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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Darvish T.A., Kugusheva T.V., Galanova S.S., Baklakova M.V.

Objective of the study was to study the effectiveness of the methodology for selecting children of seven to eight years old in the group of initial swimming training, supplemented by a block of psychological and pedagogical assessment of personal qualities. Methods and structure of the study. The study involved children aged seven to eight years who wished to go in for swimming, the total composition of the subjects was 16 people. To achieve the goal, the following blocks were studied and evaluated: the physical fitness of young swimmers, psychological and pedagogical assessment, and testing was carried out to identify the level of motivation for swimming (based on the “Ladders of motives” by A.I. Bozhovich, I.K. Markova). Results and conclusions. It was revealed that the distinctive features of the content of the experimental methodology for selecting children of seven to eight years old in the group of initial training in swimming is the addition of a block of psychological and pedagogical assessment, based on the assessment of personal qualities (type of temperament, psychotype) and characterizing the predisposition and readiness of children for swimming lessons. According to the identified personal qualities, the most promising children of seven to eight years of age, when selected for the group of initial training in swimming, are children with a sanguine or phlegmatic temperament type, and introverts according to their psychotype. Young swimmers who passed the selection according to the experimental method feel the need to personally achieve high results, participate in competitions, while in children of the control group, the motives are mainly based on the recognition and approval of others (parents, comrades, coaches).

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Methodology for selecting children in groups of initial training in swimming

UDC 796.015.12

PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Darvish1 PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Kugusheva1 S.S. Galanova1 M.V. Baklakova1

1Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky

Corresponding author: tarabaxa85@mail.ru Abstract

Objective of the study was to study the effectiveness of the methodology for selecting children of seven to eight years old in the group of initial swimming training, supplemented by a block of psychological and pedagogical assessment of personal qualities.

Methods and structure of the study. The study involved children aged seven to eight years who wished to go in for swimming, the total composition of the subjects was 16 people. To achieve the goal, the following blocks were studied and evaluated: the physical fitness of young swimmers, psychological and pedagogical assessment, and testing was carried out to identify the level of motivation for swimming (based on the "Ladders of motives" by A.I. Bozhovich, I.K. Markova).

Results and conclusions. It was revealed that the distinctive features of the content of the experimental methodology for selecting children of seven to eight years old in the group of initial training in swimming is the addition of a block of psychological and pedagogical assessment, based on the assessment of personal qualities (type of temperament, psychotype) and characterizing the predisposition and readiness of children for swimming lessons. According to the identified personal qualities, the most promising children of seven to eight years of age, when selected for the group of initial training in swimming, are children with a sanguine or phlegmatic temperament type, and introverts according to their psychotype. Young swimmers who passed the selection according to the experimental method feel the need to personally achieve high results, participate in competitions, while in children of the control group, the motives are mainly based on the recognition and approval of others (parents, comrades, coaches).

Keywords: swimmers, sports selection, psychological and pedagogical assessment, personal qualities, methodology, physical training.

Introduction. Currently, sports teachers, when selecting promising swimmers, are guided by the degree of speed of mastering the technique of a sport, the intensity of the growth of sports results, and the levels of development of physical abilities [1, 4].

The erroneous sports orientation of children and adolescents leads to great losses: firstly, the child's psyche is injured, and secondly, it does not allow improving the quality of the training process.

The problem of further increasing the level of sports achievements is reduced not only to the development of new training methods, but also to the search for sports gifted children and their training using the most effective modern methods [2, 5, 6].

Objective of the study was to study the effectiveness of the methodology for selecting children of seven to eight years old in the group of initial swimming training, supplemented by a block of psychological and pedagogical assessment of personal qualities.

Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical study was conducted on the basis of the Regional state budgetary institution "Sports school of the Olympic reserve for basic and Olympic sports "Start", Chaikovsky (Perm Territory), in which children aged seven to eight years old who wanted to go in for swimming took part, the total composition of the subjects was 16 people. According to the results of the psychological and pedagogical assessment, two groups were

formed - control and experimental, eight people each (five boys and three girls).

The algorithm for dividing children into control and experimental groups was as follows:

- Children were selected according to the test results (indicators of physical fitness) in the initial training group, all of them fulfilled the regulatory requirements for enrollment in accordance with the Federal standard of sports training for the sport "swimming" [3].

- According to the existing selection methodology in sports practice, the following selection criteria were

applied: age favorable for starting swimming lessons; the absence of serious deviations in the state of health and a tendency to diseases that prevent sports; compliance of the morphotype with the requirements of swimming; compliance of the level of motor abilities with the requirements of swimming.

- According to the identified personal qualities, the division of children (16 people) occurred according to the following principle: EG (eight people) - children with a sanguine, phlegmatic temperament type, psychotype - introverts; having an assessment of personal qualities (according to the methodology of L.S.

