этой индийской секты Ир(а)ван в далеком прошлом мигрировали из Индии на юго-восточные Балканы и жили в этой географии в небольших количествах. Эти люди называли себя племенем (народом) «хай». В VI веке до нашей эры эти ир(е)ванцы (племя «хай»), жившие в небольшом количестве, переселились к озеро Ван.
Армянская энциклопедия также признает, что предки «армян» (современные поддельные армяне) были фригийскими иммигрантами, которые мигрировали с южных Балкан в Урарту (Армения) и первоначально поселились только на западе страны в качестве меньшинства (Источник: Советская Армянская Энциклопедия. 1986 г., том 12, стр. 276-283; Samuelian, Thomas J. Armenian origins: an overview of ancient and modern sources and theories (Армянское происхождение: обзор древних и современных источников и теорий), Iravunq Pub. House).
Эти «фальшивые ир(е)ванцы» называли себя "хай" (во множественном числе "хаяк", т.е. хайцы). Поэтому после завоевания территории Армении (Урарту) местность получила название «Хайестан», то есть «земля хая». После завоевания Армении и заселения данной территории ир(е)ванцами, т.е. хайами, стали называть их «армянами». Греческие историки до сих пор используют слово «Армения», а персы - слово «Эрменистан», однако ирванцы или «хайцы» никогда не представлялся армянами в прошлом. Для того, чтобы присвоить земли Манны (Эрмани), они называют себя армянами! ! ! Однако их притязания не имеют исторических оснований. Сказанное дает основание говорить, что Кура, Араз, Арарат и Армения являются историческими землями азербайджанских тюрков
(азербайджанцев), а «хайцы»- переселенцы на этих землях и никогда не были «доминирующим народом» на этих территориях.
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15.Манижа Турабзаде, Акрам Гусейнпур, Фариба Шахидифар ве Фахиме Везири. "Махиййет-э тахавволат дар Асия-йе Меркези ве Гафгаз (Суть изменений в Центральной Азии и на Кавказе), Везарат-э омур-э харедже, дафтар-э моталеат-э сияси ве бейнолмелали, No 1,Тегеран, 1373/1994
16.С.Сардариния. Иреван йек вилаят-э мосалманнешин буд («Ереван - провинция мусульман») ",Тебриз, 1380/2001, 248 стр.
17.Ахмад Касрави. Шахрияран гомнам (Забытые династии, на основе издания 1928 г.), издательство «Айдын», Тебриз, 1388/2009, 348 стр.
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DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.5.79.1064 Arslonzoda Rakhmatzhon Arslonboevich
Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of World History Ferghana State University Republic of Uzbekistan
Memoirs are one of the important types of historical sources. The article first gives a general overview of memoirs on the Soviet period in the history of Uzbekistan. The classification of memoirs by their ideological orientation and time of writing is given. The characteristic features of memoirs belonging to the pen of various groups of memoirists - veterans of the revolution, civil and Great Patriotic Wars, party and Soviet workers, literary and art workers, are revealed. The author shows the flaws inherent in individual groups of memoirs that require a critical approach to their use as historical sources. It is concluded that although a significant part of the memoirs of this period is saturated with the spirit of communist ideology, nevertheless, the critical use of this layer of sources in conjunction with documentary materials and other sources will help to recreate the real picture of the life of Soviet society.
Keywords: Memoir literature, memoirs, "memoirs - autobiographies", "memoirs - modern histories", diaries, epistolary sources, historical sources.
In the study of the history of all countries and peoples, including the Soviet period in the history of Uzbekistan, memorial literature occupies an important place. This array of sources is especially valuable for reconstructing the biography of historical figures, revealing their worldview, and reconstructing the everyday life and mode of life of people in the Soviet era. Memoir literature consists mainly of genres such as memoirs or memories, as well as diaries and letters (epistolary sources). Regarding the Soviet period in the history of Uzbekistan, we see the presence of all these varieties, each of which should be discussed in more detail.
