MEDIA SUPPORT FOR KAZAKHSTAN AND UKRAINIAN TOURISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Akhmetova Laila, Lebyedyeva Nadegda

This article is devoted to the peculiarities of visiting certain countries and tourist sites, as well as the direction of the development of tourism. They are sufficiently represented in the information media field of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The main aim of this research is to consider tourism media resources in Ukraine and Kazakhstan in future cooperation between the countries. As a result of the SWOT analysis of Ukraine and Kazakhstan tourism media that is carried out by the authors of the article, to visit the reserves and sea zones of the Kherson region and travel to the sacred shrine of Kazakhstan, the Turkestan region, one can see that there are favourable conditions for the existence and the emergence of new media, both print and the Internet.

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Laila Akhmetova

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of UNESCO and International Journalism and Media in the Society Chair of the Faculty of Journalism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio,

Kazakhstan, Almaty E-mail: laila_akhmetova@mail.ru

Nadegda Lebyedyeva

Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Cultural Studies, Professor ofphilosophy of the International Personnel Academy in Kiev, full member

of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio,

Ukraine, Kiev E-mail: clin18 74@rumbler.ru


Ахметова Лайла Сейсембековна

д-р исторических наук, профессор кафедры ЮНЕСКО, международной журналистики и медиа в обществе факультета журналистики, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, академик Евразийской Академии телевидения и радио,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы E-mail: laila_akhmetova@mail.ru

Лебедева Надежда Анатольевна

д-р философии в области культурологии, профессор философии

Международной Кадровой Академии, действительный член Евразийской Академии телевидения и радио,

Украина, г. Киев E-mail: clin18 74@rumbler.ru


This article is devoted to the peculiarities of visiting certain countries and tourist sites, as well as the direction of the development of tourism. They are sufficiently represented in the information media field of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The main aim of this research is to consider tourism media resources in Ukraine and Kazakhstan in future cooperation between the countries. As a result of the SWOT analysis of Ukraine and Kazakhstan tourism media that is carried out by the authors of the article, to visit the reserves and sea zones of the Kherson region and travel to the sacred shrine of Kazakhstan, the Turkestan region, one can see that there are favourable conditions for the existence and the emergence of new media, both print and the Internet.


Данная статья посвящена особенностям посещения отдельных стран и туристических объектов, а также направлениям развития туризма. Они достаточно представлены в информационном поле Казахстана и Украины.

Библиографическое описание: Ахметова Л.С., Лебедева Н.А. Media Support for Kazakhstan and Ukrainian Tourism // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 6(84). URL:



№ 6 (84)_филология и искусствоведение_июнь. 2021 г.

Основная цель данного исследования - рассмотреть туристические медиаресурсы Украины и Казахстана в контексте будущего сотрудничества между странами. В результате проведенного авторами статьи SWOT -анализа туристических СМИ Украины и Казахстана, с целью посещения святыни Казахстана - Туркестанской области, заповедников и морских зон Херсонской области, можно увидеть, что существуют благоприятные условия для существования и появления новых СМИ, как печатных, так и Интернет-изданий.

Keywords: Kazakhstan, media, resources, sites, travel, Ukraine.

Ключевые слова: Казахстан, Украина, СМИ, ресурсы, сайты, путешествия.