The goal is to determine the level of motor training of all healthy children and indicators of the structure of their bodies who want to go in for sports, including the determination of deviations from the norm.


The study of parameters characterizing the state of health (absence of hereditary diseases: heart disease, metabolic disorders, psychological disorders, injuries of the musculoskeletal system)


Organizational and pedagogical blocks

Physical fitness assessment hlock

Blockof psychological and pedagogical assessment

Result: young swimmer, interested in sports activities

Figure 1. Algorithm for implementing a methodology aimed at the effective selection of children of seven to eight years old in groups of initial training in swimming

The principle of preferential distribution according to a comprehensive assessment of the personality into groups (CG, EG) of children of seven to eight years old for the implementation of experimental work

Group Number of children, people Temperament Psychotype The level of assessment

type type of personal qualities

Total Boys Girls

EG 8 5 3 Sanguine Introvert High

Phlegmatic Middle

CG 8 5 3 Sanguine Extrovert Middle

Choleric Low


Solntseva, V.V. Medvedev) - high and medium level; CG (eight people) - the rest of the children.

Further, in the process of implementing experimental work, training sessions were conducted in groups of initial training according to the approved plan three times a week for 40 minutes. All subjects were engaged in the general plan of sports training. At the end of our experiment (April 2021), we re-tested physical fitness indicators and studied the issue of motivating children of seven to eight years to go swimming.

Results of the study and their discussion. The figure shows a scheme for implementing a methodology aimed at the effective selection of children of seven to eight years old in groups of initial swimming training. Next, we consider the results of the implementation of this technique.

Physical fitness assessment block. According to the Federal standard of sports training for the sport "swimming", this block includes the development of physical qualities: speed-strength, flexibility. The effectiveness of the implementation of the experimental technique is confirmed by the following results:

- "Throwing stuffed ball 1 kg": in the EG there is an increase in a high level of formation - 12.5% higher than in the CG, also decreased by 12.5% of children from the EG who performed the test at a low level;

- "Shuttle run 3x10": in the EG the number of children who showed the results of a high level of formation of speed-strength abilities increased by 37.5%, and in the CG only by 12.5%;

- "Twisting of straight arms back and forth": in the EG who performed this test at a low level, the results decreased by 37.5% and increased by 50.0%, reflecting a high level, while in the CG the changes were insignificant;

- "Bending forward from a standing position on an elevated position": in the CG and the EG, the number of trainees who completed the test at a low level decreased by 12.5%, and the number of children who completed the test at a high level increased by 25.0% more in the EG, than in CG.

Block of psychological and pedagogical assessment. In typical selection methods for primary training groups, trainers pay attention to assessing such psychological qualities of a child as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, etc. However, many scientists studying the problem of selecting children for sports sections talk about the need to include the child's personal qualities in the assessment. At the initial stage of experimental work, when selecting children for primary training groups, we tested the indicators of physical fitness of seven-eight-year-old children according to the normative indicators presented in the Federal standard of sports training for the sport "swimming" [3].

The results of the study showed the following distribution of children:

- by type of temperament: sanguine - eight people, phlegmatic - two people, choleric and melancholic -three people each;

- by psychotype: introverts - nine people, extroverts - seven people;

- combination of temperament and psychotype, the most preferable for swimmers: phlegmatic-introvert - three people, sanguine-introvert - five people.

Thus, according to the results of the psychological and pedagogical assessment of children, two groups were formed, shown in the table.

It should be noted that there were practically no studied children who fully corresponded to our principles of distribution. Therefore, the priority was determined in the selection - this is temperament and psychotype.

Children who coped with the standards were enrolled in groups of initial training in swimming (16 people). The results of the survey according to the method of Hans Eysenck made it possible to identify the children who are most inclined to swimming according to the type of temperament and psychotype.

At the end of the experimental work, testing was carried out to determine the level of motivation for swimming (based on the "Ladders of motives" by A.I.

Bozhovich, I.K. Markova) among those involved in the control and experimental groups. Based on the test results, it was revealed that the children from the EG "built" the ladder of motives in the following way: 1. Obtaining high results. 2. Participation in sports competitions. 3. Approval of parents, etc. In general, the motives of those involved in CG are based primarily on the recognition and approval of others (parents, friends, coach), and the children of the experimental group feel the need to personally achieve high results, participate in competitions.

It should be noted that by the end of the experimental work in the EG, all the children continued the training process in the group, while in the CG the number of children decreased by 37.5%.

Conclusions. The results of the study showed that young swimmers of the initial training group, who were selected according to the experimental methodology, have a motivation for swimming, mainly based on the opportunity to participate in sports competitions and get high results. The effectiveness of the implementation of the experimental methodology is confirmed by positive changes in the manifestation of flexibility and speed-strength abilities of young athletes.


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