MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK METAPHORS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
metaphorical terms / structure / household / floristic / zoomorphic / anthropomorphic / geographical / geometric. / метафорические термины / структура / домохозяйство / флористика / зооморфизм / антропоморфизм / географический / геометрический

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Turakulova, Oysulton, Mirzaeva, Gulasal, Buranova, Mekhkamtosh

Metaphor is a productive way in the formation of medical terminology. In the article metaphorization as a way in the formation of medical terminology was analyzed. The main attention is paid to the structural and semantic analysis, the main thematic groups of metaphorical terms are highlighted here. On the basis of the semantic analysis on the main trends in the formation of metaphor terms in the medical field were revealed.

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Метафора продуктивный способ формирования медицинской терминологии. В статье анализируется метафоризация как способ формирования медицинской терминологии. Основное внимание уделено структурно-семантическому анализу, выделены основные тематические группы метафорических терминов. На основе семантического анализа выявлены основные тенденции формирования метафорических терминов в медицинской сфере.


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Turakulova Oysulton, Mirzaeva Gulasal, Buranova Mekhkamtosh Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy Foreign language and literature chair, teachers

Metaphor is a productive way in the formation of medical terminology. In the article metaphorization as a way in the formation of medical terminology was analyzed. The main attention is paid to the structural and semantic analysis, the main thematic groups of metaphorical terms are highlighted here. On the basis of the semantic analysis on the main trends in the formation of metaphor terms in the medical field were revealed.

Keywords: metaphorical terms, structure, household, floristic, zoomorphic, anthropomorphic, geographical, geometric.

Метафора - продуктивный способ формирования медицинской терминологии. В статье анализируется метафоризация как способ формирования медицинской терминологии. Основное внимание уделено структурно-семантическому анализу, выделены основные тематические группы метафорических терминов. На основе семантического анализа выявлены основные тенденции формирования метафорических терминов в медицинской сфере.

Ключевые слова: метафорические термины, структура, домохозяйство, флористика, зооморфизм, антропоморфизм, географический, геометрический.


Metaphorical transfer of names in the terminological system is noted regularly and is determined by the constant development of the formation of new names and meanings of medical terms through the scientific rethinking of well-known words. It is revealed that medical terms are characterized by metaphorical, holistic, generalized and figurative meaning, which are based on metaphorical rethinking resulting from associative and figurative thinking. Metaphorization is the most important and productive source of enrichment of the medical terminological foundation.

A language quickly and flexibly responds to all changes in the scientific field, a terminological system becomes the result of such intensive development. In modern



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linguistic science, metaphorization as one of the most important cognitive processes is a productive semantic source for the formation of terminology.


It is known that the doctrine of metaphor originates from the works of the ancient philosopher Aristotle, who put forward and developed a system of concepts and judgments related to metaphor. A more detailed presentation of the theoretical question of metaphorization is given in the works of J. Lakoff and M. Johnson, who presented the theory of cognitive metaphor. Theoretical propositions related to various aspects of the study of metaphorization were further developed in the scientific works of many linguistic scholars. Scientifically grounded and thoroughly developed fundamental material has been accumulated in modern linguistic science in the theory of metaphor (N.D. Arutyunova, V.N. Telia, E.O. Oparina, V.G. Gak, G.N. Sklyarevskaya and others).

Recent studies have convincingly shown that metaphor is an object of study not only of artistic discourse, but also of terminology. The focus of scientists is metaphor, and not only as a stylistic tool or artistic device, but mainly as a way of nominating, creating new meanings, comparisons in creating terminological units. Moreover, it became obvious that only in the way of an integrated linguistic approach to metaphorization, at the intersection of linguistics with other sciences, it is possible to reveal . In metaphorical terms, the comparison highlights important elements: the subject of comparison, i.e. the object that is being compared, the object of comparison, which serves for comparison and the basis for comparison is a sign of the objects being compared. Metaphorization performs two functions: nominative and evaluative, defining and naming a new concept with a familiar word. According to N.D. Arutyunova, metaphor is one of the ways of expressing meaning, which exists along with the use of words in their direct and exact sense, but is much less convenient and effective [3; 2].e role of deep structures caused by an associative form of thinking.


Our analysis showed that, according to the structure, medical metaphorical terms are an indivisible combination of two or more independent words: the head process (miya ishlashi), the gastric bed (oshqozon devori), the roof of the rhomboid brain (bosh miya qopqog'i), the lymphatic pharyngeal ring(limfa tugunchalari), etc. The most frequent and productive are named combinations, the most dominant and common structural model is the name combination noun and adjective in nominative

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case (abdominal wall (qorin devori), bronchial tree(o'pka daraxti), neural crest, etc.), the combination of the noun in nominative case of the item with a noun in genitive case of the item (neck of a tooth, a frenum of tongue, porta hepatis and others). Metaphorical meanings can develop in both forms of the number of nouns. The use of singular forms in the scientific style to designate a whole class of objects or phenomena of reality with common features is very productive and widespread. Such use is the traditional and functional standart of scientific medical terminology. For example, auditory tube, sunstroke and others.

The analyzed material allows us to state that metaphorical transference is characteristic and typical for a number of groups of medical terms. The collected material was systematized and classified into the following subject groups: 1) household, 2) floristic, 3) zoomorphic, 4) anthropomorphic, 5) geographical, 6) geometric.

The most numerous and productive group of metaphorical terms is household vocabulary, which is based on a metaphorical transfer of names based on the identity of external signs, the form of comparison with household items and human environment. From a semantic point of view, household metaphor is mainly the names of various household items.