Publications devoted to the development of tourism, the peculiarities of visiting certain countries and tourist sites, as well as the direction of the development of domestic tourism are sufficiently represented in the information media field of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. First of all, these are catalogues of sanatoriums, hotels, recreation centers, as well as rapidly developing information tourist sites, electronic mass media of tourist content, specialized sites, and smart applications. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the quantitative indicator of tourism media resources continued to increase by 2020, as a result of the development of innovative means of popularizing domestic tourism. So, for example, according to Ivchenko & Kolisnichenko [16], the growth of indicators of domestic tourism in Ukraine is influenced by both economic and political factors. "Over the past four years, the flow of only organized domestic tourists has increased by more than 1.5 times. The events taking place in Ukraine, such as in Crimea, have caused a redistribution of internal tourist flows. As an alternative to foreign beach recreation, the regions of Ukraine located on the coast of the Azov and Black Seas are chosen" [16, c. 40]. Many Ukrainian scientists note the possibilities of developing the tourism potential of the Kherson region due to its geographical location in terms of investment attractiveness and modernization of its industrial complex. The trend towards an increase in the influence of tourism and resorts on the dynamics of indicators of economic development of the region is improving due to domestic and foreign tourist flows. There is an enhancement in receipts from tourism to the local budget. The pride of the Kherson region is also considered the availability of air communication, which contributes to both the development of internal and external tourism and the development of tourist media. Kherson International Airport cooperates with such airlines as Turkish Airlines Inc., Bravo LLC, Ukrainian Helicopters, and so on. Regular flights are carried out to Kyiv and Istanbul, charter flights to Lublin, Sharm-al-Sheikh, Dalaman, Antalya, it is planned to open a flight to Minsk.

In 2017, more than 1.3 million people visited Turkestan. Currently, an international airport has been built, which began to operate already during the quarantine era.

As it's known, catalogs and magazines are actively distributed at airports and on flights. Thus, there is a relevance of scientific research on the development and improvement of the media sphere of tourism in the information space to attract flows of both external and internal tourists.

The purpose of this article is to consider the development of tourism media resources in Ukraine and Kazakhstan in the future of cooperation between these countries. The task is to analyze scientific sources, statistical data on the development of tourist media resources in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, taking into account the current challenges for the tourism industry caused by the global pandemic, as well as digitalization. The novelty of this research lies in the description of new media resources of tourism topics, presentation to the modern scientific community of interesting from the point of view of description and further study of tourist sites in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, as well as SWOT analysis.


Many scholars have considered the problems of media for the tourism business in Ukraine. Thus, the forms and methods of covering tourism topics in specialized publications of Ukraine were studied by O. Mitchuk [34]. The work of O. Lysikova [29] is devoted to the transformation of tourist practices in the context of a new media reality. An interesting work by V. Shevchenko [40] on the development of media start-ups in Ukraine. Conceptual directions for the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine as a factor for the development of media in the domestic market have been considered in the work of Y. Yurchenko [59]. Scientific articles by E. Kondratyev [21], N. Maretskaya [32], O. Volodchenko [57], D. Volkhin [56], G. Zayachkovskaya [63], [64] contributed to a detailed study of structural and image aspects of tourism development. The Ukrainian blogosphere was studied by N. Maretskaya [32]. The work of Y. Katsemir [18] is devoted to the formation of a positive image of Ukraine as a tourist state. The media-communicative competence of future specialists in the tourism industry as a component of cross-cultural competence is highlighted in a scientific article by V. Sidorov [41]. An interesting work by I.B. Vakhrushev [55], which was devoted to tourist advertising in the Internet space of Ukraine. Media education and media literacy in professional tourism education is considered by G. Arutyunov [1].

Virtual, augmented or mixed reality technologies have rapidly burst into all spheres of modern life: art, architecture, education, medicine, advertising, tourism, and journalism. The report by Polisuchenko [37] examines immersive journalism (immersive journalism) - a new phenomenon in the modern media industry. Its development leads to the transformation of traditional journalistic forms, in particular in travel journalism. The world practices of using virtual reality augmented reality

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and mixed reality in the tourism sector are described, including virtual tours, 360 ° video, 3D excursions. Technological requirements and changes in the competence of a journalist in connection with new challenges are also considered. The use of virtual and augmented reality in the media, in particular in travel journalism, but this area is very promising for the use of these technologies. The use of virtual and augmented reality in travel journalism is still in its early stages. The media has been slow to invest in these technologies. But, as research and practice show, the consumer is already ready to consume this type of content, so its further development and distribution are inevitable Polisuchenko [37].

