Научная статья на тему 'Methodological Approach to the Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems Development'

Methodological Approach to the Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems Development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
emulsion food systems / fortification / methodology / optimized composition / эмульсионные пищевые системы / фортификация / методология / оптимизированный состав

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Феофилактова Ольга Владимировна

The macroand micronutrients deficiency in the diet of the population contributes to the alimentary disorder occurrence requiring correction. The development of new foods enriched with BAS, enabled a targeted impact on the functional activity of individual organs, systems and the body as a whole, solves the issue. Fortification (amplification, enrichment) of food systems ensures the nutrient delivery to all population groups without radical changes in the food consumption structure. To induce the BAS permeability, increase its stability, mask undesirable flavors, control the rate of release and targeted delivery, a man uses various effective BAS encapsulation systems including emulsions. Based on the “food systems” and “emulsion food systems” concepts, the author defines the concept of “bioactive emulsion food systems”. The study aimed at methodology formation for the development of bioactive emulsion food systems of optimized composition. On the basis of a system of basic principles and research methods, a set of applied methods united by a common goal and study direction, a man formulated the development methodology for bioactive emulsion food systems of optimized composition; determined its content and structure.

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Методологический подход к разработке биоактивных эмульсионных пищевых систем

Дефицит макро и микронутриентов в питании населения способствует возникновению алиментарных нарушений, требующих коррекции. Этой цели служит создание новых пищевых продуктов, обогащенных БАВ, способных оказывать целенаправленное действие на функциональную активность отдельных органов, систем и организма в целом. Фортификация (обогащение, усиление) пищевых систем обеспечивает доставку питательных веществ всем группам населения без радикальных изменений в структуре потребления продуктов питания. Для обеспечения проницаемости БАВ, повышения их стабильности, маскировки нежелательных вкусов, управления скоростью высвобождения и целенаправленной доставки в настоящее время применяются различные эффективные системы инкапсуляции БАВ, к которым можно отнести эмульсии. Исходя из понятий «пищевые системы» и «эмульсионные пищевые системы» автором определено понятие «биоактивные эмульсионные пищевые системы». Целью исследования являлось формирование методологии разработки биоактивных эмульсионных пищевых систем оптимизированного состава. На основе системы базисных принципов и способов организации исследования, совокупности применяемых методов, объединенных общей целью и направлением исследований, сформирована методология разработки биоактивных эмульсионных пищевых систем оптимизированного состава, определены ее содержание и структура.

Текст научной работы на тему «Methodological Approach to the Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems Development»

УДК 641.51/.54

DOI 10.29141/2500-1922-2024-9-1-4 EDN HQNRJJ

Methodological Approach to the Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems Development

Olga V. FeofilaktovaH

Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation H feofiov@usue.ru


The macro- and micronutrients deficiency in the diet of the population contributes to the alimentary disorder occurrence requiring correction. The development of new foods enriched with BAS, enabled a targeted impact on the functional activity of individual organs, systems and the body as a whole, solves the issue. Fortification (amplification, enrichment) of food systems ensures the nutrient delivery to all population groups without radical changes in the food consumption structure. To induce the BAS permeability, increase its stability, mask undesirable flavors, control the rate of release and targeted delivery, a man uses various effective BAS encapsulation systems including emulsions. Based on the "food systems" and "emulsion food systems" concepts, the author defines the concept of "bioactive emulsion food systems". The study aimed at methodology formation for the development of bioactive emulsion food systems of optimized composition. On the basis of a system of basic principles and research methods, a set of applied methods united by a common goal and study direction, a man formulated the development methodology for bioactive emulsion food systems of optimized composition; determined its content and structure.

For citation: Olga V. Feofilaktova. Methodological Approach to the Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems Development. Индустрия питания1 Food Industry. 2024. Vol. 9, No. 1. Pp. 35-40. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2024-9-1-4. EDN: HQNRJJ.

