simulation does not allow them to make any "step" through the labyrinth without cooperation. We conducted pilot experiments with pairs of students (8 -12 years old) to test the procedure, and we repeatedly adjusted the procedure to prompt joint actions in the inquiry-based problem. Digital records of students' routes and video-taped discussions were used as data-source. The results show that the successful accomplishment of the labyrinth challenge (i.e., the identification of the general rule) significantly depended on the meaningfulness of the students' communication. The thoughtful inquiry-based learning activity thus opposes common trial and error method, which proves to be insufficient. The digital means, which scaffold joint actions, contribute significantly here.
Keywords: assessment, joint actions, computer simulation, learning activity, inquiry-based problem
Modern Parenting
Almira Garifullina
Associate professor, Kazan federal university, Kazan, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The methodology of mentoring is an independent scientific field. Over the past few decades, the scientific foundations of mentoring have been used abroad not only in the business industry, but also within educational organizations. In this article, we reviewed the latest research in the field of mentoring, including the the most "advanced" approaches, methods, and techniques for putting the scientific foundations into practice at a preschool educational organization. The goal was to contextualize mentoring within a preschool educational organization. Based on this goal, we were able to identify the main task of the study, which was to introduce the methodology of mentoring into the work of the head (mentor) of a preschool educational organization. Methodology. The research method was a critical analysis of foreign literature on the topic of Western (including American) mentoring since the 1990s to the present day. We used critical thinking and the method of expert opinion, with the help of which we studied the regions of the Volga region (Chuvash, Mari regions) and the Cis-Ural region (Republic of Bashkortostan). Results. Ideas about mentoring were widespread. Our task was to define mentoring as a distinct practice, which demonstrates the subjective position of the mentor (i.e., where the leader single-handedly ".instructs" the ward) and the objective position of the mentor (where the mentee-teacher is offered options and ways to make an independent decision). Conclusion. The leaders of preschool educational organizations noted that the use of mentoring meant considering interaction in the context of "do as you can, but you have many ways to solve it." The process of delegating responsibilities between mentee teachers is more confident, which certainly transforms managerial potential.
Keywords: mentoring, mentor, intelligence quotients, emotional intelligence, mentee-teacher DOI:
Lyubov Golubeva
Folklorist and cultural anthropologist, Propp's Center, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Sofya Kupriyanova
Folklorist and cultural anthropologist, Propp's Center, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]