Social media marketing is seen as a powerful tool in the tourism industry by Khurramov and Saidova [20]. Frolova, Rogach, and Ryabova [9] note the mediatiza-tion of tourism through the prism of new trends and tourism attractiveness in the online space. As "a concomitant direction in the development of tourism forms of media, an interesting work on the impact of social media tools on customer relationship management at Pachitanu (Former Ionescu)" Andreea [36]. Thus, the existing scientific sources allow us to talk about the increasing number and quality of media devoted to the development of tourism and consider them in more detail in the context of media support for tourism in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, which can attract the attention of scientists from other countries for further scientific research using comparative methods.

In the last thirty years, scientists of Kazakhstan have been actively developing the problem of tourism in the country.

Tourism as an industry emerged at this time and, naturally, required close attention to the development of the industry and its commercialization.

Curricula, teaching aids, and textbooks have appeared, new specialties in this area have been opened.

Scientific, educational, research and methodological articles appeared in specialized journals and published materials of scientific, methodological, and other conferences in Kazakhstan.

So, A. Kulibayev [22] studied the problem of the Silk Road in Kazakhstan and interest in it from tourists, S. Sansyzbaykyzy [39] studied the problems of the development of the tourism industry in the country, M. Zhetygenova identified the problems of competitive analysis and its impact on the development of the tourism business, O.B. Mazbaev [33] considered the problematic issues of tourism and ways of solving, S.K. Suraganova [43] studied cluster issues in tourism. Problems of tourism development in the Republic of Kazakhstan have been written by S.B. Isabekov (2015). After analyzing the current state of the tourism industry's development, S. Isabekov proposed several measures of state support aimed at improving and developing tourism activities in the Republic, the main of which are:

• development of the infrastructure of the tourist services market;

• improving the quality of tourism products and education in tourism;

• improvement of the mechanism of normative-legal regulation of the market of tourist services;

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• improving the management of tourism business development;

• improvement of the material and technical base;

• preservation of cultural and historical monuments;

• development of international cooperation.

Statistical collections have been published under the

editorship of A.A. Smailov (2011, 2015), monographs and books by G.M. Duysen [4], S.R. Erdavletov [5], [6], [7], [8].

Particular attention should be paid to the study of local lore in tourism issues. The greatest attention was paid to the study of Semirechye. Here one should pay attention to the works of O.G. Luterovich (2016), who devoted some interesting works to the study of Semirechye and found a lot of new and interesting material in the archives of Kazakhstan. Joint works of O.G. Lutherovich and B.K. Orazymbetova [28] on the technological maps of excursions of the Almaty tourist region, K.K. Zakiryanova, O.G. Luterovich, B.K. Orazymbetova, B.A. Arstanova, A.V. Gubarenko P.A., Semibratova [60] on excursion work in Almaty, T.V. Imangulova, A.V., Gubarenko T.V. Yeftifieva [13] on the basics of tourism and local history work,

In 2018, the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Law "On some issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

According to this document, the city of Shymkent began to belong to the city of republican significance, and the South Kazakhstan region was renamed Turkestan. Thus, the city of Turkestan, considered the golden cradle of the Turks, became the regional center of the Turkestan region. This is how A. Kumyrzak [23] describes the new impulse of the revived Turkestan.


This study is an analysis of the literature and statistical results for several years from 2014 to 2021, which made it possible to summarize a significant amount of practical information, text, and video materials about tourist sites in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, presented in the Kazakh and Ukrainian media, and research results using a sociological methodology. The article summarizes the analysis of Internet resources for tourism using SWOT analysis.

As an empirical basis for the study, materials and data are divided into the following groups: (i) official documents, which primarily include documents of state administrations, which constitute the primary legislative basis for the work of the media; (ii) empirical materials (text and visual) about tourist sites 2014 to 2020; and (iii) materials from Ukrainian and Kazakh media. Analysis of these documents, along with Internet resources, allowed the authors of the study to identify trends in the further development of forms and features of the use of media in the development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

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The identification of communication technologies for building the country's tourist image, used in Ukrainian specialized and socio-political media, practical recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency of technologies for forming the country's image was described in detail by the candidate of philological sciences, head of the department of advertising and media language, dean of the journalism faculty of the International University of Economics and Humanities named after academician Stepan Demyanchuk O.A. Mitchuk [34]. Unfortunately, after 2014 we do not find such a detailed description as was done by O.A. Mitchuk. Therefore, using this data and tourism internet sources, we'll describe the tourism media known on the market in 2019-2020. Although the pandemic made its adjustments to the tourism industry of the world economy, it nevertheless continued to exist, causing the development of travel newspapers and magazines.