Let's start with the memories. The scientific literature distinguishes between "memoirs -autobiographies", which are addressed primarily to family members and descendants of the memoirists themselves, and "memoirs - modern histories", where the life and work of the authors is illuminated against a broad historical background, which gives these memories an epic character to a certain extent. Both those and others are especially valuable in that they contain many episodes of life, where various facets of being in Soviet society are clearly manifested. Most of the memoirs of this period are autobiographic memoirs, but at the same time, a number of them are not devoid of the properties inherent in "memoirs - modern histories".
Based on the ideological and political positions of the authors, memoirs reflecting various aspects of the life of Uzbek society in the Soviet period can be divided into two large groups: 1) recollections of opponents of the Soviet authorities, and 2) works whose creators were loyal to the Soviet regime. Since in one of our publications we gave a brief overview of the memoirs of the first group [3], in this article we would like to dwell on the characterization of the literature related to the second group.
First of all, we note that the authors of the memoirs, to some extent covering the Soviet period in the history of Uzbekistan, belong to different social groups. Among them, one can meet participants in the revolution and socialist construction, civil and World War II, party and soviet workers, writers and scientists, cultural figures and others. The study of memoirs gives reason to argue that the social status and intellectual level of their authors certainly set their mark on the range of phenomena described by them, and on the assessment of the essence of the events described.
It is worth paying attention to one more significant point. Memoirs dedicated to the Soviet era appeared both in the Soviet period itself and in the post-Soviet era. Therefore, it is quite natural that the interpretation of the processes taking place in Soviet society differs significantly depending on the time of writing the memoirs. As a rule, the memoirs published in the Soviet era are written in a positive way, correspond to the spirit of the communist ideology and are distinguished by the loyal attitude of the authors towards the Soviet system. In conditions when the totalitarian regime flourished and was full of strength, it could not be otherwise. It
should not be forgotten that severe censorship existed in the USSR, and all literature containing at least some negative assessment of Soviet reality simply had no chance of publication. But in the memoirs published after the collapse of the USSR and the declaration of state independence of the republic, a critical assessment of many aspects of Soviet reality abounds.
First of all, I would like to draw attention to the collections of memoirs of the old Bolsheviks, labor veterans, civil and World War II [4, 5, 10, 12, 25, 27]. As a rule, the publication of these collections was timed to coincide with certain anniversary dates. Soviet reality had a direct impact on the content of these memoirs, which were undoubtedly edited in the spirit of the prevailing ideology in society. Therefore, it is not surprising that they completely fit into the framework of the then official historiographic concept, and served as an illustration and confirmation of the latter. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the memoirs of veterans there are many life episodes that expand our ideas about the past, deepen our knowledge about the complex and contradictory processes that took place during the Soviet period.
The memoirs of the figures of science, literature and art are especially highlighted. These are the works of the scientist and public figure, academician T.N.Kary-Niyazov "School of Life" [24], the famous film director Kamil Yarmatov "Return" [21], the writer and playwright Kamil Yashen "Memoirs" [22] and others. Authors of these works, held by high posts, respected and honored, and awarded high state awards for their true merits, position themselves as staunch supporters of the Soviet regime, favor the policy of the Soviet state in Uzbekistan, especially in the field of culture, and very willingly talk about their personal contribution to its implementation. Memoirs of science and culture workers are valuable in that they contain a lot of unique materials about the development of the education system, science, literature, theater and cinema in the Uzbek SSR, which we do not find in other sources.
A special place is occupied by the memoirs of close relatives of prominent figures of Uzbek literature - Abdullah Kadyri, Aybek, as well as the famous statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov, who were subjected to repression or ostracism during their lifetime or after death. These are the books "About the Father" by Khabibullo Kadyri [23], Asil Rashidov's "About the Brother" [14] and Zarifa Saidnasyrova's "My Aybek" [15]. The authors of these memoirs cite numerous episodes known only to them from the lives of their heroes, recreate their vivid images, and reveal the best features of their character.
The contents of the book are close to the memoirs of the writer Shukrullo Yusupov's books "Chest with Jewels" [19] and "Buried Without a Shroud" [20]. In the first book, the author talks about his career, about his teachers and friends. Live episodes of the literary life of Uzbekistan, stories about meetings and conversations with Aybek, Gafur Gulyam and other skilled writers aroused great interest among readers.
