down backward coal mines in time and purify the industry environment. We can try to develop coal group business, from mining, transportation; sales to deep processing of coal, can effectively improve the actual situation of the current coal industry. The deep processing of coal and its derivatives should be regarded as a part of the enterprise's business strategy to promote the sustainable development of the coal industry [4].

In fact, the extensive management of traditional coal industry has caused a very serious waste of resources, but also caused different degrees of environmental pollution. This situation has been difficult to adapt to the current social and economic development of the practical need of, in the face of rapid development of market economy, the coal enterprise must realize the past related problems of coal economic and management, to develop a perfect work plan for this kind of problem, so that to realize the sustainable development of coal industry. In the future, the coal economic management must give play to the role of excellent talents, give play to the pioneering spirit of excellent employees, and build a broad platform for the development of the domestic coal industry by virtue of the advantages of technological innovation [5].


1. Wang Meiling. Analysis of current situation and problems of domestic coal economic management [J]. Inner Mongolia Coal Economy, 2013 (8) : 2-3.

2. Yang Congyin. Research on evaluation System of Scientific Development of Coal Enterprises [D]. China University of Geosciences, 2013.

3. TianShujing. Supply and demand Analysis and price Research of Coal market in China [D]. University of International Business and Economics, 2016.

4. Zhang SHAOqiang. Giving full play to resource advantages, increasing clean and efficient utilization and promoting the transformation and development of coal enterprises [J]. Coal Processing and Comprehensive Utilization, 2016, (5) : 1-5.

5. Liu Jia. Development status of low temperature distillation technology for low rank coal [J]. Contemporary Chemical Industry, 2015.

© Cheng Yan, Lukyanova А. А., Ragozina M. A., 2022

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