We consider in more detail the currently famous and successfully existing media in Ukraine. The newspaper "The World in Pocket" (The World in Pocket, 2021) [46] is distributed among Ukrainian travel organizations in 60 cities of Ukraine; at international travel exhibitions in Ukraine, CIS countries, and Europe; on international flights of 12 airlines from Kyiv and the largest airports in Ukraine; in retail sales in 25 regions of Ukraine, as well as by subscription. It is published monthly with a circulation of 30,000 copies in Kyiv and Odesa. Aimed at both travel professionals and travel enthusiasts. Contains informational and advertising articles. Each issue contains such headings as official tourist information, tourist business news, extreme, exotic, wonders of the world, personality, culture, country of the month, tourist routes, etc. It was founded in 1996 and has awards: a laureate of a professional travel award in the nomination "The best periodical tourist publication in Ukraine" in 2000.

Mandry magazine [30] is published with a circulation of 10,000 and is distributed onboard Ukrainian Mediterranean Airlines (included in the ticket price). Each issue contains stories about unexplored corners of Ukraine, novelties of the season, exotic countries, tourist routes, the cost of travel, vacation "stars", interviews with interesting people, business information for travel agencies. The magazine is published in Ukrainian and English and is distributed free of charge on the planes of the Ukrainian Mediterranean Airlines (included in the ticket price) and in the Kozyrnaya Karta restaurant chain. Sold in shopping centers and supermarkets.

Tour Nuance magazine (Tour Nuance, 2021) [47] (is an interesting tourist information publication developed exclusively for a professional audience - specialists in the tourism industry. On the pages of the information catalog "Tour Nuance" everything that is needed for effective sales, here is collected, this is a desktop assistant to the tourism manager, which is published twice a year (spring and autumn), a full-color catalog, A4 format, with a circulation of 5000 copies and is distributed at tourism exhibitions.

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The Big Walk magazine is a publication dedicated to tourism, recreation, and travel. Published twice a month with a circulation of 20,000 copies.

The magazine "Let's go on vacation" is published every week, with a circulation of 120 thousand copies per month, (30 thousand copies per week) and does not just acquaint the reader with the help of color image advertising with the main interesting, strong and reliable travel companies that work in various directions of tourist business. This catalog is maximally filled with information that is relevant for the current season, due to specific proposals for countries, resorts, hotels, indicating prices and departure dates. In the travel headings, all offers are sorted not only by country but also by resorts, hotel classes, tour dates, and prices. The text of the ads also provides information about the services included in the tour price - a type of food, transport, transfer, medical insurance, visa, excursion program, as well as any possible additional information on the tour. Ads published with photos of hotels without words will convince you to choose one or another offer, depending on the client's preferences. Each issue publishes a map of Kyiv indicating the location of all travel agencies that published their offers in this issue (@ 2021http: //ot-pusk.ua). Distributed at retail in Kyiv: in kiosks, at the layouts and metro stations, in the supermarkets "La Furshet", "Mega market", at the counters in banks and business centers, at gas stations, in the shopping centers, in hotels, bars, clubs, restaurants, fitness centers, beauty salons; in showrooms Volkswagen, Nissan; in the salons of mobile communications, in the entrances of elite residential new buildings in Kyiv. There is also direct mailing to business offices in Kyiv, to the offices of travel agencies, in the network of NESCAFE, Double Coffee, and at the airports Borispol and Zhulyany. The magazine "Karpaty. Tourism. Vidpochinok" (the Carpathians. Tourism. Vacation, 2021) is published monthly in Ivano-Frankivsk, with a circulation of 21,000 copies, and is distributed through the press retail chain, bookstores, sports, and tourist equipment stores in the cities of Ukraine: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia.

