METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF WORKING IN ENGLISH CLASSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Karimova J.Sh.

This article discusses the effective development of the educational program by students in particular the English language and creative methods in English classes.

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УДК 14.00.06

Karimova J.Sh. teacher English language English department Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers



Annotation: This article discusses the effective development of the educational program by students in particular the English language and creative methods in English classes.

Key words: English, child, foreign language, end result, type of games, composition of fairy tales, game, lesson.

Currently, one of the main problems of a modern school is the decline in students' interest in learning. The question arises of which form to use for training, so that the motivational potential is aimed at a more effective development of the educational program by students. First of all, teachers need to take into account age-related psychophysical characteristics, use a variety of forms of work, given the fact that interest in students' tasks disappears after 10-15 minutes, so the teaching methodology in a secondary school provides for a frequent change in the types of activities in the lesson. All material should be focused on various types of perception: scoring, practical action, writing and visual support.

One of the great ways to work is collage technology in elementary school. The use of collage technology as a teaching tool dramatically expands the teacher's ability to choose materials and forms of educational activity, makes the lessons vivid and exciting, informative and emotionally rich. An undoubted plus in this work is the condition that each student, even the weakest and less active in psychological terms, has the opportunity to show their own imagination and creativity, activity and independence. This technique allows students to familiarize themselves with any thematic material and serves as the most effective form of learning. In addition, this type of work has great educational value, since it is aimed at developing social competence among younger students, that is, the ability to act independently, choosing a strategy for their work to develop a sense of responsibility for the final result, the ability to speak publicly and make a presentation of the final result with reason.

The collage technique is designed in such a way that the work can be not only individual, but also paired, group or even frontal. Everything is in the hands of the teacher and the goals that he pursues. A collage can be made using TCO, if necessary. The advantage of creating collages in a traditional form, using paper and stationery, is that at the end of the work, the teacher can decorate the class with collages of students, who, instead of the boring textbook tables, can serve

"Экономика и социум" №3(70) 2020



them as a wonderful tip and a reminder of the rules that they studied on lessons. Also very interesting is such a method of work as creative grammar.

This method is most often used in the lessons of Russian and English, since language teaching is impossible in isolation, otherwise what is the point of such teaching? Children are aware of grammatical phenomena and apply them in their written works only when they begin to read texts from the standpoint of the author. Children explain punctuation rules on the basis of their own texts, the content of which they have stated and experienced. The study and creative refraction of these texts is a productive learning of grammar. Children at any age love to compose, invent, fantasize, so composing fairy tales for many students is a favorite pastime. Composing fairy tales, essays, letters in Russian and English develops lexical and grammatical knowledge, abilities and skills of all types of speech activity, and reading fairy tales is useful at any age, because they cultivate kindness, friendliness, love of native culture in a person help to better learn the traditions of other countries.

Pupils, performing assignments in writing, independently find the correct spelling of words in the dictionary, they more meaningfully remember the spelling, translation and semantic meaning of the words, which means that such an activity contributes to the development of children's thinking, memory and attention.

Use watching cartoons in the lesson and further performing game tasks for them, performing songs in English, reading fairy tales in English in grades 3-4, and the final lesson at the end of the school year can be a re-enactment of fairy tales read by students. Therefore, it is impossible not to mention such creative working methods as an inspiring learning environment and dramatization for inspiration. Such a creative atmosphere inspires not only children, but also teachers. Bright expositions of children's works and small oases of creativity and inspiration delight the eye. In a comfortable environment, students can take advantage of the proposed literature and a variety of visual aids. Learning poems with students and playing them in roles in the classroom allows the teacher to solve two problems at once: additionally work on the pronunciation of the students and create an atmosphere of ease and relaxation in the lesson. Great interest in children is caused by grammar games that allow them to develop their creative activity, create a natural situation for the use of new speech patterns, containing certain grammatical difficulties. This type of game includes important grammatical material, namely verbs: be, have, may, can, must, construction there is, temporary verb forms of the group Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, subjunctive, indirect speech. Children especially like phonetic exercise games. With the help of such games, children learn to read poems loudly and distinctly, train in pronouncing English sounds. In these games, the role of the teacher is especially important: his own freedom of movement, imagination, dedication should infect students, attract him with his own charisma. Dramatization for inspiration. Dramatization is a powerful teaching tool that promotes relaxation, evokes positive emotions, ease and pleasure. This technique allows you to develop the imagination of students, to reveal their talents and inspire them with new ideas for

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further oral and written tasks [1, 4]. Teachers use a variety of dramatization methods, contributing to the study of characters and their characters, historical events and problem situations. Everyone knows that a child is a great imitator. Imitating, the child does not just become monkey-like - these are acts of true creativity.

This process also positively affects the emotional state of the child. The use of various games helps to captivate children with a foreign language, creates the conditions for achieving success in learning a language. Children learn effortlessly, improving their knowledge of a foreign language. In the English lesson, you can play the game "Dress the Doll" on the topic "Clothing", the purpose of which is to teach to understand the statements and use them in your own monological statements. So, students make doll models and clothes for her at home and dress their dolls in different clothes according to the teacher's command, for example: put on the coat, take off the coat, put on the dress, take off the dress, put on ... and so on and to do the same thing in pair, keeping the intonation of the teacher. Or you can get students involved and play puppet show / lesson show, the purpose of the lesson is to develop monologic and dialogical speech. Children, putting a finger puppet on the hand, play dialogs in pairs or in mini groups, as well as building a monologue on various topics in everyday communication situations, on the topics of "acquaintance", "in the store" and so on. In the pedagogical process, various games are widely used as a means, method and technology of training. Each game is unique, contains various functions, contributes to the development of cognitive activity of students. Each type of games helps in the development of the child, both a healthy person and a healthy person. So, with the right selection of methods and techniques, it is possible to plan and create effective conditions for the normal development and socialization of the child.

Sources used:

1. Belyanko E. A. Dramatization in teaching English / E. A. Belyanko. -Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2013 .-- 93 s.

2. Ibuka M. After three it's too late. - M.: "Alpina non-fiction", 2014. - 223 p. Krasyuk V.V., Krasyuk N.I. Poems and games in English / comp.

3. Krasyuk V.V., Krasyuk N.I. - 3rd ed. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2015 .-- 96 s.

'^KOHOMHKa h ^HyM" №3(70) 2020



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