Paper submitted: February 13, 2024

Методологический подход к разработке биоактивных эмульсионных пищевых систем

О.В. Феофилактован

Уральский государственный экономический университет, г. Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация Н feofiov@usue.ru


Дефицит макро- и микронутриентов в питании населения способствует возникновению алиментарных нарушений, требующих коррекции. Этой цели служит создание новых пищевых продуктов, обогащенных БАВ, способных оказывать целенаправленное действие на функциональную активность отдельных органов, систем и организма в целом. Фортификация (обогащение, усиление) пищевых систем обеспечивает доставку питательных веществ всем группам населения без радикальных изменений в структуре потребления продуктов питания. Для обеспечения проницаемости БАВ, повышения их стабильности, маскировки нежелательных вкусов, управления скоростью высвобождения и целенаправленной доставки в настоящее время применяются различные эффективные системы инкапсуляции БАВ, к которым можно отнести эмульсии. Исходя из понятий «пищевые системы» и «эмульсионные пищевые системы» автором определено понятие «биоактивные эмульсионные пищевые системы».


emulsion food systems; fortification; methodology; optimized composition

Ключевые слова:


пищевые системы;





Целью исследования являлось формирование методологии разработки биоактивных эмульсионных пищевых систем оптимизированного состава. На основе системы базисных принципов и способов организации исследования, совокупности применяемых методов, объединенных общей целью и направлением исследований, сформирована методология разработки биоактивных эмульсионных пищевых систем оптимизированного состава, определены ее содержание и структура.

Для цитирования: Olga V. Feofilaktova. Methodological Approach to the Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems Development //Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2023. Т. 9, № 1. С. 35-40. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2024-9-1-4. EDN: HQNRJJ.

Дата поступления статьи: 13 февраля 2024 г.


A daily intake of various macro- and micronutri-ents are of vital importance for normal human body functioning. The deficiency of even one of it can lead to the regulation disorder of different critical functions related to the vital processes provision.

The objective reasons of alimentary disorders caused by insufficient intake of macro- and micro-nutrients into the body are modern methods of culinary food products processing leading to the essential nutrient losses; modern food manufacture technologies;latent and explicit malabsorption; diet violation; lack of diverse diet, etc. [1-6].

In the field of food technology, widely used in developed countries, the most effective way to correct alimentary disorders is to develop new fortified foods with a specialized composition [7-9]. Such foods are able demonstrate a targeted impact on the functional activity of individual organs and systems, as well as on the body as a whole.

Fortification, or amplification, is the additional enrichment of food products with missing nutrients to a level exceeding its initial content [9]. Food fortification has a double advantage: it enables the nutrient delivery to all population groups without radical changes in the food consumption structure [8]. A man fortifies food products with vitamins, trace elements, polyphenols, phytosterols, peptides, fiber and prebiotics, probiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc., mostly [9-11].

Currently, various nutraceutical systems deliver biologically active substances (BAS) into the body. As a food products component, these systems ensure the BAS permeability (delivery through the intestinal mucosa and (or) the cell membrane); increase the BAS stability during manufacture, storage and consumption by protecting it from physical, chemical and biochemical modification (for example, under the impact of acids, bases or enzymes, interfering with its bioavailability and biological activity); mask undesirable tastes by a barrier against the BAS interaction with taste receptors; control the re-

lease rate, including pulsed, prolonged or targeted release (controlled release) guarantee; deliver BAS to the appropriate area of the gastrointestinal tract, systematically, or to target tissues and even target cells, more selectively [12].

A number of studies demonstrates that emulsions are effective systems for BAS encapsulating, improving its stability and bioavailability. In emulsion-based delivery systems, a man dissolves isolated BAS in the oil phase of the oil-in-water emulsion during emulsion formation or in the aqueous phase of the water-in-oil emulsion, depending on its hy-drophilic properties, firstly. The research results indicate that emulsion-based delivery systems can be implied to encapsulate BAS in order to increase its bioavailability, permeability and resistance to metabolic processes [13-16].

Based on the concepts of "food systems" and "emulsion food systems", the author defined the concept of "bioactive emulsion food systems".

In the professional literature, there is no generally accepted definition of "food systems" concept.

A man can define "emulsion food systems" as a class of dispersed systems consisting of two immiscible liquids intended for human consumption [17].

Bioactive emulsion food systems (BEFS) are emulsion food systems enriched additionally with biologically active substances to a level exceeding its initial content.

During the food system development, it is obligatory to adhere to an original methodology, consisting of methods, formed according to certain principles, and rules set by a researcher, and considering features of the food system being developed.

The study aims at development methodology for BEFS of optimized composition.

The development methodology for BEFS of optimized composition relies on a system of basic research principles and methods, a set of applied methods united by a common objective and research direction (see Figure).