The magazine "International Tourism" [15] is published once every two months, with a circulation of 20,000 copies, tells about the wonders of other countries and domestic sights about interesting, natural and man-made places of the planet, introduces famous travelers and artists, presents leading brands, publishes materials about road trips, sports, health, leisure and comfort products, offers hundreds of leisure options. Distributed by subscription.

The magazine "World of Tourism" is published eight times a year, with a circulation of 10,000 copies in Kyiv, actively promoting tourism, both in Ukraine and abroad. Readers can choose not only a place to stay but also a travel company that will help in organizing the tour. It is realized all over Ukraine, by subscription through DP "Press", subscription agencies "Summit", "KSS", "Periodical". The sale is carried out in kiosks, as well as in the shopping centers "Globus", "Kvadrat", "Polesie", the department store "Ukraine", the book market "Petrovka", through a wide network of private

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distributors in the regional centers of Ukraine. The magazines are delivered free of charge to representative offices of Austrian Airlines, Finnair, KLM, LOT, Malev, UIA VIP lounges at the airports of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Odesa.

The magazine "Wanderer" [58] has been published since March 1997 with a circulation of 50,000 copies. It is the oldest free full-color magazine in Kyiv. The publication is intended for an audience that can buy, the interests of the wealthy part of the population of Kyiv are taken into account for the convenience of readers, it is conditionally divided into several sections: where the main section is advertising materials. All information is placed under headings. In the rubricator, in addition to the list of countries, directions, and types of tourist services, the name of the company presented in the magazine is indicated, the pages on which the information in the magazine and the phone number of the company are located, which allows selecting a tour quickly, and on the other hand, equalizes advertisers, regardless of whether which page the ad is placed on.

The Ukrainian tourist newspaper [54] is published monthly, with a circulation of 32,000 copies, and helps travel business professionals navigate the tourism market and find out the news. Publishes information about new resorts, hotels. Tells about the leading companies and their leaders. Tourists will learn from the newspaper how to defend their rights, how to spend money on vacation in the best possible way, what types of travel are on the market, and how to use them correctly.

The magazine "Ukrainian Tourism" [53] is published twice a month, with a circulation of 7000 copies. Each issue publishes materials that provide comprehensive information on the air transportation market, hotel services, insurance, sea cruises, tourism, new technologies, and also highlights the latest changes in the legislative framework with comments from experts and specialists in the tourism industry. It is distributed by courier delivery to major airlines, representative offices of tour operators and travel agencies, as well as to embassies and government agencies, at thematic exhibitions, conferences, seminars, and presentations. Due to its narrow specialization and selected distribution system, the publication is an effective advertising and information carrier in the Ukrainian tourist services market.

Thus, one of the factors that motivate a modern person to start a journey, causing a desire to learn other aspects of life, experience new impressions, is travel media. The magazines use rich material from the historical and cultural resources of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Indeed, for example, Ukraine with its advantageous geographical position in the centre of Europe and rich tourist and recreational potential can become one of the most developed tourist countries in the world.

The events of 2014 determined a certain change in the development of the vector of domestic tourism - this is a reference point for visiting the sea coast of the Kherson region. "The youngest region (28.5 thousand km2 4.7% of the country's territory) of Southern Ukraine, formed in 1944. On the territory of the region, there are 18 districts, 9 cities, 31 villages, and 656 villages. The population of the region is 1117.1 thousand inhabitants

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(2.4% of the country's population), of which the urban population is 682.0 thousand (60.5% of the region's population). The climate is temperate continental with mild winters with little snow (average January temperature -4 ° С) and sultry dry summers (average July temperature + 23 ° С)" (@ Zeleny tourism). This region is washed by the Black and Azov Seas, which is of particular interest to tourists from the central and western regions of Ukraine.