Encouraged by the success, Shukrullo wrote the second part of the book and in 1983 published both parts in full.
In the early 50s, Shukrullo Yusupov was among the victims of the last wave of stalinist repression. After the death of the "leader of the peoples," he was rehabilitated, and several decades later he wrote a documentary story "Buried Without a Shroud" about what he saw and experienced in exile. The book sheds light on the life of innocently convicted inhabitants of the stalinist camps.
The history of the Soviet era was also reflected in a number of memoirs published after the declaration of state independence of Uzbekistan. These are the memoirs of party and government leaders N.A.Mukhitdinov and I.B.Usmankhodzhaev, academician O.Akramkhodzhaev, scientist and polygraphist I.Shagulyamov, famous artist Z.Muhammadzhanov, front-line pilot M.Rasulov (2003), and Soviet-party mid-level employee R.Lyan, historians H.Z.Ziyaev, Sh.A.Khaitov,
R.Sh.Shamsutdinov and others.
In the memoirs of the first leaders of the republic, N.A.Mukhitdinov, "The years spent in the Kremlin" [8] and I.B.Usmankhodzhaev, "Zigzags of fate: Seen and experienced" [16], the life and work of the authors is revealed against a broad background of socio-political processes, flowing in the country, republic and those regions where they had to work. The material cited in their memoirs is undoubtedly of positive significance for understanding many pages of the history of Uzbekistan in the Soviet period. Thus, the memoirs of I.Usmankhodzhaev help to understand the mechanism of the so-called "Uzbek cause", which was promoted in the last years of Soviet power, which in practice was not much different from the stalinist repressions of the 30s. At the same time, it should be noted that the authors of these memoirs, convinced communists and party functionaries, interpret events that occurred with their participation exclusively in the mainstream of the communist worldview.
But in a number of other memoirs that saw the light during the years of independence, the authors try to comprehend many of the negative aspects of Soviet reality that they had to face in their lives. In addition, it is noteworthy that each particular memoirist pays special attention to highlighting that sphere of society, to which he himself had a direct relationship. So, from the memoirs "Life Lessons" [1] by the geologist O.Akramkhodzhaev, we extract a lot of useful information about the development of geological science in Uzbekistan, exploration and mining, in particular, the emergence and formation of the oil and gas complex in the republic. Many pages of his memoirs are dedicated to outstanding geological scientists, in particular academician Khabib Abdullaev, who played a large role in building up the scientific and economic potential of the republic, and, nevertheless, he was subjected to the strongest pressure from the side of totalitarian regime, which ultimately ended in his premature death.
The memoirs of the famous artist Z.Mukhammadzhanov "In the circle of great people" [9] contain a lot of interesting things about the development of the theater and cinema in the Soviet
period, the famous masters of art of Uzbekistan, their life and work. And the memoirs "This is called life" by Sh.Shagulyamov, who headed the Sharq Publishing and Printing Association for many years, is a peculiar, lively and entertainingly presented story of the printing industry in Uzbekistan [18].
Among the above-mentioned memoirs, the memoirs of the former military pilot Mukhtar Rasulov "My fiery years" [13] are especially distinguished. Unlike other memoirs, covering almost the entire life of the authors, the memoirs of M.Rasulov cover a specific segment of his biography - the years of the Second World War.
M.Rasulov was born in the city of Fergana. After graduating from a pedagogical school, he worked as a teacher in one of the rural schools of the Tashkent region. From the first days of the war he was mobilized into the army and with battles reached (or rather, flew) to Berlin. M.Rasulov took part in many battles, repeatedly showed courage and heroism, was awarded many military awards. Reading his memoirs, we visually imagine the difficult military everyday life of Soviet pilots, filled with everyday risk, adversity, heroism and the loss of comrades. After the war, M.Rasulov took up scientific and pedagogical activity, became a doctor of economic sciences, professor, he was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Science of the Uzbek SSR."
