Научная статья на тему 'Маркетинговые исследования фармацевтического рынка в Казахстане противопедикулезных средств в ветеринарии'

Маркетинговые исследования фармацевтического рынка в Казахстане противопедикулезных средств в ветеринарии Текст научной статьи по специальности «Ветеринарные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по ветеринарным наукам, автор научной работы — Бекежанова Т. С., Куатбай Э. Б.

: Общая информация о зарегистрированных противопедикулезныхсредств в реестре Министерства сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан была представлена в этой статье. Показаны доли отечественных и зарубежных производителей, количество инвазионных лекарственных средств, представленных на фармацевтическом рынке ветеринарных препаратов. Выделены лидирующие страны и фармацевтические организации по занимаемой доле рынка лекарственных средств для ветеринарного применения в Республике Казахстан. В результате исследований противопедикулезные средства в ветеринарии составляют 2,5% из общей способности, внутренние продукты на 33,33% и иностранные продукты на 66,66%. Это означает, что большая часть состоит из иностранных производств.

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The general information about registratedantiparasitic medicines in the register of Agricultural Ministry of Republic of Kazakhstan were given in this article. Also apart from domestic productions, there are represented using percentage of foreign products and their leading countries and pharmaceutical organisations,which are placed the more space.As a result of researches, antiparasitic drugs in veterinary make 2,5% from general capacity. It is 33,33% domestic products, and 66,66% foreign products. It means the most part consists of foreign medicines.

Текст научной работы на тему «Маркетинговые исследования фармацевтического рынка в Казахстане противопедикулезных средств в ветеринарии»

Vestnik KaxNMU №1-2018

y^K 615.

T.S. Bekezhanova, E.B. Kuatbay

Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical university


The general information about registratedantiparasitic medicines in the register of Agricultural Ministry of Republic of Kazakhstan were given in this article. Also apart from domestic productions, there are represented using percentage of foreign products and their leading countries and pharmaceutical organisations,which are placed the more space.As a result of researches, antiparasitic drugs in veterinary make 2,5% from general capacity. It is - 33,33% domestic products, and 66,66% foreign products. It means the most part consists of foreign medicines. Keywords: marketing analysis, domestic and foreign manufacturers,invasive veterinary medicines.

Nowadays, due to the increase in the number of pediculous diseases among the animals, the demand for these medicines is still growing. At the same time, the most important problem is the development of optimal production of domestic products, as the products of other states take a significant part of the market. Parasitic (invasive) disease - a large group of animal and human illness who are caused by the pathogens of the animal origins[1]. Parasitic animal diseases are widespread in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and cause significant economic damage, because animal health is a necessary condition for increasing livestock sustainability. Animal products are not only a source of high quality food, but also a source of income for many small farmers and livestock farmers in developing countries. Economic growth is accompanied by an increase in the consumption of animal products. In many developing countries livestock makes a significant contribution to agriculturalVVP.

There are published data on the using against invasive diseases, anthelmintic preparations have been used: santonine, hexochloroethane, sodium florified salt, piperazine, and others. The using of medicinal plants having an antihelmintic effect on this disease has not been studied. In recent years, the antihelmintic efficacy of some medicinal plants and their mixtures with chemical preparations against helminthiases has been studied. Recommendations were prepared on the use of these drugs in practice. Studies have shown the need to study the effectiveness of antihelminthic medicinal plants against helminthiases [2].

Considering the wide spread of helminthiases, which are most often found in the form of a mixed invasion, and for the

treatment of the sustainable implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures in animal husbandry, highly effective domestic anthelmintic and other drugs, produced in significant amounts and at affordable prices are needed. Traditional methods of fight against parasitic diseases of animals by use of chemotherapeutic medicines (anthelminthic) lose popularity because of development in resistance helminths to them and possible hit of residual amounts of chemical medicines in production of livestock production. The most effective remedies on fight against helminthoses are extracts of plants -natural enemies of helminths and other ecological receptions [3]. The purpose of our research is the analysis of the market of the medicines used in the veterinary area in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Objectives:

- To consider the edition of countries-producers

- To define the dynamics of registered medicines from 2012 to 2016

- To compare the market value of the most demanded medicines

- To identify the percentage of dosage forms

Analysing materials. The state register of veterinary medicines and feed additives of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About veterinary science". Analysing methods.Marketing and graphic analyses, monitoring.

