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1 (Mediaobrazovanie) since 2005
Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie)
E-ISSN 1994-4195
2023. 19(1): 190-202
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.1.190
Media Educational Potential of the Television Industry: Towards the Conceptualization of the Media Communication Category
Aleksandr Yefanov a , b , *, Maksim Pugachev c , d
a Russian State University for the Humanities, Russian Federation b HSE University, Russian Federation c Orenburg State University, Russian Federation d State TV and Radio Company "Orenburg", Russian Federation
The article presents the conceptual model of media education of the television industry in the context of media communication. A set of methods such as interpretive analysis, comparative analysis, case-study are used in this research. The authors go by such basic categories as act, potency and potential. Due to its multy-paradigmal origin, the category of media educational potential of the television industry is considered from the view of interdisciplinarity. The authors refer to the achievements in social and humanitarian sciences and also in physical and engineering ones. The category of media educational potential of the television industry is put into the scientific discourse according to conducted study. This category is the complex of technical means of the company and the proficiency of television workers that are applied to train the staff members and to form media culture of the audience with developed communicative skills and high-leveled media competence. It is defined that the actors of the television industry are especially interested in improving media literacy of their audience to deal with the problem of fakes and post-truth, thus creating the environmental media. The actors of the television industry will be able to form media culture of modern society by improving the audience's media literacy.
Keywords: media, media education, media educational potential, television, television industry, media communications, media institute, media literacy, media competence, media culture.
1. Introduction
Television has to modify its architectonics, integrating with "new media", in terms of increasing media convergence as different types of media are penetrated (Gálik, 2020; McQuail, 2004) under the influence of the Internet. This process can be considered as intensive on the one hand and extensive on the other, the competition with the Internet resource, which is getting stronger, can lead to the loss of positions (the patterns alteration of media consumption is used to fixing sociological and statistical monitoring researches of the Russian Centre of Public Opinion Study, the Fund "Public Opinion", Mediascope and etc.). Thus there are new forms and formats of the television content distribution, showing that television is still able to affect the public opinion (Kolomiets, 2021; Nazarov, 2021; Ushkin, 2021). It should be taken into account that television has caused the constitution of professional practices and audiovisual solutions (Yefanov, Tomin, 2020),
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Yefanov)
that were adopted from the Internet by the actors (mostly by bloggers). There is the notion in media industry, confirming that television can "exist" on the Internet (however, this terminology is not correct from an academic position and it needs to be clarified from the media communication point of view).
However, the modification, made under the influence of media convergence of the television structure, makes us reconsider the meaning of media education in modern social space, where media space is being expanded by the influence of deep mediatization as the social metaprocess (Yefanov, 2021). In terms of dynamically updated information agenda, that causes the information noise and thus pseudo news phenomenon (such as fakes, post-truth), the television actors are interested in improving media literacy of the audience and they are able to develop media education. Thus, we can speak about media educational potential of the television industry as discrete media communication category. This thesis will be the basis of this research as a working hypothesis.
2. Materials and methods
The aim of this study is to conceptualize the media educational potential of the television industry as the media communication category. The complex of different methods such as: interpretative analysis, comparative analysis, case-study are used in this work. The comparative analysis is based on interdisciplinary categories, which are developed in social and humanitarian sciences as well as in natural and technical one, mostly appealing to polyparadigmatic approach by using the comparison of explication of the main features in media education of the television industry. The case-study supposes the usage of media educational potential of the television industry at the application level that needs to be theoretically proved by considering certain cases in media industry. The interpretative analysis lets us give some reasons to consider media educational potential of the television industry from theoretical point of view, thus having proposed the definition of this media communication category.