Initial Data BAS Content Database oF Vegetable and Animal Oils

BAS Selection BAS Variants According to Criteria: Biological Activity, Solubility (Hydrophilicity), Stability


1. Bioactive Dispersed Complex (BDC) Development 1.1. Bioactive Oil Phase (Medium) Formation

Software Product Development For the BAS Composition Optimization

Oil Blend Options According to the BAS Ratio Criterion



Oil Blend Selection for the Dispersed Phase (Medium)

1.2. Bioactive Aqueous Phase (Medium) Formation

Determination of the BAS Introduction Method

BAS Characteristics in Terms oF Particle Hydrophilic Properties

¡sties :le Size, perties

BAS Introduction into the Dispersed Phase (Medium) with a Given Ratio oF BAS

Sampling oF Bioactive Aqueous Dispersed Phase (Medium)

1.3. Bioactive Emulsion FortiFier (BEF) Formation

Selection Selection Dispersion Method EmulsiFiers Variants

oF the Dispersed Phase BEF oFthe BEF Contributing Emulsifies Contributing

and the Dispersed Variants w Formation to the Stable Dispersed w Selection to the BEF Formation w

Medium Method System Formation with a Given Resistance



Options on O/W Emulsion


Options on Inverse W/O


2. Food System Determination For the Bioactive Dispersed Complexes FortiFication

Factor Analysis Impacting an Emulsion Food System Formation

Technological and Organoleptic FortiFier and Food System Compatibility


Result Food System Determination For FortiFication 9

3. FortiFication Technology

Method Selection oF FortiFier Dispersion in the Food System

Dispersion Method Contributing to the Dispersed System Formation with a Given Stability, Dispersion and Rheological Characteristics

EmulsiFiers Variants EmulsiFiers Contributing to the Dispersed Selection System Formation

with a Given Resistance


Selection oF Bioactive Dispersion Systems oF Optimized Composition

4. Formulations Development oF Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems 5. BAS Persistence and Bioavailability Determination in Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems

BAS Persistence Determination

BAS Bioavailability Determination

6. Quality and S aFety Assessment oF Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems

BEFS Stability Determination

Organoleptic and Physico-Chemical Analysis

Microbiological Analysis

Development Methodology Stages and Content of Bioactive Emulsion Food Systems of Optimized Composition Этапы и содержание методологии разработки биоактивныхэмульсионных пищевых систем оптимизированного состава

The initial methodology stage is the development of bioactive dispersed complexes including formation of a bioactive oil phase (medium) with a given BAS ratio, formation of a bioactive aqueous phase and formation of a bioactive emulsion fortificate (BEF).

The oil phase (medium) formation matter is to compile a BAS database depending on vegetable and animal oil samples. The main criterion for the data compilation is the triglyceride amount and ratio, including fatty acids, in the oil composition.

A man runs the oil phase (medium) formation with a given ratio of BAS using developed computer program based on BAS content in oils by developing blends of a certain composition [18].

As a net result, there is a selection of oil blends with a given BAS ratio that can simultaneously serve as an oil phase or an oil medium in bioactive emulsion food systems.

According to the biological activity, solubility (hy-drophilicity) and stability, a man selects BAS and a method of its application for the formation of a bioactive aqueous phase, which can also serve as a dispersed medium depending on the emulsion fortification type. The BAS characteristics analysis in terms of particle size and hydrophilic properties determines the BAS introduction method into the aqueous phase (medium). After the BAS introduction into the aqueous phase (medium), there is a sample formation of the bioactive aqueous dispersed phase (medium) with a given BAS ratio.

Further, on the basis of the oil phase (medium) with a given ratio of BAS and bioactive aqueous phase (medium), a bioactive emulsion fortifier (BEF) is formed. BEF is a bioactive dispersed complex for the BEFS enrichment. Either direct or reverse emulsions act as BEF. A man selects the method and technical parameters of dispersion, the need for application, options and emulsifier quantity contributing to the stable dispersed system formation, experimentally. The stage implementation results in the formation of two groups of BEF: on the basis of a direct and reverse emulsion.

The second stage consists of a food system sample formation for the bioactive dispersed complexes fortification based on the factor analysis impacting on the emulsion food system formation (technological and organoleptic compatibility, the degree of mutual impact of an emulsion food system and a fortification). When providing unsatisfactory results, a man has to repeat the final phase of the first stage - the BEF variant formation.

