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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Muryukina E., Gorbatkova O.

Currently, media education is being actively introduced into Russian schools and universities. The process of media education is presented as an integral system in the context of representation of meaningful constructs. The results of the study allow us to state that in the era of digital transformation, media educational technologies are able to act as an effective tool in the professional activities of a teacher of a general education or higher educational institution. This fact is due to a combination of conditions, among which we have identified the following: intensive development of digital technologies; increasing media exposure to the younger generation; expansion of the area of implementation of media education technologies. As our practical experience has shown, the use of the above technologies of media education in the process of analyzing media texts in a school, student audience will allow not only to comprehensively study media works, but to form one's own point of view about it, develop analytical skills and critical autonomy of the individual, which will help increase the level of media literacy. The authors provide a set of effective media education technologies that are integrated in the education of schoolchildren/students; the results of this integration are presented.

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Copyright © 2022 by Cherkas Global University


Published in the USA

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie)

Has been issued since 2005

ISSN 1994-4160

E-ISSN 1994-4195

2022. 18(4): 617-623

DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.4.617 https://me.cherkasgu.press

Media Educational Technologies in Teaching Schoolchildren and Students in the Age of Digital Transformation

Elena Muryukina a, Olga Gorbatkova b , *

a Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov, Russian Federation b Don State Technical University, Russian Federation


Currently, media education is being actively introduced into Russian schools and universities. The process of media education is presented as an integral system in the context of representation of meaningful constructs. The results of the study allow us to state that in the era of digital transformation, media educational technologies are able to act as an effective tool in the professional activities of a teacher of a general education or higher educational institution. This fact is due to a combination of conditions, among which we have identified the following: intensive development of digital technologies; increasing media exposure to the younger generation; expansion of the area of implementation of media education technologies. As our practical experience has shown, the use of the above technologies of media education in the process of analyzing media texts in a school, student audience will allow not only to comprehensively study media works, but to form one's own point of view about it, develop analytical skills and critical autonomy of the individual, which will help increase the level of media literacy. The authors provide a set of effective media education technologies that are integrated in the education of schoolchildren/students; the results of this integration are presented.

Keywords: media education, media education technologies, educational space, digitalization, schoolchildren, students.

1. Introduction

Currently, the following reasons for the relevance of media education can be identified: "1. A high level of media consumption and the saturation of modern societies with the media. 2. The ideological importance of the media, and their influence, as industries, on the consciousness of the audience. 3. The rapid growth of the amount of media information, the strengthening of mechanisms for managing it and its distribution. 4. Intensity of media penetration into the main democratic processes. 5. Increasing the importance of visual communication and information in all areas. 6. The need for training schoolchildren / students with a focus on meeting future requirements. 7. Increasing national and international processes of information privatization" (Masterman, 1985: 2).

The era of digital transformation has led to "the emergence of a new paradigm of media education, which has ceased to occupy an oppositional position in relation to the perception system of the school/student audience. It does not begin with the notion that the media is necessarily and inevitably harmful, or that young people are simply passive victims of the influence of the media. On the contrary, media education increasingly puts the personality of the student at the center and

* Corresponding author

E-mail addresses: murjukina@ya.ru (E. Muryukina), gorbatkova1987@bk.ru (O. Gorbatkova)


begins with a reliance on the existing media knowledge and experience, rather than the teaching requirements of teachers. Media education does not seek to insulate young people from the influence of the media and thus lead them to "best practices", but empowers learners to make informed decisions about their own "protection". Media education is seen not as a form of protection, but as a form of preparation" (Buckingham, 2003: 13).

Thus, the appeal to the problem of integrating media educational technologies into the modern educational space of schoolchildren/students is determined by the increasing multichannel perception of information, growing information pressure, social and psychological problems of the existence of a person in the media environment and the need to develop the level of media competence of the younger generation.