3. Discussion
There are five leading science schools in Russian academic environment nowadays, they are: A. Fedorov's Media Literacy Education and Media Competence Research School (Fedorov, 2019; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2017; Fedorov, Mikhaleva, 2020; Chelysheva, Mikhaleva, 2020); Ekaterinburg School (Kirillova, 2020; Oleshko et al., 2021; Simons et al., 2021); Chelyabinsk School (Blokhin et al., 2016; Kiuru et al., 2020; Shesterkina et al., 2021); MPSU School (Brodovskaya et al., 2021; Fateeva, 2019; Zhilavskaya et al., 2020); HSE School (Davydov et al., 2020; Kachkaeva et al., 2020; Logunova, 2017; Sharikov, 2016; Shomova, 2020; Yefanov et al., 2020). Particularly noteworthy are foreign scientists and research groups that have contributed to the study of audiovisual communications in the context of media education and media literacy: M. Frostenson, M. Grafstrom (Frostenson, Grafstrom, 2021); S. Gálik, B. Oprala (Gálik, 2020; Gálik, Oprala, 2021); S. Gáliková Tolnaiová (Gáliková Tolnaiová, 2021); H.-K. Lee (Lee, 2022); M. Paskevicius (Paskevicius, 2021); C. Schwarzenegger (Schwarzenegger, 2020); L. Botosová, N. Vrabec (Vrabec, Botosová, 2020); R. Ronquillo, J.A. Young (Young et al., 2022); F. Chen, J. MacLeod, D. Wu, S. Xu, H.H. Yang, S. Zhu (Zhu et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2021). The usage of audiovisual communications (including television) in terms of media education occurred in the above-mentioned science schools. However, the conceptual review through the industrial prism of television and its media educational potential were not realized. The present study is to fill in theoretical and practical gaps by bringing the category of media educational potential of the television industry and by incorporating it into scientific discourse.
4. Results
To conceptualize the notion of media educational potential of the television industry objectively, one should refer to its generic category - potential - thus having explicated the genesis.
The concept potential is defined in scientific literature in different ways, according to the point it is considered from. The terminology was firstly entered into the scientific discourse by Aristotle, when he used such words as act and potency to resolve the contradiction in the notion of being. By that time there were two mutually exclusive conceptions in philosophy, two opposite views on the being mutability. This conflict is connected with Greek philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenides. "Everything flows, everything changes and you can not step twice into the same river," - said Heraclitus. The original work with this statement was not kept, but everybody knows this
quote thanks to the Platon's dialogue (Platon, 1990). Parmenides assured that modification contradicts the notion of being: "One can say and think only about things that really exist: as there is Being and there is not nothing. I beg you to think over it... It "was not" and it "will not be" as it "is", unique and the only one" (Parmenides, 1989: 2). It meant that being can appear from existing or from something that does not exist. However, both options are impossible as there is the existing in the first case and it can be absent in the second one, as something can not come from nothing.
Aristotle wrote: "It seems that Parmenides teaches more carefully, he considers it to be impossible when there is unexisting over existing, he supposes that existing is unique" (Aristotle, 2006: 52). Aristotle introduced the principle of development into ontology by the notion of potency and semantic division of being into potential and relevant one. With this approach the formation of being is possible as the transition of potential into relevant that is the transition of possibility into reality. The formation is the transition of existing into relevant.
The categories act and potency, introduced by Aristotle to explain the being, helped him to solve logical paradoxes not only in philosophy, but also in physics, metaphysics, anthropology and ethics. For instance, there were some difficulties in the antique dialectics on the question of infinity. Zenon, whose ideas were based on by Aristotle and Platon, introduced the concept of relevant infinity in philosophy and was the author of aporias that fast Achilles can not catch a tortoise as when he overcomes the distance to a turtle, it has already moved ahead a little. It happens every time. However, Aristotle started dividing the infinity into relevant and potential like he did it with being: "It is clear that the infinite can not exist in the form of relevant being, the entity or the beginning, as it is indivisible, any part taken will be infinite. To be more precise, if the infinite is the entity and it is not referred to any substance, it means that to be infinite and the infinity is the same, therefore it is either indivisible or divided into the infinite parts, but to be completely infinite is impossible" (Aristotle, 1999: 64). He denied the relevant infinity and accepted only the potential one, taking the infinity for process. There can not be infinite number, but there always can be the number which is bigger than the given one.
Aristotle is Platon's student, his concept of act and potency was later accepted by Neo-Platonist, that formed a new direction in philosophy which is the synthesis of ideas of Platon, Aristotle, Hindu philosophy and some religious ideas. Aristotle's works were studied in Neo-Platonists' Schools in particular, his description of God as thinking that thinks itself, and also his work about active mind. Like any other popular idea, the Aristotle position about potentiality was also developed. Neo-Platonists' concept of act and potency penetrated in early Christianity, thus the terminology spread to religion. Aristotle took potency as the possibility that can not be always real. It is not possible to ascribe potency to God in the religious meaning. However, Neo-Platonists considered potency as the power and the capacity to do something in terms of metaphysics. In this case, potency can be imputed to God.