Results. As a result of the researches conducted by us it is defined that the proportion of domestic manufacturers consists 33,33%, foreign producers - 66,66% of the market of antiparasitic medicines for veterinary use (Picture 1).

s Kazakhstan u Egypt * China tí Spain

Russia Italy Slovenia Belgia

- Ukraine -¡ Germany Holand Korea

u Saod Arabia w Netherlands u Austria

Picture 1 - Domestic and foreign manufacturers in the pharmaceutical market of antiparasitic medicines for veterinary use

Apparently from the Picture 1 domestic manufacturers release 13 (33,33%) medicines for invasive diseases. Foreign producers are issued 26 (66,66%) antiparasitic medicines for veterinary application.

Domestic manufacturers of invasive diseases (33,33%) treat of veterinary medicines:LLP «Agrobiotechvetservice» , LLP «BO-NА», LLP «Epsilon», LLP «Scientifical Manufactural centreBioVet», LLP «Microhim», LLP «Parytet», LLP «Kazpharmakom» ®fflC, LLP «ChemprojectDemeu-2070».

Table 1 - Foreign and domestic manufacturers from market percentages more than 5%

№ Country General quantity of medicines Market proportion from the general, %

1 Kazakhstan 13 33.33

2 Russia 8 20.51

3 Ukraine 3 7.69

4 Germany 2 5.13

5 Italy 2 5.13

6 Egypt 2 5.13

As appears from data of table 1, the market of antiparasitic medicines for veterinary use is presented by goods of 5

BecmHUK Kß^HJy №1-2018

manufacturing countries. Leaders in the offer of medicinal preparations of this group are: Kazakhstan - 33,33%, Russia -20,51%, Ukraine - 7,69%.

There are several medicines registered in the govermental register of veterinary medicines and feed additives of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Official exit - 30.10.2017), which are represented in the Picture 2.

1 ^

10 0 1

1 2012 i 2013 i 2014 1 2015 i 2016

Picture 2 -Registered veterinarian antipediculosis medicines from 2011 to 2016 And also there is showed the market value of several medicines in the table - 2. Table 2 -Market value of medicines

№ Denomination of medicine Producing country Dosage form Price (tng)

1 Septochim Kazakhstan, Microhim Liquid 4460/1liter

2 GLAK Kazakhstan, Biovet Solution 3000/1kg

3 Deltametryn 0,07% Kazakhstan, Parytet Powder 300/2g

4 Flyblock Russia, ABZ S-P Polymeric dice 1500/50ml

5 Agyta 10 WG Austria, KWIZDA GMBH, LAAER Strasse Granule 9990/400g

6 Iveen Egypt, ADWIA S.A.E Solution 1350/100ml

7 Dyasynon Egypt, ADWIA S.A.E Solution 6800/1liter

8 Ecocid S Slovenia, KRKA Powder 500/50g

There are 4 different dosage forms of antiparasitic medicines registered in the governmental register of RK (Picture-3).

Picture 3 - Structure of a segment of antiparasitic medicines on dosage forms, (

According to the Picture 3 it is visible that the most common dosage form is the solid dosage form - powder (50%) as has a number of advantages:

1. increase in therapeutic effect and biological availability

2. medicinal substances are easily and precisely dosed

3. it is convenient to receive various mixes

4. technology of powders fast and simple

5. big stability at storage in comparison with liquid forms

6. convenient transportation^].

The least common dosage form is the aerosol (8%) [4]. Drawbacks:

1. rather high cost

2. a possibility of explosion of a cylinder at blow or action of high temperature

3. air pollution of the room medicines and propellants at manipulations[6].


By results of a research it is possible to make a conclusion that the proportion of domestic manufacturers in the pharmaceutical

market of Kazakhstan of antiparasitic medicinal preparations in a veterinary medicine is necessary only 33,33%, in comparison with foreign producers - 66,66%. From this it follows that it is necessary to increase local production as dynamic development of the pharmaceutical market is defined by its life priority. The pharmaceutical market represents the important sector of economy of any country and is index of its economic and social development, welfare of the population. The developed pharmaceutical industry of the country is considered an indicator of high innovation of its economy. Due to the constant increase in production and an aggravation of symptoms of the environment the increasing scale is assumed by a problem of evolution of diseases and their effective treatment. One of the priority directions of search of new sources of medicines is studying of flora of Kazakhstan which stocks are rather big. Such approach will provide a long-term reliable source of raw materials, will allow to use rationally these vegetable resources and will give the chance to dilate the range of medicinal vegetable raw materials and medicines on their basis.