2. Materials and methods

The material of our research is: scientific works that consider the problem of integrating media education technologies into the education system of schools and universities (Fedorov et al., 2022; Fedorov, 2007; 2012; 2014; 2015; 2019; 2022; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; Gálik, 2020; Gálik, Oprala, 2021; Gáliková Tolnaiová, 2021; Grishina, 2016; Kacinová, 2019; Novikov, Fedorov, 2022; Perminova, 2013; Sharikov, 1991; Silverblatt, 2001; Usov, 1989; Vrabec, Botosová, 2020 and others); the results of studies concerning the determination of the value-semantic load of the phenomenon of "media education" (Buckingham, 2003; Hobbs, 2011; Masterman, Mariet, 1994; Potter, 2011 and others); audiovisual media texts in terms of their use in the process of media education construct.

The methodological basis for studying the problem of using media education technologies in a modern school and university in the era of digital transformation was: synthesis, interpretation, isolation and systematization, theoretical analysis, descriptive-analytical method based on the hermeneutic analysis of audiovisual media texts.

The purpose of the study: to consider the possibilities of media education technologies in teaching schoolchildren and students in the era of digital transformation.

3. Discussion

The study of the specifics of media education, the problems of introducing media educational technologies into the practice of school / university educational space today is one of the most pressing topics in the focus of the field of view of representatives of the Russian scientific community.

Media education as a branch of modern pedagogy in the era of digital transformation is at the stage of development, which involves the realization of the need to assess the accumulated theoretical and practical experience.

Research in the field of the influence of mass communications on a person, the study of technologies for the critical perception of media texts, the effects of media education practices on the development of media literacy of an individual provide rich material for a pedagogical, psychological, cultural analysis of the interaction between the world of media and a person.

To date, there are developments of Russian and foreign media educators that have proven their effectiveness in the focus of determining the constructs of media education, the features of historical development, the specifics of integrating technologies into the educational space.

Media education processes were one of the first to be seriously studied in their works by I. Weisfeld (Weisfeld, 1988), A. Sharikov (Sharikov, 1990; 1991), later, relying on their works, A. Fedorov presented his version (Fedorov, 2012). An important direction in the presented research was the connection of media education with cultural studies, cinema, and pedagogy. Y. Usov (Usov, 1989) and others (Fateeva, 2007; Khilko, 2008; Vartanova, 2010). Among Western scientists, the works of L. Masterman (Masterman, 1994), B. Bachmair (Bachmair, 2010); D. Buckingham (Buckingham, 2003), A. Silverblatt (Silverblatt, 2001) and W.J. Potter (Potter, 2011) are undoubtedly of fundamental importance.

Note that A. Sharikov (in 1989-1991) made an attempt to adapt the Western experience of media education to Russian conditions. According to A. Sharikov, the audience should study media texts regardless of their artistic qualities, relying on their social, political, informational and other properties. To some extent, the views of A. Sharikov echoed the concept of L. Masterman (Masterman, 1985), who in his works paid the main influence to the development of critical thinking of the individual with the help of media education.

We fully agree with I. Vlasenko, who states that "the development of media education technologies is no longer a simple wish, but is implemented in the form of specific requirements that are mandatory for implementation in educational methods. Note that these requirements do not depend on the professional specifics of a particular specialty, but affect the entire system of higher education as a whole" (Vlasenko, 2011, p. 43).

Thus, the analytical study of scientific works only affects various aspects of the problem under study, without considering the problem of integrating media educational technologies as an integral system implemented in the educational space. To date, there is not enough research on media education as an integral system in the scientific discourse: its structural description through the scheme of connections and relationships, functional diversity, the presence of common and specific goals.

In our opinion, the dissemination of the ideas of media education, the replication of positive experience related to the integration of media educational technologies into the educational environment of schools and universities will allow adapting the pedagogical process to the era of digital transformation.