In the work Summa Against the Gentiles T. Aquinas says that God is an active potency: "God is powerful, active potency should be imputed to him. The active potency is the beginning of the impact on another thing just because it is the other. However, God is used to being the beginning of life for the others. Therefore, God should be powerful (Thomas Aquinas, 2004: 52). T. Aquinas tries to explain why self-sufficient God created the world, using the active potency. Potency is considered to be dynamic power, flowing outside. Thus, potency has the second meaning, but it is not the possibility, but power. This meaning is fixed by the potency concept and we will see it in the description in different sciences.
G. Nisskiy, who was a theologian of IV century, uses a logical model, reflecting about God, this model is similar to the one that was used by Aristotle in terms of potential infinity: "Everything is created by God, but names are created by our mind, however, this capacity, like the sensible nature, is also created by God. Names mean natural potencies of things. As for God, He exceeds all names as the only name for Him is to be higher than any other names, God surpasses any mind and He can not be called by name and this fact proves his unexplained greatness" (Krivoshein, 2011: 179). It is known that Aristotle also described the infinity as a process. According to his idea, there is not an infinite number, as there is always the number that is bigger than the given one. The Greek translation of the Bible influenced the Christianity as well, where "the God's power" Súva^i? is translated as potency. In this work it is important to make emphasis on ideas meant by the concept "potential". This term is indispensable in the theory of many sciences, but its meanings sometimes differ from those in philosophy and religion.
So, Aristotle differs act and potency, energy and potency. In his opinion, the energy is the first action, while potency goes after it. It is obvious that such approach is always applied to potential as the philosophical category. We can see the opposite opinion of stoics, who considered potency to be more important than energy. Due to their approach, energy goes after potency as evolution. Overall, the potency is the creative beginning of the most things. We can find such a statement as "the potency of the matter is God" in one historical fragment (Shichalina, 2007: 73). From Aristotle's point of view, everything is realized in God, therefore there is not potency in God when we consider the potential as the possibility of being while there is not being at all. Aristotle divided the being into potential and relevant, the first category could transform into the second one by the formation. However, Megarsky Philosophical school identified act and potency: "It is possible to have potency only by having act. <...> The one who is not really building the house, can not build it" (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1983: 17). However, the analysis of philosophical discussions is not the aim of this work. It is enough just to separate concepts of potency and act and to highlight to the meanings of the potential: possibility and power.
If we refer to Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, we will see that potential is connected with act like it was considered by Aristotle: "The concepts of Act and Potential can not be defined, but they can be explained by three-monomorphic and biomorphic analogies: the seed is the human in potency, the block of marble is the sculpture of Hermes and so on" (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1983: 17). As it has already been mentioned above, the word potential, formed from Latin potentia, which means power and which was introduced by Aristotle into scientific discourse, was used not only in philosophy and religion.
Let us look at the definition of potential in different sciences before starting the next part of this work that is theoretical explanation of media educational potential of the television industry.
According to encyclopedic literature, the potential is defined as capacities, possibilities or resources to do something. In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language: 72500 Words and 7500 Phraseological Expressions by S.I. Ozhegov the potential is defined as "the level of power, the combination of some means, possibilities" (Ozhegov, 1994: 392). The example of this definition can be the potential of electric field. It is the work that should be done against the electric field power to shift the charge. The term "potential" is used in some other sciences in the similar way.
There is a section "The Theory of Potential" in mathematics and mathematical physics, where the features of gravity are examined, they work by the law gravitation. I. Newton formulated the law. It is about the gravity power that directly proportionally affects small material particles to their weight and in inverse proportion to the square of the distance between particles. Many scientists worked in this way afterwards, such as J. Lagrange, A. Legendre, P. Laplas. It was mentioned in different scientific articles of XIX century about powers that have potential or potential function. P. Laplas was the first who pointed out this function of the gravity power, while the term potential function occurs in The Essay of the Application of the Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism by D. Grin, it was published in 1828. However, we do not have enough proofs to claim that it was D. Grin who used the term potential function first (Brockhaus, Efron, 2002: 153). Without deepening into mathematical theory, let us fix the attention on things that can be referred to the topic of our research about the concept of potential in different sciences. Scientists proved that the gravity field is potential, while the potential energy on the Earth's surface is zero. The word combination potential energy defines the potency as the power.