The use of social networks and mobile technologies is one of the trends of our time in the context of globalization. As in other business segments, there is a rapid development of this trend in tourism. As noted in Iastremska's study [12]. "Tourists have become more mobile and regularly log in and monitor information on the Internet from their smartphones and most of them are registered in 1-2-5 social networks. For example, according to Mandala Research, 52% of 152 million adult American tourists use social networks and generate $ 102.9 billion for the US economy through domestic tourism, compared with $ 69.5 billion from unregistered users" [12]. In Ukraine, a similar trend is also observed - there are travel agencies that are moving in the Internet space as well as in the tourist communities. Interactive booking, mobile travel guides, and advice from foreign friends on planning a trip to their country have become a common practice for tourists. It is interesting, from the point of view of the authors of this article, the creation of an electronic and print media "Guide to leisure Kherson and the region "met an obstacle in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was planned to place information about new tourist sites in the new magazine "Kherson Tourism / Kherson Travel Guide 2020" (Kherson Travel Guide, 2020) [44]. It was planned to release a bilingual edition for the UITT exhibition, which was to be held in Kyiv at the end of March 2020. But the global pandemic has made its adjustments. After the end of the restrictive measures, up-to-date information about the business that has resisted and is waiting for guests is extremely necessary for planning a vacation in Ukraine. Currently, the publication can rely only on domestic tourists, without duplicating information in English. The catalogue was printed, 24 pages were filled with information and advertising of tourist sites in Kherson and the region. 5000 copies, Format B5 (165x230), 24+ pages, QR codes for websites and VR tours Distributed free of charge: at travel exhibitions, at advertisers' facilities, in shopping centres and similar establishments, Internet version on the KhersonRegion.com portal (Kherson Travel Guide, 2020)

The main sections of the catalogue: rest on the sea coast, green tourism and active rest, excursions, history, culture, rest in Kherson. Coastal objects reveal to the reader's attention the rest on the sea coast: Iron Port, Skadovsk, Lazurnoe, Primorskoe, Khorly, Arabatskaya Strelka. Sections on recreation centers, tourist complexes, reserves, services of active recreation and sports, fishing, and hunting are devoted to green tourism and active recreation. The publication is also designed to cover excursions to historical and cultural sites, describes tourist routes, tasting tours, cultural monuments, provides information on tour operators of domestic

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tourism. There is also a detailed description of rest in Kherson, hotels, and hostels, restaurants and cafes, theatres and cinemas, nightclubs, shopping, and entertainment centers.

Examining the sites of the tourism sector, we can speak of them as travel media, the activity of which is successful due to simple navigation using the name; internal navigation, which is provided with sufficient speed, useful from rational and emotional positions, which is accompanied by a three-dimensional multimedia image, the use of the latest technologies and innovative design and implementation methods, such as 3D panoramas of the Kherson region, the use of traditional media tools to stimulate the use of online and attract new website users; gradual building of individual relations with representatives of the external environment using interactive opportunities, which are the advantages of electronic media. Pop-up hypertext pages are also used. There is a regular modernization and updating of sites to attract attention, the formation of motives for action, to achieve the satisfaction of the rational and emotional needs of users on its basis, personalization and openness (socialization), the use of sound effects, three-dimensional space and the required speed for presenting messages.

"Travel the Kherson region" [44] is a site dedicated to protected areas and tourist sightseeing of the Kherson region. The site is the result of cooperation between the Kherson Regional State Administration, the Kherson City Council, the Kherson Regional Charitable Foundation "Unity" with the support of Google Ukraine within the framework of the Digital Transformation of the Kherson Region campaign. This site contains the results of the efforts of the Community of Cartographers of Ukraine and the best photographers of the Kherson region, such as photospheres and a photo tour of the sights of the Kherson region, as well as photos and videos. Here you can get acquainted not only with interesting and informative information about parks and reserves but also with tourist routes, contacts, and practical advice on the peculiarities of green recreation. Also, on the site, you can donate funds for the maintenance of animals and territories of reserves.