4. Results

The results of the study allow us to state that in the era of digital transformation, media educational technologies are able to act as an effective tool in the professional activities of a teacher of a general education or higher educational institution. This fact is due to a combination of conditions, among which we have identified the following:

- intensive development of digital technologies,

- increasing media exposure to the younger generation,

- expansion of the area of implementation of media education technologies.

From the point of view of V. Blinov, "the main advantages of media technologies are the wide use of modern pedagogical tools, the opportunity to learn along a personal development path, the possibility of creating an exclusive course by a teacher suitable for the target audience, as well as a competent motivation system" (Blinov, 2017: 70). As part of the study, we presented the experience of using media education technologies of varying complexity in working with school and student audiences.

The integration of media educational technologies makes it possible to find possible solutions to many problems, including the super-relevant one - violence in the children's and youth environment. The study in the scientific community of Russian cinematographic works, thematically related to the problem of school violence, is fully justified, since a wave of aggression and violence, armed attacks on students and teachers, and mass shootings on school grounds have overwhelmed Russian educational institutions. At the same time, films on the theme of school and university have always aroused interest among the school and student audience, which is determined by age characteristics.

The analysis of audiovisual media texts of school and university issues includes the use of various kinds of media educational technologies. Taking into account all the above-mentioned aspects of the symbolic "conversion" of media education in the process of school/university space, we systematized and presented some effective media education technologies based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, taking into account the author's contribution to the development of lesson cycles implemented in practice by the authors of this article (Table 1). We note that in most of the soviet media education technologies are universal; they can be easily transformed in accordance with:

- with age characteristics;

- the goals and objectives of a particular lesson and the entire cycle integrating media education;

- features of the educational institution;

- the semantic load of the lesson, etc.

It is important to note that the hermeneutic analysis involves the representation of the media text through the disclosure of the dynamics, specifics, structure, methods and techniques of narration, gender, worldview, socio-cultural, ideological content.

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2022. 18(4) Table 1. Media educational technologies in teaching schoolchildren and students

media education technologies schoolchildren students

presentation on the analysis of the media text on the topic "Facts of misrepresentation of information (intentionally or through negligence) in the mass media +

written work on one of the topics (optional) + +

test work on the topic "Criteria for assessing media and information literacy" +

development of a media education project +

role-playing game based on media texts + +

viewing and analysis of fragments of media texts + +

character characteristics in given conditions + +

media educational technologies based on game forms of work + +

As materials for use in the implementation of media education technologies, it is effective and relevant to refer to audiovisual media texts that are characteristic of the current stage of digital transformation: cinematographic works, television programs, news content, print/Internet media, Internet texts.

The analysis and interpretation of the media text, which are the basis of media educational technologies, suggest that a schoolchild or student needs to study a number of aspects:

- Investigation of the scene;

- Definition of historical, socio-cultural, political, ideological construct.

At the same time, the analysis of the historical content of the media text suggests an algorithm of actions:

- determination of the specifics of the historical period of the creation of media texts;

- establishing the level of influence of historical events on the ideological concept of the media text;

- specific examples in media texts reflecting the historical context.

The definition of the socio-cultural, ideological, ideological, religious content of a work of cinema assumes that a schoolchild or student will reveal:

- ideological, ideological aspect of the authors of the analyzed media text;

- interprets the inner world of the characters, their ideological matrix.

At the next stage, a study of the structure and methods of narration is carried out, while the audience is tasked with identifying:

- the time range of the functioning of the media text;

- genre palette of media text;

- stereotypical methods of depicting reality;

- appearance, character, vocabulary, behavior of characters in the considered media texts;

- problem and how to solve it.

In our opinion, the use of the above technologies of media education in the process of analyzing media texts in a school/student audience will allow not only to comprehensively study media works, but to form one's own point of view about it, develop analytical skills and critical autonomy of the individual, which will help increase the level of media literacy.