We have already mentioned that potential is considered as possibility in the philosophy. Potential energy in physics is the energy that the body has the position in space. For example, in relation to holding stone in hands, a person realizes that the stone will fall down if he unclenches his fist. A person has this feeling just because of potential energy. The stone that is held and that is in fixed position has its potential. In the case with the electron's potential energy this law works as well. This energy can also be zero when the electron interacts with proton at a big distance.
Speaking about the potential in physics, one should mention about the negative potential. The potential will be positive if the moving charge from one point to the infinity happens by the energy power, and it will be negative, if the field's power stops the charge's moving. While scientific experiences they choose positive or negative sign of potential according to the weight that can be either pushed or gravitated. If the charging of the source is negative, the potential state is the same. When the source is positive, the potential is also the same. Thus, the potential in physics is considered as the power, that is why it can positive, negative or equal to zero, so the direction of the power, energy is significant.
The term potential was used in chemistry a bit later than in physics. Terms inner potential or just potential were first applied by the American scientists G.W. Gibbs (Gibbs, 1982: 71). Later, his companion W. Bankroft used the term chemical potential in his letter to G.W. Gibbs in 1899 to differ the electrical potential and the variable that was named inner potential by G.W. Gibbs. The term chemical potential made this difference obvious (Kokotov, 2011: 7). It can be easily explained why G.W. Gibbs applied this term into chemistry, as he was a great theoretical physicist. The usage of potential in chemistry in the same meaning as it is used in physics is reasonable. The method of thermodynamics potentials is the basis of modern thermo dynamics and physical chemistry. In his work Thermodynamics. Statistical Mechanics, G.W. Gibbs gives the following description of the potential: "If we suppose that a little part of some substance is added to some homogeneous mass and the mass stays finally homogeneous and its entropy and volume do not change, the increase of the mass energy, that is divided into the amount of added substance, is called the potential of this substance in this considered mass" (Gibbs, 1982: 78). G.W. Gibbs considers the potential as not just energy, but "mechanical work", that is more specific than just the energy: "Potential of any substance in any homogeneous mass is equal to the amount of mechanic work which is necessary to join the single quantity by the reversible process, the substance has zero quantity of energy and entropy to this homogeneous mass that should have its initial volume by the end of the process and it is so big that is does not remarkably change in any of its parts" (Gibbs, 1982: 98). Thus, via potential they describe the state of systems in chemistry, where the substance turns from one aggregate state into the other. More than that, the chemical potential is essential in analyzing the systems where the amount of substance changes during chemical reactions. The chemical potential is necessary in description of systems' state with a variable number of particles.
One can affirm that the term chemical potential was first used by W. Bankroft, however, by that time another American scientist G.W. Gibbs had already been using this term in his works about the state of substance and their transition from one aggregate state into the other (Kharitonov, 2013: 30). G.W. Gibbs is famous for his fundamental works in the sphere of physical chemistry. He used thermodynamics to explain physic and chemical phenomenon, he structured and connected things that had been just separate facts before. Let us remind, the term potential had already been using in physics before it appeared in chemistry.
Before coming to potential in biology, to be more precise, to biopotential, let us point out some achievements in physics and chemistry that are interpenetrating sciences. The difference of potentials is the physical quantity, its measuring unit is volt (V). However, the physicist A. Volta came to his scientific conclusions thanks to professors of medicine L. Galvani's experiences. A multiannual work of L. Galvani encouraged him to discover short0term impulses of electric current in a tissue of a dissected frog that could make its muscles contract. Despite the fact that L. Galvani claimed that he discovered the alive electricity, A. Volta declared that this phenomenon was purely physical but not physiological and alive electricity did not exist. According to A. Volta, the reasons of frog's foot contracting were physical. It caused a long and effective scientific discussion of two researchers and the result was the invention of the source of constant current (voltaic pile).