In the memoirs of Kh.Z.Ziyayev "Fragments of my native Tashkent and my life path" [6], the scientist's long and fruitful life path is described in close connection with the history of the city of Tashkent and the activities of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, where he worked all his life. The part of Fragments, where the author, a World War II veteran, described front-line everyday life and the incredible difficulties that the Red Army soldiers had to face at the frontline, are of undoubted interest. R.T.Shamsutdinov in his book "Seen in reality" [17] described in detail his life and created vivid images of his relatives and associates, with whom his fate brought him together. And the memoirs of Sh.A.Khaitov "The episodes imprinted in my memory" [26] are written in a slightly different perspective. The author describes his childhood and adolescence, study at school against the background of the life of the Uzbek village in the 60-70s of the XX century with the prevalence of cotton monoculture here and the widespread use of child labor in agriculture.
In his memoirs "Far from the Homeland of the Ancestors" [7], dramatic episodes related to the deportation of Soviet citizens of Korean nationality from the Primorsky Territory to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 1937 are highlighted. The author's message about the strike of workers of the silk-weaving factory in Margilan in the mid-60s, the movement of the Crimean Tatars deported to Uzbekistan for returning to their historical homeland. Note that it was impossible to write about these forbidden topics in Soviet times.
A special group of memoirs is oral history -memories recorded in the form of phonographic documents. Currently, many such documents are stored in the funds of the National Archive of Cinema and
Photo Documents of Uzbekistan. These are mainly the memories of the old Bolsheviks, participants in the civil and World War II.
Another variety of memoir sources are diaries. It should be noted that in Soviet times, this literary genre in Uzbekistan was not widespread, so there are not very many published diaries of those years.
It is known that the famous writer Aybek often resorted to this genre - the author of such diaries as "Materials of a trip to Assak", "On the front" and "On the roads of Pakistan" [11]. Aybek's diary entries are quite short, sometimes thesis-like. That the writer considered them as material for his future works. "Travel materials in Assak" were written during Aybek's visit to the Assakin region in July 1935, and "On the Roads of Pakistan" - during a trip to this country in November 1949. Both diaries were first published in the 12th volume of his Complete Works in 1978.
The fate of his diaries, "On the Front," was somewhat different. From December 6, 1942 to February 5, 1943, Aybek, as part of the second Uzbek art brigade, visited the Western Front and had the opportunity to meet directly with the heroes of his future essays, poems and novels. In his diary, you can find dozens of names of Uzbek soldiers who fought in difficult times against fascism. Aybek from the words of the fighters themselves gives vivid episodes from the hostilities, where our compatriots showed courage and heroism. The author describes a meeting with the legendary sniper Zebo Ganieva, with whom he happened to meet in one of the Moscow hospitals, where she was treated after a military wound. Aybek gives fragments from his poems dedicated to the valor of soldiers and officers who fought on the front line. Fragments from his diaries "On the Front" were first published on the pages of the newspaper "Sovet Uzbekistoni" on January 12 and 24, 1965. In the same year, the diary was published as a separate book in the city of Tashkent.
One of the varieties of memoir literature is epistolary sources. Unlike memories, letters, like diaries, are written in the process of events and are a form of communication between people. Letters often contain facts that we do not find in other sources. Particularly noteworthy are letters addressed by citizens to the authorities and editorial offices of newspapers and magazines. They are replete with facts that shed light on the socio-political situation on the ground, public moods, living conditions and mode of life of citizens. More than 3 thousand of such letters written by dehkans (peasants) to state bodies in connection with forced collectivization were studied by researcher M.Inatov. These letters are a cry from the souls of people who have found themselves in an incredibly difficult position due to the criminal policy of the Bolsheviks aimed at creating collective farms and dispossessing prosperous, and most often middle-peasant, enterprises. The following lines from letters from completely desperate rural residents testify to the tragic consequences of forced collectivization: "I was deprived of the only source of residence"; "I was thrown out into the street with family members"; "I'm completely busted. How do I live on? "; "I have never
been a bay; I have worked all my life as a simple farmer. Why they confiscated my property, I don't understand "[2].
Summing up, we can conclude that according to the Soviet period of the history of Uzbekistan there is a variety of memoirs. Although a significant part of it is imbued with the spirit of communist ideology, nonetheless, the critical use of this layer of sources in conjunction with documentary materials and other sources will help recreate the real picture of the life of Soviet society.
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