So, we have indicated that in the era of digital transformation it is effective to apply an integrated approach to the use of media education technologies. At the same time, it is obvious that the study of media texts in the educational process of various types and genres has its own specifics. Therefore, it is highly advisable to present several methods of work in the focus of media education practices in correlation with the analysis of audiovisual media texts on school and university issues in the audience of schoolchildren or students.

In recent years, media education technology has been most actively used in media education practice: viewing and analyzing media texts, in particular, the method of working with documentaries and feature films is used. Its implementation involves the definition of the genre, artistic specificity of the media text; discussion of advantages and disadvantages; media review. The analysis of works of audiovisual media culture is closely related to the specifics of modern media texts.

In the process of analyzing media stereotypes of a media text, it is important to pay attention to the study of:

- plot;

- the environment in which the main actions of the media text take place;

- stereotypical character traits of characters;

- values that they position;

- language, including facial expressions, gestures, clothing, etc.

Completing the task leads the audience to the conclusion that the basic structure of the media text, conditioned by the framework of the genre, is based on the same foundation. The main conflict of the plot is due to a significant event in the life of the character, which pushes him to the need to look for a solution in order to return to his usual life again.

In this context, we can propose the task of compiling a comparative description of the socio-cultural, political, ideological, gender segment in terms of comparing documentary, feature films of the modern stage (1992-2021). This task can be performed in the form of filling in the corresponding table (Table 2).

Table 2. Sociocultural, political, ideological, gender, worldview segments of modern Russian media texts on the topic of violence at school and university

Historical content Socio-cultural content Worldview content Gender Content

Modern Russian films on the subject of violence in school and university (1992-2021) The connection between the understanding of the content of the media texts under consideration and specific real historical events is found. The worldview of the authors is documenting violence, cruel scenes unfolding at school / university territory. The position of the characters - schoolchildren / teachers with purposeful / unintentional inhumane manifestations. The gender identity of the characters is pronounced.

In addition, the media education technology of reviewing a media text is very organically integrated into work with a school/student audience.

To identify the genre specificity of media texts, it is possible to offer a media educational technology - media text review, which is aimed at identifying typical features of a particular genre /type of media text. Among such features, it is necessary to focus on the key characteristics of the genre /type, manifested in the construction of the composition, the means of expression used, etc.

At the same time, media education technology - the characterization of a character in given conditions is relevant.

We offer students or schoolchildren to complete a task - to describe / demonstrate the characteristics (actions, motives, relationships) of the same character found in media texts of different genres. During the discussion, the participants of the lesson indicate the proposed topics of communication, the peculiarities of relations between characters who find themselves in situations of different genres.

During the discussion, the participants in the lesson indicate the proposed topics of communication and the nature of the relationship between the characters who find themselves in situations of different genres.

Thus, the use of the proposed media education technologies based on an integrated approach; co-dependence of goals and objectives; levels of assimilation of educational material (in accordance with age characteristics) allows the audience not only to understand the ideological and meaningful meaning of a media work, but also to deepen, expand the knowledge base about the historical, sociocultural features of media texts of different genres, and contribute to the development of media literacy of the audience.

5. Conclusion

Thus, today - in the era of digital transformation - we can talk about the relevance and expediency of using a wide range of media education technologies in the modern educational

process of schoolchildren/students. Media educational technologies expand knowledge in the field of media (about specific characteristics and basic concepts; historical facts; theoretical basis, etc.); contribute to the development of analytical skills, communication skills, autonomy of the individual from media exposure and the effects of infodemic. Media education technologies make it possible to provide the audience with a new "role" - researchers, creators, which stimulates their creative activity, which can be realized in various directions: self-determination of the individual, career guidance, future professional activity. It is important to emphasize that, regardless of the direction of media education work and the technologies used in the implementation of the lesson, this type of pedagogical activity implies a systematic approach, goal setting and problem solving in their complex (training, educational and developmental).

It is important that the idea of a specific media education session meets the interests and abilities of students of a certain age, their life experience, contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge, the formation of critical thinking, and the realization of creative potential.

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