The results of L. Galvani's researches were being gradually comprehended. Having started considering the problem not just from biological view but from physical one, the scientists could explain the animal electricity, discovered by L. Galvani. This bio current is called bioelectrical potential. Biopotential is membranous. A scientist physiologist V.U. Chagovets put forward a hypothesis in XIX century that explained the origin of membranous potential. Scientists managed to discover the potential of inward and outward surface of cell membrane, using highly sensitive device at the end of XIX century. It turned out that the outward membrane was charged positively to the inward one, the difference of potentials change when muscles were contracted.
Let us appeal to the definition biopotential. The Encyclopedic Dictionary: Modern Version by F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron interprets the definition biopotential (biocurrent) as "energetic feature of charges' interaction that are in researching tissue, for example in different brain areas, in cells and another structures. Otherwise, biopotential is the electrical current in tissue. There is the potential of rest - the difference of electrical potentials between inward and outward sides of membrane, while the cell is in the state of physiological rest. There is also the potential of action -the wave of excitation, going through the cell membrane in the form of short time change of the membranous potential in a small part of aroused cell. The potential of action is the basis of the nerve impulse" (Brockhaus, Efron, 2002: 154). Thus, the potential is used in the meaning of power,
energy in physiology as well as in physics and chemistry. The potential is used in the meaning of capacity in philosophy.
Let us appeal to the achievements in social sciences. In economics the potential is called "total power of the country's economy, its branches, enterprises to carry out production and economic activity, produce things and cater for people needs, to guarantee the development of manufacture and consumption" (Raizberg et al., 1999: 271). There is just one meaning of the potential in this definition. The potential is considered as the capacity. However, this definition is not the only one in the economical theory, where the term potential is rather unclear. B.M. Mochalov considers this term as the capacity of productive forces to achieve the result. The author interprets the economical potential as the complex capacity of national economy's branches to produce industrial and agricultural products, to carry out the capital construction, to transfer cargoes and render service for people (The Economic Potential of Developed Socialism, 1982: 7). A similar definition is given in the "Popular Economical and Mathematical Dictionary" edited by L.I. Lopatnikov (Lopatnikov, 1990), and also in Economic Encyclopedia. Political Economy edited by A.M. Rumyancev (Economic Encyclopedia. Political Economy, 1975).
Another economists consider the potential as resources that is close in its meaning to the capacity, but is not the same. The economic potential as resources was firstly described by the economist A.I. Anchishkin in Russian scientific literature. According to his definition, the economic potential is described with "production resources, their volume, structure, technical level and quality." (Anchishkin, 1973: 151). The production potential is considered as "quantity and quality of resources, that are in disposed by economic system" (Lukinov, 1988: 18), the by the economist I.I. Lukinov. However, S.M. Kulish in his scientific article Study of the Development of Modern Ideas about the Category "Economic Potential" and the Main Directions of the Formation of its Concept comes to conclusion that a theoretical research of economic potential is necessary "independently on components of this definition" (Kulish, 2015: 33). Thus, we see that modern scientists, who are researching the concept of "potential" in economy, make their emphasis on its meaningful uncertainty. Accepting an enormous contribution made by theorists in studying economic potential, one can state the lack of system analysis of this category. This fact caused different senses, that scientist contribute in this concept. The potential can be a resource for someone and the result of economic and industrial relations between subjects of economic activity for the others. From the philosophical point of view it is about the possibility and the power. A.I. Samoukin considers the interaction of economic potential and industrial relations between employees, work team, managers in terms of the usage of all facilities for material wealth and services (Samoukin, 1991: 64). The research team of A.I. Samoukin also supposes that the economic potential describes not the facilities but the "level of development in social production system" (Proskuryakov, Samoukin, 1991: 39). However, the potential is often used as the synonym for the word resource, for example, in such word combinations as staff potential, industrial potential, scientific potential, human potential and so on. The definition of economic potential as the facility, resources and result comes from the Aristotle time, as he divided the being into potential and relevant, describing the potency as the facility that is not always real and that does not always have the result.