At the third stage, the researcher developed and tested the fortification technology. A man chooses the optimal fortification technology according to the advantages and disadvantages analysis of existing dispersion methods that contribute to the formation of a dispersed system with specified stability, dispersion and rheological characteristics; considers the possibility of the emulsifier use to form these characteristics. The result of the stage is a sample formation of bioactive dispersion systems of optimized composition, acting as the basis for the BEFS formulation development. When obtaining unsatisfactory results, a man has to run again the final phase of the first stage - the BEF variant formation and the second stage - the food system identification for the bioactive dispersed complexes fortification.

At the fourth stage (BEFS formulation development), a man lists basic and auxiliary ingredients, processes its necessary ratio based on quality assessment according to organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators.

In order to confirm the fortification technology effectiveness, the next stage is an assessment of the BAS persistence and bioavailability in the BEFS composition. When delivering unsatisfactory results, there is a need to enter adjustments at the final phase of the first stage - the BEF variant formation and the second stage - the food system identification for the bioactive dispersed complexes fortification.

Next, a man assesses the BEFS quality and safety in order to confirm the hypothesis of ensuring the BAS bioavailability and leveling its low organoleptic characteristics, as well as to impose shelf life.


Considering the importance of food products fortification with biologically active substances, based on the effective method analysis of its delivery, the introduction of the "bioactive emulsion food systems" concept, the author determined the content and structure of a new development methodology for bioactive emulsion food systems of optimized composition. In the implementation process of a methodological approach to the bioactive emulsion food systems development, a man identified the optimal technological solutions, involving encapsulation and ultrasonic cavitation to ensure the BAS preservation and increase its bioavailability in bioactive emulsion food systems.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

1. Davis, D.R.; Epp, M.D.; Riordan, H.D. Changes in USDA Food Composition Data for 43 Garden Crops, 1950 to 1999. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2004. Vol. 23. Iss. 6. Pp. 669-682. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1080/07315724.2004.10719409.

2. Elmer, G.H. Root of All Disease. TRC, 2000. 84 p. ISBN: 1-56959-904-1.

3. Sergeev, V.N. Rol Lechebno-Profilakticheskogo Pitaniya na Sanator-no-Kurortnom Etape Reabilitacii [Therapeutic and Preventive Nutrition Role at the Sanatorium-Resort Rehabilitation Stage]. Russian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019. No. 1. Pp. 28-46. EDN: https://www.elibrary.ru/zfbehj. (in Russ.)

4. Lee, S.; Choi, Y.; Jeong, H.S., et al. Effect of Different Cooking Methods on the Content of Vitamins and True Retention in Selected Vegetables. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2018. Vol. 27. Iss. 2. Pp. 333-342. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10068-017-0281-1.

5. Franke, K.; Djikeng, F.T.; Esatbeyoglu, T. Influence of Frying, Baking and Cooking on Food Bioactives. In: Jafari, S.M.; Capanoglu, E. (eds.). Retention of Bioactives in Food Processing. Cham: Springer, 2022. Pp. 93-121. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96885-4_3.

6. Tutelyan, V.A.; Smirnova, E.A. Sovremennye Vyzovy Pishchevoj In-dustrii: Rol Pishchevyh Mikroingredientov [Modern Food Industry Challenges: the Food Micro-Ingredients Role]. Pishchevye Ingre-dienty v Produktah Pitaniya: ot Nauki k Tekhnologiyam. Pod Red. V.A. Tutelyana, A.P. Nechaeva, M.G. Balyhina. 2-e Izd. M.: MGUPP, 2021. Pp. 15-44. EDN: https://www.elibrary.ru/rqefcg. (in Russ.)

7. Toydemir, G.; Gultekin Subasi, B.; Hall, R.D., et al. Effect of Food Processing on Antioxidants, Their Bioavailability and Potential Relevance to Human Health. Food Chemistry: X. 2022. Vol. 14. Article Number: 100334. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/jj.fochx.2022.100334.

8. Kochetkova, A.A.; Vorobeva, V.M.; Smirnova, E.A. i Dr. Obogashchen-nye, Funkcionalnye i Specializirovannye Pishchevye Produkty: Rol v Pitanii, Zakonodatelnaya Baza [Enriched, Functional and Specialized Food Products: the Role in Nutrition, the Legislative Framework]. Pishchevye Ingredienty v Produktah Pitaniya: ot Nauki k Tekhnologiyam. Pod Red. V.A. Tutelyana, A.P. Nechaeva, M.G. Balyhina. 2-e Izd. M.: MGUPP, 2021. Pp. 220-237. EDN: https://www.elibrary.ru/eeibit. (in Russ.)