"Today the travel media market is a complex and ramified mechanism that combines several links. Firstly, these are specialized travel publications, in fact, Ukrainian or with representative offices in Ukraine. They belong to the spheres of both journalism and tourism business, have regular partners among airlines, hotel complexes, restaurants, etc. They are high-budget, glossy publications, with correspondents around the world. The leaders of the tourist media market in Ukraine are the magazine "International Tourism", the magazine "Man-dri. Navigator", Kyiv magazine "Traveller" [65]. The magazines described by O. Zelenyuk in 2012 are also successfully distributed in Ukraine.

The informative publication "Tourist Barometer of Ukraine" [50] is an attempt to bring together all possible statistical data to one degree. And it characterizes tourism, obtained in the course of various state statistical observations. All the above data are taken from official sources - the State Statistics Service of Ukraine,

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the State Border Service of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the main departments of statistics of the regions of Ukraine. When constructing a satellite account, the data collected in some regions of Ukraine during surveys initiated by the bodies authorized in the development of tourism were used. When preparing the statistical barometer, the peculiarities of national legislation and the currently existing information base were taken into account. Structurally, the Statistical Barometer of Ukraine is a collection of data on tourism demand (flow of visitors, number of accommodation in collective accommodation facilities, visitors to museums, passenger traffic), tourism supply (employment in tourism industries, investment activity, the balance of payments in areas related to tourism).

The Tourist Barometer of Ukraine [50] does not contain data on the attendance of specific objects of tourist display, nature conservation areas, and exhibition events; costs of visitors. These information gaps are planned to be filled in the future. The statistical barometer is intended for use by specialists from state and local authorities, potential investors, business representatives, scientific organizations and institutions, authorized public organizations, and other interested individuals and legal entities.

Tourist sites in Kazakhstan, as well as Ukrainian ones, use the experience of their colleagues and develop innovative, own directions, which distinguish each of the countries with their originality and novelty.

"National Company "Kazakh Tourism" was founded in 2017 after numerous successful events held in the country to continue promoting Kazakhstan on a global scale as a tourist destination and in its daily activities relies on partnerships with international tourism associations, development organizations, travel business, and media companies.

Kazakh Tourism, being the country's brand manager for tourism and a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, ensures a comprehensive and holistic positioning of the country both in the international and domestic markets. Kazakh Tourism pays special attention to marketing and promoting the country, attracting investment in tourism, and implementing the State Program for Tourism Development until 2025. (https://qaz-tourism.kz/ru)

The Kazakhstan Tourism Association (KTA) was founded in May 1999 with the support of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KTA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, the republican industry association. The KTA includes the Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants (KAGiR), tourists, insurance and airlines, universities, and the media.

KTA members are:

• Council for Tourism under MIID RK of the Department of Tourism Industry,

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• Forum of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan (FPK),

• Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT),

• National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NCE).

KTA publishes its electronic newspaper "Bulletin of KTA and KAGIR".

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The edition has been published since 1999 twice a week (Tuesday, Thursday).

KTA I KAGIR Bulletin is:

• the most up-to-date travel business news: events, facts, market analysis, statistics, incidents;

• official information from Ministries and regional tourism authorities;

• comments of specialists to legal documents;

• licensing problems;

• tourism in the regions;

• international events in tourism;

• vacancies;

• advertising;

• tourist humor.


The Tengritravel website has the headings "My Country", "Around the World", "Travel Notes" and "Sayakhat Time".

Today's news is common in many countries. Rest abroad on Nauryz: the most popular destinations among

Kazakhstanis have been named. Which countries accept tourists vaccinated against coronavirus, about the PCR test, the resumption of flights to different countries. Kazakhstan is not forgotten, different types of travel, unusual landscapes, grottoes in the canyon in Aksu are told. (https://tengritravel.kz/)

The site "Visit Kazakhstan" tells about tours in Kazakhstan, beaches, sanatoriums, recreation centers, boarding houses, popular destinations, nature reserves, national parks. (https://visitkazakhstan.kz/)

The website "Kazakhstan. travel" describes step-by-step work for traveling in Kazakhstan: where to go; Kazakhstan: landscapes from another planet; Kazakhstan through the lens of a camera; three pillar cities of the country: Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent; communication with space: a trip to Baikonur. Gives directions: what to do, plan your trip, for Business (https://kazakhstan.travel/).