In this work, which is devoted to media educational potential of the television industry, we should pay special attention to the potential as the pedagogical category. The potential in pedagogy can be the facility and the result. The present power might not be realized here. V.A. Mitrahovich in his work Potential as a Pedagogical Category writes the following: "The facility does not describe the concept of "potential". Not all facilities that are in some system (science, social institute of education, personality and so on) can be featured as the potential" (Mitrahovich, 2008: 16). The author explains it by many external factors that influence on the potential's realization. For instance, in socium where personal interests are infringed for sake of social, there are some obstacles to develop a personal potential even when this potential is significant. Thus, it is not right to equalize the potential with the facilities. It is also wrong to think that the facility fulfills the concept of potential. Not everyone can realize all capacities that he has. The ability to express individual talents, do some actions, that show his natural gift, is an acquired capacity and this skill is developed in the circumstances that are made in terms of probability. Not every person can actualize the capacity that is on the gene level, because it is not right to make potential and capacities equal. We can say that the potential can be either actualized or not, but the capacity can be realized due to its formation.
The educational environment deals with potential capacities of every single student. A plenty of scientific works are devoted to the development of skills to realize the intelligent potential of students. In the dissertation Development of a Teacher Professional Competence of Additional Education, E.V. Karachaeva, listing the controversies of scientific and methodological approach in professional additional education, points out that modern additional education is aimed at social mobility and development of personal potential of teachers, however, programs that are made in a certain way of pedagogical work, dominate (Karachaeva, 2008: 6). The author writes about the necessity to prepare high-qualified staff to raise the level of extracurricular education. This idea is well developed by theorists of pedagogical science, it is very close to Aristotle's reasoning about formation, transition of potential to relevant, facility into reality. Modern pedagogy is aimed at making the subject of the society from the younger generation, they should be prepared to live in the conditions of integration, that is to be able not just develop in one form the culture mastering, but also to be able to change one form into the other. However, the realization of the potential of educational institute helps to develop the potential of students. V.S. Nabiev in his work Educational Potential: Definitions of the Concept, Structure and Purpose in the Competence-based Approach suggests to take the pedagogical process as the activity, activating personal resources that are necessary to realize some process (Nabiev, 2015). According to the author's approach, the potential is considered as capacities of the students, something that will have to activate soon, but the educational potential in the pedagogy is relevant itself.
The potential is often spoken about as the result in the context of the school's opportunities. A.A. Simonova in her scientific article, devoted to the development of pedagogical potential of the municipal educational system, writes about the potential as the combination of valuable, scientific and methodical as well as informative impact on people: "Successful professional work of the teacher is impossible without constant getting new knowledge, without improving professional skills" (Simonova, 2011: 231). The potential is used in the same meaning as in the economic potential of the enterprise when we speak about the staff. T.B. Zagorulya, studying the pedagogical potential of the university, compares the university's potential to the one of the enterprise: "If we speak about the similarities, they are the components of the potential in general, such as industrial and technical, scientific and technical, financial and economic and human resource" (Zagorulya, 2015: 58). The more opportunities there are in the institute the easier it is to realize the potential as the capacity.
Summing up everything that has been mentioned above about the potential in pedagogy, we can make a conclusion that the potential is considered as the capacity and the result in the scientific context. In the first case it is the capacities of the student that are activated in the process of education, in the second case it is the resource of the teacher and the educational institution.
In this work, devoted to media educational potential of the television industry, it is important to pay attention not just to the potential of the educational institute, but also to the one of enterprise. In the scientific article Analysis of the Educational Potential and its Impact on the Competitiveness of the Enterprise by I.I. Tsvetkova and A.V. Sivolap, the educational potential of enterprise is defined as "the combination of present resources and the ones that will be in the future, that mean the opportunity to develop and use knowledge, skills and capacities of the staff, that are necessary to achieve aims of the enterprise" (Tsvetkova, Sivolap, 2017: 45). According to the authors' opinion, the educational potential of the enterprise is defined by staff potential, financial and technical base, scientific and informative component where the staff potential is the most important. Its special significance can be explained with the fact that the staff defines the final result in achieving the aims for enterprise's development. Financial and technical base is necessary for training, retraining, improving the staffs skills at the enterprise. Scientific and informative component means resources that the enterprise has, such as software, documentary maintenance, access to database, scientific information. According to all mentioned above components that form the educational potential, the enterprise can make it, pointing out the incongruity between the employees' skills and the ones that they must have to achieve the goals of the enterprise.