Among the many household objects and phenomena surrounding reality, a certain form is selected, the structure of the object, which results in the emergence of similar figurative associations, the similarity between household objects that already have a name, and a new one that needs to be called most accurately in medical terminology. Terminological metaphors directly correlate with the phenomena of the objective world, possess metaphorical semantics. Within this group, it is possible to distinguish subgroups that characterize comparisons with everyday objects, their elements and details:

dishes and its types: eye cup(ko'z kosasi), optic cup(optic kosacha), bone scraper(suyak bo'lagi);

clothing and its details: heart sac(yurak xaltasi)

household items: anatomical snuffbox, bone lock and others;

food, drinks: sebum, bone meal(ilik sho'rva), cartilage minced(to'g'ay qiymasi),


tools and objects of labor: uncinategyrus, tendon spindle(pay to'qimasi), etc.; jewelery and accessories: obstetric watches(doyalar soati), crural ring, rachitic bracelets, etc.;

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tissue and its types: muscle fiber(muskul ildizi), bony tissue(suyak to'qimasi), olfactory filament, etc.

It should be noted that household metaphor is, in comparison with others, dominant. The productivity of the metaphorical transformation of terminological phraseological units occurs, in our opinion, with external similarities between objects and the anatomical structure of a person, or when they have a certain hidden common feature. Thus, the name of a particular household item becomes the name of a sustainable combination of terminological nature.

The zoomorphic metaphor (the names of animals, birds, insects, fish) occupies an important place in the medical terminological system and gives rise to a large number of associations, their use is intensified and expanded in the transfer-characterizing values associated with generalized evaluation qualifications. As a rule, the source of the formation of a zoomorphic metaphor is the body parts of animals, birds, which are conditionally transferred to humans. Zoonymis, based on real objective qualities of animals, is a semantic motivation, an internal form of comparison: bovine eye(sigir nigoh), cleft palate(chuqur tanglay), bovine heart(buzoq yurak), cat's ear, rabbit fever(quyon yurak), leonine facial, harelip, tiger heart(sheryurak), macacus ear, frog belly(qurbaqa qorin), etc. For example, a frog belly — «belly with a flabby abdominal wall, bulging on the sides of a patient lying on his back; observed with weakness of the muscles of the lateral abdominal walls, for example, children with rickets». Names of animals are often used to characterize a person. According to our observations, out of a significant number of names of human body parts, the most productive somatic components in medical terminology are eyes, hands, lips, ears, and heart. As is known, the metaphor does not lose its cultural identity. Numerous associations give rise to figurative expressions in the field of medicine, their basic lexical meaning is accompanied by expressive nuances that convey, as a rule, a disapproving, negative, ironic attitude characteristic of the animal world: goose gait(g'oz yurish), mumps virus(cho'chqa gripp), canine fossa, etc. For example, the metaphor of the mumps virus makes it possible to determine the estimated characteristic, the disease is called mumps in its external expression in the form of a swollen neck, like a pig. Among the medical metaphors there is an expression like a goose gait. The basis of this expression is a comparison: the gait of a sick person is compared with a goose: «a gait with a body overrun from side to side; observed with paresis of the deep muscles of the pelvis and hip flexors, for example, with progressive myopathy, residual effects of infantile paralysis».

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The geographical metaphors are dominated by toponymic names, placenames, which are represented by such phrases: Crimean fever(qrim qaltirog'i), anthrax, Mexican typhoid(meksika terlamasi), etc. The basis of toponymic metaphors is a sign of a certain geographic object that is a semantic core: a specific locality is indicated where the disease first appeared.

There is one more productive source of the metaphorical name of medical terms — the names of a geometric figure. In this case, the basis for the metaphorization is the shape of the object, such figures as the arterial cone, femoral triangle, renal pyramids, etc. are subject to rethinking. Many human organs got their names because of the similarity with geometric shapes. Thanks to the geometrical symmetry of the human body thus established, the understanding of its structure was facilitated, for example, the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone, the pyramid of the temporal bone, the rectus abdominis, the angle of the mandible, etc. In order to give a more accurate description of the structure of the human body and its organs introduced such geometric concepts as axes and planes. To give a more accurate description of the structure of the human body and its organs, such geometric concepts as axes and planes were introduced into medical terminology. In describing anatomical terms, stable combinations with the main component of the noun axis are widely used: vertical or longitudinal axis, horizontal or transverse axis, sagittal axis. With the word plane, we have fixed the following stable combinations: horizontal plane, frontal plane, sagittal plane. These metaphorical names, which were known in ancient times, are included in international anatomical terminology. Phraseological units characterizing joints based on metaphor are different forms: a bowl-shaped joint(kosa shakl bo'g'im), a nut-like joint(yong'oqsimon bo'g'im), ellipsoid joints, cylindrical joints(stilindrsimon bo'g'im), spherical joints(sharsimon bo'g'im), etc. For example, the stable expression of cylindrical joints resembles a cylinder segment in the form of the articular surface.


The terminology name of a bowl-shaped joint resembles a cup. Similar metaphorical names are frequency in anatomy Muscles are also varied in their shape and size: (fan-shaped, ring-shaped, pear-shaped, diamond shaped,(parraksimon,uzuksimon,noksimon,rombiksimon) etc.). For example, the stable combination of a rhombus muscle is somewhat similar in shape to a rhombus, the trapezius muscle has a triangular shape.

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