Vestnik KazNMU №1-2018


1 Tolkach N.G.. Veterinary pharmacology // The manual under edition of Tolkach N.G., A.I.Iatusevich. - Minsk: Technoperspectiva, 2007. -P. 446-451.

2 DjafarovR.M. The efficiency of klozantet, invermectyn and albendzole at unascaridosis of calfs // Veterinary medicine. - 2009. - №4. - P. 25-28.

3 D. Salkova, M. Panayotova-Pencheva, S. Movsesyan, Be'er S., Voronin M., Arkhipov I. Alternative methods for control of parasitic diseases in animals // Russian parasitic journal. - 2014. - №1. - P 93-103.

4 Thegovermental register of veterinary medicines and feed additives of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Electronic resource] // MVH RK Committee of veterinary control and supervision. - Electronic data. - Access mode: http://mgov.kz/napravleniya-razvitiya/veterinarnaya-bezopasnost

5 Law about veterinary of Republic of Kazakhstan from July 10, 2002 №339-O (with changes and additions for a state to 17.11.2015)

6 CH.I.Tichonov, A.I.Tichonov, T.G.Iarnych. Technology of medicines. Textbook Technology of medicines. - Publishing house NFAU, Zolotyestranyci, 2002. - 704 p.

Т.С. Бекежанова, Э.Б. Куатбай

С.Ж.Асфендияров атындагы К,азац ¥лттыц МедицинаyHueepcumemi


ty^h: Ма;алада ЦР Ауыл Шаруашылыгы МинистрлИнде иркелген ветеринариялы; заттардыц реестршщ жалпы маглуматы кел^рыген. Сондай-а; отанды; вндiрушiлерден бас;а, шет мемлекеттердiц алдыцгы ;атарлы фармацевтикалы; уйымдары да кврсетiлген. Талдау нэтижесi бойынша, педикулезге ;арсы заттар жалпы келемнщ 2,5% курайды. Оныц iшiнде 33,33% отанды; вндiрушiлер алса, 66,66% шетелдж вндiрушiлер Yлесiн алады.

ТYЙiндi сездер: маркетингтiк талдау, отанды; жэне шетелдж вндiрушiлер, инвазивтi ветеринариялык дэршж заттар.

Т.С. Бекежанова, Э.Б. Куатбай

Казахский Национальный Медицинский университет имени С.Д.Асфендиярова



Резюме: Общая информация о зарегистрированных противопедикулезныхсредств в реестре Министерства сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан была представлена в этой статье. Показаны доли отечественных и зарубежных производителей, количество инвазионных лекарственных средств, представленных на фармацевтическом рынке ветеринарных препаратов. Выделены лидирующие страны и фармацевтические организации по занимаемой доле рынка лекарственных средств для ветеринарного применения в Республике Казахстан. В результате исследований противопедикулезные средства в ветеринарии составляют 2,5% из общей способности, внутренние продукты на 33,33% и иностранные продукты на 66,66%. Это означает, что большая часть состоит из иностранных производств.

Ключевые слова: маркетинговый анализ, отечественные и зарубежные производители, инвазионные ветеринарные лекарственные средства.

УДК 615.07:615.322:582.923.1

К.Ю. Нетёсова1, Л.В. Евсеева2, Н.Г. Бондарь1, Ю.И. Губин1, И.А. Журавель3, У.М. Датхаев4, К.С. Жакипбеков4

1Национальный фармацевтический университет, г. Харьков, Украина 2Общественная организация «Социальная и экологическая безопасность», 3Харъковская медицинская академия последипломного образования, г. Харьков, Украина 4Казахский национальный медицинский университет им. С.Д. Асфендиярова, г. Алматы, Казахстан



Определена чувствительность хроматографического определения антибиотиков фторхинолонового ряда в водных объектах методом тонкослойной хроматографии (ТСХ). Предложены высокочувствительные реактивы для детектирования зон адсорбции в тонких слоях сорбента и определена система растворителей, которая обеспечивает наилучшую хроматографическую подвижность исследуемых соединений.

Целью работы является разработка экспрессной методики идентификации в сточных и поверхностных водах загрязнителей класса антибиотиков фторхинолонового ряда методом ТСХ.

Результаты. Проведены экспериментальные исследования методом ТСХ русловий определения антибиотиков фторхинолонового ряда в водных объектах.

Выводы. Разработаны условия хроматографического определения антибиотиков фторхинолонового ряда для нужд экотоксикологического мониторинга сточных вод.

Ключевые слова: антибиотики, фторхинолоны, сточные воды, тонкослойная хроматография, идентификация.

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