E.A. Nezhivenko and S.A. Drokin connect the quality of the educational potential of the machine-building enterprise with its opportunity to be competitive. The raise of scientific and technical level, higher quality of production, optimal resources distribution, saving working time and improving the qualification are related good results. The main result is "competitive output and positive image of an enterprise" (Nezhivenko, Drokin, 2003: 21). However, in the economic science, enterprises with different industry affiliation have not just specific features, but also some common things. The enterprise is considered to be "independent economic subject with the right of
a legal entity, that manufactures products, items, does service, does work and is engaged in economic activity" (Raizberg et al., 1999: 272). Therefore, a higher quality of products, items, services or works is a positive effect from the realization of the educational potential.
Before coming to television industry from educational potential of machine building enterprises, let us point out specific features of media industry that are important in our work. Media companies make content that must be relevant to consumers' needs. Television in Russia exist thanks to advertisement, the main source of income even in RSTRC is advertisement but not state financing. The earning from making and placing advertisement on television channels is 70 % of RSTRC income, the company declares it in its financial and economic report for 2020 (Report of the Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company on Financial and Economic Activities for 2020, 2020). In terms of market economy the main aim of production is making profit. That is the reason why the content must attract attention of the audience to monetize this attention and sell the airtime to advertisers. Studying very carefully the preferences, habits and needs of the audience, television channels make the audience get interested via their noncommercial products, they keep the audience's attention and the content by placing the advertisement. The more demanded the channel is the more interesting it is for advertisers and the more expensive the advertising time is. This is the main distinctive feature of television company from an enterprise, making, for instance, cookies or T-shirts. The company of food or light industry tries to produce demanded item to sell it to the most customers and make a profit. The television company makes a good qualitative media product to attract attention of the most audience and earn by selling this attention to the advertiser of, for example, cookies or T-shirts. Such system supposes the balance between commercial and not commercial content, making serious requirements to media planning and producing.
Television channels more use social media more often, involving the audience into creating its projects, making programs in the user content and also develop its social nets and study the competitors' platforms. In modern media field even a conservative television industry looks not only at passive media consumption by the audience but also at their actions. The part that the audience take in creating media texts has increased, now one side impact of mass media has disappeared. The are some projects on television that are made only on the users' content. For instance, Have You Seen the Video? (First Channel), Drive in the Russian Way (RenTV). However, Russian federal TV channels are still rather conservative in the meaning of active audience involving, but the necessity to develop in this way is not denied. The comment of the First Channel CEO K.L. Ernst is the argument: "New time is coming to form a new model of trust and interest of the audience. Even programs and genres, that have been effective for many years and that have been very successful with many people, are losing their popularity now. We are faced to the new challenge. If we do not correspond it, the television will turn out to be an old-fashioned, fading way of communication and the new mass media will displace it" (Dugin, 2015: 85). The regional television tends to this new model, its technical opportunities now can be compared to the ones of federal giants due to development of modern technologies.
A consumer affects the agenda and formation of television content in media that is why consumers' media literacy is very important for media itself. The main criterion to form the information content is validity. Media spends its resources on verification of the content, recheck every fact with a view of its truth. Social media in its turn often suffers from fakes. Traditional mass media have to reveal fakes, mass media not only refutes, but also explains its audience why this news is doubtful. During the coronavirus pandemic the Russian Newspaper published the interview with one of the authors of the Encyclopedia of Fakes and Rumors - A.S. Arkhipova (Pochemu fejki..., 2020). The reasons of fast spread of fakes about COVID-19 are analyzed in the article. This analysis might make the reader think of the necessity to look for references to definite experts, but not anonymous sources, when they face shocking news. The newspaper Arguments and Facts in the article Do not Panic. Who Benefits from Fake News and Why? does not just reveal popular myths, but also persuades the readers into paying their attention to the original sources of every news that causes panic (Do not Panic. Who Benefits from Fake News and Why?, 2019). After 22 February 2022 some media published the information about Russian and Ukrainian conflict with remark, saying that any messages of both sides about their losses, success and defeats should be taken skeptically. The Russian BBC Service remarked all publications about military actions in Ukraine with the following: "In conditions of war, BBC can not quickly get confirmation of officials' declarations from warring parties" (The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Published a
Summary of the Situation on the Fronts as of the Morning of May 27. Here is its Content in Brief, 2022). Too many fakes appear especially during military actions, as this is the part of military propaganda. Exposing myths and fakes is very useful information that attracts the audience attraction. Television and radio programs analyzed fakes at that time. It helps to reduce the speed of fakes' spread in social nets, thus shortening the number of reposts. Professional journalists check every fact, reducing the number of facts saves time that mass media spends on verification.