As of March 28, 2021, according to Turkestan and Tourism in Turkestan, there were more than two million links.

Table 1.

SWOT analysis of the development of tourism media in Ukraine and Kazakhstan in order to visit reserves and

sea zones of the Kherson region and travel to Baikonur

Strengths Weaknesses

Law of Kazakhstan and Ukraine on tourism Ecologically clean zone of the Kherson region. The absence on its territory of large industrial enterprises that pollute the environment. Investment atmosphere, conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the tourism sector. Weather. Demographic situation in the region Multilingualism Currency market. The factor of competition influences. Business management can be influenced. The factor of the chosen business strategy can be influenced. The factor of employees can be influenced. The factor of the set business goals can be influenced. Leadership factor can be influenced. The operational management factor may be affected. The factor of technology influences.

Opportunities Threats

Print and electronic media. Qualified staff to create them. Cooperation with publishing houses and printing houses of the city of Kherson and the region, the Turkestan region in Kazakhstan Cooperation with bloggers in the field of tourism. Creation of new YouTube and other channels. Aggravation of the situation on the border with Crimea (Ukraine) Unforeseen weather conditions Lack of tourist flow Competition and competitors of neighbouring countries

As a result of the SWOT analysis of the development of tourism media in Ukraine and Kazakhstan to visit the reserves and sea zones of the Kherson region, it can be seen that there are favourable conditions for the existence and emergence of new media, both print, and online publications, but much depends on the stability of political relations.

In terms of intercultural communication between Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the authors of this study consider the information resource "Trip adviser" [42] to be one of the most successful projects. For example, being

in Ukraine, you can plan a trip to Kazakhstan and vice versa - from Kazakhstan to the Kherson region. We read on the website: "Nur-Sultan: an overview. Nur-Sultan, which became the capital of Kazakhstan in the late 90s, is proud of the landscape with new architectural and construction projects. Some of them, such as government infrastructure, continue to be implemented now. Old and the new quarters of the city are separated by the Ishim River. Old, still Soviet buildings are located on the northern bank, and the government district and such monuments as the monolithic Baiterek tower are on the

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southern. Entertainment and business facilities are concentrated on the central avenue of the Repub-lic"(@www.tripadvisor.ru). The heading "Nur-Sultan: the most interesting" [42] is accompanied by an abundance of colorful photographs, descriptions of places to see, routes worth taking, and branded entertainment.

Similar information can be found on Trip adviser and about the tourist highlights of the Kherson region. Mobile applications, the possibility of online orders make the resource universal for everyone interested in a particular country.


As a result of the study, we can conclude that in the modern world, each country is purposefully working to create, develop and promote its positive image in the world arena. Due to its climatic conditions and interesting historical heritage, Ukraine has every opportunity to take its rightful place in the world market of tourist services. Kazakhstan is attractive both geographically and by the uniqueness of its culture, customs, gastronomy and occupies a special place in the world as an object of

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interest for tourists from all over the world. Travel media, like others, occupy a special place among print media because of the material they present. They are also an important factor in motivating a person to travel. The travel media of Kazakhstan and Ukraine, along with other countries, should popularize beauty and tourist attraction. In general, travel media in the appropriate direction can become a significant factor in the upbringing of a common culture and spiritual and moral outlook of the youth of both countries. Having the most interesting places to stay and visit, we consider the Trip advisor information resource to be a valuable media resource for traveling to our countries.

As a result of the SWOT analysis of the development of tourism media in Ukraine and Kazakhstan to visit the reserves and sea zones of the Kherson region and the historical sites of the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan, it can be seen that there are favorable conditions for the existence of existing and the emergence of new media, both print and the Internet - publications, but much depends on the stability of political relations.


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