9. Allen, L.; de Benoist, B.; Dary, O., et al. Guidelines on Food Fortification with Micronutrients. Rome: World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006. 376 p. ISBN: 92-4-159401-2.

10. Mayurnikova, L.A.;Koksharov, A.A.; Krapiva, T.V. i dr. Obogash-chenie Pishchevyh Produktov Kak Faktor Profilaktiki Mikronutrient-noj Nedostatochnosti [Food Products Fortification as a Factor in the Micronutrient Deficiency Prevention]. Tekhnika i Tekhnologiya Pishchevyh Proizvodstv. 2020. Vol. 50. No. 1. Pp. 124-139. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.21603/2074-9414-2020-1-124-139. (in Russ.)

11. Day, L.; Seymour, R.B.; Pitts, K.F., et al. Incorporation of Functional Ingredients into Foods. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2009. Vol. 20. Iss. 9. Pp. 388-395. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. tifs.2008.05.002.

12. Spirichev, V.B.; Shatnyuk, L.N.; Poznyakovsky, V.M. Obogashchenie Pishchevyh Produktov Vitaminami i Mineralnymi Veshchestvami [Food Products Fortification with Vitamins and Minerals]. Novosibirsk: Sibirskoe Universitetskoe Izdatelstvo. 2005. 548 p. ISBN: 5-94087-419-3. EDN: https://www.elibrary.ru/supqir. (in Russ.)

13. Nowak, E.; Livney, Y.D.; Niu, Z., et al. Delivery of Bioactives in Food for Optimal Efficacy: What Inspirations and Insights Can Be Gained from Pharmaceutics? Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2019. Vol. 91. Pp. 557-573. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/jj.tifs.2019.07.029.

Библиографический список

1. Davis, D.R.; Epp, M.D.; Riordan, H.D. Changes in USDA Food Composition Data for 43 Garden Crops, 1950 to 1999. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2004. Vol. 23. Iss. 6. Pp. 669-682. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1080/07315724.2004.10719409.

2. Elmer, G.H. Root of All Disease. TRC, 2000. 84 р. ISBN: 1-56959-904-1.

3. Сергеев В.Н. Роль лечебно-профилактического питания на санаторно-курортном этапе реабилитации // Russian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019. № 1. С. 28-46. EDN: https://www. elibrary.ru/zfbehj.

4. Lee, S.; Choi, Y.; Jeong, H.S., et al. Effect of Different Cooking Methods on the Content of Vitamins and True Retention in Selected Vegetables. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2018. Vol. 27. Iss. 2. Pp. 333-342. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10068-017-0281-1.

5. Franke, K.; Djikeng, F.T.; Esatbeyoglu, T. Influence of Frying, Baking and Cooking on Food Bioactives. In: Jafari, S.M.; Capanoglu, E. (eds.). Retention of Bioactives in Food Processing. Cham: Springer, 2022. Pp. 93-121. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96885-4_3.

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7. Toydemir, G.; Gultekin Subasi, B.; Hall, R.D., et al. Effect of Food Processing on Antioxidants, Their Bioavailability and Potential Relevance to Human Health. Food Chemistry: X. 2022. Vol. 14. Article Number: 100334. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/jj.fochx.2022.100334.

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13. Nowak, E.; Livney, Y.D.; Niu, Z., et al. Delivery of Bioactives in Food for Optimal Efficacy: What Inspirations and Insights Can Be Gained from Pharmaceutics? Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2019. Vol. 91. Pp. 557-573. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/jj.tifs.2019.07.029.

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Information about Author / Информация об авторе

Feofilaktova, Olga Vladimirovna

Феофилактова Ольга Владимировна

Тел./Phone: +7 (343) 283-11-70 E-mail: feofiov@usue.ru

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Food

Technology Department

Ural State University of Economics

620144, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta/Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45

Кандидат технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры технологии питания Уральский государственный экономический университет

620144, Российская Федерация, г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта/Народной Воли, 62/45 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1210-0845

Contribution of the Authors:

Feofilaktova, Olga V. - analysing bibliography data, developing methodology, formulating conclusions, creating text. Вклад авторов:

Феофилактова О.В. - проведение анализа литературных данных, разработка методологии, формулирование выводов, подготовка текста.

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