We have already mentioned that television has got more active audience by having intensified the interactivity. Modern television industry needs people with developed skills of making photos, videos, posts, blogs and another media text. There are more and more television projects, where social nets are used. For example, a popular program Musical Intuition is considered to be detective and musical format by the administration of TNT television channel. The audience can take part in this television game in this television game. Star guests try to guess who of 10 participants of the program can really sing and who tells lie. In the final the team captains sing in a duet with participants, having not any ideas about his vocal skills. The audience are to guess whether the participant can sing or not, they can do it by following QR-code on the screen. The promotion of this project is on air, in social nets and also on Instagram (remark: this social net is prohibited in the Russian Federation by the order of Tverskoy Court in Moscow) account tnt_online.
So, the companies of media industry, including the ones of the television industry, are interested in realizing their educational potential. However, speaking about not media enterprises, it can be enough to single out and minimize the misbalance between the employees' competence and skills, that are necessary to achieve the aims. In other words, it is enough to prepare the staff. It is reasonable, if the demand of the item does not depend on consumers. There are many examples in modern economy, when it is profitable for companies to train customers. Financial institutes are interested in increasing the financial literacy of people that is why banks offer free training courses. Sber launched informative and educational website Sberclever, aimed at increasing the financial literacy in 2021. Many commercial banks are used to taking part in the marathon "Financial Literacy Week", that is arranged by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and Central Bank. The companies, making business by doing electronic tax reports of entrepreneurs, post free videos about taxes, reports and fines for starting businessmen, while investment companies offer master classes about investing money. Free training for customers is an effective marketing tool of companies that are interested in improving clients' skills. If we consider the television company, it is interested in not just improving its employees' qualification, but also in developing the skill of its audience in contacting with media, increasing communicative capacities, training to self express via media technologies. This is the main demand of modern television company that is especially interested in developing its own media educational potential.
Media have formed a culture of transmitting the information, but the culture of its perception is also important. All these components form media culture, its part in the society is getting bigger and bigger. Media culture is a significant communication system between society and authority, person and socium. According to the definition given by N.B. Kirillova, media culture is "combination of informative and communicative means, material and intellectual values that the humanity gained in the process of cultural and historical development, which took part in forming social opinion and person's socialization" (Kirillova, 2005: 19). Media culture plays an important role in the process of the world cognition as well as its social and art variety. N.B. Kirillova makes a conclusion that growing significance of media culture increases people's need to get media education that combines pedagogy, psychology, culturology, sociology, political science and media communications.
It seems significant to offer author's definition of the concept media educational potential of the television industry, which is considered as the combination of technical means of television company, knowledge, skills of television workers, aimed at training the staff and forming media culture of the audience with developed communicative capacities and high level of media competence.
Let us single out the meaning of the word potential in this context. According to well-known pedagogical approach, the potential is defined as capacities of television industry such as technical and intellectual ones as well as the experience of television workers. However, to our mind, the second meaning of potential as power, energy can also be considered in terms of media educational potential of the television industry. Improving the audience media literacy is interesting for television channels, they try to make their broadcasting more interactive, as the audience are getting more active too. It is impossible without getting necessary skills by the audience. Thus, media education integration is
implicit, it happens with interaction between channels and audience. This process is similar to the interpretation of chemical potential of G.W. Gibbs in theoretical view, he considered the potential to be not just energy, but also "mechanic work". The potential is realized in television industry also due to "mechanic work", if we speak about getting necessary skills not deliberately, but by means of involving the audience in content creation.
5. Conclusion
To sum up, we come to the following conclusion: "traditional" mass media, especially television, are interested in using the ways of improving media literacy of the audience by involving them in social media. One of the reasons is that the users' content is taken in broadcasting more often now; however it must not worsen the quality and compromise television as media institute. Using fakes and spreading false information in social nets is often cause by the lack of users' competence. Thus, the actors of the television field can form media culture of modern society by improving media literacy of the audience in terms of systematic development of media education.
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